HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-11, Page 9After Chris USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Loot, Strayed .3. Found 4- Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 6. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11- Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy tee Wanted 14. Property For Vale 15- Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Reit 18, Property Wanted 10. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals , 27. Births .28. Deaths - 29. Marriages Classified ads are -inserted at a rate of 3 cents- per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1.3 and 17 minimum: '65c. Classifica- tions 21, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. AT other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates an application. For cash payment or if paid within 10 days following last insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. finminz Events COMING EVENTS- A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, January 10th, 1968, at 2:00p,m. at the Health. Unit Office, Seaforth Community Hospital Seaforth.1 These will be held at weekly Intervals for nine weeks. Those intereated are invited to attend on the above date, or phone the . Public Health Nurse, Seaforth. 527-1243, be- tween 9:00 - 9:30..a.m. or 4:30 -5:00 p.m. 1-07e2 • PARENTS' NIGHTS CENTRAL HURON SECON- DARY SCHOOL, CLINTON. Parent teachers interviews , will be held on two evenings, TuesSday. January 16th, Sur- name' beginning with "A" to "L". Thursday. January 18th lSurnemee beginn•ne with "M" to "Z" All students were is - tied With a letter to their par- ents staking particulars as to time and procedures to be followed on these two eights. R. J. Homuth B. A. Principal. MONDAY, January 2 9 t Tuckersmith Federation Of Agriculture Annual Meeting and Banquet in Egmondville Church at 7 'p.m. Gordon Hill member of the Special Com- mittee on Farm Income will be guest speaker. Tickets at $2.00 each are available from the Federation Directors. 1-09-2 4. Help Wanted HELP WANTED - Woman for part-time Work. Seaforth ,Manor, 15116fie 527-0030. -2 _ MAN or woman to work in a snack bar from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday. Work to start Jan. 2, 1968. Apply Huron Expositor, Box 1692. 4-04-6 WANTED Girl for local store. Full or pert time (half days). Must be neat in appearance and enjoy waitine on the pub- lic. Apply to Box 1698 Hurep Expositor. 4.084f MAN or woman to workofron snack bar from 3 pone to 1010 p.m., Monday to Friday. Anl: 'Huron Expositor. 'onee 1692. •" , 4-09-0 HELP WANTip • YOUNG Man with grade -12 educatinn to learn the bardelhft field. Good salary, 'benefits. rapid progress if an interest shown. Apply in person to THE MANAGER, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, Ontario. 4-08-3 GOOD-Newi'for older man. Real opportunity for a profi- table Rawleigh business' -in part Huron County. - Write Rawleigh, Dept. A-363-903, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 4-094 s• MALE HELP WANTED Average $3.50 - $4.00 per hour unloading grain boats - part time but yearly earnings run to $2,500,00 - espeeially suited -to farmers. call: THE GODERICH ELEVATOR and TRANSITCOMPANY LTD. hone524-7361 and ask for Mr'. McConnell. mas ; gr.„4 4. Help Wanted 11. Articles For Sale 19. Notices , I 21. Tenders Wanted RELIEF cok "to work one or 500 BALES cd mixed hay, i of charge:For-the Most prottiPt 17th, 1909, for completion of I two days a week, also: lady quantitY• of mixed grain, La- and • courteous service in this tiOning equipment for Sea- t° help in a.m. with patients. ' vera t Godkin, RR1 Walton, district PleaSe call collect forth, Communit yllospital. Kilbarchan Nursing Home,- P1e1te\-527-1877. 11-09x11 Ph phone 527-0860 between 9 SHELLED corn, --mixed grain , MARLATT BROS. Seaforth, Ontario. - a.m. euid •12 noon. one 133 - Brussels, Ont. The lowest or any tender Ken Cainpbell, Dublin, 4-09-1 phone '527o13 1 -0137. - 11-09-2•I ONE rof heavy duty half- 24 hour service -7 days a week not necessarily accepted. LICENSE NO. 390-065 seDrawings and speeificatione inch traetor cheins to fit 14- m 5. Bus. Opportunities. ay be obtained from the Ar. 19-044f VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser. chitect's office _ vice for all makes, Filter Queen Seafcirth Community Hospital, Sales. Varna, Phone 262-5250, c/o Barnett & Rieder - Hensel. 100441 Hymmen, Architects, ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd- 2'79 Qeen Street Seuth, Sales and Service, 'authorized Kitchener, °Marie. dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- 21-08-2 house St., Goderich, phone 524 I 6514. 19-044 NEW YEAR -NEW CAREER 3.0 size tire. Like oieve condi- Jain Avon in the exciting bus- ben. Ken RYan, RRL Dublin. Phone 102 R 5. iness of selling cosmetics. good 11-09-1 income. No experience neces- ONE Good irair of hockey sary. We train. For informa. gloves size 7 to 11 years• in tion, write or 'call collect eve- best condition. Hardly used. flings. . Phone 527-0452. 11-09x1 'Mrs. M. Mills:a REGISTERED German Shep- _ 17 Hawkesbury Ave., herd pope on special low price London, phone 451-0541 during JanuarY, Phone Gnd Maorreakthrough - erich 524-6595- or 524-7135 l coffee at Work 5c a Cop NEW and USED Fire Exting- Part Time...Vacancy uishers various types. rechar- COFFEE-Breaks Ltd. have Res, complete recharg'ng openingsfor Men & women services. Fowler NfasonerY Ser ' to own & service the esien„ vices Mitchell. Ph. 348-9036. plex Fresh Brew Coffee Un- 11-03-8 on profitable established SAMOYED puppies, George locations. Love. Walton. 11-094 An investment of $1.800 is HoHNER evereln fano ac - during working hours. 11-09-3 re ired 1 o qu o mmence. Bank financing available. With a coretion in ton condition. Best cash offer. Phne 527-0162. minimum of $250 deposit for } 11-08-3 individuals with good credit rfeRD 20 odThi1king clews standing. BOX 1699 The Huron Expositor 5-08-2 S. Farm Stock For Sale 60 PIGS, call-Thri-h-.-Poppe 40-R-14 Dublin. 8-09x1 PUREBRED Lacombe boars, registered, with $25 govern- ment premium. Average back - fat probe .97. Contact George Townsend, RR3 Seaforth. phone 527-0096. 8.09x2 SEVEN chunks, Doug Racho Rnt2 Dubbn,phone 84 R 9 8.09x1 OEHerefordcalf, 2 weeks old. Gib Murray, phone 23 R 20 Dublin. 8-09x1 BULL celf. also thirty pigs 11 weeks old, Ted Van Doke RR3 Seaforth phone 527-1435. 8-09x1 WINE pigs. 8 weeks nld, Jack Patrick, phone 527-0047. 8-09-1 _ _ oNE crossbred Hereford and RI-wet-1nm anratr due -Tan. 10, ene .Tees•aY heifer fine P.Nbi n bnth hrod Trfnrd'Ken str.wart RR5 Seaforth - 1527. 8-09-1 .97PrmItiv For Sale _ • - 2000 Knriber pellets, 20 'arks. nid .Tanpary 13th. Mnore's Poultry Farm, phone 527-1ene, 9-0613 V-PVTR.FIR LEGHORN nay nol 1-1(1 Startod PulletFy SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD.' Seaford' Phone 527.0847 • Brix 1110 ' 9-04-ff 10. luqed Cars For Safe 1959 PONTIAC, 4 door, 6 cYll. Automatic with radio, 4 new white wall tires, dark green, newshoeks, woman driver. $250. Phone 527-0448, -t , 1961 COMET, six cy-linder, ' four door sedan, automatic, fair condition.. Phone 527-1930_ 10-09x1 11 'Articles For Sale 3.00.0 BALES of mIxed hay, Dan O'Connor, Dublin phone 34-R-9 11-0811 • PIERCED • EARRINGS 1/2- PRICE • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-09-ff ONE -HUNDRED and eighty gallon water tank with jacket heater. Wringer washing ma- chine, good condition. Best offer. Phone 527-1103.11-08.3 Winter Clearance It is our business to iive com- fort and' aave ,you money. , /IA& :11010,80N Family Shoes and Repairs OUR ia,ipplt rAttra TR'ACTOR•TIRE CHAINS feature Durability, sure grip, extra weight, low, low cost. Example - 1 set 11 x28, weighs about 200 lbs., costs $72.60, freight pre- paid. ALL SIZES IN STOCK Write or phone for quote your size. Visco Products Ltd. 4006 Dundas St. W., Tgrento 9, Ontario Phone 763-4601 11-04-3 MOTO-SKI snowmobile, Pio- neer and Canadien chain saws, used saws, eomplete parts dnd service for Pioneer stints. Call Roberto Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clinton, phone 482-9292. 11-02-6 TIM WATCHtS "- SOLD AN SERVICED THRoUGH ANSTETT • JEWELLERS LTD. ; 1144ff and surge pumn and two milk- ers. 6 can milk center. Cor nnrcers--527-0856 R144 forth. 11-09-1 ,WATCHES Req. to P?9.95 values TO CLEAR $19.95 • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-09-tf 12. Wanted To 13uv LARGE diningreem coloirred glass fixture. iren t^ble lamp with coloured glass shade. set- tee; desk, old dishes. lamps, , furniture, pictnre frames, iew- ; I ederv, etc. Write 13nx 198.., ighairegneare, Ontario. nhene 69,5-8735. 12-04:5 I TEA wagon. dinner set of ,Lineeepe Ratiarfan china a pearl ember -et nin WriNs 411 n Ontarin St. Stratford:Ont.. phone 271-1494. . 12..04-5 14. Pionertv, For Sale FOR SALE' In the VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD Suitable home for Bachelor, Single Lady or couple. terms ar- ranged. For further particulars, contact: - ADAM FLOWERS, Hayfield 1407-2 BUYING?? SELLING?? , REAL ESTATE CONTACT • Williani M. Hart SALESMAN SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD 15. Property For Rent TWO or three bedroom house, modern convereencies, avail- able Januar t 1st. Phone 482- 7548. ' 15-06-2 3 -BED Room, frame home on highway 8, oil beat, all mod. ern conveniences. Call 4 Dub- lin after 6 o'clock. 15-09x2 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, Brus- sels Or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. -- °19-0441 neo - REG SMITH Rows Veil& letterinn,window banners, shoWeeardv•Aand higirWay bufletititAte. ,,,•THONE 40093 Corner of EaStitinid High Streets, Clinton. 10-04-tf WATCH REPAIRS 'FAST SERVICE. All work 'guaranteed ' • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 •Seaforth • SEPTIC TANKS 22. Legal Notices CLEANED Modern equipment. Weguaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- In the Estate of 1406., 19-04ff HAROLD CHESTER STIVER ALTERATIONS and dressma- All persons having claims king at low prices. Save Trion- ey by having your clothes. agabist the Estate of Harold Cnester Stiver, late of the made and wear your favorite Towhship of Tuckersmith, in styles. Phone 527-1615, Mrs. the -County of Huron, Retired Judy McMichael, 55 Brantford Salesman, deceased, who died Street, Seaforth, Ontario. on the 29th day of August, 19-064f 1967, are hereby notified to STORE Open at 12:15 noon send in full particulars of their on Mondays during January. claims to the undersigned on Savauge Jewellers (opposite or before the 25th day of Jan - the post office) '.,„ 19-08-4 uary, 1968, after which date CUSTOM snow removal. Prompt the assets will be Bistributed. service. Allaloney Bros., phone having regard only to claims 108 R 9, Dublin. 19-04-ff then received. ARE YOU prepared -for your DATED at Seaforth, this 1967 Income Tax Return? For 2nd day of January, 1968. information and consultation, write Staffa Enterprizes, 108 Brampton Road, London, Ont. ario. 19-08-6 FINANCING Arrangements available now to responsible hog feeders at Topnotch Feeds Ltd., Seaforth, Ontario, phone 527-1910. 10-09-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS PLAN -tow:ard7finaii-Cial irid. pendance by investing regu- larity in Canada's most dy- namic mutual- fund, Arneriean Growth FunLtd. Plans avail- able‘Afrom . rto $200 per month. Inves eate new - Fred (Ted) Savauge 527-15O2. 19.09 -1 - NOTICE Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tucker - smith, aee requested by the Council to not park cars on Township Roads and streets during the winter months -in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. • Council will not be respon- sible for damages to any vehi- cles parked on roads or streets Council requests that the residents of the Township of Tuckersnrith do not push or dumn snow on Township Roads. JAMES I. McINTOSH Clerk•Treasurer Tuckersmith 19-09-3 TRI . TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for INCOME TAX - T4's Cornnlete record prepara- tion and maintenance. Phone 482-9260. , 19-09-tc Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE of household effects in ,the Village of Grand Bend. Lake Roaa on Saturday, Jan n0th, at 1 pan. sharp. Blue Floral Chintz chesterfield and chair, (like new). Normende stereo combination radio and record player, two Queen Ann oc- casional chairs 'and footstools, 1 ,21 inch television, brass coffee table, two mahogpny tiered end tables, two walnut end table, nest of tables, electric lamps, pole lamps,oriental li- ving room rug 11 x 17, ,maple dining room suite, extension table, six rush upholstered at% two hvtehn (nice new), ,wrought iron dinner wagon, ogiteoef wrought •iron tables, vtritiliOgony four poster bed- room suite, (like new), bed- , e.1 e: tables, platform rocker, ±ug, modern walnut bedroom sUlte, cedar chest, -hall runner,. .re,tisrood table,two chaise I 'Win -igen eight lawn . chairs, I large frigidaire with deep freeze, medical instruments, i metal examination table, I small tric clock, Westinghouse auto- I frig, typewriter, elec- matic washer, Frigidaire dry- er, electric vacuum cleaner, - four leatherette chairs, two sectional settees, two coffee tables. hall tree, flat top 'maple desk, flat top walnut desk and chair, three arm chairs, two metal cabinets, utility table, dishes, power lawn mower, (like new).flnwer pots. -elec- tric edger, garden tools, house- plants. ••••' TERMS - CASH , Estate of late Dr. E. A. Mc- Master. wse ET,T.TOT. AuCiinneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 20-09-2 19 -04 -ti NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone -by Sat- urdAy night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seafdrtho, 5274946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 11 16, Dublin Call Collect 19:04-tf MeLAUGHLIN Body Shop, re- pairs and painting,- glass and vinyl roof installation, free es- timates, call 527-0526. 19-044f DEAD STOCK Highest cash pries paid or fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay %c PER LB. welgiling over. 500. lbs.. . °ntalt animals picked up free ,.1. Tentierq Wanted TENDERS - WANTED Tenders will be reeieved by- the undbmigned Until 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, January --McCONNELL 8; STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the . Administrator 22-08-3 23. Business Dirextury Auctioneer, FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE -Phne 341-2465, Monk -ton • W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER • and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls - 527-0510 SEAF'ORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. •P. D. Cullis, D.V.MoV.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.1Vi., V.S. P. S. Dwyer, M.R.C.V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth Mc—CONNELL & STEWART Barristers, SolleitOrs, Etc. - P. D. McCONNELL Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 57-o850 Auctioneer and. , Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types af auction sales. ' Reasonable Rates.. Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482-31384 '3. Business Directory -A. M .HARPER Chartered Accountant -- 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and eareful attention Ambulance Service Flowers Por All Occasions ' Phones: Day527-0680 - Night 527-0685 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 to ig noon For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. .= Clinton Office A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 5274850 - Res, 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario G. ATWillrn4Ey FUNERAL' HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth .:4. Cards of Thanks Thefamilyof the late Rudy Petzke wish to express' their. sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. A. C. Blackwell, Dr. Wallace, Can- cer foundation, nurses and N. staff of South Huron °sill- tal, Bonthron Funeral Ch el, Pallbearers, beautiful flo al tributes, cards and letters . of sYoapathy. 24-09-1 Words cannot express our ap- preciation to those who were so 'kind to us at the time of our fire and after. • ,We. would like to give a special thanks to the,Seaforth Fire Department, Alvin• and Jean Hoff, Jim and Ruth Anne. - Jim and 'Eva Brown and family. 24094 in Memoriam WALMSLEY - In, loving memory of Mrs. Ada Maude Walrnsly who passed away January 2 1965. What peaceful hours we once enjoyed, • How sweet their memory still, But she has left an aching void, The world can never fill. • -Sadly miSed by her family. 25-09x1 6. Personals Mr arid Mrs Osborne J. Fal- kiner, Carlow, wish to an- nounce - the engagement of eir daughter Anne Jeannine to Anthona Peter Decoo, S. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. ' Decoo Seaforth. The wedding will take place in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, ' Goderich, Opt. on Feb. 3rd, 1968 at 11:00 a.m. 26-09-1 IFECEVItioINTI-S-k BOON AND BLESSING TO T4 -IE JUNIOR EXECUTIVE, if ENABLES HIM TO MAKE DECISIONS-E.\/EN SNAP DECISIONS - WITHOUT INTERFERENCE Biiths STEWART' z -fn -SeafOrth CommuPitY nosPital, to ISfr- and IVIrse.Murray St*Wart, Mitchell, January 3r4 as on. TAJLongturay-Holva itartaofOarrt11. and Beverly G. TaylOr, RR1 Staffe, January 8thea son, Garnet Wayne. DEBLAEMINCK Mr...and Mrs. Ralph Deblaeminck of near Centralia, formerly of aKirinppeen, a daughter, Kath - 48. Deaths McALLISTER Atirthur D. on Tuesday. January Sth 1968 at the Guel ph General Hospital. Dr. Ar- thur McAllister of George- town in his 92nd year. Be- loved husband of Annie El- liott and dear father of Jean of Toronto, Arthur E. 'Of Georgetown and tire TaTe Helen McAllister. Resting at the McClure Funeral Home, Georgetown from Thurselay evening until noon Saturday thenceto St: Johns United Chureh fOr_ funeral service at 2 o'cloelro Interment Greenwood C. metery. Flowers gratefully declined in favor of dona- tions to the Georgetown Memorial Hospital Fund. 29-09-1 Additional Classified SEE PAGE 16 of . Friends and 'neighbors itiat at the home of Mrs. Verne 4.17 . 4erOiee ,A0torcloy evening, to honor • mistoi Kathy°'McGregor with a miscelianemisi shower Prior to her fortheigaill# IVW riage. Tix? .evening was Vent in games, contests and piano selections. The bride WO seat* ". 13dI in a pretty decorated phair of pink and white streamers. The address was read by Mrs. ilobe# Bell. Lynn Alderdir4 And Linda Bell presented the Rifts in n deeorated ,basket. Kathy thanked, everyone, for, the,:many useful and .lovely gifts.-laMeh was served by Mrs. Verne Al. derdice and Mrs. Robert Bell. I News of St., ColuMbais IVIroand'iVirS. DOnSald CoYne and laiss,, wary, "Lou Cone Londiornnielsited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne.' A Chrence Maloney is a pa- tient in Stratford General Hos- pital. - Miss Jean Meledy, Brant- ford, spent the week -end at her home Mrs. V. J. Lane spent a few days at Arva at the home of Mr. and IVIrs. Ken Lane. Miss Karen Kale spent the week -end' in Toronto. Miss Patricia Coyne, Lon- don, visited tVIr. and Mrs. Michael Coyne. Classified Ads pay dividends. THE HOME TEAM Davey Keon he's HE CAN CI,400SO WHICHEVER CHANNEL HE LIKES -AND DECIDE'. IF THE SET SHOULD BE oON erz OFF 'on THAT 15, IF 15 NOBODY ELSE IN THE ROOM!' YOU REMEMBER WHEN 1 DON'T SUPPOSE WINTER WAS THE goer TIME. Oil ,',010/qPrilfil''' r Ho% Of0t1?1?ICKED ME t)P 'N UR -AD'S NEW CAR...111100K 140t3 'DIDN'T DARE ON E rt. TILL kets BAN6ED IT UP14 WHEN %NE 6ET To SNooPy's YOU CAN WALK AQOUND.... YOU STILL IN SCHooL,MANI • • , , SCHOOL'S A DRAG, MAN., .VoLl WANT To SPLIT, LIKE I 131O„..O.IT •n, AND LOOK Al WHAT HE DID To THIS SIPE OF 11 -ronAY (lOcel&HT slot) WERE 511LL IN negOon 1SEE YOO HERE EVERY AFTERNooN" 7 1 NWT:THINK OF m.o.., I ANYTHIN6 et.sE To Do YET