HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-18, Page 104 10re.THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAPORT'', ONT.,', JAN .18 119,4 01 3 IT LIAR I fli; MRS. 1'. W. McMILLAN Ms. Thomas William MeMi1- .1an,lat 2, Seaforth, died Friday at Seaforth Community Hospi- tal, following a lengthy illness. She was in her 77th year. A lifelong resident of the ar- ea she was the former Florence Vera Hunt, daughter of the late MI% and Mrs. Edwin Hunt of Mrs. McMillan had been ac- tive in the community and in the, work of First Presbyterian -Church of which she was a member. Her husband, to wham she 7was married in June, 1916, pre- deceased her -in 1965, but she is survived by a son, Robert, RR 2, • Seaforth; a daughter, Mrs. Francis (Edythe) Coleman, RR 1,• Seaforth; a sister, Mrs, Glad - son (Edith) Campbell, Brighton; three brothers, Frank, RR 2. SLaforth; Homer, Port Dover; Clifford, London; an - five grandchildren. The body was at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, where funeral service was held Mon- day afternoon and conducted by News of Constance Kim and Greg Riley returned home to Ajax with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ril- ey an Thursday after spending sometime with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Volken- burg of Clinton visited on Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hav,ertamp and fam- ily. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Billy and Debbie visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Hill of Crediton. Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca- tor and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell King 'of Exe- ter, Mr. • and Mrs. Jerry Cook ,of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Debbie and Bi1134 and Mr. David Rreszcator. Mr. and Mrs, 'Harvey Snell of Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and • Mrs. William Dale, Kathy and Cheryl. Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes and family were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders, 'Miss Tina Wames, Mr. Maris Bos, all of London and Agnes Haverkamp. • . and Mrs: Ken Preszcator arid girls spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp visited On Sunday evening with Mrs. Otten and family and Mr. John Boven. Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Billy and Debbie spent• Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Presz- eator of Goderich ,, - Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. David Preszca- tor on the birth of a daughter 'on January 1.4th, at 'Seaforth Community Hospital. 111111111111111411111111111M1111111111111 For Every Occasion K. C. .0 0 K • • FLORIST 482-7012 61 Orange St. - Clinton Isinuntinininnunumuutintilin ger minister, Rev. D. •Cl. Fry. Cleary- funeralhome until Tues - Temporary entombment follow- ed in Pioneer Mausoleum, Pallbearers were Nelsen Mc- Clure. Walter McClure, Arthur Anderson. Gerald Coleman, alp: Storey, Jr., and Harry Patin. Flower bearers were James Colem,an and Lorne Gackstetter. • MRS. A. CAMPBELL Funeral serviees for Mrs. Al- exander Campbell, Seaforth's oldest resident, were -held from the R. S. Box funeral Home on Friday. Mrs. Campbell, who was in her 99th year, died January 10th, in Kilbarchan Nursing Home, Seaforth. Her husband.predeceased her in 1943, but sheis survived by one daughter, Miss IS'obelle Campbell. The funeral service was con- ducted by her Minister, Rev. D. 0. Fry„ assisted. by Rev, A. W. Gardiner of Strathrov. Inter- ment followed in Srafti ceme- tery. Pallbearers were: Wilson ?Mc- Cartney, Harvey Leslie, Joseph McConnell, Louis Clark, Hen- sel', John Craig, Myth, Carter Kerslake, Staffa and flower bearers were John MeLachan, and Malcolm McKellar. Friends and • relatives were present from London, St. Marys,.. Woodham, Exeter, Hensall, Kippen, Wingham, Strath- roy, Blyth, Cromarty and Staffa. MRS. CLARENCE MALONE Mrs, Clarence Malone', 56, died Saturday at St. Joseph's Hospital,' London. The. former Evelyn Cecelia •Melady, she was the daughter of the late Frank IVIelady and Cec- elia Feeney. She had been a resident of .Seaforth since. her marriage in 1941. She was born in St. Columban and received her primary edu- cation there with her secondary education in Dublin. She was active in constunity work and was an active worker in we - men's groups at :St. James' Church. SurViVing besides her husband are one daughter, Joanne Mal- one of Brantford, three, sons, Michael, Windsor; Thomas, Slave Lake, Alta.; Patrick, Sea - forth; two sisters, Mrs. Lorne (Dorothy) Harbach and Mrs. Joseph (Rose) O'Reilly;looth ' of Kitchener; three brothers, Ed- ward, St. Columban; Fergus, Belle River; Thomas, Goderich. • The •body was at the W. J. Beavers Down Hespeter 6-3 Elora- 6-4 • Seaforth 13eaver's defeated Hespeler Mic Macs 6-3 in Sea - forth bn Tuesday night in an • OA Intermediate "B" action. ill alleLatighlin scored a hat trick, with singles corning from Ken Doig, Larry Dale and Jim Hespeler's goals were scored by Ray Scoins, Gord Abbott and Marv. Mains. McLlw,ain Leads Beavers Seaforth Beavers defeated El- ora Kocks '6-4 in an OHA In- termediate "B" games in Elora, Friday, Jan. 5th. Jack McLlwain Scored: three goalto spark the Beavers, who rallied, after trailing. -0 after three minutes. of the first per- iod. Ken Doig added two and Ray Henderson one ' Ted England scored twice and Max"Itiliis and Len Drone, one apiece for the Backs. GET YOUR RAD CHECKED OW FREE COOLING SYSTEM INSPECTION including inspection of rad hoses •-•-• heater hoses - rad cap - rad lealcs - Fan belt -.anti-freeze LICENCE PLATES INSTALLED FREE Now is the time to have your car checked out Seaforth Motors "Your guardian Maintenanee_Centre" Seafo0h, Ont. ' ' Phone 521-1750 4ay morning, when requiem high masa was celebrated at 10' a.m. at St. James' Church. Temporary entombment fol., lowed in Pioneer Mausoleum, with burial later in St. James' cemetery, Pallbearers- were: Gordon Rowland, Fred Malone, Pat Melady, Frank Melady, Brian 'Melady and Frank O'Rielly. ' MRS. BERTHA M. POLLARD The death occurred in Sea - forth Community Hospital on Tuesday of Mrs. Bertha May Pollard. She was 89. Mrs. Pollard, who was- the former Bertha May Britton, was born in Durham County where for a number of years she taught school. In 190'7 at Port Perry she was married 0- VC Blake Pollard *ho predeceased' her 1943. She is survived by One daughter, Greta, Mrs. R. McKercher of MeKillop and by three. grandchildren. , Folkiwing the death of her husband Mrs: Pollard) inhved to Seaforth where she has been' an active member of Northside United? Church and a life mem- ber of the IJCW. Funeral services will be con- ducted by her minister, Rev. J. C. Britten, at the R. S. Box fun- eral home on Thursday after- noon at 2 p,m. Teinporary en- tombment will follow in Pioneer Memorial mausoleum with bur- ial later in Bowmanville ceme- tery. MRS. THOMAS BANNON " Mrs.' Thennas Bannon died in St, Josephs Hospital Lon- don, on Tuesday, in,her 77th year. She had been removed to hospital Thursday following a fall on a Seaforth street in which her hip was broken. She was believed to be nialt- ing a, satisfactory recovery • when her, unexPected: death occurred. Born in •Kinkora, she was the former Ellen Stbck, the daugh- ter of the late Peter Stock and Elizabeth Hartung and she was rnarried to Thomas Ban- non at Kinkora in 1916. Fol- lowing his death in '1931 she moved to Seaforth, Mrs. Bannon is survived by four daughters; Dorothy, Mrs John F. Flannery, EgroOnd- ville, Loretta', Mrs. C. Masse, Windsor, Elizabeth- (B e t h), Mrs. Geo. D,eJong, Gederich and Adrienne, Mrs. Ray Hut- chinson, Woodstock ahd tbree sons; Leon INC Seaforth, Yeter E., Seaforth and Jerry. J. Guelph. She is' also survived by a sist,er, Sister Lutgarel Grace of St. Josephs Hospital Sarnia and by 33 grandchild- ren and Six great :grandchild- ren. She was a member of St. James Roman Catholic Chiirch and of the CWL. The remains are restinle at the R. S. Bbx Funeral Home until Friday morning' when re- quiem high mass will be held at St. James Church conduc- ted by Rev. Father Sullivan at 10 a.m. Temporary inter- ment will follow in Pioneer Meinorial Mailsoleurn with bu- rial later in Kinkora cemetery. CLASSIFIED ADS 97. "Frirths Dwyer - In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. on Jan. 12', to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dwyer, a daughter. McCARTHY In Seaforth Community Hospital, oh Jan: 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCarthy RR1, Dub- lin, a son. RONEY - In Seaforth Cdm- munity Hospital. on Jan. 14 to Mr.-and,Mrs. Frank Ron- ey, RR1, Staffa, a daughter. PPESZCATOR - In Seaforth Community Hospital, 0 - .Tan. 14. to 1VIr. and Mrs. David Preszcator, RR2 Sea - forth. a daughter. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money lit Docket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Too Late • FIVE liolatein cows, spring- ing. calves Holstein and Here- ford cross, also some baled hav and straw. Lorne Tyndall, R.R2, Clinton. 8-10-1 TWENTY-FOUR choice York chunks for winter A.R. Dodds nhone 527-1'748. 8-10-1 F -0131I -TEEN pigs nineweeks nidi. six maps, six weeks eld. O -end cattle dogs. Phone 527- 06613. - 8-10-1 1963 Chev Biscayne. four door sedan, radio, new tires. good I car, low price, phone 527-12.22 10-10-tf FIFTEEN' s..tad' rtepigs. John Jewitt, rihorie 527-1008. 8-104 1058 GM 1 ton Fleetside. $250 also combination ROA washer - dryer. Phone 262-5272. t1-19-2 wish to thank all these who, remembered me and visited rne while I was a notient in Seenrth norrinninity Itoanitnl. Pim Broadfobt. t1-10-1 Every week more Iteente dfs- ewer what rniattrl lobo are aeoniollAbed 6t^ towk- chat Ex- positor Want Ade. Plat 527-0240. , The Wialtop. Unit met - 11; tha schoolroom et Duff's United Church Wednesday evmbig with Mrs, W. C. Ifa0XWell CundUcting?the devotional pe- riod. "O God Our f•Telp 1 n Ages Past", was sung with Mrs, Ray Hueter at the piano. Psalm. 121, was repeated in unison and comments on the Psalm were given. 4 reading "A. Time for Dreaming" was, read followed by prayer. The topic was taken by Mrs. Herb Traviss entitled, "The If aads we Travel". Life is full of many roads ' and crossroads. Scene of the impor- tant roads are spoken .1:,xf: 1. Damascus Road This is the road-) -that symbolized the ekperienee with Christ. 2. Jericho Road - :which, goes from Jerusaern tb Jeri- eho_ Some who want sympathy and neighborliness llow this: It is the royal highway that' rung straight into the), heart of God. A gond Sarharitan has become the embodiment of Christign serviee„ • 3, Bethlehem tBoad - being 'the hirtrp-place-f)to the -.world and runs straight through, the home,of folks like me andlike you. It is -a Hallowed road 'and is Iterated where Christ A. 4. Road of the Crogs• 'Thel way of the cross leads home, being a welcome at the end of a journey. A is the place where God was'homeless and all men are at home. A poem "Rest in Music"' taken frojn Psalm 37:7. Restin the Lod and wait patiently for Him, was read with prayer fellow- ing. The business of the meet- ing was conducted by Mrs. Hubert Traviss, • Secretary's report was giv- en by Mrs.-Jakee Clark, also a surnmarV of the year's work. A discussion on taisihg mon- ey for the year was 'brought im•and it was decided, to linid the annual bazaar WednesdaY• Anril 17. There will be no regular meeting in the grnun that month. The annual meet- ing's)f the congreeation w11 be held January 17th at 8:30 P.m Copper contest leaders are Mrs Tilliam Coulti and Mrs. Donald Achilles. ••• Treasurers report Was given by. Mrs. Torrance Dinidas. also ,a summary of the year's - work. Mrs. Nelson Reid re-' rihrted on the quilt cominittee. "Abide With Me". was sung followed with the Mispah Benediction. Lunch hostesses included; 'Mrs. Wm. Coutts, Mrs. Edward Miller and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. The 8th and 16th UCW Un- it met at the home of Mrs. Douglas Fraser Wednes d y afternoon and opened by sing- ing "Take Time to be 'Holy" with Mrs. Jim Fritz as pianist. Mrs. Donald Fraser led in Drayer and ,Mrs, Jan Van Vliet „read the•scrierture from Psalm 100:1-5. The topic"The greatness of lowly service" was taken ,by - Mrs. Donald Fraser, She alsorosd a poem, " AYear Of Grace"..!Take my Life and let it be,, was sung and prayer was offered.. Mrs. Jan Van Vliet presided for business,. • Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. George l McCeil. The roil pall was answered by 13 members. It was decided t� have a ba- zaar with a -guest speaker and musical program. • Luneh was served by Mrs. Kenneth MacDonald, M r s . Harold Bolger and the hostess, Kenneth Shortreed, who has. worked as an apprentice with Burke Electric, Win:Dam and has attended Trade School in London and Toronto under the Department of Labour. has re- ceived his Inter Provincial Cer tificate in Electrical Mainten- ance and Constrnction. 'Girls wishing to take the 4th course, "The Club Girl Entertains" are °requested to leave their names with Mrs. William Humphries or Mrs. Gerald Watson. Mrs. Herbert Traviss will convene the ,progressive Euch- re Party next Friday evening. Others on the, committee in- clude, Mrs. Edward Miller, Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs. Her- bert Williamson and Mrs*Ray Auether, Mr. Rolly Achilles will show coloured slides on NeW- foundland Wednesday evening at the regular meeting of the W. I. in the Walton Commuii- ity Hall. Conveners will -he Mrs. George Wiliamson and Mrs. Allan McCall. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz of Waterloo were week e n d guests at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Torrance Dundas. th.s. Mac Shottlice has re- turned home from Clinton Pu- blic Hospital following an annendectoniy. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore- of Stratford spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. The 17th and 'boundary tJCW Unit met at the home of Mrs. Ray Williamson. Mrs. Hugh Johnston opened the meeting with a thought fer the day. "My Times are hi Thy Hand" was sung, The scripture rending was taken from the 86th Psolin verses 1 to 17. Mrs, Johnston then.led in brayer. Mrs. Harvey Craig gave the Smile of the Week The owner of a restatr- aunt was carefully checking out the work of his new cook. "You say you were an army cook durii* the war?" as - /'Yes sir," the cook said. "ir coked' for' officer's mem for over two years and was wonntled three time" "Huh," said, the 13 o is. kill yott." siege frm4 the -1;40. *Joan. votilec: de*Ikine the OW tcrent .crests of Japan anc _palm of the change S that have taken place itrjapan in recent yrs. A rein "The Little New Year' was read by Mrs. Johnston.. "0 God Our Help In Ages Past" elosed the de- votions. . Mrs. Martin Peen opened the business. Mrs. William Murray gave the treasurers report. Next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Her- bert Williamson. Thank. you cards .wero read from T,hoinas Kirby and Mr. Albert Clark. ••• Northside .UC Unit -010,e:0 liortbside 1,110t, .0 Church it at. the hometpf IVIra,,Peter Ph41043.• The :basin* Part arthe Meeting was Oncluct- ed 'by Miss Ahble Seip and Mrs. Luella Christie took' eltarge of the devotiOnal with Mra, Albert ;Baker reading the Scripture lesson, follewed by a reading by Mrs. Peter punlop. Susan iteuerman contributed several piano selectiens: Classified A air dividends. TTEO ONCRET 411.0$ r, • We bead'. ).4 -ft.. DIOneter yi 40 -ft high. Yo ue have silo, perhaps you' neecit another to fill .your nee*, Lir5t us ?" call on you and taU It over.: Contact pun • • Arnold. Huai and Son 92 Cambria Rd, N„ q.oclerib - Telephone 524-9424 c011ect, Gingerich's Saks t& Service Ltd. (Seiforth Sate) Chance of a Lifetim 7,SALE First Come First, Served Furniture Appliances 4: • When we have a Sale WHITE APPLIANCES • .95 BEATTY 24" RANGE List 195 • $140 Special BEATTY 30" RANGE List $289.95$219 .Special BEATTY 10 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator Lista289.00 Special $195 BEATTY 13 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator topin List $325.95 • • Special 4A. 7 •BEATTY 14 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator ' Fro"St Free List $449.95 Special $325 BEATTY WRINGER WASHERS New 1968 Only $129 BEATTY 23 Cu. Ft. Alum Liner Como Deep Freeze Only 6F411 TELEVISIQNS 23" Fleetwood Model 991 List $329.00 Only $245 23" Fleetwodd Model 851 • List $299.95 $229 Special • 12" Portable Fleetwood Only $129 • List $99.gesk and Chair , t70 Only # GE Mixette, List $19.95 Only $15.00 GE Ketdes Only Specia $10.95 Only Special $26.88 GE .Polishers GE Vacuum Cleaners GE Radios Fleetwood Radios Speciai $_49.95 Special $1.7.50 Only $17.95 How About Paintk Imagine 20% OFF MI ,r We have a Sale FURNITURE 2 -Piece Sklar Chesterfield List $453.30 • Only $310 2 -Piece Sklar Chesterfield $249 • List $369.00 • Only 5 -Piece Chrome Table & Chairs tie) c 7 -Piece, Chrome Table 8v Chairs Si go List $189.95, • , A Steal Only "7 • Space Savers - Better Grade • tAc Goods Only #111'° List $289.00 only $\180 2 -Piece Allan Chesterfield C c Swivel Chairs, List $79.00 Now t 4Floa Recliners List 048.00 Now $89 Bedroom Suites - Double Dresier, ti a c Chest and Bed, List '$245.00 Now #1 uPoo • Dresser, Chest And Bed $259 List $329.00 only 'Mattresses -- Box Springs and 1natresses. First come, first served t c, Only -#11P16P USED APPLIANCES Used Washer Used Range, like new $$4555:1100 Used Prig., like new $75.00 USED ,FORNITURE 8 -Piece diningrooM,S,ultMcilading. table; lpffet and , .62111pholstered Chairs, an old ,Einfriish, Oak, oval ex- tension table; in new Condition. Only Eirerything' is at January rance Prices Giire MARIAN or MARY a Call and SAVE ING SALES Ph'ar'se 427:0290 : SEAFORTH, •,1