HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-25, Page 6TIM *IRON imPosiT9114 SEAFORTK 94T, JAP r 968 aver's Advance With Two Victories The Seaforth Beavers blank - 60 Durham Huskies 2-0 in OHA Intermediate "B" action in Dur- ham. Frilay night. " After a scoreless first period Bill McLaughlin put the Beav- ers ahead in the seeond period. Later in the period Jim Sills RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parsons, (nee Sally Moulton) Friday, January 26th Staffa Hall LAMPK IN'S ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Jan. 26th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Gaines for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games Jackpot $75.00 to go Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not , permitted). ADMISSION $1.00, Extra Cards 25c or. 7 for, $1.(10 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK added the insurance goal. Gar Baker was brilliant in the Seaforth het- earning his first shut -out of the season. Seaforth 11 -pr Port 'Elgin 4 Paul Rau and Bob Beutten- miller scored three goals each to pace the Beavers as they walloped Port Elgin 11-4 here Tuesday night'. Jack MeLlwain, Frank Hagan, Bill Weber, Larry Dale and Toni Dick added singles for the winners, Port , Elgin scorers ‘vere Ross Dudgeon, with a pair. Roger Kennedy and Bev, Neil with singles. The latest statistics from the OHA convener shows Chelten- ham leading the league with 11 wins, one tie and five losses for 23 points. Durham with an 11- 4 record is second and Seaforth with a 10-5 record is third. Seaforth now has „24 points with the two wins against Dur- ham and Port Elgin not yet included in the standings. Ken Doig is still out in trent inthe scoring race with 49 points on 13 goals and 36 assists. Bill McLaughlin•is next with 45 points on a record of 23 goals and 22 assists and Jack McLI- wain is third in the league with 23 goals and 19 assists for 42 points. k. - The closest threat to Seaforth, supremacy in the scoring race is L. Kingston of Port Elgin with 36 points, Remember! It takes but a moment to place an 'Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, 'just Dial ,Seaforth 527-0240. 1: TAKE NOTICE THAT THE Annual Meeting ,of Producer Members of the Huron County Hog Producers'Associa- tion • will be convened at the hour of one o'clock pm. E.S.T., on Tuesday, the fith day orFebiruar4968. at the Legion Hall, Kirk St., Clinton, for the purpose of the proper business of the annual meeting, the election of. officers. the election of voting representatives. Between the hours of 2:00 'o -clock and 3:00 o'clock in the ' afternoon of the above mentioned date, NOMINATIONS far county comniitteemen under the Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Plan will be held. If an election is requireefor committeemen, it will be held an Tuesday. March Sth, 1968, andthe polling places -will be: Exeter Town Hal Community Hall, Walton, Communi- ty Hall, Gerrie, Sherwoods, Dungannon, Agricultural Board Room, Clinton. Polling Booths -open from 11 to 6 p.m. Robert McAllister Elmer Ireland -President ° Secretary Northside (COntiStled from 'Page 1.) on Sunday to fill two vacancIes caused by! death and a reMOval frorn the area, Frank Roberton and William Campbellwere el- ected. for a four year term. KIders C. Walden and C. Broadfoot were scrutineers to oversee the ballot returns. The committee on subscrip- tions to the U.C. Observer were re -appointed, Irvin Trewartha, Orville Oke and Miss Ruth Cluff. Mrs. E. H. Close was re -ap- pointed as church treasurer. Representathes to the Bible Society are the same, Hugh Thompson and Frank Roberton, as also are auditors ler 1968 John Talbot and George Melt. wain. The meeting received a fav- orable report from the Maitland - bank cemetery committee and recalled that a few years ago the cemetery had experienced difficulty financially and it had been suggested the town take over its operation. The meeting attributed credit for the impro= yement to the committee, Wil- liam Campbell, chairman, Cyril Kirk and Ross Mindie and the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. E. H. Close. Optimist (Continued, from Page 1) dance, Robert Read; houselind reception, Frank Hagan; public- ity, James Scott; finance, Gor- don Pringle Club officers are Robert Dins- more, president; John McCue, and Gord Pringle, vice-presi- dents: William Manser, tre.asur- er; Fred Knetsch, secretary. Directors named for one year are Robert Read, Mel Walters and Keith McLean. For two years are Ronald Eyre,, Gordon HuKey and Maurice Huard. , Attend Convention• Last Saturday. members of Seaforth Optimists attended a district convention at the Victor- ian Inn, Stratford, when they met with representatives from clubs. all ,across Ontaria, for a general business meeting. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oliver, (nee Joyce Dolmage) Seaforth Community Centre Friday; Feb. 2nd ScoWs Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch • Are 'irou One of the People Who 'Read The Huron Expositor Occasionally? JUST SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING! Why be an occasional reader? Regular readers know the com- plete news coverage The Expositor prOvides. They appreciate the money -saving a -di, the interesting features, the news of churches and societies. They watch for The Expositor pictures. Read The Expositor Every Week Call us collect, or drop us a note and we'll start a Subscription in, your name. You may pay later.1 THE Hi. RON EXPOSITOR Seaforth, Ontario , ?lease enter a Subscription in the natne of: NAME ADDRESS FOM.: ADDRESS O Indicate here if Gift Card to be sent O $5.00 enclosed (CANADA) 0 Please bill me 0 MOO enclosed (US -A and ELSEWHERE) Take_.Paf.f'in Hron Cotintil.'.$0ssion Reeve Hugh Flynn of Hulleft Reeve James Airnstrong of Clinton Reeve William Elston of Morris Reeve Roy Westcott of Usborne DItilifY-Reeve W. Cuthill of Seaforth -Reeve Minnie N6akes 04 Hensall Reeve Carl Dalton of Seaforth Lions Honor • (Continued from Page 1) Bowling Green or Bowling alley, on the golf course or Curling ice he was a keen competitor and played the game to win, but in losing, was always a good Charles Barber has always been a real Lion In a very real sense. He filled every office he was elected to with honor and distinction, and accepted, every task allotted to him, with a true Lion's willingness. He al- ways put that little extra effort into every good work he under- took, and never was heard to grumble if the task was hard. We of this Lions Club have been singularily favoured to have had a Charlie Barber in our midst, for all these 44 years, and I kalow that every Lion •joins ine'l in this tribute' to his life as a Lion member. It is our fervent wish, Lion Charlie, that you be blessed with health and -happiness for a good many years yet, and that you and Mrs.. Barber may bask in -the warm sunlight of happy memories cif good -works .well done." Lebters of regret at being un- able to be present were receiv- ed from R. N. Bissonette, Strat- ford and W. G. Spencer, Port Colborne and werer read by A. Y. McLean. Mr. Bissqnette and Mr. Spencer who like •Mr. Bar- ber are charter members re- called amusing .events of forty years ago. , The original application which Mr. Barber completed when' he joined the club was presented to him by Robert Mayba, the,most recent mem- ber. A bouquet of roses was pre- sented Mrs. Barber by G. A. Whitney and Don Stephenson presented Mr. Barber with six rainbow trout in recognition of .his long interest in fishing.. • A former Mayor of London, Ray Dennis recalled, his years of association with Mr. Barber and his service as a tormer,pres- ident of the Ontario Creamery Association. \ -ffe 'grows in oUr estimation" he said and added that was the greatest tribute that could be paid to one you have known for So' many years. During the prop-arn the dis- trict governor presented George 'Hildebrand with a Lions • key emblematic of his having in- troduced two new members to the club. Agricultural (Continued from Page 1) tivities. The report of the ladies sec- tion was given by Mrs. William Hodgert, secretary, in the ab- sence of the president Mrs. J. M.. Scott. The resignation of Mrs. J. M. Grummett was accepted with regret Mrs. Grummett had played an active part in the society for the past 40 years and in 1964 was president Isf the ladies section of the Ontario Association. The iresident and vice-presi- dent were named as delegates to the convention in Toronto in February. - D. H. Miles was guest speaker and showed slides of his trip to the United Kingdom and Eur- ope. The 1968 Fall Fair win be held September 19th and 20th. urn Down (Continued from Page 1) t either a secretary or a surer be appointed from eath of the two counties invol- ved. Headquarters for the board should be in a central area. Speculation bad risen that Sea - forth might be a logical choice oflocation, although this was not mentioned in the report. Dr. G. P. A. Evans, MOH for Huron, was on hand for the dis- cussion' but was barred from the council chamber when mem- bers went into committee of the whole. He sent word later in the day that he would- be available for.conament and nuts - tinning, but- council did not summon him for his opinions. . Mr. 4,11,..mr0..5....,-C.ri'..- ',Accli:ttlici chrwie, Miss Mac ThOmpson Antl-Mrs. Mary: obico from Nit - p, nd Owner spent 1 e weeke...with Mrs. Bev, Chri tie. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross. 'spent the weekend. in Kitchener. I Miss Anne Sharp and girl friend of Dorset, spent the week- end at he home of the fornaces' parents, Mr. and Mrs; Keith WEDDING WRIGHT — BERRY On January 13th, 1968, the marriage took -place of Victoria Margaret BerrY and Alexander Blaine Wright, in St. Peter's Church, Dulwich Common Lon- don S.E. 22, England. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. J. g. Berry of London, England and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wright of Seaforth. News of Cromarty The annual meeting of Cro- martY ereoyterian cohareaa- Lion) was nein on /'riciay eve - g, beginning wun a Po% i.uc bupper. TneDUailleSSI bY.S1.1)11 ziutowect with ttev. .1. .soyne acting as cnairman and opening tue meeting *An prayer. Reports were neard Arum the session .e.oaraof ivianagers' Sunday School, La- dies Aid, Women s Mission- ary Society, iviarian Ritchie Auxiliary, C.G.I.T., Explorers C.O.CJ and cemetery crnmit- tee. New managers elected were, Larry Gardiner, Sam McCur- dy, John Wallace and Carlife iviukle. Officers for the pre - Joie year were reappointed. Gordon Scott was elected to replace Gordon H'oggarth„ as trustee. :The National Development, Fund was discussed and Feb. tith has been set as a date for the session and board to meet and discuss finances in gen- eral. A vote of thanks was moved to Gerald,Carey for his leadership ih connection with the Hibbert Community Young Peoples7,.,..activities. Adjournment was moved by Mr. Calder McKaig w Nis ziTEF.T Mrs. M. Lamond presided for the Jahuary meeting of ,the Women's- Missionary So- ciety of Cromarty Chureh, openig with a poem. ACiopro: gram of Scripture passages readings and prayers was used for devotions, with all mem- • bers taking .part. The New St u dy Boek,, "Christ and the Faiths of all Men", was introduced by Mrs Calder McKaig with Mrs. T. L. Scott as her assistant. A world map Was used, draw - ng attention! to the position of the different mission fields of the church' and naming missionaries and their work there. The topic, Happy yesterdaYs and a recipe .for the New Year. was given by Mrs. Wm. Harper. IVrrs..T. L. Scott gave a brief report on the annual meeting of Stratford Presby- terial. Mrs. M. Lamond con- ducted the business , period, making mention of. the World's Day of Prayer,which will be held in the Cromarty Church on March 1. .Mrs. T. Laing offered prayer for mis- sionaries 'and leaders. Offering was dedicated • by Mrs. Mc- Kaig. Mrs. Lamond closed with prayer. Lunch was ser- ved' by the hostess,. Mrs. T. Scott, P,rsisted by Mrs. C. Mc- Kaig and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Couper and family, Mitchell, visited with Mr. and . Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. Carey is attending the Canadian Federation of Agri- culture Convention in Victor- ia B.C. ' • Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson, were Mrs. Bruce Cleland, . 'Bobby and Pauline, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jefferson and family of Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Don Riehl, RR 5 Strat- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Dow, Stalk. Miss Anna Seott, London, is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Scott. Cromarty church congrega- tion was well represented at the Community Interdenomin- ational service in St Patrick's church Dublin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rus- sell left on MOnday for a three weeks vacation in Florida. , Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs. Geo. Wallace, Mrs. Verna BroOks, Mr. George Brooks, Mr. and Mrs, John.,Wallacd. Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Wallace were among the guests attending the 25th wedding anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. - Percy Adams, Blyth, which was held at the Royal Hotel. Mitchell on Saturday. Mrs. Alan Somers of St. Marys was a recent -visitor with Mr. and Mrs.'it. McKer- lar. Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Ramsey and Tracey of Listowel visited on Sunday with his parents ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey. BRIEFS 10 Sham Mrs. Charles Tolton of. Water. loo and M. and 1rs, James Bay - ;them and family were weekend guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nixon. Mrs. Ada Dale has returned home after spending the past month with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Del Kraul of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Stewart and .Suzanne of Toronto were .weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart. Mrs. Ralph McFadden and Brenda of London 'were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Morton. RECEPTION for Mi. and Mrs. Bob *enroll. 1 ar Ow Karen Addiin) ,2 Friday, Jan, 6th Walton Community Hall • Wilbee's Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch Remember! It takes but a moment to place ans,Kspositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. SEAFORTil TEEN TWENTY • Presents A Small Experience at the SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., Jan. 27th. 9:00 to 12:00 Dress — Semi Formal Admission $1.00 We Reserve the Right to Refuse Admission Thursday, Friday, Saturday County • Rythm Pais QUEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth' Friday Night 'Mac McDonald Saturday Night Mr. and Mrs. Rock Ryan 'ABBEY TAVERN SNACKS Southern Fried Chicken 4t4IURON HOTEL Dublin Entertainment . m the Red Knight Room , Friday Night— Clarence Petrie Saturday, Night — Elgin Fischer In the Ladles' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing-A-Loiwg with • PEARI, at the Hammond Organ EVERY' FRIDAY and SATURDAY COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaford' ARKGODERICH 'KURE ON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN MR CONDITIONED COMFORT Entertainment Is Our Business STARTING TODAY FOR 6 DAYS JHURS.,JAN. 25 to WED., JAN. 31 . 'ONE SHOWING PER' NIGHT AT 8:00 O'CLOCK "****A MASTERPECO 1C AWESOMIYAB,SOROIN6 Mt" • .411.041111111VS comma -Lys Rinecl--in DIV cdorbakbi. CotatTF:ox Pronto 711 DINO DE LAUREN -MS 'RE I ... The &zinnia: NO INCREASE IN REGULAR PRICES SPECIAL MATINEE "SNOW WHITE" Sat.„ Jan. 27 Only "SLEEPING BEAUTY" FoLtiS Show Time: 2.00 p.m. — Admission 50o per seat • Coming Next: "CLAMBAKE"