HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-31, Page 811
rr E Wilan d TIMES, OCTOBER 31, 1907
--Town Council meets nest )'Monday
--Fanners are busy harveating the
;soot crop.
---Milk is 10 menta per quart in, the
city ut Qaebee.
—1 utEs and Weekl3 Globe to January
tat, 1909 fox $1.85.
—Wingham l,, O. L., meets Friday
evening of this week,
--Read the Tistas clubbing offers on
tuiother page of this issue.
—The death rate in Ontario dnripg
September woe 129 per 1,000
—Mr. Geo. Spotton will open hie
Minium College at Goderioh next
--Arrangements are baying made for
ani Orange celebration at Ripley on Jule
12th, 1908.
—Frencie McDonald, a pioneer rest•
dent of Huron To,anehip died last week,
.aged 80 years.
)Coughs,, colds, himeseneas, aid other throne
tai'monts aro quietly relieved by Cres°lane
tablets, tea cents per box. All druggist.
—Leval Option meetings are being
Held at several places in Howick Town-
ship this week.
—New subscribers eau secure the
'Teves and Weekly Globe till Jaanary
Yat, 1909 for $1 35.
--Cauada is to have a new bank,
known as the Bank of Canada, with
37ead office at Winnipeg.
—Low clubbing rates for the.Tihlns
and other papers for baleroe of year, or
from now until January, 1909,
—Order your anaticn sale bills at the i
TImEa cfiice. Free notice of sale given
in paper when bills are printed Here.
—Mr. Allan MoLean, for many years',
i prominent business man at Teeawater,
is ,ritioally ill at the hospital in To•
—For the second offence, Mr. R
Graham, of the Graham hotel, Clinton,
was fined $100 for selling liquor after
GIANT TRIPLETS "Ourrency,'"Bobo"
and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big
plugs. Quality idwaya the same.
—Goderich temperance workers have
-decided not to ask for a vote on local
option in tint town until a year from
next January.
—The acerage• under crop iu Sask-
atchewan this year was 1.1.65,774 and
the total production of grain was 29,-
486,610 buahele.
—Readers will do well to read the
advta. in this issue of the TALES. Wing•
ham merchants can supply your wants
at lowest prioes,
—The 'Wingham factories of the
Canada Furniture Manufacturers are
now running but eight bourn a day—
;prom eight till five.
MMMe. Samuel Elliott is visiting with
relatives at Sault Ste Marie.
Mrs. Jno Kerr was visiting with To-
rontofriends, for a few Maya.
1'iljiss Hemphill, of Wroxeter spent
Sunday with Wingham tread
Mr. Wm. Diamond has returner) home
from Cobalt, le here he spent eeverai
Mrs. D McInnes leavea this week for
Toronto %here else will %rand elle ainter
Mr. R Patterson, of Kincardine vieit-
ed With hits brother, Mr, W, G Battersea
this week,
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Stalker, of Blyth
were visitiui, with Wingham relative's
for a few days.
Mr. Haslam returaed home on Satur-
day atter spending a few mc'aathe with
h s sons in North Dekota.
Rev, Jas. Kennedy, of Landon is
ep-nding the • Thanksgiving boIidaee
with his son. Dr. J. P Kennedy,
Mr, A. E. Bradwin, editor of the
Galt Re ormer was vieiting with his
parents in town tor over Sunday.
Mrs. (Rev) T. S. Boyle will be "at
home" in the future on the firat and
second Mondays not an Wednesdays as
Mrs,. Fred. L. McLean will be "at
home" to her friends on Thursday,
November 7th, at Mrs, John A. Me -
Leans', Alfred street,
Miss E. Birdetta MoOraohen has re•
turned home after several weeks visit
with relatives and trends at Dtnphan,
Alan, and Fort William.
Dr, Thos. Chisholm, M. P. has re-
turned hone) from the West, where he
spent several weeks visiting with his son,
Dr. J. S. Chisholm at Prince Albert.
Mr. A. M. Robinson, manager of the
Bank of Hamilton at Teeswater is spend-
ing bis vacation in town. Mr. W. G.
Reid is taking Mr. Robinson's place at
Mr. Robert Holmes, editor of the
Clinton New Era, and Mrs. Holmes,
visited their daughter, Mies Holmes,
teacher in the Wingham Basiness Col
lege. While in town they were the
gusate of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gordon.
Mr. and Mre. J. A. Cummings, of
Listowel have been visiting with
Wingham relatives for a few days.
Mr. Cummings' many old friends here
will be pleased to bear that he is about
fully recovered from his recent illness
Mr, Edgar Henderson returned on
Tuesday morning to the West after
spending several weeks at his parental
home in town. Mr. Henderson will
again engage in missionary work for the
Presbyterian Chanel some twenty miles
from Nanton, Atlte.
energetic man who was not afraid of
work and in ail his bushiest(' ventures
displayed a shrewdoena and ability that
turned mann ao honorably earned dollar
his way Yeats ago he went into the
cattle business cu an ex'eustve scale and
at as nue of the targeet apnrters of stock
io the oountryeide. For about'30 years
he eneoesafelly oouttt,n.'d to We avocet
time and was intimately acquainted with
everybody for miles round, and while
he had losses as well as trains he material-
ly improved his hank acconut bed kept
the balance on the right side of the.
ledger. Mr. CIegg was penial, tquars
and kindly and onnnted hie friends by
the thousands. He Was a Cos servative
in politics, a )Moat Methodist in religion.
actively and liberally supporting the
oauae at Sunshine church and will be
greatly missed in the mum 'may and
the ohuroh. When he was 24 years of
age he married Mas Sarah daughter of
the late Charles Parker, who made him
a true and fatthf ul wife, Their surviv-
ing children are John, of idnrrie, and
Jay, of Beim -eve, and @Gtases Frark and
Linda at home. Another daughter.
Mamie. in young wnalanhnnd, wee
drowni-d in the Maitland by the upset.
ting of a beet about 20 years ago For
7 or 8 y'.are Mr. O•eeg and family resided
in Brussels , but always held on t0 the
Yarm ham stead where so many couiforte
were at hand. Owing to a tendency to
°etch cold easily A' Ir Clegg had spent
several of the past Winters in California
or other milder climates than Ontario
but on the whole he had enjoyed ooia-
perarive good health. barring nue severe
illness when his life hong in the balance
for some time,
—The contr ::tors of the Walkerton (4s,
Lnaknow Railway expect to have the
rails laid from Proton to Durham, 17
utiles, in about three weeks,
'For quality and quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs,"
"Stag" and "Currency" Chewing To-
—A few more weeks of this beant'iful
fall weather will help the fanners in the
feed shortage. At this date last year
stank was stabled for the winter.
—A new street light has been placed
at the corner of Victoria and Frances
,etreettl. The residents of that section of
the town will appreciate this improve-
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value ot Cresolene
'kith the seething properties of slippery elm and lico-
rice. Your druggist or from us, 10e in stamps.
Issxnte, Musa Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401
—Guy Bros. Minstrels appeared in
Wingham opera house on Monday even-
ing. The attendance was not as large
as usual, nor the show till to that of for-
mer years.
—A fresh coat of paint has improved
the appettrauco of St. Paul's rectory.
A new cement sidewalk has been laid
from John street to the main entrance
of the rectory'.
--The regular meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary for the Wingham General
Hospital will be held in the Council
Chamber on Monday afternoen,Nov. 4th
at 4.15 o'clock.
d'net received a large shipment of
up-to-date overcoats and suits for fall
and winter. Give us a call,
T. A., Meets.
--The Winghere Branch of the
Women's Inetitate wi:l meet in the
O O. F. hall, Thursday, Nov. 7th, at
2 30 p. m. All members are requested
to be present. Visitors welcome.
Mcl+'ayden, a farmer, living
near Kincardine, was fatally gored by a
bell Friday. Ile was feeding the animal
in it small inoloaure, when without warn•
lug it attacked hitn. Before he could be
rescued he was fatally injured, being
terribly gored and trampled. Ile was
60 years of age, and single.
-�11tt'esre. Jas,. Walker & Co. aro mak-
ing genie improvements to their furniture
*ndunxertaking wareroolns, which when
completed will give them more room,
and enable them to better supply the
demands of their increasi'lg traria. For
the next month they are offering special
piom on all lines of furniture. Intend•
lag purchasers will do well to look up
their large :rdet on page tone' of thio
Made Well and Strong by Dr. Wil-
liams Pink Pills.
Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills makes new blood, Every drop of
pure blood brio' s the ill disheartened
woman nearer to health and happiness.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have brought
the glow of health to thousands of suffer
err who gladly bear testimony to that
e'ileov. One of these is Mrs. Elizabeth
Dunham, of Welland, Ont., who says:
"For more than a year I w: s greatly run
down. I had sickening headaches and
my heart would palpitate so violently
shat at times I feared death was near.
I was under the care of a doctor, but in-
stead of improving I lost etre 'th and
my weight decreased from o
and forty to ninety pounds
conraged, but finally de '
the doctors' treatment
Slams' Pink Pills. 1
for after using th
could see a market ' improvement in my
condition. The headaohes left me; I
regained strength: the distresaing heart
palpitation ceased and at the end of two
months I was fully restored to health
and felt better than I had for the past
twenty years. Dc. Williams' Pink Pills
are truly a marvellous medicine and I
cannot praise them enough."
Heart palpitation, anaemia, headaches,
loss of appetite, general weakness, back-
aches, weariness and a boat of other
troublee are all the os, come of bad blood,
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills make new,
rich, reel blood—the pnre blood does the
rest. That is why these pills cure all
troubles due to watery blood or weak,
shaky nerves. There is not a nook or
corner in Canada where Ton will not
find some grateful person who has been
cured by the nae of Dr. Williams' Pick
Pills. Oa the word of your netehbor
we ask you to try this medicine if yon
are weak, ailing or ren down. The pills
are sold at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2 60 at all medioina dealers or from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo,, Brook-
ville, Ont.
A large number from Brussels attended
the funeral of the late Joseph Clegg, of
Morris, ilir. Clegg was a familiar
figure in town and had many warm
The house and lot belonging to Fred.
Adams, hardware merchant, now of
Fordwich, corner of Mill and Elizabeth
streets, Brussels, has been purchased by
Samuel Carter. He will come into pos-
session at once and will take up residence
Rev. W. 11, Ellis, who has been in
Saskatoon for the past 5 years, engaged
in the ministry of the Baptist church, is
here on a short visit to his parents and
old friends. He purposes leaving this
week for McMaster Co:lege, Toronto, to
complete his course of study.
In the demise of Thos. McLanohlin,
whose si.irit passed away at the family
residence on Thursday, 17th inst., there
re movea from the aotive scenes of thie
Iife one of those sturdy old pioneers who
have helped to make history in East
Huron. Mr. MoLatichlin was born in
the County of Renfrew, Ont., in the
month of June, 1853, together with a
widowed mother, brothers and sisters,
he moved to the upper country coming
to what was then known as the "Queen's
bush," and locating on lot 2, con. 6, Grey,
when this country was a dense forest
and the population of Grey, consisted ot
not a dozen families. A quiet unassum-
ing man he never sought public offices
but was always a supporter of whatever
tended to the public good. In the days
when the East Huron Agricultural
Society was in its infancy Mr. McLauoh•
lin gave hie loyal support in time and
money and until hie death continued to
take a prominent part in all that pertain-
ed to the advancement of live stock in.
terests in this community. Mr. MoLauch-
lin Was twice married, his first wife being
Mies Ann Stewart, and his second Miss
Mary McIntosh, of Glengarry, both of
whorl are deceased. Mr. 1e!cLauehhn,
who was in his 72nd year, was a Presby'
terian and a Liberal in politics.
for ,'Business nr Shortband course.
kt eitions a ,'tu'edta grednates. Six
months win at you We provide 24 rqr-
Eg teachers and best factieles. Write fag
Central Business College, 8115
r Yongel t., 'reroute.
millyeeeacwW. 11. SaAW, Principal,
I was die -
ed to give up
rid try Dr. Wil -
m glad I (1'd so,
ills a few weeks I
To Lot Holders is Bluevale
Take notice that a mee - s g will be
held in the Foreseer:' Ha , Bluevale, on
Saturday, the e3rd •a'' of November
next, at 1.30 o'clock • m., for the pur-
pose of electing Trnsteea of the Ceme-
tery, and for any other business that
may bo brought before the meeting
All lot oweere are requested to be pre-
Dated at Bluevale this 23rd day of
Ootober, 1907.
Seoretary of Oearetery Committee.
That J. S, Jerome, Dentist, has a
patent aerchamber that be guarantees
will hold any artificial set of teeth erm
in the mouth. .Prices as low as possible.
All work guaranteed.
Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham.
For School Sectin
male or female, D
the year 1908.
salary wanted, qua
he received up to
LE1semr N.—In East Wawanosh. on October
21st, to Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Leishman; a
ME'teA!C—At Glenanvan on October 260i,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalf; ason.
BxsTeAat.—In Turnberry, on October 17th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bentham ; a daughter.
11 APORTr3,—DOrot,As.—At the residence
of the bride's parents, on Oct. 14th, by )Rev.
A. O. Wishart, B. A., Mr. Victor G. Rapaporth.
of Detroit, to Miss Stophia R., daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Douglas, of Morris.
STonett—WAnwtax. — At Grand Rapids,
Minn , by Rev. W heard Ward, Presbyterian
Minister, B. M. Storch, Specialist, of Chicago,
to Miss Jean Warwick, late of Morris Town-
" DIEi) /
BALr,-•In Wingham. on Wednesday, October
23rd, 1107, Henry Ball, aged 10 years ands
MCLAucELtx.—In )russels, on October 171h,
Thomas 3icLauchlin, aged 71 years.
McCnETC,n2+.—In Blyth, on October 14111,
Ann Nesbit, beloved wife of Alex. McCreight,
aged 71 years, 2 months and 14 days.
DAss.--In WoodstOelt, Ont, on Saturdny
morning, October 10th, Eup�iemia Martin,
second daughter of the late Isaac Martin,
and relict of the late Henry Days. of Lucknow.
JACrt)tAN.--Is, West Wawanosh on Tuesday,
October 22nd, Sarah Ann Powell, beloved wife
of James W. Jackman, and sister of Mrs. John
Cochrane, of East Wawanosh, aged 69 years,
A former well•known young lady of
the 2nd line, Miss Jean Warwick, was
married last week at Grand Rapids,
Minn. to Dr. H, M. Storob, Specialist, of
Chicago. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Willard Ward, Presbyterian
minister. Dr. and Mrs. Storch will re-
side itt Seattle and will have rho best
wished- of many friends hi this locality.
Mr. Joseph Clegg, 'whose death wad
briefly noted in last week's Thins Web
born in tlOderich township 65 years ago
and became a resident of Morris town.
ship about the year 1860 when he secured
South half lot 8, eon. 5, then a bush lot
Which he cleared and made for himself;'
and his family a comfortable home, Thai
subject Of this notice was a hearty,
for Railway and Commercial work
is well taught by us,. Our new book
" Guided by the Key," explains.
Sent with first lesson to any appli-
cant on receipt of 4 cents in stamps.
Address Central School of Tele-
graphy, 3 Gerrard 11. tea. Toronto.
W. II. SnAW, President.
Hy being the best tate school has
become the largest business training
school fa W extern Ontario. Our en.
rolltnent again exceeds that of a year
ago. Why? 13ocauae our courses are
thorough and practical with special.
Ws in charge of our Cummer Nal
Shorthand and Telegraphy de-
partnusnts, All our graduates obtain
good positions. You may enter now,
Write for one free Catalogue.
J. S.
No. 6, Turnberry;
ties to begin with
plications, stating
fictitious, etc , will
nesday, Nov. 5th,
Wingbam P. 0.
Being south ss, Lot 8 , con. 12, East-Wawan-
osh; 150 acres more or es; close to school and
churches; 0 miles fro Wrnghnm. The land
lies well, is nicely rolls g, no hard pan ; natur-
ally drained; is a sirc learthe
choicest quality, and i knownclay to then, oldof sett-
lers as one of the sure cropping farms in the
neighborhood; is suits le for all kit de of crop.
dairying or grazing. he cleared hand is all
seeded but about 26 am .s ; there are 10 acres of
hardwood bush, map'- beech, hemlock, elm,
white ash, etc., which .as not been mulled to
any extent, There is never -failing supply of
well and serine wat r. Burn 0Ox00, stone
foundation; holds 7 ho sea, 25 head of cattle.
Hey barn 30x50, pen f. 80 hogs. These with
two large sheds form a veil sheltered yard for
stock. (in account of = ttingthe family home-
stead,1 now offer this , arra et a bargain, and
on terms that should nulla it easy for some
willing man to get a . ood home. If not gold
soon, will he offered y public auction, For
price, trrine and flirt er particulere apply to
ARC at MCN1f:IL or R rAe STONE R ingham.
Du You WHO
Don't yon send your sone and
daughters to the school whore
they specialize? Why not like-
wise purchase at the store where
Food is a Specialty.
Isn't it sometimes the case that
the food we eat is bought irrespeo-
tive of quality? Why not give 4.
the same care and attention to
this that is given to other things.?
They will be filled here wttb
every attention an the first order it
will induce you to come bank C
Dried Applets, Butter,
Eggs, Potatoes, etc.
wary Christie
Grocer and China Merchant
Mr. Osborne of the Fort Frances Times
repndintee the interview published to
;New York, in which he is made to tell a
story of cannibalism among the Indians
in Keewatin.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
ANY even numbered section of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta excepting 9 and 23, not reserved, may
be homesteaded by any ptSrson who is the sole
head of a fee fly, or any male over 18 years of
age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 100
acres, more or less
Application for entry crust be made in per-
son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -agency for the district in which
the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how-
ever, be made at an Agency on certain condi-
tions by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister of an intending Homesteader.
The homesteader is required to per'orm the
homestead duties under one ofthe following
(1) At least six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each year for three
(2) A homesteader may, if he so desires
perform the required residence duties by living
on, farming land Owned solely by him, not less
than eighty (80) acres in extent, bathe vicinity
of his homestead. Joint ownership in land
*ill not meet this requirement.
(8) If the father (or mother, if the fattier is
deceased) of the homesteader has permanent
residence on farming land owned solely by
him, not less than eighty (801 in acres extent,
in the vicinity of tho homestead, or upon a
homestead entered for by him in the vicinity,,
such homesteader mn perform his own res
livingwih the father (or
mdeuthe rd. ues
t 41 The term "vicinity" in the two preced-
ing paragraphs is defined as meaning not more
than nine miles in a direct line, exclusive of
the width of road allowances crossed in the
(51 A homesteader intending to perform his
residence duties in accordance with the above
while living with parents or on farming land
owned by himself must notify tho .Agent for
the district of such intention.
Six months' notice in writing must ibe given
to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at
Ottawa of intention to apply for patent
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N.B.—t1nauthorized publication of this ad•
vertisement will not be paid for.
Rti111' SYS EM
aro abundant in the
" Highlands of Ontario.'
Slagle fare in effect until Nov. 5th,
to all 901010 in the above district,
Muskoka Lakes Midland
Lake of Bays Penetan
Magenetawan Elver
llTernaa mi District.Lakeilelid
also to certain points in Quebec;Wow
i3rttnewick, Newfoundland, and to
Sault Ste Mario, via N. N. Co,
All tlekefs good until Dee. 7th or until
elms of Navigation, if earlier, to 'pinta
rebelled by steamer lines. R
%'or full tntormat Th a% to rates and
tickets, call on L.11.M1()11,1)�i l)epet Agent.
J. D. DMCU01tALU, 1). P. A., 'J:oronto.
We Have Been Speaking 1
Through the pages of this paper to the Iafidtea who watt the
and Wraps of every kind, and in oouaequenoe of that, our sales
have been large and our customers all pleased and satisfied; and
now they are speaking for us in the most telling manner. We
would like you, now that the weather is putting on Wintry airs,
to think of
You will be amply repaid by looking through our fine display of
beat quality of Furs, before deciding where to purchase.
We have exceeded any former effort, even of this House, thin
season in. the SPLENDID DISPLAY of
Seasonable and Fashionable Dress Goods
that are now offered to aur customers at very reasonable prices,.
Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples.
FOR SALE — Several good White
Wyandotte cockerels. Apply at Tie1Es
Fon SALE—First- class 100 acre farm,
two miles from Wingham. All in grass. j
Get particulars from H. DAVIS.
Mr. Tustice Riddell in a judgment
ordered that the Michigan Central Rail-
road pay a fine of $25,000 in connection
with the recent explosion at Essex.
slave yon been to see the stove retina -
dons at YoDNG's Big Hardware.
Wingham, Bear. 2, 1903.
The Western Foundry Co.:
Gentlemen, — We have been
using oue of your Crown Huron'
Ranges since last Fall and are
,highly pleased with it, as it has
proved satisfactory in price,
beauty • and economy, -
Yours truly,
Thomas Drummond.
—an item that must' be considered ,when buying
Cooking or Heating Stove.
1-1 U RI N
are the leading line -- economical. on . fuel, and
give first-class satisfaction. Fully guaranteed or money
R. R. MO
ki"'✓.1'r'/'1('/ 1((':!;