HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-18, Page 5• • • • s • • -0001111=____ News 0.40., Now* w.i. MitIdg Fhe ki,p4sai1 Public Se1100 Glee CAUtt, WIttdr.,the ,ladepo Shill of Lawrence Wein, Pre" tented the member a of the Hepsall Wot,Ii#n4' 411iltitut Wednesday evenmg &it thjfr Citizenship and Education meeting in the • Legion 4011'1 - Reeve Minnie Noakes, BUOSt speaker, reviewed 'highlights of Centennial Year and. 01 her civic „duties, in. a debate the Noakes twins, ',Jelin and Don- ald gave their opinions on the question "Negroes have _equal rights with the white people" Two other participants were absent due to hodkey, Another keen debate on 'The abolition of the death penalty", which vvill come UP again in another five years, was ,giVen by Miss Carmen Currie and Mist Sher- ry Travers. Mrs. James McAlister chair7 ed -the program and 'directed community singing. Courtesy nsqll a remark -8 Wer0, yen, John $kea, ' President Reid, welcomed member2 and guest. and for the 510034: letteru-Rwas read, bom 1VIrs. Pyette who recent- ly moved to Belleville, -tha,k- 11.10 hte .members for gi14.Te. cieVed- 'prior to her leavinii:- N", IL M. Po* was ap- pointed representativeo n Eciuth HurQn Hospital Aincil- arY. The Crift Coupon 390 for 7reedom from, 1 -lunger Cam- aign", was discussed. This to improve the status of ldren, women and th eir homes in Columbia, South America. Hostess Mrs. Len RUVOYand her assistants ser; ved lunch. Mrs. James McAl- lister conducted games ,and contests for be young et. The program 0nvrwre Mrs. J.,. Corbett and 1Virs. J. ited Church on Sunday morn- 1V1eAl11stet. Ur- PO 104 Citrl lIsPe 1110. Visiting" wi,th.their daughter and son-fnTaw, St. aad.Mrs; Cary Merritt of TpstiN allfarnia- Plan for March. ;HMO* ' • ltdrS. 'William. Fuss was hos- tess At her •home Wednesday "veiling for be ,Oanuary meet. ing o Trensall Hinette Club, when a letter $roni their adopt- ed 'child in Italy was read. Dis- cussion centred, around the March of Dimes scheduled for January 29th when the village will be canvassed. Mrs. Fuss won the raffle. Present Bench A kneeling bench, presented by the family, in loving, mein ory of Clendon Christje, was dedicated during the Morning' worship service at Hensall Vn _ WE ARE JUST BACK FROM THE FURNITURE SHOW AND WE NOW HAVE A DELIG.HTFUI4 SELECTION OF, 'CHESTERFIELD SURES AT BOX FURNITURE Phone 527-0680 Seaforth 1 Demonstrating the uniqUe characteristics of high freglien^ ey. electricity, , Dr, Irwin 4. Moon, Director of Moody bet- tute of Science in Whittier Cal, among other things, allArS a million volts of electricity, to pass though his liodY being iniiired in the film "Facts of Faith" being **shred by Bethel Bible Church, Saturilal evening in Seafsrth, Publit School. , In addition to the film, music will include a ladies' trio and corOnetist from Dayfieldi 'Bap- tist Church. Honor Minister Prior to Mine About 60 Were in attendance at the regular evening service at Bethel Bible Church, Sunday, January 14, which was in the form of a farewell for Rev. and Mm. Floyd Shantz and family, who plan to leave shortly for missionary service. in ' Lima, Peru. Mr.. and Mrs. S,hantz gaye words of testimony and thank- ed the people of Bethel for their kindnesses and lasting friendships. A' mixed .quartette, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knetsch and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Jones render- ed selections. - • Rev. Dwight Patterson, speak- ing on "God's Gifts to -the Church" emphasized the fact that Je'sus' Christ, the head- of the Church, places his servants in various localities in order_to fulfill his purpose and urged support .Of Mr. and Mrs. Shantz. Following the service, a. sit• ye?, eream and. sugar set was presented to Mr. and 11as. Shantz by Mr. Chris Knetsch, chairman of the hoard, on be- half of, the congregation. The congregation wished Mr. ,and Mts. Shantz and their children,' Dale, 'Stephen,l)ebbie and Pat- sy, God's blessing. , - How This Hewspaper Helps Advertisers., •By earning this 'symbol L, A well known symbol is like a good reputation -L diftfult ' to establish and even 'more difficult to maintain. During your daily activities - 1iyour store or in yqur home - You come into contact with many trade marks • that symbolize an assured measure of performance or quality. They may range from initials on an electrical appliance to, words like "sterling" or "prime." Like its counterparts, the membership symbol of the Audit Byreau of Circulations* provides you with a reliable ' measure of our circulation performance, based on the highest standards known for either print or broadcast media. The ABC symbol nnot be purchased - it must be earned through performance. Continued use of this symbol is predicated on our ability to maintain these highest standards of circulation value. Whenever you think of advertising media, it will pay you to ask, "Does it measure up to ABC standards?" You can be mire it doesif you use the advertising columns of - THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 • *This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nonprofit, cootive association of Publishers, advertisers, and advertising agencies. Our chyulatioh is audited Z at regular intervals by experienced ABC circulation auditors and their reports are made 0 available to our advertisers without obligation. • , ' MEASURE OF seRvica...PAARK OF INTEGRITY &Woo, rey Ji til The„ 3natilintot maattnit- Ole/TOWIOU4R .COtittna was 2144 'Oh 41,1nurY titn, P4001 WAtt 44 Members present. t )iteev0 C.,lifferd Dunbaran4.• C0142c44P4'a icelaeth,,Bray, ArialArPO4 Ward, Thorn - as 444 Me4111tle Lamont Wig t120 oath ot otape hetpre the *rig. , - Rev. J. C„Drusli oL Moles- worth Presbyterian Church, 9Pened the meeting witn a 40, votional period. Ile Was thank- ed on benalf of the c,oiniCA1 by Reeve Clifford R. Dunbar and by the following resolution: That the appreeiatipn- of the Grey Township Council be ex- tended to ReV. J. C. Brush for services at the inaugural meet- ing of council. The following resolutions were. ,passed: That Clifford R. Dunbar and Alex' Pearson be appoin- ted to Mount Pleasant Cem- etery Board for a two year term. , :That the Ethel Coirimunity Centre Board.be appointed as follows; Alex Pearson; Brueet .4peiran and John Conley from Ethel; Mrs. Thos. Ma,cFariane and Mrs. Cecil Rayn,ard rep- resenting the Ethel Women's Institute, and Melville Lamont and Clifford R. Dunbar rep- resenting Grey To w n s hip CounciL That Charles Thomas and Kenneth Bray be appointed sto the Cranbrook Community Centre Board. 'That Clifford R. Dunbar be appointed representative, •to the Maitland Valley Conserva- tion ,Authority. , ' That membership fees be paid to the Ontario GO o d Roads Association $15.00 and Association of Rural Munici- palities $15.00 That Bert Fisher be granted a 'rebate of 1967 taxes inthe amount of $22.27 for barn bur- ned on S.pt. Lot 67, Conces- sion 1; and James Beirnes be granted a' rebate of 1967 taxes in the amount of $29.04 for loss of barn, on E1/2 Lot 12, Concession 6. . That ,the assessment f o r $1,700 f o r ;building on S.pt. Lot 67, Concession 1, owned by Bert Fisher, be removed for 1968 taxes, That all approved accounts be paid. That meeting be adjourned to 1 p.m. February 5th, 1968 or at the call of the Reeve. The following accourits were paid: Rev. J. C. Brush, attendance at inaugural meet- ing, $5.00; County of Huron, tax collections charges, $368 .54; County of Huron, leafy spurge account, $148.44; Township of Elma, Bleckert D re in assessment, $218.57; Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion of Rural Municipalities, membership fee; $ 1 5 . 0 0; Town of Listowel, fire calls to- Bert Fisher and Gordon Clarke, $479.00; Ontario Hy- dro, Molesworth street light,, ,$23.13; Leona Connelly, sheep kilted, $228.00; Lloyd Weber, sheep killed, 4290.00; Ross Stephenson, fox bounty, $4.00; Nelson Hanna, fox bounty, $24.00; Murray Ross, fox bounty, $4.00; BP Canada Ltd, furnace oil, office, $17.26; BP Canada Ltd., furnace oil, welfare, $71.78; Town of- Lis towel, nursing home account, $21.00; Rent for welfare, $10. Welfare. December, $233.77; Jim Dobson. garbage collec- tion, Ethel, $20.00; Roads and Bridges, $3,772.38; Total $5, 968.87. CROMARTY Cromirty ladies who attend: .ed the annual meeting of Strat- ford Presbyterial in Knox Pres- byterian Church, Stratford, Wed- nesday, were Mrs. Mac Lamond, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. Mervin Dow, Mrs. Charres Douglas, Mrs. William Harper. and Mrs. Eldon Allen. „ Mr. and' Mrs. T. L. Scott at- tended the funeral of an aunt, the late Mrs. Jennie Wilson, whose death' occurred' at the Blue, Water Nursing Home, Zur- ich. Mrs. Wilson was a sister -in, law of Mrs. E. Moore and had many friends at Cromarty. Bur- ial took place at Lindsay on Wednesday. • Word has been received by Mrs. Alex Ramsey of the death of ,her mother, Mrs. McIntosh, in Winnipeg recently. The late Mrs. 'Macintosh was formerly a respected, resident of Cromarty nd will be kindly rememibered y mahy friends here. - BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Alex Paterson celebrated) fortieth anni- versary o fay with a family dinner. and Mrs. Paterson have a farm -af--ohe daughter, Mrs. Allan Hill and two sons, Jim, London and Ronald of Cal- gary, Alta. In the evening, neighbors- held a surprise party. The evening was spent playing euchre and a social hour. 'Mr. and Mrs. Paterson were presen- ted with a gift by Mrs. Broad - foot from their neighbors and friends-. Mrs. M. Sholdice, Exeter, is visitinewith her daughter, mt. A. Paterson and Mr. Paterson. Miss Sharon Burdge, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wil- liam Burdge. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Falconer left this peek for their new home at Armstrong, Ont. ^ Mt. John Broadfoot is a pat- ient In Seaforth, Hospital. Mrs. A. Hain and Miss M. E. Swan spent Thursday In Lon- don. *mos orosiTor4 swoon% „ 134R41IN 1A00:10F DIES/ CARDIGANS , ,PlitiLOVERS NrestIy one of a kind. SALE ?.?itet:'f2,9r5a"e' Reg' •. 5.06 to 11.09 riussosiymmxpes 5 CAR C Famupus palms) qualifies, fpzes lotp 40 ot4. values 27.00, tow- 15'400. SALE OF WABASSO FITTEp SHERTS, P‘pular, fitted style in flowered and strip d pattern or plain shades. A real buy at these prices! CLEARANCE RACK OF DRESSES Values to 0:95 Mies 11 to 18 and 14 1/2 to.221/2 SAVE NOW AT SINGLE BED SIZE REGULAR $4.95 DOUBLE BED SIZE REGULAR $5.95 sAlm. 2.99 glux :3!99 GREAT SALE OF,LADIESs HALF-SIZE DRESSES Sizes 12% to 24% Values to $29.95 $ Special clearance ' HALF PRICE SALE OF DRESSES • Misses sizes, 7 to 20 Regular 19.95 to 29.95 A fine choice of styles One of a kind to clear at HALF PRICE Great January Sale of Famous WARREN K. COOK Made -To -Measure Suits The finest clothes, fOr the man who wants the best - Hand Tailored to your ,individual taste by master craftsmen - A "Once in a year"LBatgain event \you shouldn't miss. Choose a regular suit or a troplical weight for next slimmer. • DELIVERY. WILL TAKE TWO MONTHS REGULAR 125.00 TO 150.00 SUITS SALE 95.00,. to 120.09 One of a Kind, From Regular Stock Men's "Ready -to -Wear" These left over suits are all pure wool :worsteds that sold up to 65.00: We must clear out these broken lines now. This- redicu- Ions price will do it. Mostly Regular Suits, with ,a few Shorts and Tells Also SUIT SALE ,• I Letter it - Yourself eacuaaggi sSTENCILS Roman and Gothic Faces From 1" to 6" Letters BRISTOL: Lightweight, all colors Heavy, 6 -ply white, 4 -ply colors STAPLERS: . We new carry an, assortment -of Desk and Hand Staplers at economical prices. See our assortment of famous quality SWINGLINE Machines, our Imported Line, and our Mark - well Staplers. FROM ' 69c • Staples are stocked for all machines which we carry. " FOLDERS Letter size, each 6c Legal size, each '7c PENS Bic's Pens 10 for 49c 10 for 59c - 100 for $4.15 - 100 for $4.95- Papeimate Pens TYPING PAPER (in pads of 100 sheets) 19c and 25c from $1.29 65c •ALSO CARBON PAPER, COPY PAPER, PENCILS, COL- ORED PENCILS, MARKERS, ERASERS, CLIPBOARDS "Since 1860, Serving the Community First"