HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-11, Page 6• '1••••••• 1144. ,ffintor emP0BITGR, SOAFORT14, ONT., JAN, 11, 196i 11, B R.T; utugtp, •COMPANY HEAD OFFICE • EXETER, Ont. Directors: Martin Feeney 'KR. 2, Dublin President Clayton Calquhoun R.R. 1, Vice -President Science -Hill Wm. H. Chaffe R.R 4, Mitchell Tina Toohey R.R. 3, Lucan Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1 • Kirkton Robert G ardi net LIR. 1. Cromarty Aeents: Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coateb Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell Secretary/Freasurer: Hugh vat ern .1, Exeter 9vd , F/O and Mrs. 11,41Ph Ware - barn and Jeffrey tif .Qttawa visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and familY. Congratulations o Mrs. Mary Andersen who celebra- ted her 93rd birthday on Dec- ember- 29th. Mrs. Anderson makes her home with her granddaughter, Mrs. Gordon Johns, Mrs. Johns and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and family of Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller of Exeter and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Censtable of Welburn were Monday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller, Betty Jean and Bob. Miss June King and Miss Classified Ads iyay dividends. n,nn Parkinson attended tin. iNcomg ppc ring HERE- AGAIN I suggest that you file your return as quickly as possible. It will cost less in the end. If you need issistance, Phone 527-1250. H. G. MEIR Here's one way to cut fuel costs, reduce health hazards add prolong •,, fie life of your home and furnishings. A "Spring Air" Humidifier on your furnace will .• prevent those dry, brittle conditions that play havoc with furniture, drapes and carpeting. , It will also help eliminate 'headaches, stuffiness, dry throats and static electricity build-up. . • Reduces fuel bins Stops excessive wear and tear • Requires no electricity • Fully -automatic filling • Trouble-free operatioe Get all the details now &Ann this special offar. • SEAFORM FARMERS •,• Phone 5270770 Seaforth ilajAlpini You 'tic Conference Niagara Falls during the Past Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy were New Years guesta With Mr and Mrs. Chas. Stephen of Elimville. Visitors during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dick- ey and family were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 13rock and fam- ily of Elora, -Mr. and Mrs. Don Mesnica and family of Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morley and Danny of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ford and family and Mrs. Harry Ford of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of Welburn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sperling and Miss Ruth Horne of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horn 'and Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford and familY of Winchelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Levy and Mr. and Mrs. 'Ted Brine of Rannoch and Mr, and Mrs. Glenn,s,Cepeland were. Hatur 'day evening quests with Mr. and Mrs. John Redd - New Years Dey 'masts with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith; were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sweifzer and Barber& of Shipktn Mr. arick Mrs, Ron Sizer and Sherry of Stratford,t Mr. and and Mrs. Don Wilson and fam- of Lakeside, •Mr.-Franh.LevY• 'Hilda and Helen; of St. Marys, Mr. Gerald Webb of, Thorn - dale, Mr. and ivim Gerald Brintnell and family and Mr, and•enymrs. . Wm. Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCurdy and family of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Ross McCurdy Terry and Barry were Menday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family. were New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whyte and family of Sarnia Mr. David Knee of New ,Brunswick and Mr. Wm. Pink- nev of Port Crrnit visited for a few 'clays with Rev. and Mrs. Jelin King and June during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mills, Doris and Keith were monclay guests with Mr. and. 'Mrs. Martn Arenthal's and c.rir1 of Lucan: Mr. ad Mrs, .Reg McCurdy were Saturday evenng guests -nh Mr. and Mrs. Harvey I3ilyea of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns and 114-. Alex , Jenns were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns and family of ilderton, on Menclay: Mr. and Mrs. John Redd "nd family. Mrs. John Butters, ' Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler Copeland were Monday gslests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coneland and girlS. - - Mr. and•Mrs. B^b Marshall and Lana of Kirkton were Sunday guests with Mr. -and Mrs Reg lerelnuinnn Mr. an -M-q. John. Tomlin- son and family were Sunday nuents with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ' -,an Jaques and Harry of Zion. Lead League The O.H.A. Intermediate "B" and "C" League, released the following buli...tin January 2nd, showing the team stan- dings , and 'iriclivithiel -players results. — Team • staadings: Seaforth, 16 points; Chelten- hem, 15 points; Hespeler, 12 points:. Port Elgin, 11 points; Durham, 10 points; Acton, 8 points; Elora, .2 points. The eight top league scorers are: K Doig Seaforth, 9 goals, 29 assists for 38 points; J, MeLlwain Seaforth, 20 goals, 16 assists for 36 points; B. McLaughlin Seaforth, 17 goals. 13 assists, for 30 points; L. Kingston Port Elgin, 24 points; M. Finegan Cheltenam, 20 points; B. Beutenmiller Seaforth, 19 points; T. Dick Seaforth, 19 p'oints; M. Main Hespeler, 18 points. ".."( ••••14.4.7(1?'/..di: Special -Buys that knock Or ManWinter Cold! •.. • EArIADIFill TIRE Pr/ Pr er'0, , FRED TILLEY Prop. r Seaforth „ n.4 Ina gyffit , pen., .-Yberi • not ' Hibbert Tovvriship Council held .t. naugurat meeting and after oath of office was taken by ail members, Rev. A. Day. nerd on4ned the meeting with scripture reading, followed by. a ma _age of guidance and prayer. Cinff Miller and Henry Har- burn were appointed represen- tatis es to MODA for 1968 with Ross Mni- hail and Ronald Pin - der to represent the regulated hunt:ng area of Perth County, Earl R. Dick will be the Hib- bert renresentative to the Aus- able Int er Conservation Auth- ority for the year, Anne Bur- chill was again •appointed the. Welfare Administrator for the townShip. Regular council meeting will be held the first Monday of each month at '1 p.m.for the. months of Januray, February, March and Deeemher, an* the* months. of, AMU', tn, November inclusive will/ he -held, atnillp,m., at the Townehip.11allv swig, The asseasnient On the'Broacil- foot. drainnwas OrdernOnPakt to Tukudtb Tawnehipeandiathe Clerk- is -Lo co1lect...1min, the. as sessed owners, in HifiberttTown- ship, _ • ns . Membership fees otf $15 were ordered paid to the.Crond Roads. AssOciation and the„ Ontario As. sociation of Rural Municipali- ties. The Clerk was instructed to advertise for gravel tenders, to be opened at the regular meet- ing in February. IRoad accounts of $1,143.15 and f general -accounts in the amount , of $1 996 73 were order di pajd. j 1TM Ins a gvnt.td The IT IOW of- EgmencIVIlle 14444q!1:....4r,/i 4.1qt in 4A Sukday. Senna room of the church- Mrs. 16 Strong,. the president, oPened the meeting with a poem, eiliewtyear Reso- lution". Words of ,weleome by Mrs. Strong followed • with Mrs. R. McGonigle taking the dein- tional study being "Beginnings", followed by prayer. , The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. J. McIntosh. The meeting was opened for business. There are two ban- quets in January. The offering was received by IVIrs. R. McGon- igle and Mrs. W. Haney. Rev. D. Steven presided for the in- stallation of officers: President, Mrs, Leonard Strong; first vice- president, Mrs, S. Rose; second vice-president, s. , pietz; corresponding se0, Mrs. J. L McIntosh; recor4ing see., Mrs. Earl Papple; tr4aEturer, Mrs, J. C. MeIntosh; grntir/ leadiers, 1, Mrs, 4, l'orlyesp.,10... 2, Mrs. N. Garrett; No. 3, Mrs. W. Mint ey; No. 4; Mrsn.P.,Dallasn plan: ist, Durstc offinialrboard rep., Mrs. iL.;Strong# progrork Mias Hontattlit ,-*MisaniMite Smith, Mrs. 4.414trayMts. Strong; Stnireard i4 Md.- Hoyeser su rnitte, I.,Stirn r,e,. Mrs. j: it.Mrsse . D. „ •c;:n• OW= Olgf e s.4K"en! Me : Smith, As. • eqnrirgle, Mrs. M. Dietz; neniinating, Mrs. IC, :DartatISI McLean, Mrs-;e•Hrre;a,tird, e:osts7. aCnaodr itiwpn e rrs4D , M. ;INrsott;,; • .cdotv emmcoretniniy, Mrs. riendship, Mrs: A. Houston, Mrs'. James Hay, Mrs. Stan ackson, Mrs. C. Pullman; liter- • • 1, attire; §tRik,OFAY• • Sce: ShYtelf„.ltill:frilrayer .and a 40hlat Itour KO -Ina 'ATILIE 4touprthree;lys. W. 4;146,, ser. viet twrch, V71 • BROPHAGEN Bradley Bennewies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bari Bennewies underwent minor ear _surgery last Friday at the . Stratford General Hdispital. He. returned 'home the seine day.. The sympathy of the com- munity in extended t� the family of the late Charles Dietz who passed away - Sat. at his home. R.R.1 Dublann ,... Rev. and Mrs. Calvin 'Glick, Susan, Brenda . aid Carole, =1:nlielif:12/Abrldri Michael and Lori were guests of Mr. and Mrs. August Scher - •:berth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visited with Mn and, lylp, over the holiday). . li .reis'is. . Michelle' Beuerman, Kitch- ener, spent a few days ,With liergrandparents'IVIi. and,114/0 AVrangei. Beuermen. __ LiI,?;F m.Vs • !Mr. and Mr. Ken „Elligann, Terry ad Warren, Mr. and ' s 'Harold. • FollIgann, -Donalth a Au payrd.,04 -,W,4‘arirk,lyftmi seri. and Ina - ' P.ppbt/er,. 444: A 4, $etaean4h, INnnir tt giu og rtAy. • A abok mgort 'thboy,.. Nov •Y gars jr.) ay. ., -• . ' , tric1 LVfrs. t1niiegei, She esPearefArisited,' ' and Mrs. Laverne ' 'We day sinning the Obrigthaa sett - snit••' • ---- ' • - - • ' , '40 , 'Every week more people dis- cover what mighty joba are acconuplished by law cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. It's a proven profit maker . . . a proven producer. In five years of random tests in Canada and the United States, Starcross 288 consis- tently ranked on top.as the highest producer of eggs on a miniinum of food In any environment. Ask your nearest Swift Hatchery or your Swift dealer for facts and profit figures in dollars and cents. wAL,T• EA poppLuR,,E RR 2, SE4FORTH — 5274)476 , s WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 4V4.. "SWEET AND JUICY" SAVE_14 TOP VALU CHOICE MIT COCKTAIL Prices Effective Joe. 10.16 lechrsiire. We reserve the right Ile limit quantities. SAVE 31c TOP 'YALU CHOICE CREAM CORN Tins 14-oz89C. FRESH PICNIC SHOULDER ROAST LB. PORK LOIN QUiTNIEF,t5C 9 TgAll CISSINTO 211 -oz. 2 24-ozo. ic SAVE 16c PUREX (ASST'D) , BATHROOk TISSUE! , SAVE 21e MIR LIQUID DETERGENT Ctnrs. • FRESH ROASTING HAMS 5 . Lb. SAVE 17c YORK CHOICE CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS WWI PERMIUM SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLIS %2,:159 Pea lb. SVIIIT1 PREMIUM SUM SHOAT SHANK SMOKED PICNICS, 45c AM • • SIDE BACON 69g BIM ROAST CORA MEATY COUNTEY SEM •SIEVE WItH CORM! SPARE RIBS 169(1 PORK LIVER DOLS READY INULDAED WIT PORK CHOPS 59' 'Agit ..33° • SECEIBITY UNI 701! YARD 14 VARIETIES/ „oz. SAUSAGE L„,470 COOKED MEATS ... VACpAc 25fe,„ wipes MEOW 1,47,35g wiEvirRs • la 49C • 3 Top Yalu Assorted FRUIT -DRINKS 2 Top Volu Fancy APPLESAUCE York Choice Peas & Carrots 4 48 -oz. 8 Tins 19 -oz. 3. This 14 -oz. Tins . CAKE MIXES Betty Crocker-Asst'd, 19-oz7 Pkgs. CAT °R FOOD DOG •10 15-16- vi Tins oz. RP Top Vela Highliner Frozen OCEAN PERCH FILLETS WESTON'S BIG VALUE BISCUITS Pkg. 39 1-16. 33Y2 -Oz, Pkg Maple Leaf Mild or Nippy) CHEESE SLICES 8 -oz. Pkg. Save 13e — Shirley Gay Pldin Sugar DONUTS 41.4•0 37g WeStori's C4 - 'GUEST CAKE.. 450, WILKINSON'S LGI SEAFORTH I U.S. NO, 1. (SIZE 210'1) . +., .7 r"4.•.' -TAii,GE131:11E. SLI U S. NO. 1 OXEN WASHI L nil WALD - • Cif•Ht.4,A. '"CABOAGE:' 2,SPINACH' adi.clire.S.ELLOW. 040. cue: . .-t*GEM POTATOES .•-o..4'4';,,,BANAIIAS ^ „ '05 440 `1--cAnti4 447- - Onions„ Los• Cooking Onions-"l'eAvtlyr.: Blue Bonnet MARGARINE • Top Vali§ SHORTENING Fact TOOTHPASTE 3 -lb. Parchment 990 Package 1 -lb. Pkgs. 39° Super Size 1 _eta Tube •.*. •• a. IgrIvI••••.4I, - URJNGIGA$. — 11.11,4, Spendor Sheets and Pillow Cases DOUBLE BED SIZE — FIN, ni"....., 2 27 fitted, 44"09”. EGO. . • • ..... .. SINGLE HD SIZE — 94e4, 611",100"; fitted, 39.75". Lath ,. • I •71 MATCHING PILLOW CASES—BIN. 4.IIL 9,50 low 42,36" sIze. Pelf BLIANIferTS FAMODi QUALITY FLANNELETTE A ocen.Ad, sinin re. $2.99 0 L • • • .9 • • • • • 8.