HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-25, Page 54 • • 4 • 1 1 9 f? Mbarth r' their 804- 4$474awVAOy.,Pilvto• girlt44 4.0$ Kitchener* • lasti-Veek''-end to visit Mr. Fred Scherharth who la hOsPital4erlaindir WO. Scher- barth,,in*.Detrait.. IVLr.'Pord Dickisen has 'been a patient in the Stratferd Gen- era Hospital , Since last •Mon- day. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the fam- ily of the, late Mrs. Dalton Hinz who passed away sud- denly Wednesday evening. Mrs. Donald Brown and Mrs. Ken Elligsen attended the 4-H Homemaking Club Lead- ers Training School at the Presbyterian Church in Mitch- ell Thursday and Friday last week. They attended the lead- ers luncheon Friday at Camp- bell's basement when. Gould's W.I. catered tothe meal. , M. and Mrs. Manuel Heuer - man and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Dietz, RR 5 Mitchell were guessof 1V1r. Rnsset Sholdice and Beverly, Stat - 1 fOrd for dinner Saturday eve- nmg. ws •of BR Kenneth Ahrens, Hamilton., sea of 117,r.•'aitcl:Virs.'-Wilfred Ahrens, spent the week end here with hia,Parents- (Mr. and Mas.,Waynel3euer- man and Jeffrey of Loudon, vlsitecl with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman ea Sunday. iMr. aild Mrs.:Lloyd iPfeifer and Karl visited on Sunday th Mr. 'and •,111.4rs. fDaVide rks and Rose Marie in Brussel. Mrs. Louise Jarmuth<y,igitect Sunday with Mrs.'Augu..W11.11- lebrecht. • . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benne- wiee, London and Mr. and Mrs. David Eickmeyer, Mitch- ell visited Sunday with Mr. kand,:•Mrta $013314107ennewles. Aqop:sAlpgr omeiph,J114 .9.41ng n'i6v4rFlAYP 'With( her s1bbr Mrs. Rachael ,a_b•Fe45.1., Mr.stud Mrs. Ezra MIZAage4 bringville.gglied,047 414 -*and LaveWolfe 'nUcl atte,O- ded thefuneral'Of Niro; Paton Rina on Saturdax, Mr. and Mrs. Glean Staften and family Of Seafortin called on M,r. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ah- rens visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Coulton, of Wilson, New York. HARRY W. TAIT Harry W. Tait, 'Mitchell, Passed away suddealy on Fri- day while at work at Stacey Bros. Creamery. He was born in England on IVIay 29, 1902, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tait. OR November 5. 1925, he wask Married to the former Alice Riehl, after which, they lived at Stratford antlnad a grocery, store in'Brodhagew before go- ing to 1VLitchell seven years ago. Mr. Tait was a member( of the Main. st. United ChurCh. flesaiirViVed 1118, wife, One daughter, Dorothy. Ms. StratfOrd;V o sisters, Ito„ss Leenting; .broth Mrs.'"CYril Mantle Stratford and Doris, Mrs. Fd 'Dietrich of Wartburg, and two grandchildren. He was precle- ceatiediby orva *Other oanct one sister. -1The t•late 'Mr. Tait rested at the Lockhart Funeral where Rev. •Douglas 4"'Sloan Ooaducted the nuier,a1 service. last Monday afternooniO3a1.1- bearers were William 'Riehl,, Str,atford,.Howard Stacey, Ho. ward• Dungey, John Paris, Lawrence Pickard and Dan Bievvilnga, Mitchell Beautiful WE'RE OV TOCKED! We Have To Clearyhese odels Out And That Means +OU :GET A' BARGAIN AT WEVIt-END GARAOIE . Pontiac - &lick Dealer In MITCHELL • 1966 Ford Galaxie 500, with 390 motor;.- 1- door_sedan, V-8,, automatic, xadio, whitewalls — one owner.A.. 1965 Pontiac 'Parisienne, 2 -door hardtop, 'V-8, power • steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, maroon with black vinyl top. 1965 Pontiac Parisienne, 2 -door hardtop, V- 8, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, green. 1965 Valiant Barracuda' V-8, automatic, bucket seats. 1965 Rambler Classic, 6 -cylinder standard, radio, new tires. 1963 Pontiac 4 -door sedan, 6 -cylinder • auto- matic, radio, whitewall -tires. .1963 Ford sedan, V-8, automatic, whitewall tires. 1962 Chet% Bel -Air 6 -cylinder automatic, radio, whitewalls, power steering. 196ji Pontiac sedan. TRUCKS 1963 Ford 1/2 -Ton Pick -Up. 1965 GMC 1 -Ton with dual wheels.. AT virgsT GARAGE Pontiac Buick Dealer MITCHELL : PHONE 348-8932 Open Every Eveding till 10 to Serve You and all Night if we have to 1104 trihttteS,tn nd heart. nards•Wern-teCe VedL and friends attendecIllie.,0 soquiei. from Kitchener* Stratf041 Alitcheli, area, ' •TemerarY eutornbuiOnt. Oast Made' Weadland CeineterY Chapel tor burial later 411•tho adjoining cemetery, WARS. DALTON unstz 1VIrs. Dalton Bina, 65, Brod- hagen, died while attending a meeting at St. Peter's Luther- an Church, Brodhagen Wed- nesday night. The former Frieda Sippel, she was born in East Zorra Townshin, September 12, 1902 the daughter of the late Mr, and _Mrs. Conrad Sippel. She married Dalton Him of Brod- hagen. -She was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church and was active in all the church organizations. Surviving are her 'husband, two sons, Kenaeth, St. Cathar- ines' and Gerald, 420 Ontario St. Stratford; two daughters, Mrs. Darrell (Betty Jean) Ad - ants, Mitchell- and Mrs. Glenn (Audrey) Brickman, Noble; a brother, Adam, 44 Avondale • Ave., Stratford; two. sisters,' Mrs. Wilfred (Laura). Elmira and Mrs. Farrell (Louise) Kinnamoh, of•Cleve- land, Ohio; six grandchildren. ,The body rested at the Lockhart ,Funeral Home until noon, Saturday, when ,remov- al was made to St. •Peter's. Lutheran Church •for service at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Henry Loss- in,g officiated. Temporary en- tombment was made in the Elizabeth Ritz Memorial Cha - Del, 1VIitchell with burial- later in the church cemetery here. , KIPPEN Kippen U.C.W. met in the ch ch school room Tuesday vefiuing. A service of declica- tio and installatien of offic- ers was performed by Rev. D. Stuart. The 1968 executive in- cludes President Mrs, E. Kyle, vice-presidents Mrs. R. -Eagle and Mrs. W. Bell; Treas- urer Mra. K. McLellan; Recor- ding Secretary, Mrs. H. Bin- nendyk; Corresponding Secret- ary, Mrs. J. A. Cooper. Devo- tional was.taken by Mrs. Ken- neth McKay 6n "Jesus Christ, Light of the World". The Study Book an Japan was taken by Mrs. H. Binnen- dyk, the first chapter being an introduction, to 'Japan. Mrs. 'Bert- Faber read a poem ap- propriate to the season, "The New Year." Mrs. Russell Cansitt read thank -you notes from the re- cipients, of cards, roses and Christmas boxes. Hostesses, Mrs: W. ponsitt and Mrs. B. Faber served 'lunch. Mrs. Maurice Om.ey and son Danny returned home after spending six weeks in Guile - gem, Belgiutn, and 'attending the funeral .4 her, father, the late Joseph Varipoolvoorda. 1V1i.ss Karen Fred& of Bruce - field spent the week end with her friend Louise Kirk. Seaftfilit Pee..Wee Pllay 'nest -an exhibition 'hockey genie at the arena Saturday evening, The Leion 'sponsored: Pee Wee's were and out by Clinton 04. This was'the first contest .oLthe season for the local boys who will be representing Sea. forth at "Young Canada Week" in Goderich March 15.23. The genie was generally well Played with Seaforth carrying, the Play for a good portion 12 the game, but failed to put the puck in the net. Clinton on the • other hand, took advantage of it's scoring opportunitiet and showed the results of working together as a team singe mid!, October, with about 25 games pjayed during this time. fetoals for Clinton were seer - ed by Robbie Sterling and alike Anstett with two each and sin- gles going to John Siehky and Ray Burns. Two penalties Were called by referee Bob Cosford, both to Clinton in the third period, Officials were happy to see the fan support from'Parents of boys from both teams, since the players need this support as well as that from other inter- ested observers. Seaforth Line-up: Goal -Kev- in Henderson; Defence -.Gerry O'Reilly and Greg O'Reilly; For- .wards—Brian Lane, Barry Lane and Dave McClure; Alternates —Dwayne Cornish, Gary Phil- lips, Paul 'Riney, Steaen South, gate, Randy MoOlinchey, Larry Dupee, Dave Braoane, Bill 0' - Shea, Glen Malcolm, Larry Kale Kevin Kerr; Goal—Ross Govier. FIRST CHURCH WINS First •Church wrgs met in the 'Centenniar room .an Thursday. Mrs. Keys the firstvie-presi- dent took the chair and opened the meeting with prayer. Miss Jean Scott gave the trea- surer's report and received the offering which was dedicated. Mrs. Helen fMcMillan offered to „look after Christmas cards* brolig,ht in and send them away. Mrs.. Elgin Nott, the . group leader took over the devotional part of the, meeting. She open- ed with- a poem,, Woman's Prayer". "0 for a•Faith That Will Not Shrink" -was sung and the new study book "This Is Japan Today" wag introduced. The first chapterwaseconom- ical and industrial situations and- Christian influence of' 'in- dustry. Mrs -Harrison asked the questions and were answered by -Mrs. .Nott.ta The scripture lesson was tak- en friam several •passages, .1,1th .chapter , of Romans, 33rd cer- se and 12th chapter Romans; the 2nd verse; 'also Mrs. Nott read the Japanese version of the 23rd Psalm. Silent Drayer' was ob- served or the late. Mrs. A. Canipbell and Mrs. T. W. Mc - 'Millan,, faithful melnbers and li.fe members SPECIALS, - FOR • Thursday, Friday apd . Saturday Red Rose Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS of 60 750 ifilIZIAs with PORK • 2 19 -oz. tins 450 Burn's Spark • • LUNCHEON MEAT • • • • 12 -oz. tin 430, Quaker — Ready to Serve OATMEAL Robin Hood White, Chocolate or CAKE MIXES Honey . : . . Breakfast Club Assorted JAMS Minnettes' 'Best Quality TOMATOES Libby's "Rosedale". TOMATO JUICE • • 10 -oz. pkg. 330 Sp ice 6 9 -oz.. pouch paks $i 4 9 -oz. jars 790 5 20 -oz. tins 11 2 lge. 48 -oz. tins PRODUCE Sunkist, ORANGES, size 138's McIntosh APPLES Waxed Firm and Smooth TURNIPS 59c doz. 590 3 lbs. 330 per lb. 130 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 527-0990 Free Delivery 'PHONE 52. 1 a ,,,,,,, • , t