HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-25, Page 3• IV v ,•• 8 mos „ pisly;wcp,, Donk". O. Eaton *now in liftsAdo Olock Shi� nimoo 52711310 ; Worth 1111111111111111.111111111111,16101111111111111 Rohert ,0: *Xerober 0 ,,Ak Kill9P, Was melectod t4e board andi 1400-11 For Every Octasion KC. COCO FLORIST . 482-701.2_ 61 Orange St. -- Clinton " R. S. McKE.RCHER. when approximate1Y160 veting delegates from across the prov- ince attended United Ce...opera- MR. FARMER', ATTE17ION f• CONCRETE IlLOS We build 14 -ft. Diameter to 60 -ft high. You have a silo,. perhaps you .need another to fill your needs: let us call on you ,and talk it over. Contact mei • ie Arnold Huai!! and Son 92 Cambria Rd-. N., Goderich .7-• Telephone 524.9437,: collect INCOME TAX TIME IS HERE AGAIN I suggest that you file your return as quickly as 'posible. It will cost less in the end If you need assistance, Phone 527-1250. H. G. AE1R .tives. Of -00terie'e. penal °trivet, Ing in Toronto lost'1,!0.00. In adOitlell• tol:TOVIeNC.Ing- A 'regerftilWIS.WOrt year „Mt f the Ptwinee's largeet,etippiy • co-op- erative, they „heard, general man-. ger. L. german. 'cite higher costs and the full impact of UCO' s recent merger program with, local Co-ops across the province as the reason for a decline in earnings, $156,015 for the year ended ..September 30, 1967,compared with $486,056 the previous/ year. "If themergers-. had been started five years earlier they might:have been handled more gradually with less impact," said Mr.'"Hartnan, Professor Campbell, astociate 'dean .of Arts and Sciences, Uni- versity. of Toronto, predicted -that unemployment would re- main around four per cent, While prices would continue to • rise about three per cent an- nually,. He indicated that we can expect higher taxes, great- er government expenditures and increasing welfare. pay'- ments. l'wo,neW directors, ,Allari Intoshs of Alinonte, and Gordon. Jifek ,of ,Dresderi were elected. president Fenton Cryderman, of Thamesville, and vice-presi- dents Robert•McKercher of Dub- lin and Fred ilton of Guelph, were all re-electe Tet- athird terin.:„Ken Marshall wag elected.as ai execlitive .member. • . Legion Bingo Winners Folloiving are the winners of special gaihes at the Legion binge Friday evening; Mrs. George Flood, Mozikton;-Jean 9 Sangster, Mitchell; Mrs'. Gor- don Lawton, Clinton, Frank .Skinner, Mitchell. • • Winners Of regul'ar games were Mrs. Walters, 'Walton; Winnie Nott, Seaforth; lVirs- [ enomme; Clintoq and Gloria Glanville, -Seaforth; Mrs. M. Desjardine, liensall; Mrs, L. Wesenberg, Seaforth; Mrs. Harold Lawson, Seaforth; El- mer Lee, Clinton; Sharon Baird, Brhcefield; Mrs. Wurrn of Exeter; Mrs. M. Desiardine; .Hensalk Mrs. Shean, Mitchell; Mrs... MdLean, Goderich. Doer prizes weak, Mrs. Floyd Dale and Pete McGrath of Seaforth. 4t: document reeetv0 ytlAc Count y of HUM In early Nov- enber Of 1067 /TOM, 000110 Manufacturing CoMpany 14114 ed and PreSented, to the *grip, culture and reforestation colt mitee of council for stud brought little reaction at Wed- nesday afternoon's session,. in Goderwh. • The lUmber company had ask- ed coil to consider the pos- sibility of raising the cutting restrictions on hardwood trees in the county. Present regula- tions in Huron are that trees must be. 17 inches oh the stump. Neighboring counties of _Bruce and Larnbton will allow trees to be cut at only 14 inches in diameter. _ Upon, recommendation of the committee, council agreed not to change the by -la* in this res,, pect: Speaking to the report, Huron Count k Agricultural rep- resentative -Doug Miles, Clin- ton, a member of the committee said that it was the committees intention to set the "most mile- age' out of the trees in Huron. He explained this phrase tg mean the • greatest, amount of lumber from Act tree. He suggested stricter enforce- ment _of___the by-law,- especially the, section affe-cling-tfee-cut= ting in area's of the county where Blearing away ground coger might indhce a oertain 'amount' 'of ground drift. He mentioned .in particular areas ot Hay and Ashfield Townships where removal of brusjiwould inerease the Jirellhood.'..ef soil blo-Wn away by the wind. Mr. Miles added that farmers who wish to clear sections of their land could do so within the boundaries of the ,by-law which provides fel' removal of dead or diseased trees, -damaged trees; trees of poor form, trees growing on location' s for firt guards, skidways or , logging • Greatly. agitated, a Mother rushed into a drug store car- rying her , young son. The druggiit hurried over to as- certain the cause of her dis- tress. "The. hoy swallowed a 22 Caliber lnillet--what shall I do?" she cried. . "Give hirn the contents of ;this laottle of °atter oil re- aed•the druggist calmly. "but tra4 and trees that u1&be gu 14: VOInoved !to provide 'ac- ecas Or cutting other trees, There are at the present time ' „in fluron County three tree commissioners, Hugh Rill, Goderich; Murray Scott, East Wawanosh; and) George Beer, Hensall. In future remuneration for ithese men will be $.l.75 POZ how, Everett '• Smith, enforce. meat officer, Will issue permits pertaining to matters in the by.- taw at the request of the tree commissioners. Wage scale for the county weed inspector was increased to $2 per hour, .; Other Reports Calyin Kreuter, 1967 chair - Man' cif the industrial and tour- ' isin .nonunittee, reported that since-Ithe last session of County Ceoncil, contact has been made 'againwith the firm. of consul, kakte relative to the initial steps.to be taken in proceeding with the study for county plan- ning. -The Department of Mun- icipal Affairs has been asked to outline specific' instructions. necesaary to establish the Coun- ty ofHuron as a planning area - and the committee for 1968 will be meeting with officials from that department later in Jan- uary. -douncil was promised that' lb - commitments would be made without members being asked for their approv`al, possibly at the March session. • ' The Huron County Library Board report submitted by for- OSBORNE & HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE . COMPANY HEAD OFFICE. EXETER, Ont. Directors: Mastii Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin • President ,Clayton Calquhoun • R.R. 1, Vice -President Science Hill Wm. H. Chaffe - R.R. 4, Mitchell Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucan Raymond McCurdy 11.R. 1. Kirkton Etobort Gardiner • R.R. 1. Cromarty Agents: , Hugh Benninger - Dublin flarry"-Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary-Treasurin dont point lum..at anyone!" . Hugh Patterson .• • Dieter ;RP Clinton Aeric, Dtgflixemp,. aen> chairman, showed that .af- ter. the initial year under itbe. new system there was a surplus of $2,72340. One: of -the win*. Pal 'items. of business in 191,81* .evected to be a discussion with the National , Board and the Blue Water Film Federal. tion regarding distribution of films throughout the county by Amens of the county library. Medical Officer.of Health rif. O. T. A. Evans told eouncil LtM incidence of rabies last year decreased by six over 166, or by half from 12 eases reported, in 1966. He stressed the iiiippr;' twice of keeping that attacking animal alive if. at all possii:de in order to.facilitate early pot', tive detection of the rablea'vir. us However, :be Agreed that a dead animal was better than none at all., He also reported that a well baby clinic ia.preposedt for the new medical and dental centre in the'Village of BruSsels where families, he said; had not had easy access to the county health services prior tnnow, ••••••••••••00.........011•11•00...41••••••••••■••Mik Salon. Colleen O-fs Winter Specia s Hair cut, any style • 50c • Lanolin Permapent Wave • reg. $10 for $4.95 5 week rinses $2.95 with set Shampoo and set $1.25 0 For Appointments Phone 91, Dublin ,1010.140.101000.0•01100.000010.00...00•0.....0•0.....01•0.,„,„, *0 have 50,* lb* MO* Ming •470* We* Anyone. Or moo mu Onuirtp. Sefs our Dealers o; tootoct Os for vino" Anatol** • some bethrsidoe Opqn Good commission, Belle River -Grain S,eeds,„ 294 RichirOnd St, Chatham', 04, Son. • WANT ADS liqZINO QUiCK RV STILTS; 1:44.1 627-0240 Arnold Stinnissen GROUP - LIFE ACCIDENT and •SICKNESS MA.POR MEDICAL • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES Representing • Sun Life Assurance Company • of Canada TELEPHONE 527.0410 17 GODERICH ST. EAST - SEAFORTt4 JArNUARY SALE _WITH SAVINGS WELL OVER Direct From MaitufaCturers Ladies' Skirts, 100% pure'wOoli fully lined regular 13.00 • ' for $3.96 Men's and Women's Sweaters regular 13.00 to 25.00 for 3.96 to 10.96 with Special tables at.1.96 and 2.96 Girls' orlon Mini Dresses regular 19.00 • Special 6.96 Ladies 2 and 3 -piece Suits regular $20.00 for 7.96 Ladies' Dresses, Antron regular $20.00 Ladies' Dresses, 100% pure wool regular $19.00 •for 7.96 Men's Sox, pure wool regular 1.25 • Special for 59c reg. $30.00 for 8.96 for 8.96 It will be well worth your while to drive to Stratford for the best 'selection of values in Western Ontario • THE. SWEATER • SHOP •STRATFORD 74 .Erie Street READ 'SlitgES & LUGGAGE BIGGEST EVER IS NOW UNDERWAY Ends SATURDAY FE:BRUAR th WOMEN'S 1 . Valne to 18.98 _ Nos w Only. ‘.0 fIi ILE THEY L ST! BAUER SKATES WITHOUT TRADE • 20% off • Special'Pacchase INSULATED LEATHER HI -CUT rk Boots Brand Harney Reg. to 21.95 SJfECiAL CLEARANCE r! WOMEN'S iflOWbo�ts and Overshoes WATER ROOF /VOW Reg. to 8.98 • • WOMEN'S tocktail Boots Discontinued - Reg. to 14.98 NOW 8.88 • 2 off /All Curling Boots MEN'S 'arid WOMEN'S • Speciais oI INUYL 3 pr. fOr 1 .89 or 64c pr, S Pt' C1AL ,ON Assorted Styles - Men's, Boys', LOWS', Misses' 8c 1.88. and Clat;ren's Now .168& Lad!_ Fi-ats• Asiorted :Co ors and Heels INSULATED LEATHER - RUBBER Work Boots • 20% off Ladies' 20% off - ALL PURSES 3.88-4.88 10% off Men's, Boys' & Children's RUBBER BOOTS and • OVERSHOES 'High Styled Block and Flat Heeled -- Assorted Colors and Styles Snowboots WOMEN'S Cocktaii oot • 20% off 6.88 - 8.88 1O88 12.88 READ'S SHOES & LUGGA E 'Phone 52,7-0690 -Terns Cash --- All Clearance Sales Final -2 • Seaforth • • STRETCH -ON Rubbers •.17,1Pc'a 8. LAST! MEN'S iiowboots VARIOUS STYLES Reg. to 19.98 -NOW ONLY 14.8 •MEN'S and BOYS' RUBBER, INSULATED BOOTS MEN'S BOYS' 6.88 5.88 • Support, Minor Hockey JANUARY 20th - 27th- •••••• ••• • 6