HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-04, Page 67(' ••• ,101• "1 EXPOSITOR. SEAFOR.TH, ONT.., JAN.- 4.'190 NEWS 0 IIENSALL PUC Discuss Expenses. Of Highway iNidenirtg The ffensall „Public Utilitiea Ceiumaission met io the office on Wednesday with all members present. The bank balance as of the time ef the meeting were re- ' ported as water, $2,015.32 and the Hydro balance was $7,535.- 46. However, it was indicated that expenditures would lower these considerably. . The commission discussed at length the cost of the highway Vain; P'ro.C-e'ss., which has ac- • , tinted) fer great expenses to the PUC. The manager was in to present the bill for labor to the Department of Highwayta of which the Com- nussion is to receive 50 percent of the costs of labor. The man.ager expressed con- certi over out itapding accounts in the water department Alse, a qualified) engineer has been contacted to review the condi- tion of the pimping system, Th 4 coMmissign has .be'en con- cerned .for semeetime regarding the age of the present system and have asked for guidance before any steps are, ta1aitre7 ,garding replacetnent The Man- ager was asked to contact the engineer' again tor an early re- port on the, sYstem. Correspondence was read from the Department of Trade and Conitaeree and from Cook Bros. Ltd. Arrears reveiwecl werelbilro $664.55 and for Water depart- ment $260.47. The manager was instructed to follow usual pro-, eeedings in this regard. Ageounts approved for pay- ment were: Hydro, $2,435,46 and water, $1,652,29. The chairman thanked corn- • missioner Armstrong en behalf of the PUC for his years of service to the 'community and wished him well for the future. Mr. Arnastrong in replying said that he felt he should retire from public life and allow younger people to take his .place. The commission will meet again on January 24, at 7:30 p.m. i $15.00 gift certificate, Mrs. John Corbett, RR 1, Exeter. ) &hells', Santa Claus, Mrs. J. 1 Goddard, Hensall; Christmas cake, Mrs. Harold Elder, RR 2, Hensall; racer set, Adeline.Den- erhine, Zurich. . Joynt's, ladies luggage, Mrs. Fred Mommersteeg, RR 2, Zur- ich; men's luggage, Robert Noakes, Hensall. Wallace's, $5.00 certificate, Lynda Ferguson, RR 1, Hensel; $2.00 certificates, Albert Alex- ander, Ann Knight, Mrs. J. D. ILink, Keith Volland, Hensall, Marche Overholt, Zurich. $1.00 certificates, Mrs. Nancy Kyle, Mrs. Odell, Mrs, Ross Richard- son, RR 1, Zurich, Ilarion Link, Miss Cassie Dougall, Elaine ' Randall, Mrs. Jean Turyey, Mrs. G. Ducharme, Dashwood, Mrs. 1 Ernie Crieh, RR 3, Seaforth, Mrs. Russell Erratt. i Richardson's,. electric -tea ket- tle, Ed Corbett, RR 1, Exeter; four -pound box of chocolates, Tint Mock, Helisall. Ilensall Legion, Sohn Shea, Hensall; Larry Ducharme, Zur- ich; Ted Roberts, Kipper; Mrs. A. Ohara, London. Pat Joynt, 11; on of IVIr. and Mrs. Don .Toynt, LI a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, with a'fractured left leg suffer- ed in. a skiing accident Boxing Day, at Clinton. While ekiing he had the misfortune to twist his leg fracturing it. Bob Caldwell, president of Hensel Kinsmen Club under- went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednes- day on his right shoulder. Bob was riding a skiddoo and was turning a corner in Hensel', when the vehicle hit a rut on the side of the road, tipped over and threw him against the sidewalk dislocating a bone in his shoulder. The accident hap- pened over the holiday week- end., .. . ' Mr. J. F. W. Paterson, 455 Hillsdale Ave. East, Toronto • 7, orrnerly of Henan, celebrated is 95th birthday Sunday, Dec- mber 241h. Mr. Paterson Ls uite well for his advanced ears and is quite active... He as a keen memory of things hat happened when he was a ourig,man in the 'Hensall area. ' In a recent letter he recalled' hat he left Hensel]. in 1907 and ad lived in Toronto sixty ears. During those years he ollowed the carpentering lausi- ess that he learned with his, ate father in Hensel. Today e. sees.. many .buildings being emolislied on, which he worked nd in his letter regrets this as been necessary in order to sake room, for modern sky- crapers. Mr. Patersonretired when he as 82, just a few years before he death of his wife, the form - r Marian Sproat - MacGregor, ho passed away in 1955. Their son Sproat retired rec- ntly after being connected for• 8 years with a Toronto builders upply firm. h 1 a n St, Paul's ACW St. Paul's ACW held their last meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Forrest. Mrs. Seeganiller oPened the meeting with prayers and Rey. Seegmil- ler gave the Bible reading. It was decided to use the money raised at the sale to buy new tables for the church basement and to bold feture . meeting's, on the tlifidl Thursday Of each month. In the absence of the presi- (leek it was decided to delay the election of new officers until , January. Mrs. Taylor offered to look after the Christmas treats for tb.e shut-ins. The children's Christmas par- ty willtake place on Saturday afternoon. .. Winners of Christmas draws in Hensall are: Legion Auxiliary $25 money doll, Kelly Vanstone, Hensel. • Irwin's, $26.00 gift certificate, Harold Willert, RR 2, Hensall; ••••••••••••••••••••••••ftwoomileaso.••••••••••■rsimularsomervenommeoftwientroseurammemftrorminor •STORES IN SEAFORTH Will *Close at 6 O'CLOCK FRIDAY EVENINGS • Until Further Notice MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE •Chamber •a Commerce be sure of your spring fertilizer Don't make the mistakeof waiting until spring to buy your fertilizer ... that's when everyone else does. That's when supplies can run low too, even. in the bast -stocked warehouses. That's when yoU should be a /*lying, not buying. Make gure you have your spring supply of CO. -OP' fertilizer in time ... order now. • save too. Buy your CO-OP fertilizer now and youW enjoy worthwhile early delivery savings. Special winter sayings are In effect/ ORDER NOW Before Jan. 26th and take advantage of Low Low Jan. prices WE ARE OFFERING CASH and VOLUME DISC'. 'UNTS TH EAFOR FARMERS Phone 5274170, Seaforth 3 ...........7...i...............H.7.7..............ovr i WOMEN'S " HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the hospital on Tuesday eve- ning at 8 pan KIPpEN Mrs, Reid) Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison spent Boxing...Day at Mitchell with Mr. I. Torrance and, family. Shirley and) Sandra Reid) of Scarborough, spent the holidays with -Thelf—fiarents, Mr. and -Mrs. Tom Reid and Heather. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert attended a 25th wedding anni- versary of Mr. and, Mrs. Ervin Dickert at Clifford on Dec. 31st and'spent New Years Day with them. Mr. arid Mrs. Eldin Ketr left January lst, for a vacation ^ in Florida. Obituaries MRS. WILLIAM AYRE Mrs. William kre,77, RR 8, Watford), died Tues ay in Strath. roy-Middlesex General Hospital. She was the former Sadie Branton. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Wilson (Norma) MeNab, Seaforth; a brother, William, Windsor. Service was at 3:00 pan. Fri- day at Denning Brothers funer- al home, Strathroy. HAROLD MELVIN LAVIS Harold Melvin Levis, died sud- denly at his residence, 222 Main St. East, Galt, on Thurs- day, Dec. 26th. Harold, beloved hugbatid of Gertrude Matthews, (formerly of Seaforth), dear father of Kenneth and Gerald at home, and Yvonne, Mit, James Fisher of London; bro- ther of Chitties, Vancouver, MO. Lottie Thompson, Hayfld ieand Mrs. Myrtle Huller, Clinton and Mra. Erma Durgt, Detroit; and Beavers Top Acttin In -1-3 Win Seaforth Beavers defeated Ac- ton Tanners 7-3 here Thursday night in an Ontario Hockey As- sociation Intermediate game. , Paul Rau with two goals was leading scorer for the Beavers. Singles went to Jack MeLlwain, Tom Dick, Ed Dolmage, Frank Hagan and Bob 13euttenmiller. Terry Lane, Bill Wheeler and Steve Townsley, shared the Ac- ton goals. Seaforth W.I. Plans Meeting Seaforth WI will meet Tues- day at 2:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. L. Lawson. The program is in charge of Historical Re- earch conveners, lefts. R. J. ig, Mrs. G. McKenzie and will fea ure Mrs. D. O. Fry as gttest speaker. The roll call is to be "What will . you remember most about Centennial ''ear'?" Lunch cominittee wilt be Mrs. A. Pepper, Mrs, L. Carter, Mrs. W. Haugh and M. 1.4 Dale. Members are reminded of the short course "Baking with Yeast' to be held) Wednesday, also at the home of rs L. Lawson. -k ' - one granddaughter, Colleee. Funeral services were held Saturday, Dec. 28th, at -4 o'clock from Little's funeral home, Grand Avenue, Galt. Interment in Mount View Mausoleum. Se fOrth Area 1100410 N�w .Ground .AS By MIARIEI. TROTT In The London Free Pres- s When Alois Van Esbroeck en- gaged. a welleirilling firm to locate water on his farm at Hensall, he couldn't believe- his eyes when the driller's assis- tant turned out to be a pretty 21 -year-old girl. Anne Sharp, RR 2, Seaforth, arrived on the scene with rub- ber boots, jeans and her hard hat. She's been on the- payroll of W. D. HoPper and Sons, -Sea - forth, • well -drilling firm, since November, 1966. The Hensall job was well num- ber 50 for her, "Dependable" was how Jim Hopper described his assistant. "In fact more so. than some men. She works hard — we've no complaint/. She's even had a raise or two." Per the soft-spoken, 5 foot, 2 inch, 120 pound girl, being a Well -driller has meant being on the job at 9 a.m. and eom- pleting it anywhere from 3 p.m. to michlight. "It's not too strenuous," Anne said. "The heaviest part is moving the 18 ton rig, set- ting it up and dismantling it." A well is bored) with a rotary drill and her werk,can best be described as pughinClevers, to rotating rods by hand, — nec- essary to Iseep.the drill clear of stones which get. in the way when the rig penetrates. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sharp and an older bro- ther, who is .a chemist, haven't objected in any way to Anne's employment. "It would be useless anyway," Anne' said. "Besides •I think people are gradually realizing it takes more than men to run the world: I do a man's job." • On Jan. 2 °Anne will 'enter another male field, She has enrolled in a one year general diploma course at the Ontario Forest Technical School in Dorset. There she will be one of three gitls in a class of 150 men, who will be trained Under the ad- ministration of the Ontario de- partment of lands and forests. As a graduate she will be a qualified technician in forestry, research and biology', fish and wildlife and parks, and a con- seryation officer, , The school's director, R. W. Hummel reports one girl has graduated to date in the same course. Anne and her two female eonipanions will be hpused in separate houses at the residen- tial school, located at 'Universi- ty Forest and comprising 20,- 000 acres .of forest, land and wa- ter. I The couree combines clasg- room and lab, instruction with study in field exercises and practice. She will have 21 POI-6dg— :Pa' phetogrammity — ingtrnetiOti aa,d) practice in the use 6f,ite- nal photography+, a challenge tor Anne who hOpeSSt� haVe her piliat's licence by the end of the month. As part of her training she will be expected to find employ- ment in forestry, fish and wild- life or an allied field, between the three terms. It looks like a busy year for Anne who has a "yen" 'for dances and parties too. : CHECK ,THES • SPECIALS. On Fleetwood T.V.'s and Stereos • During Gingerich's Winter Clearance FLEETWOOD TELEVISION Model '851 with trade Model 991 with trade Model 978 with trade. Etna SPECIAI. Fleetwood Stereo 2$ 69.00 211 - only $259- $239 $269 1 OPEN' ALL DAY Beginning the New Year -our Store will be open all day, including from 12:00 to 1:0 noon'. " SALES' & SERVICE 'CLINTON • ZURICH •-SE AFORTH OU VE *aP ,t• Oa eon:.4 .17n5t1. SAVE 8c GRANULATED'FINE WHITE SUGAR 1 5 -LB. BAG --a.-SAVE 10c TOP YALU SIXED WHITE OR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD ---SAT0VpEn1w2c--'1 1 T4 -0P VALUSJAMVG: EVAPORATED 1' — DE CREAMERY 44. MILK 4i.' BUTTER r 14.11. PRINT SAVE Tic — TOP YALU ASSORTED StItSgAlEALLIASES --SAVE 24c -- .70P VALU CHOICE GREEN PEAS t 1 1 1 ,iestr&NM, .1:144V:4 • ••••••••••, THE WORLD'S FINEST IMPORTED NEW ZEALAND. LEG OF LAMB LB. LOA1BN CHOPS or ROAST Lb. 59° ItioULDER CHOPS or ROAST Lb 49e 1.51816171.ADERRIO7DRADE STEAKS, lb. „ow U.S. NO. 1 WHITE OR PINK GRAPEFRUIT 10,5E:77 Fancy Oracle MAC APPLES, 5 -lb. bag 55c U.S. No. 1 (Size 100's) TEMPLE ORANGES doz. 89c Canada No. 1 — 3•Ib. bag COOKING ONIONS • • • • 35c Ont. Grown' No. 1 • PARSNIPS • • - • 2-1b. bag 39e ,U.S. No. 1 YAMS .• 2 lbs. 39e AssYcl. Mixed ee 3" pots GREEN PLANTS 2- for 89c AYLM ER FANCY MAXWELL HOUSE A.P. t° Tomatohice 34-8C9•9g Ground Coffee Bag ne 6 DUNCAN HI N ES ASST' D. Top Valu Fancy — 12 -oz. tins Cake Mixes 2 14 -oz. INA pkgs. ag Kernel Corn ..5 for 99c LI BBY'S TOMATO TOP VALU Catsup 131tir 19C Peanut Butter 1:: 39e GL EEM (SPECIAL PACK) Family Toothpaste She Tube69 • TOP VALU POWDERED Detergent 1190 PA RKAY (PARCH PACK) TOVVALU A SST'D tbogi. Margarine 2 P 1-11). kgs. u9g Candy 3.,oz7** STOCK UP NOVI,DUI9Nq MKS BIG•JANUARY WHITE SALE rt;,-).:,;,';;...• — • ... ". ... 1.gsie.4 %....."'Nf .. e . t. 0,000........../.... ,.\\\ SPLENDOR SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES 2.27- 95`.. Dotibre led site rho, .-.14.1/10. Sirt9W Bea gr. r••• cr • tor two fr tr • ''0401[114 P Canfr POWC•••• Qa.. Non, 4. BLANKETS a... lam4u1 2.99 — • SOMERDALE FROZEN ,CHOKE ce.,- .., _ TOP VALU FROZEN Ai !FRENCH FRIES 1 xit .7:46E11z:too WiLkINSO SEAFO- Th • pintoes argrarnis voitt. INVAIW 111, TO NaittAnitrai INCLUSIVII 411 We iusitliVit Mit *Oft 10 •