HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-18, Page 4T14"Uat°1 IPC.P9SY4)114 4EAF°I,Tie Otftv JAN % I$ 94$ You Are Invited To See • FACTS QF FAITH A Sound Coloured Science Rini, as Shown it Expo '67 Plus • A Ladies' Trio and Coronetist At Seaforth Public School Auditorium • SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1967 Sponsored By BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents THE VILLAGE GUILD at the SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE, Saturday, January 20th 9:00 to 12:00 , Dress — Semi Formal Admission $1.00 We Reserve the Right to Refuse Admission FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Dial 527-0240 -- Seaforth n SEE THEM ALL! 22nd CANADA FARM &INDUSTRIAL • EQUIPMENTSHOW COLISEUM BUILDINGS, EXHIBITION PARK TORONTO, ONTARIO JANUARY 24•25•26•27•1968 Get yourfree admission ticket fronyour local Farm Equipment Dealer • ST . , LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs, TATO L_X€Oft'ey dagg- er Of Eangk .0eaelb, NOW1/2 YPrko. are spending • a holiday.. Nvith' ,frieha in Paderich and with, her Oarents, Mr. 840 M. ter 4olnerville in MeNillop. Mr, and Aira. rtnelsin Keyes, Cornell ve.,Kiteh4tter, en- tertain.ed 'their brothers, nei ces, nephews and families for dinner arid a sociarget-tegeth- er on Saturday, Their daughter, Joan and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Bindernagel have recently re- turned home after spending two years in Unganda, Africa and will be taking up residen- ce in Wisconsin USA in a few weeks where John will be tak- ing a three year course to fin:- ther his education. Those at- tending were from OrIllia ,Varna., Seaforth, Woodstock Baden and Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken Brockel- burst, of Stratford visited her arents Mr. and Mrs. David 'Hoover over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turn- ' 'hill, left on Monday to spend a few weeks in Florida. . Miss Anne Sharp and Janet spent last week -end at home t here. SPS In Winter Dress While January snow storms have created many prOblems they also at the same time have resulted in attractive settings Sueli as this picture of the entrance to Seaforth Public School, ten on a recent stormy morning. (Expositor photo by Haley.) Stormy Day (Continued from Page 1) Life long Liberals, the couple received congratulations on •Wednesday from Prime Minis- ter L. B. Pearson. Members of the -family and friends are planning a recep- tion in their honor at the Leg- ion Hall On Saturday night. An Expositor Classified will pay you. dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240.. EUCHRE in St. Columban Hall Thurs., Jan. 18th at 8:30 p.m. followed by program and lunch. Admission 50c Are You Ine of the • People Who Read •The Huron Expositor Occasionally?': JUST SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING! Why be an occasional reader? Regular readers know the com- plete news coverage lPhe Expositor provides They appreciate the money -saving ads, the interesting features, the news of churches and societies. They Watch for The Expositor pictures. • Read The Expositor Every -Week Call us collect, or drop us a note and we'll start a Subscription in your name. You may pay later. lmimmmwimiliiimmmmimMmmimimwuW • THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth, Ontario Plekse enter a Subscription in the name of: NAME ADDRESS • FROM: ADDRESS 0 Indicate here if Gift Card to be sent. 0 $5.00 etelosed (CANADA) El Please bill me "0 $8.50 enelosed,(T1SA and ELSEWHERE) -NEWS of ZION Sympathy is extended to the Mahaffy 'family in the loss of their mother Mrs. Nellie Mahaf- fy who was buried on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Fort Erie, were guests of, his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ron- ey Saturday night and visited his mother, Mrs. Leslie Williams Miphell on Sunday. Mr. Larry Barker was home from his work in LOndon last .week, with a very bad cold. Miss Nancy Lannin is expect- ed home from. Seaforth Hospital on Monday, where she has Wen a patient for the past ten days. Name Euchre Winners A successful euchre was held' at St. James! auditorium on ,Fri - Prize winners were: • ladies! high, Mrs.. John Shea, St. Col- umban; lone hands, Mrs. Jos- eph Lane, Seaforth; ladies' low, Mrs. John Van Geffen, Seaforth; men's high, Bob Smith, Sea - forth; men's low, J. M. Eckert, Seaforth; lone hands, Wilmer Cuthill, Seaforth. Birthday near- est Jan. 12, Mrs. Julia Flanni- gan. The euchre was convened by Mrs. James Kelly and Mrs. Ken Vincent. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. ism Parsons, (nee Sally Moulton) Friday, January 26th Staffa Hall LAMPKIWS ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch 4.0.4,........0.01•••••••••••;s0.**ftro. •EUCHRE in I:0.0.F. Hall Wed., Jan. 24th at 8:15 p.m.--- • AOMISSION: 50 CENTS Lunch Served Sponsored by the Oddfellows EUCHRE C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, Jan. 19th 9 p.m. Admission 50c , Ladies Please Bring 'Lunch si•••••••••••••••••:••••••••••••••••sess.....Mss•soPs.Prolisssass:••••••••••••• • KEEP IN MIND Knights of Columbus • St. Patrick's , Dance Legion Hall, Seaforth Sat., March 16th Admission $1.50 eack by ticket only and limited to those 21 end over. Tickete available from K of C rhenibert soon. The UCW of Zion Church met at the home pf Mrs. Lawren,ce Hannon on Wednesday after- noon. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Glenn Pepper with Mrs. Charles- Roney, Mrs. Earl Barker —taking part. The study book on Japan was taken by; Mrs. Lawrence Barker, fol- lowed by a reading by Mrs. Robert Roney. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Lloyd Barker. The ladies quilted a° quilt during the afternoon. Lunch was served by (the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. R. S. Aikens. Former Resident Tranferred To Europe VItilirlani, T. Erotic who hat been on the staff of the Toron- to -Dominion Bank in Montreal, has been -transferred to London., England, where he will be as- signed to the Midland and In- ternational Bank of which the Toronto -Dominion Bank- is a partner. Mr. and Mrs. Brock and fam- ily left (Wednesday from, Mal - ton for their new home hi 'Lon- don. Mr. Brock is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock, RR 1, Crom- arty and is a graduate of SDHS, OAC, Guelph and University of Western Ontario. He joined the staff of the bank in 1963, fol- lowing his graduatiOn. from the University of Western Ontario, where •he received his MA in business administration. Schools Forced (Continued from Page 1) breaks occurred Monday after- noon and evening. Seaforth co-operated with oth- er district centres in coming to the aid of Londo, n where a week- end ice st&m resulted in large areas of the city being without 'hydro. PUC manager Walter .Scott and) linesman Charles Reeves with a bucket hoist truck, worked in the city aid- ing in. the repair of damaged lines. Smiles... A Washington newspaper man was hiterviewing a noted scientist who had just been assigned to the Atomic Energy Commision. Ile noticed that the great scientist was wear- ing a rabbit's foot on WS ,key chain. "VOL' don't mean to tell me," said the newspaperman "that you , a man *dedicated to science,believes in that old superstition?" "Certainly. not," said the scientist, "but a friend of mine tells me it's supposed to bring you luck whether you believe In it or not." "11.1 never forget iny wed- ding day," said Joe. "When the time came, I couldn't find the rino. Boy did I get an awful fright," "Yes," said his friend, "r. knew, and you've still got her." A small boy was 'proudly ,showing off his new baby 'sis- ter, but his little friend scof- fed at her red, face. "Well." the brother retorted, "I guess your face would be red, too, If you had to- come all the way from heaVen on a bet day like thie," Winchelsea Mr. and Mrs. Sanford' Hutton, Dennis and) Dianne, visited on Saturday with.' Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Phelke of Monkton and Mr. and Mrs. John (Hutton of Listowel, Mr: Harry Cole of London, spent, Saturday with Mr. and' Mrs. Freeman Horne and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hem and - family visited on Sunday eve- ning with Mrs. John,,Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Sanfo1rd' Hutton, Dennis and Diann, visited' on Sunday with Mr. aricl Mrs. Al- vin Fulton and Larry. Mrs, William Walters visited on Thursday with Mrs. Ross Mithers and Larry of Exeter. Miss Kathy Hern of Clinton spent the tveekend with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mrs. Ross Beavers of Exeter, visited on Friday with Mr. an Mrs. Gordon Prance. 'EUB Church (Continued from. Page 1) the view of 'baptizing them when they joined the church. The urch he said will also retain its broad position of an open communion table. Mr. Sim, who is also Pastor of Calvary United Church,'Listowel REV. GEORGE SIM said the congregation was look- ing forward to further fellow- ship with other United Churches in the area, as well as all de- nominations. AFTERNOON EUCHRE In I.O.O.F. Hall Thurs., Jan. 25th 2 p.m. Admission 50c Lunch Served Aiuspices Order of Eastern Star „.. CASH. •BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Jan. 19t11 815 p.m. 15 Regular Games for .$10.00 Three $25.00 Games Jackpot $75.00 to go Two Door Prices (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Card§ 25e or 1 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion PROOMOS FOR _WrZFARE WORK .1 4 9NINILJNITY.:couRco 5ERvicE4 $T, PATOIVWS CHTACTI? 0031,411s1 SunAay, ,JamiarY 21; 200 GUEST, PREACHER REV; AN MILIS, Presidotit ofLondon Conference, 'United Church pveryone Welcome WANT AD. S BRING .QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527:0290 Friday Night Mac McDonald Saturday Night .The, Harburns BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS S9uthirn Fyied Chicken HURON HOTEL • Dublin Sorry King Gannom couldn't make it this week Now Playing: • BUD ROBERTS and the BORDER MEN UIEEN'S HOTEL Entertainment - in the Red Knight Room - Friday' Night— Clarence Petrie Satin**, Night -- Elgin Fischer In the Ladies' and EscerW Roam Briley • Sing -A -Long with PRAM4 at the Hammond Organ EVERY ` FRIDAY and SATURDAY COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Senforth ' • 011A INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY PORT ELGIN vs. SEAFORTH TUESDAY, JANUARY 23rd SEAFORTH ARENA TIME: 8:30 ADMISSION 50 cents and 25 cents "roomanoromarso....m................%••••■ftwoiftaisso•fteme....i.ioftwoomftwo• •REUNION DANCE of Presenl\,and Former Members of the SDHS GIRLS' TRUMPET -BAND FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th 9:0A0 1:00- c. at SDHS Auditorium Music by Stan Skipper • All present and former members and 'their • p'arents are invited. yOU hate not been contacted, Call the school or any band member for an invitation. ' .A.mission $2.00 Per Couple