HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-11, Page 16 • 41, Whole No. 5209 109th Year SEAFORTH; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1968 — 10 PAGES Area Delegates At Toc Alpha Seaforth district was well represented) at the Eleventh .Annuai Youth Conferen,ce on Al- cohol Problems — Vision '67, in, Niagara Falls, fram Dpcember 28th to January 2nd, with 618 delegates in attendance from every part of Ontario. Area delegates included: (left, rear), Dave Heiningway, RR 3, Brussels,Larry Walters, RR 3, Wahen, Jim Rowat, Seaforth; (front) Glen- na Houston, RR 2, Brussels, Yvonne Pryce, RR 1, Seaforth and Chris Turnbull, Seaforth. 0. Lilies For Christmas ' Usually Calla Lilies bloom only at Easter time but L. F. Ford has a plant at his Victoria Street home that has produc- ed not one but two distinct blooms for the Christmas season. Mr. Ford aamires the lily plant which he had had for more than 10 years. (Expositor photo by Haley). Nurse Discusses •Health Problems Mrs. Nelson Cardno was the guest speaker at the meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the Seaforth Community Hospital on Tuesday evening. She explained the work done by the Huran 'County Health Unit, especially the work.of the Public Health Nurses. Mrs. Cardno said that her own par- ticular area extends from Sea - forth almost to Listowel — Sea - forth, Eganondiville, McKillop and Grey Townships. She explained' that the Pub- lic Health Nurses in Huron in ,the beginning had started out as school nurses but now their work is partly general begin- ning with prenatal' classes for expectant mothers, a visit to the neiv baby when he is taken home from the hospital, im- munization shots to the young child, school check-ups at reg- ular intervals on each child and on to visits to the eld,erly, especially those who live alone. She told of monthly staff con- ferences held at the Ontario Hospital at Goderich to enable the Public Health Nurses to fol- low up certain patients when they are discharged from that hospital, or if a student, to check on them at school and give counselling where neces- sary. Mrs. Cardno outlined the de- tails of their work in the schools, explaining their check - (Continued ori Page 4) • DR. HUGH GORWILL At the recent examinations of • the Royal College of. Physi- cians and Surgeons of Cana- da, Dr, Hugh Gorwill, son 6f Dr. and Mrs. John A. Gorwill, passed the feIlOWship exattl- Mations in Obstetrica andi, Gynaecology. ,MISS NRA GORWILL a recent graduate of .St., Mary's SchOol of Nursing, Kit- chener, has successfully liai- sed her R.N. exams and is now furthering her studies at Lakehead UnitiferbItY, Port 'Arthur. Mora is the datIghter of Dr. arid Mrs. John A. Gor- wilL Two Local Youths -Injured Randy, Wood, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wood, West Wil- liam St., suffered a broken leg when injured in a hockey game at Goderich, Saturday night. *The leg *as broken just above the ankle. , On Wednesday he returned to -school With• the aid of crut- ches. Slips On Ladder Garry Alderclice, 14, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Vern -Alderdice, of RR • 2, Kip.pen, slipped on a ladder. and fell 40 feet inside a silo on the family farm, Mon- day, suffering two. fractures to his left let. Garry, who had been helping his father with repairs to the silo, was first taken to South Huron Hospital and later trans, ferrecb to St. Joseph's Hospital, In London where his condition was listed) as satisfactory.. Inaugurate Hensall Council - Hensel council held its in- augural meeting in the council chambers .Monday morning when members took the oath of office before cleris Earl Camp- bell, Rev. Harold Currie con- ducted the devotional exercises. . The following appointments were made: Relief Administra- tor, Mrs. Minnie Noakes; sign- ing officials, the Reeve and clerk; recreation committee and community park board for one year, Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Mrs. Harry Caldwell, Harold Knight, Hein Rooseboom; for two years, Paul Neilands, John Henderson, Harry Page; library board for one year, Mrs. Robert Simpson, Mrs. Dave Kyle, RobertRea- burn, Mrs. Keith Buchanan, Mrs. Minnie Noakes; for two years, Mrs. Douglas Cook, Mrs. Sam Rannie; property committee Harold Knight, Hein Roose- I boom; street committee, John ' Baker, Oliver Jaques; represen- tatives to the (Midwestern On- tario Development Association, Oliver Jaques, James Sangster. Messrs: Monteith & Monteith and, Co. of Stratford, *erg ,ap pointed auditors. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 8. At an adjourned meeting in the evening Reeve, Mrs. 'Minnie Noakes welcomed the new mem- ber and, former members and asked for their co-operation in 1968. She Made special men- tion of the dog prablem and said there were several pro- jects to receive special consid- eration. Councillor Knight spoke of the difficulty at the dump ground and felt council should. make different arrange- ments for its use. Applications Were approved for the removal of the barn at Harry Hoy's andthe old eleva- tor, formerly Rennies' Seeds. The cferk was instructed' to pre- pay $7,000 to the ,county on the 1968 levy. • A bylaw 14968, to increase • the ° remuneration of Public Utility Commissioners, was pat - sed -subject to Hydro Electric Pewer Commission approval. The clerk was instructed to pay membership, for the Ontar- io Asitociatioit of Rural munici- palities and iri the Huron Coun- ty Municipal Officer' Assoefa, Lion. .Neet Uniforms S. 011,5 .Ban Plans•Cainpirsi n New uniforms for members of the Seaforth. District; High Schooh Girls' Trumpet Band are coming nearer s the re- sult of activities of thegirls themaelves. The band has play- ed., for hundreds of area func- tions during the past 10,yeari and aa.a -result of Oitt of tvii1, engagements such as provincial plowing matches has brought valuable publicity to the com- munity. Recognizing the need for the uniforms and at the _same time realizing the school board, who already had purchased new drums, could .not be expected to contribute further, the girls have set out to raise approxi- mately $3,000. With the blessing. of the board the campaign got' off to a flying start at the end of the year and already , has raised a little over $1,000'. Seaforth teem clerk E. Williams is acting as treasurer of the fund. "The girls do an excellent job and certainly ,should be en- couraged" SDHS principal L. P. Plumsteel said. "We all realiz- ed they needed new uniforms and it was just a question of , what to do 'about it. The girls are solving that and are get- ting lots of co-operatien." DiscuiSing plans for the campaign, members of the band recalledthe band had been in existence for 10 years. They I said a reunion dance was being ' planned for January 19 in the Appoint 1968 , Representatives Morris Township council ap- pointed its 1968 representatives to area organizations at its in- augural meeting Monday which saw the swearing in a Reeve William Elston and members council. Blyth fire area board, Reeve William Elston and Coun. Th9m- as -Miller; Wingham fire area board, Couns. Ross Smith and James Mair; Wingham District Hospital board, R. H. Cones: Seaforth Community Hospital board, Walter Shortreed. • 'Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Coun Robert Gras - by; Brussels recreation commit- tee, Coun. Mair; Belgrave Ar- ena board, Reeve Elston and Stan Hopper; Wingham district planning board, for two years, Reeve Elston and Stewart Proc- tor. NEWS OF WALTON ,SDHS. Already replies have .beeno received from former =withers who emphasize ',how Widely scattered members have 'become. One former member, Caroline Hammond is at Frob- isher Bay in the Arctic, whIM Mary Scott Smith is married lind living M Germany. 1. What encourages members•to Ctake part in the band program? I "Well we enjoy mimic and its lots of fun. We get around a lot," Christine Pryce said. • Mary Sills sagges,ted, the training provided the girls with valuable confidence and Joanne Elligsen agreed the experience could assist in a musical career. While practice occupies' sev- eral hours each week during the school season the extra work doesn't interfere with other study both Monica McCurdy and ,chriStine Pryce agreed. "Actually the practice helps us with our study", Joanne, El- ligsen explained "It is-ii-relax- atian from heavy study." For the first time the band has a practice room of its own which was provided in the just completed building program 'at the school. "It makes it a lot easier to ,knowthere is accommodation", band leader George Hildebrand commented. "It encourages the girls when they know where they are going and where their equipment is located." Theband', now with a meni- bership of 40 girls, did have male member at onetime. Wit% liam Norris played' the bass drum until five years ago, but since then the girls have taken over completely. While,..same members -drop out as they ad- vance to higher grades, new candidates are recruited at the beginning of each school -year. Gifts to the uniform fund may be forwarded to the band care of Seaforth District High School or to the clerk's office at Seaforth. Will _Celebrate 95th' „Birthday James Sims will celebrate his 9th birthday at Kilbarehan Nursing Home on Monday. Mr. Sims is in good, health and keeps abreast of district happenings by reading papers every day. He spends some time each day writing letters to a host of friends who at Christ-, mas sent him more than 1,00 'cards. • Church Groups • Active in Walton 'The January meeting of the UCW of Duff's United. Church was held in the church, Wed- nesday afternoon. Mrs. Gor- don McGavin .opened the meet- ing with hymn 571, "Standing at the Portal", with Mrs. Mar- tin Bean at the piano. Installa- tion of officers was conducted by Rev., D. E. Docker. The de- votional period was taken by the McKillop Unit, taking the theme, "Let your joy be full". The meditation was given by Mrs. Donald Dennis. Hymn 8, "The Lord is King Lift up thine voice" was •sung. Mrs, Laverne Godkin readthe scripture from John 16: 1-11. 1V4r,s. Glen Mc- Nichol led in 'prayer followed) by hymn 20, "Lord of all being, threned afar." Mrs. Walter Re*ely introduc- ed the study book, "Study on Japan", telling of their cus- toms and work. There has been a drastic change in Japan in the Honored On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamont were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott in McKillop Township, recently on the occasion of their 25th an- niversary of_their marriage. Mrs. Lamont is the former Anes Case, daughter of the lath E. C. Case and Mrs. Case of Seaforth. They were married by Rev. R. P. D. Hurford in St. Thomas', Anglican Church and, have liv- ed in Seaforth since that time. Community singing Was enjoy- ed after which euchre was play- ed. Mrs. R. J. Doig read an ad- dress -and Mr. Gordoil Elliott made them the recipients of a table and four chairs. \ last ten years. It was mainly • rural but urbanization is devel- oping. rapidly. Dwelling in the cities used to be single families. ; Young families average four persons instead of large fami- lies of two or three r, enerations under one roof. This causes lonelinessloss of personal val- ue, increase in mental illness with suicide rates climbing. 75% of the people had no rel•iaious faith. Japan has the highest lit- eracy in the world, 99.9%. School is compulsory to grade nine„Competifion. for places in univefei.tk is high. The '.8th • and 16th. Unit will be in charge of the February UCW meeting with Mrs. Wil- liam Roe as leader. Partners and clip sheets are to be used. Mrs. Alvin McDonaldthe new president, smoke of the nod, leadersh;n that Mrs, Gor- d,bri McGavin had, given and ex- pressedher sineere wish to have the • suoport of the TICW during her term as nresident. The minutes of the last meet- ing were, read by the new sec- rVtarv Mrs. Allan mrcall. Mrs. Nelson Marks. corresnon dine seeretarv, read a nemher nf thank -you notes. Membership cards will he used this year and tees will be taken •at earh cinit meetine this month. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. treasurer, crave a favourable renort of veers work. Renorts were elven by Mrs. James Clark of the Wal- ton. Unit, also Mrs. George Mc- Call for the 8th and 16th. World Day of Prayer will he held Fridav March 1 and it was left with the executive to plan the meeting. Date for the animal meeting was set for January 17. It is to be decided whether to have a supply during the Minister's hol- idays. (Continued 0.1 Page 4) • Finds Balloon In 'Field A weather balloon, complete with parachute and radio - 'sonde, was 'found on the premises of Robert Archibald, by his son Bill, recently. After investigatien•-itv,vaa,learrited!•that the balloon was released in Flint, Michigan, on' Dec. 17th. The purpose of the radiosonde is .to measure pressure, tem- perature and humidity at various heights up to 17 miles. • McKillop Council Sworn in Monday • Members of McKillop Coun- cil were sworn in Monday at the inaugural meeting, h.eldi in the township hall at Winthrop. Rev. J. Cliff Britton conducted a short service in which he asked for Divine guidance for the council during the year: Members • of council are Reeve Ken Stewart and Coun- cillors Allan Campbell, Harold Dodds, Ralph McNichol and W. J. Leeming. A by-law authorizing the ,bar - &ming of up to $140,000 from the Toronto -Dominion Bank was approved by eouncil. Appointments approved in- cluded: J. M. Eckert, clerk - treasurer, $2,700, car allowance $200, relief officer $100; James 1V1eQuaid, assessor,, $1,400, car allowance $200 and convention $50; James Keys, school atten- dance officer, $25;- Monteith & Monteith, auditors; Clarence Rege le, dir a i n age tile and trench inspector, $1.60per hour, plus 10c mile. Council remuneration will be at the rate of $475.00 for the reeve„ and $350.00 for each councillor. Read work will be paid for at a rate of $1.50 per hour, and $4.50 per 'hour for man and tractor. The grader operator will receive $2.00 per hour and if there is no road Set Date For Official pening Official opening of an $800 Odb addition to Seaforth District High School will be March 12t' when Ontario Minister of Edu cation will officiate. Kenneth McFarlane of RR 2 Brussels, was re-electedi chair man of the board. Dr. Johr Turnbull of Seaforth was nam ecji vice-chairman,. At the ' inaugural meetin, Tuesday evening board mem- bers together with represents tives of the architects, examir ed the progress of the buildine program. Appointment of Mrs. Den Mr Lean as part time custodian waF approved. Appointed To • Aux Sauble Tuekersinith Council at its first m.eeting in the new year, named Reeve Elgin Thompson to the Aux Sauble Conservation Authority. Council agreed to join the association of Rural Municipali- ties and Ontario Good Roads Association. The clerk was instructed to prepare a tax sale by-law prov- iding for the sale of all prop- erties on Which 1966 and sub. sequent taxes were in arrears. work will be employed in the township ,garage for an eight hour day. • • Ratepayers wishing use of 'township equipment will be bil- led $8.00 per herr for the maintainer and $12 per hour for snowPlowing. Council agreed to join. the Association of Rural Municipal- ities and the Good Roade Asso- ciation. Reeve Ken Stewart was named to the Maitland, Valley Conservation Authority and Councilldi Ralph McNichol to the Seaforth Community Hospi- tatboard. A grant of $35 to the Salvation Army was approved. The Toronto -Dominion was named to receive taxes at 15 cents,per notice and the interest rate is not te exceed 61/2 pen? cent. McConnel and Stewart were named solicitors.' • • Other appointments Poundkeeper,' Clem Krauskopf, Clarence Regele, Walter 'Somer- ville Peter .McCowan, Charles Kleber ,and` Earl MeSpadden. FeriTviewers: Joseph F. Ry- an, William Boyd, Joseph Mc- Laughlin, James B. Hogg, Ross Gordon, Boyd Driscoll, Rolbert McMillan and Bert McClure. . Sheep and poultry valuators: Clem Krauskoef, Antone Sie- mon, Stewart McCall, and Sam McClure. - Building inspector: Everett Smith. • single, cop*, 14 CentoP $5,40 Yearla AOpa. , unit for andit ontjnues Police are continuing. their Search for an armed bandit who relieved the Bank 'of -irearia/ at Brucefield f $9,000 Wednes- day at gunp9ink Police maintained_roadblocks for several daYs following the robbery in Seaforth and „tm County Road 10 and- Highways 4 and 23, and kept a close watch • on Grey and Morris townships. One spokesman said,the ed' 'bandit may have Switehed cars- and police now inay'' be Mokinglor a :black vehicle: The investigation is continuing, , The robber, in his late teens or early 20a, 'held bank staff at bay with a sawed-off shotgun as he escaped , Stratford Minister Meted -eReve lames Ferguson of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, was elected, Tuesday as moderator of the newly for- med Stretford -Huron presbytery of the Presbyterian Church. A Stratford minister for more than seven years, he . was elected during the inaugural meeting of the presbytery, am- algamating the Stratford and Huron -Maitland presbyteries, at First Preshiterian Church, Sea - forth. About 30 delegates attended the meeting, called to stream- line the operation of 24 churches in an area bounded by Goderich, ListoWel, Stratford and Exeter. The. merger was approved by the general.. assembly a. few months' ago, ,Rev. David Crawford of Knox Church, Listowel, was elected clerk, and Rev. Douglas 0. Fry, of First Presbyterian Clijurch, Seaforth, treasurer. Oldest Resident Passes- Seaforth's oldest resident, Mrs. Alexander Campbell, died. at Kilharchan Nursing Home early Wednesday. She- was .in her 99th year Born in Usborn Township, June 1, 1869, she was the form- er Elizabeth, J. Cottle, daughter of the late John Cottle and Margaret Turnbull, She was, married to Alexander Campbell; on December 19, 1894. For 'a number of years fol- lowing their marriage the couple resided in the Cromarty area, retiring to Seaforth in 1918. Mr. Campbell died Deo .. , (Continued on Page 4) . First In 1968 Mich)el Stewart, son of Mr. aed Mrs: Murray Stewart, Mitchell, was the first baby 'of 1068 in Seaforth Corommity ilrogpital. Be arrived January3rd. ShoWn here is Mrs. Wilt* .. Oke of the Women's Hospital Auxilriti, preStriting gichie1 with a gift. (Expositor photo by Haley),,, • • 14,