HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-25, Page 4a 441144, EXP9SIT9Ra SEA,FORTHr 911411fa JAN. 24, 1961 aa»,„ '41) TBr,.• •••• . rt - Campaign Siipport eglatraitment of $15,000 vtite Iluron County TB Assoction reports that $13011.70 has been received in the Christmas Seal Campaign. Association of- ficials commenting on the cank Paign expressed appreciation to RUX012, County residents for the PIPPort and expressed hope that any who had not answered the Christmas Seal letter will do so before the campaign ends on February 29th. Without this 10Y - ally to Christnies Seals, much that has been 4one in the fight against tuberculosis and respir- atory disease would have re- mained undone they said. '•The program of the Associa- tion is expanding and Christ- mas Seal dollars help make pos- sible these vital health activi- ties: *Finding the people who are ill with TB or other Respiratory Diseases (RD) and seeing that help is provided. •*4lding b.1 th4 development of improved) treatment facilities for those who suffer from TB and RD. *Co-oPerating with official - health agencies toward the long range objectives` of TB eradica- tion and RD control. *Working to combat environ- mental hazards to health such as air polliition an cigarette smok- ing. *Supporting research that can lead to • new, improved methods of disease detection, prevention and treatment. During the campaign, as many volunteers as possible are used, s'ace this 2 a voluntary agency. metixpes mistakes do occur for this reason officials ,said and it is hoped small slips will be par- doned and that there will con- tinue to he aupport_ for the worthwhile work of the Associa- tion. Our Store will be CLOSED ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd DO your shopping early MAIN STREET VARIETY SEAFORTI1 "The Store with Almost Everything" ONTARIO • Seaforth Monument Works Alt Types of , Cemetery Memorials •OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON . Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers: . • EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas meve.enwereww....... •••••••••nanon.....••••••••••....10;:ftawon......e.a. 'DAUGHTER PROVEN DAIRY SIRES Rated for ability to transmit • Milk production Proven For Beef Body type j CERTIFIED " Test /_ MEAT SIRES • - Steer sons tested for gaining ability • and cutout WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASS'N Culling hours weekdays till 9:30 A.M. ' ,For Sunday service phone Saturday" 6 - aP.M." • You can call the WCBA office nearest you. toll free., Check your local directory for Zenith num- - bers or phone collect. SEED GOA! SEED CORN: and FERTILIZER - AVAILABLE healers for: Alex A. Stewart & Son, Unitied, Funks and C -I -L EARLY DELIVERY Cash and Volume DISCOUNTS CONTACT US ON PRICES TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED S2M9io a . Seaforth Glided Pork Chops an Apples Pork chops and apple slices camplement each other in this eye -appealing main dish. Hom4 economists racommend it for winter meals when pork is plentiful and eCeliernically priced. DEAR DORIS advice from Doris Clark IT'S A REA-ir. ,PUZZLE DEAR DORIS — My daugh- ter, now in grade three, has trouble reading. Her teacher 'told me that she shook all over when she had to stand up and read. She wrote everything back- wards; even simple words would be fi, ti, si. ) • Now she Seems to have given up trying, The surprising thing is that she is a completely dif- ferent childotherwise. She's guickwitted, quick in oral arith- metic. A'lot of her reading is guess- work and memory. • In The Nark DEAR IN THE DAR — Your bright little girl as a visualperceptuat difficulty; or is a "reversal child." First and foremost comes dia- gn6sis: An expert and I'm send- ing the rfame of one) must put kis finger on the precise prob- lem," before anybody can help. Also in the mail is my aleaflet on "Children with Learnang Dis- abilities," Awhich lists. Trecom- mended book* parents and tea- chers can use; 'once the trouble is pinpointed. DEAR DORIS —. I received an invitation on a white prid- ed card with time etc, filled in by handl, froin my husband's boss' wife to afternoon tea. She has ;dropped in here casually for a cup of coffee, so I fool- ishly assumed that this was for me alone. I wrote her a little note that I was looking fox -Ward to it. You can, imagine my humili- ation when I discovered, about 40 other women at her house, in expensive afternoon ' dresses, hats' and futs. I wore sports suit, 'pearls; no hat. Now, what is the extent of my blunder?' • Is My Face Red' DEAR RED — Your signal was that little formal note, which would hardily be sent for a one -guest tea party. And ob- viously hats and afternoon dresses were the expected thing. Last Wile I was in Paris no- body was wearing. hats to any- thing. Here, in -Suburbia, a thing is still made of hats, for tea wear. But don't let it throw you. DEAR DORIS — I started to go out with this guy a, month ago. It is his birthday next week and I was wondering if it would be proper to buy hifn a birthday present. He is in very bad need of a wallet. The one he has now is only held togeth- er by masking tape. We have been going out ev- ery week end. We like eh otht er very much and) right -now we are not dating anyone else. The thing is it is my birthday in two weeks and I was think- ing that if I gave him, a present, he might itake it as if I wanted him to give me one back. We areboth 22. , Going Steady • DEAR STEADY — By now you are not dating just- for thrills but 'beeause you have found a friend 'whose company you enjoy. I'd say he rates a thoughtful, but not too expen- • sive gift. 'Whether he gives you some- thing when your turn comes is his decision.. , DEAR DORIS I am 25. I was seaerely disappointed love. I hap wet' a friend who has also been disappointed. We are not in lave but our rela- in tionship has grown into one of understanding and, affection. I find, single life barely toler- able, and very, rough. Would I be sinning if I walked down the aisle with • someone I was not ih leye With, even if I could promise hiim a good, life? Cannot Stay Single DEAR CANNOT — Single life may be barely tolerable; but married life, with -the wrong man, isn't tolerable at all. The sin, would be against yourself. , Yet love does not a always strike likelightning. 'Phe friend you find, congenial and affec- tionate may well become the most important person "ht the world to , you. Take a little longer,to cement that friendship before you make any decision at all, Confidential to In Need of Help — Your so-called steady is about as bnsteady as, they come. You don't .love hime; he doesn't love you nor anybody else. Your worst mistake would. be to go with him exclusively, even if he were willing. Ttra Week By Margie Whyte Seaforth, Jamaica: Seaforth has g namesake — in Jamaica. Some time ago, the Ontario Department of 4Educa- tion wrote to the Students' Cauncir 'asking for the help of our student body in aiding a school mn Seafortli, Jamaica. Miss" Silcok, interested in the idea, asked the class 120 if they would like to head a cam- paign with this- purpose in mind. The school is in desper- ate need, of help. It has an en- rolment of about nine hundred students and has only eight classrooms and eleven' teachers. Naturally, supplies, are -just as scarce and this is the purpose of the drive. The students of 120 are asking for old school textbooks from grades one to nine, scribblers, notebooks, and writing utensils of all sorts. Probably every home with high schmg students in this afea has some of these needs tucked away in the attic where they will be of no use -to anyone. These Jamaicans can make use of them. Paul Hagan and SarahHusseyare at the head of the campaign and Miss Silcox is supervising Al t� aurora lartrIct Moir and Carol Shortreed it. 12C cares shoat Seaforth couldn't the mat of us? McKILLOP The Women's Association of ' Zion Church McKillop met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Koehler with Mrs. Elmer Koehler and Mrs. Ella Hoegy in charge of devotions. Mrs. Hoegy opened the mee- ting by reading a poem, 'There Will Always be God'.. Mrs. Ehner Koehler read the scripture lesson from the 7t1i psalm followed with pray- er by Mrs. Hoegy. Hymn 102, "Oux Church's. One Foundation" was sung. A muting, "Renewal of Faith" was read by Mrs. Et. mer Koehler and tivci readings by Mrs. Hoegy, "Rad for Pews and Our Prayer Meetings Past". • , Hymn 106, '''My Faith Looks Up to Thee" was sung: ;Mrs. Lavern- Hoegy conduc- ted the business part of the eeting by reading "As You ere'h, Mrs. Alvin Beuerman had a January Birthday and in her, honor"I would be True was sung. t Rev. George Sim conducted the election of officers as fol- lows: President; Mrs. Lavern Hoegv: Vice -President, Mrs. Ford Dickison: Secretary, Mrs. Ed Reggie; Treasurer, Mrs. Norman' Eggert: Vialtina Com- mittee, Mrs. Elmer Koehler and Mrs. Alvin beuerman. I • For .omplete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SE E JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 : Seaforth Office Directly Opposite •Seaforth Motors Correction: Last week in our account of the school dance, appeared some. sad blunders which we will at- tempt to correct at this time. The dance, which we said was a success, unfortunately result- ed in a deficit Inc the Students' Council. We also stated) that the last dance was not as successful as this one. A students' council official informs us that the council's last dance was held early izii the fall 'and, indeed, turned) out quite favourably for them. • ' We apologize far these errors and hope that any mistakes that are made in the future will be brought to our attention,. Junior Math: The junior math club was formedalast week with twenty- seven interested Students at- tending the first meeting. Meet- ings are to be held.? Wednesdays from 3:30 until 4:00. The club's purpose is to offer to mathema- tical 'minded students different ideas and) Methods than these taught at regular classes. The mathematics contest, at which most of the members will likely compete, will be held on Thurs- day, April 4th. Mr. Murclie is in charge of this organization. Student of the Week: This week, the student in the limelight is a charming laasie from Grade 10B. Barbara Bry- an's is noted for always -having a winning smile and a pleasant 'Hi!" to great everyone. Barb doesn't limit her activi- ties to just school work. Take a peek and, you'll find her on the Students' Council and) in• the Drama Club. She enjoys ' all sports in and out of school. This year, she did) her part as captain for the Junior Volleyball team. Last spring, in -the annual track and field day, she, won the -Junior Girl's Championship.- She is fond of swimming (except in the winter!) and laves to go horse- back riding. In her church, she is a mem- ber of the choir, as well as her Ranger- group. She plans a on working as a candy -striper in the hospital. Her plaps for the future seem a bit hay yet. But after some university education, she hopes te- acquire a career invalving • f• I , ts. EVILT TO`4.- 'LAST Incree your milk production and .'beef cattle by building a concrete silo for high - moisture corn, hay or ensilage. The average farmer has 2 to 4 silos.' Do Yo u Need Another Silo? Place your order now for erection in time for this year's crops. 4 WES HUGILL & SON CONTRACTORS ZURICH — PHONE 236-4928 29 years of experienCe: WANT AD$ BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-P240 pit's "Choice She'll love the gifts you choose from our large variety of VALENTINE REMEMBRANCE GIFTS! :RUSTCRAFT • Coutts - Hallmark VALENTINES . of - DISTINCTION ,CARDS at i0c, 15c, 25c and 50c Packaged for Children — 29e, 39c, 49c, 59c; 79,e pkg. Assortment of Valentines for Children and Csit•Oet Books The largest Selection of Cards. Available! THE PERFECT GIFT — RECI4RDS ,, BOXED CHOCOLATES iii()N 'PS Seaforth's 5c to. $1M Store Stationery _ - SEAFORTII r' to - A r; • Choose Your DIAMOND -Privately AT SAVAUGE JEWELLERS (00posite Post Office Evening Appointment By Arrangement EREE-17 Jewel Watch with each Diamond pur- chase $100.00 or mote O INVITATIONS O ANNOUNCEMENTS' • Accos"6-RiEs COME, IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT • REQISTER The Huron Expositor Seaforth Will be offeredfor information leading to the...couvic- , I tion of a person or persons responsible for damage caus- • ed by firearms to Ontario Hydro distribtftion station,,i „ mile north of the, Village of Dublin in the Township, of McKillop. Please contact: W. J. DICKSON, Sicurity Officer, Phone Collett, 434-7391, Local 411, London, Ontario. r inraimorimrommiormirsolowaterairr 1967 CHEV. SEDAN (De) A.T. 1966 CHEAT. BELAIRE‘ '8' SEDAN A.T., Radio — Lie., E91652 1965 DODGE, A.T. Lk. A87339 1965 PONTIAC, A.T. & R. tic. E90232 n ' 1965 COR4VAIR MONZA Hardtop Lic E89678 1965 OLDSMOBILE A.T., P.B., P.S. and Radio — Lie. H58-314 1964 CHEEK 2 -door H.T. "8" AS. and Radio — Lic. E891159 1963 CHEV. COACH A.T. — Lk. E92-699- 1963 OLDS. SEDAN P.S, P.B. and R. — Lic. E90452 1962 FORD GALARIE SEDAN A.T. — Lit. E96-734 TO CLEAR One New '67 Chev. Sedan 1964 -CHEV. PICK-UP, long base ar Lie. C83734. 0 , 0 SEAFORTH- , MOTORS Phone 527.1750 : Seaforth, Lot Open grenings to 9:00 p.m. , .r