HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-04, Page 20 r Since 1860, Serving ate Community flirst Publialted at WAPORTII, ONTARIO, every Thursday ,morutng-by MeLEAN EROS., Publishers Ltd ANDREW Y. MoLEAN, Editor 41* to * • "Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association de Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association • • Audit Bureau of Circulation Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $5.00 a Year . Outside Canada (in advance) $6.50 a Year SINGLE COPIES — 12 CENTS EACH - Authorized as Second Class Mail. Post °nice 'Department, Ottawa SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, JANUARY 4, 1968 Sea -forth Looks' to the Future • While Seaforth made major advances in the year now finished, these are but a prelude to the demands of the new year as speakers at the inaugural meet - in g of the council pointed out. Recognizing that the community could advance only if progress was or- derly and first things were done first council last year took a number of de- cisions which, while unpopular in some areas perhaps because of the added costs which they generatedu,were es- sential if the town was to horel its own, let alone advance. Next year should see a continuation of this same approach as well as furth- • er development in those matters that were initiated last year, The recreation council is in being and the benefits to be derived as a result of its activities should soon be apparent. Study preliminary to the preparation ,-; A Momentous The year just ended has been 'a event- ful one for Canada and Canadians. On the national scene we have com- pleted a year of celebration that more than -anything else in the 100' years during which Canada has existed, hag created an aWareness of our • fellow Canadians • from sea to sea -and they of us. We have emerged -from our cele- brations with a deepei" knowledge and tolerance of each other. We havelearn- ed, many of us, to ignore provincial boundaries in a way that had not existed previnisly and* out of it has come an appreeiatioi of Canada and a new pride in our country. - • Alf this came about because of the opportunities whichthe centennial pro- vided for Canadians, of all walks, to know each . other better and to learn something of other parts than those in Which we live and of the great heritage of an official plan and zoning by-law 4, will go hand and hand with , the crea- tion of a planning board. Basic sewer work completed last year makes pos- sible permanent roads in a portion of town 'with a resulting ° saving in annual road maintenance costs. - • The coming year is of particular sig- nificance to Seaforth for it was on Jan- uary 1st, 1868, that the municipality was created as the village of Seaforth. It is true the approaching centen- nial of the founding of the town has been somewhat hid* in the enthus- iasm with which we celebrated Cana- da's ` birthday. Nevertheless there is time yet to mark the event in a suitable . manner and as was indicated, as coun- cil began its deliberations for the' year, this will be the subject of early discus- sion. Year for Canada which is Canada's. The confederation train and caravans were common de- .nominators—to ,Canadians everywhere as was the magnet of Expo. - But there were troubles. Mischievious statements • with overtones of separa- tism echoed through the sununer in Quebec.; Despite the extremism Of a few , the discussions have had the effect of -establishing more clearly the desires of French speaking Canada; and in English spealdpg Canada foo there appears to be an increasing- opin- ion that is prepared to recognize the changes -that are taking place: The centennial celebrations. are over but as we enter the new year and our leaders face discussions that Can make Canada a nation in the full sense of the word we must recognize .the tasks that remain to be done in urgency. Oth- erwise the gains made during our cen- tennial may be for naught. Sugar and Spice -- By Bill Smiley — WELCOME TO '68 • • • Well, to get off to a pro- faund start, we're all a year older than we were when we entered 1967. • As usual, there are exceptions to the rule. Some- of us weren't born until June, and are only six months older. Others, after the Dianysian rites of New Year's Eve, are •eight years old- er. ' • But count your • blessings if your bursitis,your. blood pres- sure and your belly are not hurting ' more, up more, or sticking out more. And . count some more if you've made a friend, had a thrill, done one good thing, -lov- ed somebody, and stayed out of the chi:tetras of the boys with the strait -jackets. I've managed to do all these things, these 'simple things, and feel that this makes—lip; some measure, for the fact that 1967 was probably the most har- rassing year in my entire life. The last year has been one of those nightmares in which you only realize you're awake when you pineh yourself and it hurts. And when • you pinch yourself and.it doesn't hurt, it means anly that you're so nuinb you can't feel. • My first-born quit college and went on the bum, the bum. Mex- ico, New Orleans, Montreal, Ex- po and now New York, where he's studying acting. My brown - eyed baby, to whom I once told bed -time, .stories about Munkle-Uncle-Unkie and others, hates school from the depths of her soul and wants to go away and be a waitress and LIVE. My wife is a kept woman (kept by me, I might add) in the city, .and when I do see her, wants to talk until 4 a.m. about Nietzs- che, Schopenhauer and a lot of other people I can't even pro-. nounce, let alone spell. • Sometimes I felt like crying, bursting into tears, and letting the drips fall where they may. But I can't. The floor has just --BMW! -p-olisted.---And- somebody has to take out. the garbage, and drive the cleaning ladY home. But, as S"ou can see, there's something cheering about the whale thing. There's no place to go but up. Maybe Hugh will become a t THE HOME TEA*, _a c(4i$ 6.7) free 0,0* (LW Ct,0 A APIL,*11 10i "VIA, ust kayo boon somo half-time pep talk t. famous, actor. Maybe Kim will become a waitress who doesn't have her -thumb in the soap. Maybe the Old Lady- will .be come normal. „And, who knows, maybe this is my big year. Maybe I'll break 100 in golf? Maybe I'll write the Great Canadian Novel- May- be I'll get my Christmas tree to stand up? Thus, hope springs eternal in the human -beast. One milestone nearer the grave, but also a milestone passed in the effort to live life with dignity, hum- or and love. Perhaps you don't like 'those • three terms. Perhaps.you'd pre- fer rectitude, righteousness and religion. Or- industry, intelle- gence and integrity. Fair en. ough. I like mine because they're more difficult. I find it extreme- ly hard to be dignified, no mat- ter how I try. It's almost im- possible to retain a nese of humor when you. have Rotten Kids. And it's extremely dif- ficult 'to love. Truly and with- out qualifications. This is all very abstract. Let's get clown to concrete ex- eMples. Have you ever tried to be dignified while performing a flying tackle at yOur daugh- ter in the snow in the back yard as she's leaving home, for good, at midnight? Have,yon ever tried to retain a gay sense of humor when . your home form has given you for Christmas, instead of the crock you confidently expected, a bottle of shaving lotion? "(Some people can drink it; I can't.) Have you ever tried to love qemeone with had breath, a oonstant.snifif and dirty finger- nailshut who. Is basically a goad dull person? Ale welt the hell with it. It's another year. Once 'a sqUare, always a square. And 1tthree rnembere of mY fanilly agree that rrn the most perfectly rounded soul* they've Oyer met. But I'm trying to become st least a parallelogram Intit And the same to you. In the Years Akone From The Huron Expositor Jan. 8, 1943 - Rev. W. A.. Bremner, retired Unita") Church minister and president of the London Con- ference, who had lived for the past five years. iri Seaforth, died, in his 76th year. Little Beatrice Hoggart of Londesboro, suffered a broken ankle on New Year's Day, while skating. Fifty good friends, relatives and neighbors of one of Staffes most beloved couples-, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Sadler to extend felicitations on the occasion Of their, golden wedding anniversary: Mr. G. A. Petty' prominent resident of Reuse% passed away at his home New Year's PO% The trustees Or the annual meeting of school section No. 5 of Hibbert Twp., received a sur- prise When they' asked for ten- ders by' the cerd for 16" hard, wood .to be delivered in the school yard. The first tender was $6.c0 a single cord. A year ago it cost $4.25 a cord. A wedding took place on New Year's Day at the home of Staff Sgt. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett; Walton, when Mary Isobel Ben- nett, became the bride of Stew- art MacDonald Humphries of Walton. • * • From The Huron Expositor Jan. 11„ 1917 John Gemmell of Tuekersmith has sold one of his fine farms on the 2nd eoncession to Math- ew Haney of Arnherstburg. IsaacAudsOn, Zurich, has Pig - chased! the auto truck, former- ly owned by the Hensall Pre- druce Company. James Barry who has been engaged with Mr. SiPol? p,leckert of Zurich, as"blaelesinith, has purchased the shop, tools and stock from Arthur W. Morley. The first game of 'hoekey In the Palace Rink, 'Seaforth, this season took place when Clinton and Seed% battledfor honors in the Junior OFIAZThe result was in honor of the home team, 13 to 5. The following was the Seaforth lineup: goal, George Stewart; defence, Douglas Beat- -tie, Jack Edniunds; forwards, Reg Kerslake, Reg Reid and G. Rally. James Collie of Lake Linden, Mich., brother- of Mrs. John Beattie of town, has generousJ ly donated another valuable col- lection of copper and inlaid sil- ver articles in aid of the Red Cross. Both Great Britian and the United States have again stated the terms on which they will lay down their arms. Last. week Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain reiterated his peaee terMs. 'Sunday evening being very disagreeable, there were only 15.`0:iemiberS attending the Ser- vipe .hithe .*ethogle,t cklreh it, Londeshoro. • Eh *Cully ot,Hensall, who lately purchased the farm 'Of Mrs. Workinan on the 2nd con- cession of Tu.ckersmith, has now got settled in their new home. k tip ,.;••• i Redcoats advance on Metis in the Bat- tle of Batoche, 1885. In. 1884, Louis #Riel was persuAded to return from exile in the U.S. — where he was teaching in Montana — to champion. the cause of the pioneer white settlers, Metis and Indians once again, this time in Sask- atchewan, after leading their first up- rising in Manitoba in 1869-70. He tried to uphold" the interests of the settlers and preserve their lands by constitu- tional means against federal govern- ment encroachment, but to no avail. The building of the CPR across the prairies inevitably would break the -transporta- tion monopoly of the Metis Red River carts; and it brought land speculators and new settlers`who threatened to wipe out the peaceful community farm ,sys- tem they had established along the riv- er banks. The federal government fail- ed to grasp the urgency of these wor- ries, which were intensified by the fact that 'the buffalo, on which, the ,Metis had depended for a nomadic living, had disappeared from the plains; the farms of these English and French half- breeds — mostly descendents of the fur tiaders — had .becorne their only way of surviving. , Riel set up a rebel provisional govern- ment at Baloche, on the South Saskat- chewan. If Riel had given his brilliant general, Oahriel Dumont, who Was a , 4,t‘ , - PQ(Z,7' , kvt,:vPi;Al,agi14 \1•1 tz- ( ,1 C7 1, r.s 0111 the 114 jai Oil hero of the great buffalo hunts, a free hand to lead guerilla harassment of the militia on their long trek from the end of the railway oward Batoche, history might have taken a different course. But Dumont'eforces were held in check. A detachment of North West Mount- ed Police sent to nip the rebellion in the bud was defeated .by Dumont's Metis at • Duck Lake on March 26. A trial of strength became inevitable and wfi.'s" complicated by Indian uprisings against the N.W.M.P. Eventually Riel, Dumont and Cree -Indians under Big Bear and - Poundmaker fought a series of brave and brilliant battles against greatly superior federal arms. -The out -number-. • ed rebels' finally met defeat at Batoche on May 12, and Edmonton on July 12. Riel was captured, found guilty of high treason, refused to plead insanity — which might haVe saved his life — • and was hanged in the police barracks at Regina in November 1885. Eight In- dian leaders were also hanged; Pound - maker and Big -tear were jailed for three, years and died broken in spirit. Dumont fled to Montana, starred in wild west shows, and WAS eventually allowed to return to Batoche, where he married a Scottish half-breed; and liv- ed out his life peacefully. (This historical feature 'IS one of a series which readers may wish to elip and, save.) A TuWEDITo Provincial Police Appreciate Sir: It is.fitting that at this time I should express thanks for the factual reporting of what might be termed "Olv News" over the past year. We are now completing the first twelve month period in which all news media through- out the province have been re- ceiving regular advices from our Force _through our Public Infermation Program. It is grat- ifying to see the spirit of co- operation that has developed as the result of this compara- tively recent endeavour. Just as it is essential that , news be made available through all -media by the police, so It is important to the administra- tion of justice that the puiblie be kept informed of the ser - There are now, only two trains running on the London, Huron and Bruce branch of the G.T.R. Mr. and Mrs: Wen. Caldwell of Ilensall, Were mast pleasant- ly surprised by having their pen Wesley drop in on them, with- out a moment's notice. He has been in active service overseas for over three years. • From The Huron Expositor Jan. 13,1892 The tea meeting held in 'con- nection with the Methodist Sab- bath School at Kinburn, recent ly netted the sum of ,$27:60. A little felloW, son Of Simon Barrows, who was severely hurt by a kick from a horse is re- covering., Wm. Brigham Of Hullett, near Londesboro, came to Seaforth with a load of 1,20,,pounds of pork. He got $7.95 per huicarei) for his load. There haS been more snow fallen since, Nen; teaift, and the roads are 131o,C1ed worse than has been the case for several years. Help vices and respinisibilities of the police. °I lot* forward to the continuedgood understanding that presently maintains. Erie Silk Commissioner. • Iluronview Expresses Tliank Sir: May *I have th Privelege of airecting through ou a Ines. sage to the people served by your paper. Again Christmas as been a happy time for'tlie esidents of Huronview, and their be- half I want to sayr thank you to the many people who brought this happiness t them. Many organizations, eh relies; schools and clubs Caine to the Home bringing gifts and remem- brances as well as providing programs and entertainment. Then there were the many gifts given by _relatives and friends so that none was forgotten. The mail was especially heavy,con- taining thousands of letters and hundreds of parcels. - - I do not wish to start naining all those groups that I wish to thank, in case I might over- loalcsomeone, and I would not want to do that. However, I want to express our gratitude to the Sergeant's Mess and the Ladies' Auxiliary of CFB Clin- ton for the gift of two wheel &Ors. On behalf of the residents et Huronvievy and myself again many thanks for everything you :-haye da„n0 at" this- season, of: the,. year, and may 1968 be good to you. John McIver of Hibbert ree- ently 'completed one of the,. largest and, best finished!' barns in the Township. It is 74 by 50 feet, has a stone wall, nine feet high, under it. The contractor was George McGonigle of Tuck- ersinith. . Large quantities of grain, 1;obd and logs are :being brought • into market and aa''usua .4neet ready! sale.at .the 'hig6stnark- et prices. The curling season has now fairly set in and those of our citizens who are oat mealy en- ough to enjoy this exhilarating pastime are having splendid sport. Harvey C. Johnston, Superintendent. "Hi there i 1 WO dropped in to complain about the noise!" How This Newspaper Holi3s Advertisers., By Having. Our Temperature Taken I Regularly Every neWspaper hu an oditorbd thee. mometer. It's called "circulation." The PaPer's ar4 doVino in its efforts to sat* ,the ir.elitOatillunher of editorial hitt:nests IS reflected in *a circulation. So that there is no possibility that thn calibrations on our thermometer become blurred by self-satisfaction we have our temperature taken regularly —by a trained ABC* circulation auditor. When he leaves, there's no question of holy we feet And, we're feeling qufte healthy today, Limit you-:- an indication that wels doing our job of providing an interested audience for your sales messages. We would welcome the opportimit3r, showilig you the AEC facts on our cis. - culation and toexplain just how our editord program is helping to build 'reader interest for your advertising massages. call ns this week. PRONE 527-0240 Se'afortiti