The Huron Expositor, 1968-01-18, Page 6VW:fitKoff,EXPOSITOR. sPArkri, ictr , 116 u'l BARN CtEANEES FEEDING SYSTEMS SILO UNLOADERS .PEDLAR STABLING and EQUIP. COMPLETE iNsTALLATioNs SALES , SERVICE FARM AUTOMATION MILVERTON 595-4578 GERRY GASHO BRUNNER, ONT. PERSONALIZED L:OASTER$ GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTE: Dial 527-0240 SEED GRAIN and FERTILIZER AVAILABLE EARLY DELIVERY Cash and Volume DISCOUNTS CONTACT US ON PRICES ORNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED 527-1910 Seafortit 'by W. W. Haysom yonr telephone -manager Reeently someone asked me: "Do you sell telephones?" Of course I said "No". That's right, Bell‘Canada doesn't sell telephones. We sell service. That telephone. in your home or office or store is just a small part of a very large, com plex communications network. When you lift the handset,' a nation-wide service organization, of skilled responsible people is placed at your disposal. Connected to your phone are more wires, poles and microwave channels than you'd need to string a circuit ,to the moon and back. Enough switches, tubes, relays, amplifiers andtransistors to wire tthe world for sound. All these elements, big and small plus some that we haven't even mentioned — work in close har- mony to build -a voice path for you to ahnost anywhere in the world. No, we don't sell telephones. And we don't sell people, wires, poles or switches either. But we're happy to put the whole works at your service for a small monthly charge. Day or night your telephone is ready to serve you. Repairing telephones isn't a dull lob, at least for one repairman in British Columbia. One day he went to the for- est ringers cabin to find out what was wrong with the tele- phone. He analyzed the trouble as a short circuit and traced it to a 'nearby vacant lodge which was on the same' line as the ranger's telephone. Hearing movements inside, he rattled the door and a huge, frightened .bear bounded through the side window`and disappeared into the forest. The repairman entered the cabin and found that the Arar had knocked the receiver Off the hook, causing all the trouble..After replac- ing the receiver, getting in touch with the owner to have the window ',repaired ht calmly reported the 'trouble "all cleared". SCl/o01 Ik wa Week Aiti,t**100/, Tstrid11411 ad* By Margie Whyte and Carol Shortreed Bask_etball: lantyne. Clip for the highest The senior basketball teams, scoring junior boy, and the covered 9.emselves with glory. Barber Cup for - excellence in last Thursday .ft,en they play- the intermediate and senior ed With Mitchell District High class. ' School. The senior boys, who Naturally Jim has represented played a home game, defeated his dais in the .Boys'thletie their opponents 4142 with Rick assdcietion, He hes also beleng- Wood scoring 1 twenty points ed to the Ili -C gram in his alone.' Mary Sills and Sheila church. Dietz tied for the top ,scoring B,eing a grade eleven position with seven points, Jim still has hot I:14de any de - apiece when the Seafiartb. son," finite plans for his. futnre ex- ior girls won 22-12 over tini), eept that of completing high Mitchell teem,. , ' school. But as everyone Prob- The junior girls suffered a: ably ha S giieSsed, he will: likely hemiliating defeat when a Mit-1, be lib olved ,in .the world ,pf chell player ored a basket,' sperts, and, who,knows, we may just 'a split second before the'have a future physical educe - final buzzer to make tbey. sepre 18-16 for Mitchell: The captain for the junior boys are'hiek MacKenzie and Jim. Henderson. When they played on Thursday, Mitchell was abletodefent them with a score of 32-22. On the whole, however, this is an encouraging report, and we believe the season is pro: gressing favoura,bly. Do you have a party line? It's a thrifty andt convenient service. And, it can be very pleasant for everyone especially when simple party line etiquette is observed: It's really just following the Golden Rule. You appreciate having the use of the line when you need it — and' so do your party line "partners". Being sure that the receiver is hung in place, keeping calls spaced out and brief, teaching your children good telephone manners, respecting privacy — 'these are things that help give all party line users full value from their telephones. In those areas where there are several "partners" on a line and different rings are used to identify the number wanted, it's courteous and thoughtful to ansWer your ring as quickly as possible. Especially in the late eve- ning hours when youngsters or neighbors who are ill may be asleep, it's a real kindness to all the "partners' on the line to speedily answer your ring. That way, you get your call but others are not unchily disturbed. * * * ....esemeeeaeesse School 'Dance: ' The .students' Council spor sored, a successful school danc; last Friday evening. The ban feattired was a group called th Ragged Edges and the chape ones were Mr. Burgess and MCNab. . Happily this was a much mor. suceessful dance than the las one staged by the council. Student of the Week: Jim. Dalrymple has a one- track mind — sports. And' it isn't hard to see why. Jim has belonged to practically' every sports organization the school offers — badminton, cross- country, basketball, football, traek and field, gymnastics, vol- leyball. Although IR is excellent at all sports, Jim's main specialty is track. and field: Among oth- er trophies, he has had his name engraved on both the Bal- .. BRUCEFIELD UCW Meets The opening meeting Ctf 13CW of Brueefield for 1968, was 'held in the school room on 'Tuesday with 18 ladies present. Rev. Stuart installed, the new slate of officers- for 4968. 4Mrs. Taylor, past president, conduct- ed a ,period df unfinished busi- ness. Minutes c# the December meeting were read. New ,hyinn, books have been placed in the church. Mrs. Taylor called on incoming president, Mrs. J. Hen derson, also new secretary, Mrs. Mel Graham ,to take over. Mrs. Henderson asked for the help and co=operation of, all units to make a successful year. Mrs. Berry read thank -you notes from Doris Sillery, Tena Mc- Naughton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sr., and Mrs. Jack Henderson. -Mrs. Taylor and Miss Mayne SWan brought thanks from resi- dents of Huronview for Christ- mas boxes from our church. Knitted .baby articles for Wrench Memorial Hospital are to be in by the last of February as a parcel is to be sent early in March. Mrs. Brodie was ap- pointed, to Board of Stewards as UCW representative. A minute's silence, honoring the memory ,of Mrs. Hohner, one of the original inembers of the society, -who was laid to rest on Tuesday, was 'observed. Day o prayer is to be observed on lV1arch 1st in the 'church. Mrs. G egg, McGregor read a letter from the adopted Korean boy. Mrs. Henderson led it! dos- ing prayer and Stanley group served lunch. Classified Ails pay dividend's •444404M441441140.414•440.40• Salon Colleen offers Winter Specials Hair cut, any style 50c Lanolin Permanent Wave reg. $10 ft*. $4.95 5 week rinses $2.95 with set Shgmpoo and set $1.25 tion teacher in our Inklat. The Curing Club, vihieh is directed by Mr. Dobson, 'was organized last week.A rather large ntunber'of stiiderits ;are curling this year, including many newcomers as well as those with previtlue experien- ce. Some of the "pros" are Jane Cornish, Sharon Talbot, Madly i4 Smith, Joe B ill, Steve and 'Brucet'Brady. The club will continbe to meet every Monday and Friday af- ternoon feom four to five o'clock, at the Curling Rink. It is quite likely that teams. will soon be chosen and inter, school curling matches arran- ged. The !not TX70:* meeting ot 1968,was beitt , boomed an Wednes4ay eve- ning. ! ' Mrs. %Man tlia'A He 900;0114 Which was opened wjth Irma 402, 140 QA 0 Icing Eternal"! The scripture was read by Mrs. Hill from Matthew ohaPter five and ;she also gave the meditation. Sirs. Bill Dow - son led in prayer. The offering was received by Mrs, Bev, Hill and dedicated by Mrs. G. Hill. A poem and a reading an "The New Year" were read by „Mrs. Pill Dowson. Mrs. Bev.. gal in- troduced the study book, "Study, on njhaepan" Tmeeting was turited over to the president Mrs. Qiarles Reid. A presentation, of a pip memberShiP was Presented to Mrs. Mervin tliayter by rS. Wat welstor" and Mrs. Harvey gayter. 114s. Haytorwas also epretsionort endteWi4tt rship aliigitit inapporet; ia had given for the 'past two years. g theIhreollmjcliP11werewasanresWeradedbl cap'ly,e,m.4e ycw.,meet ings mote initergstkog.'. The reoginniendations which had beery madd at an executive meeting were read and passed', henk-you notes The eorrespcm,d, ing secretary read several t , #nd-,-a-lettqr from Aim MiSaion tbankin$ 04 14takni* ieh hartieOn. seat/ MOM'. . It was fleekleil That Mall oUZ Wpalti etesPellstble for ellteltaming the Oholr ort a That400 eY0144g,014 a140* ltiqn serFice hodt dor. 14 a Stmilay• Oiaroba servige• i The meeting was cleSed wtti prayer by Mrs. G. HAI and Intich was served by group three. T.4)14 WO§ ,heid the first, of a series of euchres in the Town- ship Hail on Friday evening. liThe committee in charge were Wat Webster, Orrin, Dowson, Bill Dowson and Ron Taylor. bigh, Bill -{5,teAsh; ladies Winztr: of prizeo Were: ladies low„ . Ilea Taylor; men's high, Bill VicAsh ; men's law, H. Cook. Ora.ig Taylor was the *winner in a draw on a bushel of apples. Bob Taylor is a patient in he CIPItah temember!. It takes but a moment to place an Expositor W:ant Ad and be money in pock, et. To -advertise, just Dial Segforth 5270240. illiam M. Hart FUEL' ETC. Phone 527-0870 Seaforth For APPOintmerits ,Phone '91, Dublin if=4 a Conquest barley .contracts are now available,: Place your order early and avoid disappointment. SEED AND FERTILIZER' VP13,1..iED ,/ OD ,COOK 4BROS. MILL.ING'Co Ltd. Phone 262,2605 HENSALL . ONTARIO 1Pqrk Ant 0 el • 41. fre. -I • 4114.7a, -r. TOP, VALU FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 -az. 88C Tins TOP VALU ASSORTED gri 8 -oz. Attic CHEESE SLICES Pkgs' FACELLE MODERNE fusse Bathroom TISSUE n Ras8d.) TOP VALU STRAWBERRY JAM 117.33 SAVE 346 TOP VALU TOMATO or VEGETABLE SAVE 29c -- TOP VALU FANCY TOMATO JUICE 3 48-01. TINS 8 SAVE 25c TOP VALU CHOICE GREEN PEAS TINS 0 14.0Z, SAVE 5c — TOP VALU SAVE 36c — TOP VALU Evaporated MILK Tomato KETCHUP OOTINSC 4 BTI.S15.0Z. 8 8 SAVE 31c — TOP VALU POWDERED MILK 3-11. BOX SAVE 20c — TOP VALU MARGARINE 40 1-1.8. PKGS. 8 ,SUNFIST MU 1130 NAVEL ORANGES 890 cos 4 4. 39e -,,;141,,„.„.„„,„ 110. WAXED TURNIPS 3 b., 25c P40 1 PEPPERS 2 'ituG°A4NRSTAIRIIIIPS 2 N..2° CHICKENtBASKET BURN'S`SWEET PICKLED (1/2is)CRY-ONAf 'COTTAGE ROLL,....S9c TOP VALU SLICED -SIDE BACON'IA..6 g BURN'S (Triple pak) 1 -lb vac pac COLD CUTS SEE THIS WEEK'S IGA HANDBILL FOR ' MANY MORE OUTSTANDING SPECIALS! tilliKEN LEGS AND BREASTS ,FRESH YOUNG PREDRESSED, ROASTING CHICKENS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE 'A.; TRUCKLOAD.SALE U.S. NO: 1 RED EMPEROR Ern\ 111.KINSOWS SEAFORTH a • '