HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-04, Page 5• Jd 4 0 'FRANCIS JAMES BURNS Francis Japes Iltirna, 80, Dub- lin, died in Seaforth COMMttal• ty Hospital on Monday, Jan- uary 1st. Born and educated. In Staffa, he was a farmer in ear- ly life and for forty years'. ear- ried the mail on RR 2, Dublin, retiring in July, of 1964. His wife, the former Mabel Dalton, whom he married in 1913, pre- deceased him in 1960. He was a member of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. He is survived by three sons, Joseph J., Dublin; Dalton of Ot- tawa; and Gerald of London; al- so one daughter, Kathleen, Mrs. Hiram Smith of London; a sis- ter, Mary Jane,. Mrs. Jack O'Rourke of Detroit; and a bro- RED CROSS NOTES Red Cross will meet Fri- day, January 5th, at Library, 2 p.m., • -77 ,1117111 Al?lE 'o• • ci thertDan of Seaforth. The b y is restina at the R. S. Bo funeral home, • Sea - forth until,Thursday morning when removal will be made to St. Patrick's Church, Dublin; for mass at 10 a.m. Temporary in- terment will follow in Elizabeth Ritz Memorial Chapel in l'Atf,. chell. . CHARLES DIETZ( - Charles John Dietz, 72, died at his home in 1VicKillop Town- ship . on Saturday, Dec. 30th, following a lengthy illness. Mr. -Dietz was horn in McKil- lop Township where he farmed all his life, In 1920 he was mar- ried to the former Emma goiter- barth, who survives along with one son Harold C. of McKillop and two grandchildren.. Twp sisters also survive, Louise, Mrs. Henry 0Bennewies of Mitchell an arrie, Bits. Henry Kleber she was married to the late Dun- Nichol and Jeffery Petley. o. predhage4, Funeral: servi s were held from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodliagen, On TneadaY, January 2n4, at 2 PAill With Rev. II. LesSIng Officiating. In; terinent followed in Elizabeth Ritz Memorial 'Chapel in Wilt - Olen and later in Brodhagen Cemetery. R. S. Box funeral home, Seafotth, was in eharge of funeral arrangements. Pallbearers were Mervin Dietz, Toth. Eckert, Bill Seiler - man, Lavern Hoegy, Ron Beuer- man and Roy Beuerman. Flow- er bearers were John Eifigsen and Gary Dietz. MRS. OLIVE McNICHOL CM.rs. Olive McNichol, 89, Me- Killop Township, died Thurs- day at Seaforth Community Hospital. . The former Olive McMurray d C / can Wilel},01 '0410 10400#4.04.t Uer .o4 Mereb 2.44 MO, $be was a member -0 the WAR= VniteckChttreitf,1,3494 the„•11PW. Surviving ' -are three Otmg.ti,- tem Mrs. Thenias (Mildred) Petley, 14000n; WS- TtOr ma) Wildfong, gailTep Town- ship; Mrs. Con (Catmetta) Hayes Toronto; two sons, Jtalph and Glen, MeKillop Township and 19 grandchildren, Funeral sertrice was held on Dee. 30, at 2 p.m. from the D. A. Rana funeral home, Brussels, conducted. by Rev. D. Docker of the Walton United Church. Temporary entombment was in the Eirussels Burial Chapel. Pallbearers were David Wat- son, William Dennis, Harry Rap- son, William Roe, Lloyd Kerna- ghan and Andrew McNichol. Flowerbearers were David Wild - long, Michael Hayes, Rae Mc - Ws JUST PLAIN e Sens To Use POSIT PHONE 527-0240 'CorpOral &Wm, Eve4tt Feer nanuIy apent •Chri4te naa hOl/difs with their peonts, mid Mrs, Charles Felker 4W% Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt. gr.Xteg Tebbutt of London spent Christmas Day at bia heine with his mother, Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt and Ken. Mr. Peter Erskine of Gode- rich, was a visitor with MX. tind Mrs. Doug Roweliffe. Mr. and Mrs. R. LaCornb.e of Sun City, California, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rutledge of Toronto ,and Mrs. Jean Gray a Preston, were New Years guests Of Dr._ and Mrs. W. R. Bryaus. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bryans of London and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Armitage and family of Leamiugton, were guests last week of Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Bryans. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Britton spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bull of Chatham. Mr. anti Mrs. Bernard Wes- terveld and family met their niece Miss Dianne Lensink of Aalten, The Netherlands, at 'Walton: Airport. She is staYina here for some time to visither relatives and to become ac- quainted with Canada. This week she begins work at Spruce Lodge, Stratford, Miss Mary Oke was a guest of Miss Connie Bell, Goderich during the Christmas holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Patterson had as visitors during the Christmas holidays, Mrs. J. W. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rouse of Norwich, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tufford, Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. -John D. Patter- son, London. and Allan Pat- terson of University of Water- loo. , Miss M. 1. Grant of Water - 00 spent New Years with Miss Mae Smith and Robert Smith. Miss Thersea Devereaux spent Christmas holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jos- eph Devereaux. Mr. J. Scott Cluff and Miss Janet Cluff and Mr. and Mrs. ohn F. Scott spent New Years ..44:04:17ra.00, With )44",, We* Mrs. Joiw 4011e; hge xed teem V14,1. Where 0,0 visited ter tnetiker 13. Oa and a sister. Km, W. W. Linger. Donelcla &Wink. Wil9 spent the Christmas itelideyp her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams retuned Q.41 Tuesday to Sarnia, wbere.gbe will resume her duties on 'one Of the teaching staffs. Mr. 12111irleari Sills is -a pa- tient in'Westrainster Hospital, London. - Mr. Harvey' Greer and Mr. Dale Gordon spent the New Years week mid with the for- meT's parents,Mr. and Mrs. i Orville Greer n Tuckersinith. Mrs. Theresa Maloney spent Christmas week with her son Mr: and Mrs. Frank M.aloaey and family in Preston. Mrs. Alex Powell 4 Kitch- ener spent New Years with Mrs. Cecil Pullman. ZION Mr. and Mrs: Fergus Lam - min and Mary apent Wednes- day in Ldndon with Miss Nan- cy Lammin. Mr. Keith Malcolm, Western University, 'London is spend- ing Christmas holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker, Mrs. L'eslie Moore, Mr. Law- rencel3arker, Mr. Earl Bark- er attended the funeral of their cousin_Mrs. Walter Rott, Seaforth, bit Wednesday. With Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney for New 'Years were her mother, Mrs. Leslie Wil- liams, Mrs. Nelson Heal, Mr. and Mrs. Aldan Williams, Har-, old and Don, M. and Mrs. David Williams and family of St. Marys and Miss Norma Reath. Miss Mary E. Graham is hol- idayinz with her aunt, ,Mrs. Mary -Malcom. 111R HURON 11•0001 1114 ON; AN,4 1,44 Small Link Pure Pork Sausage • • • •' 2 MS, $1,' ME4ATY PORK /IOCKS tibS, FRESH PORK LIVER • • • • - 3 ire, PORK SWEET BONES ...... • 5 lbs. $ TASTY BOLOGNA, by the piece • • 3 HA. $1 STORE SLICED COOKED HAM • • i LEAN BEEF PATTIES 2 lbs. TENDER WING AND T-BONE b. STEAKS STANDING PRIME RIB ROAST Ib. lb. FOR THE FREEZER Side of Beef lb. 53 Loin of Pork io-ivb. Ib. 67c CUT AND WRAPPED FREE ,..„ WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements - It's a, Profitable Pastime • NUA SALE BARGAINS IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPT. Reg. to 1.25 36" Drapery FabricsSale .79 • Wabasso and Texmade, reg. .69 36" Flannelette Sale 49 Reg. 2.00 -- Large Bath Towels Sale 1.49 • '.-SfIght Imperfections, reg. 1.95 Bath Towels Sale .97 Reg. 1.95 Wabasso Pillow Cases Sale L:39 • Texmade, reg. .69 Prints and Broadcloths Sale .55 : Reg. to .35 Face Cloths Sale .19 • Reg. 1.95 Special on ,Dress Goods Sale 1.29 • Wools, Cottons, Linings, etc. reduced 20% ALE SALE BARGAINS ' IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Special Group, Reg. 19.95 to 30.00 Ladies' Dresses at Half Price, 10.00 to 15.00 Regular 24.95 to 45.00 • High Quality Dresses • • Sale ,17.00 to 29.00 Values to 60.00 . LADIES' SUITS Sale 22.00 to 30.00 • LADIES' SKIRTS & SLIMS, reduced 20% ALL WINTER -MILLINERY • • Half Price • DUSTER & HOUSECOATS • • • 20% OFF SPECIAL RACK OF SKIRTS .• • Half Price Misses' and Women's QUALITY 'CAR COATS • • •''• 1/3 Discount • All Styles - All Colors - SWEATERS • 20% to 30% OFF LADIES' LINGERIE 20% OFF LE GAIN MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR Reg. $110.00 DELUXE SUITS • Reg. $95.00 • HYDE PARK SUITS • Reg. $89.50 BOTONY 500 SUITS • Reg. $79.50 TWO -PANT SUITS • Reg. $59.50 SUITS Rem 465.00 TOPCOATS Reg. $59.00 TOPCOATS Reg. $39.59 TOPCOATS • • • Reg. $35.00 ZIP LINED COATS Reg.Io $12[9.00N INED COATS Regular 19.50 to 37.50 MEN' CAR COATS • • DEPT. Sale $87.00 Sale $76.00 Sale $71.50 Sale $64.00 Sale $47.00 Sale $52.00 Sale $47.00 Sale $3L00 Sale $28.00 Sale $23.60 AND JACKETS Sale 14.95 to 29.50 Regular 9.95 to 17.95 Boys' Winter Jackets • • • • Sale 7.95 to 14.35 All Men's SPORT JACKETS • lm)efihSS TROUSERS . Sale 20% OFF Sale 20% OFF LE MEN'S FURNISHINGS DEPT. G.W.G. , SHIRT & PANT SETS • • • Sale 20% OFF . 'Reg. 3. 95, to 5:95 SPORT SHIRTS Sale 1/2 Price . . Reg 5 50 to 6.50 - Whites and Stripes DRESS SHIRT CLEARANCE Sale 1/2 Price .,Regular 5.50 to 7.00 , SPORT SHIRTS L. Regular $84" CHECK SPORT 'SHIR SPUN TS Stanfield Thermal Underwear, Med. Weight SHIRTS, Short sleeve SHIRTS, Long sleeve LONGS, reg. 2.95 • Heavy Weight Thermal TOPS, Short Sleeve Long Sleeve Sale $3.95 Sale `$5.95 Sale $1.95 Sale $2.35 Sale $2.35 LONGS, reg. 3.75 • Thermal Combinations, reg. 4.95 • • Sale 3.95 2.35 3.00 Sale 3.00 Reg. 5.95 BOYS' SWEATERS .Sale 3.79 • ALL HATS and CAPS Sale 20% OFF • ALL MEN'S HOSE, work or dress 20% OFF • MENS & BOYS' SWEATERS Sale 20% Off 0 STEWART BROS.