HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-31, Page 6THE WIYGIW4 TIMES, OCTOBER 31, 11007 f6IS GOOD TEA" Girls are neater, more careful, and more cleanly than boys, so they are employed in the Red Rose factory to do all the packing and labelling. It is a factory girls like to work in, and Red Rose Tea is a tea you will enjoy drinking. Everything is done to ensure it being absolutely pure and clean. Will you try a package? Asa year gnawforif, , i4 Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. There are 1.000 Chinese words that Slave each 10 different meanings. •Cheadey's council is submitting a by- law for the raising of $38,000 for the installation of town waterworks. , One Short Puff Clears the Head.— Does your bead ache? Have you pains over your eves? I9 the breath offensive? 'These are certain symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Agnew', Catarrhal Powder wilt cure most stubborn Mee in a marvellously short time. If you've had Catarrh a week it's a Pare cure. If tot of fifty fears atanding We jest as effective. 50 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton —67. T1:eworkmen who have been employed in boring a new well at Stapleton, struck a bed of pure rocs salt last week, at a depth of 1150 feet. Allan Nelson of Tiverton, has been appointed clerk of the sixth Division Court of the County of Bruce, vice James E. McKee, resigned, CASTOR IA Far Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1-440 On Thursday last, South Bruce Lib- erals nominated Mr. R E. Tranx for the Legislature, and South Perth Conserve, tires nominated Hon. Nelson Monteith. A petition is in circulation far preset). tation to the Hallett township council at its next meeting, asking that a vote be taken on the repeal of the Local Option By-law. A weak stomach, cawing dyspepsia, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermit. tent pulse, always meane weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nervee. Strength. ° en these inside or coutroling nerves with Pr. Shoop's Restorative and see how gniokiy these ailments dieappear. Dr. Zboop of Raoine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Tour health is certainly worth this sim. 'ale trial. Sold by all dealers, Mr. J. W. Westervelt. principal of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, has been appointed on the staff of the London Normal School as instruc- tor in penmanship. Bed -ridden 15 years.—"If anybody vaunt a written guarantee from me per- sonally as to my wonderful pure from rheumatism by South American Rheu- linatic Cure I will be the gladdest woman in the world to Rive it," says Mrs. John remanent, of Elora. "I had despaired of recovery up to the time of taking this wonderful remedy. It oared complete- ly." ompletely." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -58. By means of a steel -lined irrigation e; anal engineers are preparing to give Mater to a district in Egypt near Assuan which has been dry and parched for 3,000 or 4,000 years, The soil is saline, and for this reason it is necessary to 'rash the ground for from three to four weeks before any crepe can be grown upon it. When Scat wet the ground swells and rises about six inches, after - 'Wards subsiding from one foot to two i`eet. SURE ALL KIDNEY TROUBLES. Mrs, Kiran Vevey, Marmora, Ont., tirrlte "I was troubled for fiveY a rs r`rith nay bash. I tried a great many remedies, but all failed until I was ed• deed by a friend to use Deatee KinNnr Pau. 1 did so, said two bate made a complete cure. I eau heartily reeotta mend theta to till troubled with their beck." You may publish this if yet Price 50 rents per box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers. or matted diesel on receipt of pie' by The Doati Kidney Pill Ct'i., 3'etrepto, Out On the 16th inst., et the Presbyterian menet+, Dungannon, Mr. Abraham Evans of Kincardine and Miss Dolena Rose, of Gnderioh, daughter of Mr. Rose of Wawauosh, were united in marriage. A very pleasing event took place Mon- day evening, of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. (x. Moffatt, when about 100 of their friends met to assist them in celebrating the 10th anniversary of their marriage. Pain snwhere, pain in the head, painful periods, Neuralgia, toothache. all paine can be stopped by a thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by Druegtets everywhere as Dr. Shoop s Headache Tablets. Pain simply meane congestion—undue blood pressure at the point where pain exists. Dr Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this unnatural blood nreeeure, and pain im- mediately departs. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. and get a free trial pack. age, Large box 25 cts.—Druggists. The exports of silk from Japan dux. ing the season of 1906 07 aggregated 98,000 bales, a figure never before at. tained. America took 71,230 bales and Europe took 27,436. Tbie season's re- cord will app,,rently exceed that of any previous season. Libre Tearing the Heart Strings,— "It is not within the conception of man to measure my great sufferings front heart disease. For years I endured al- most Conetant'ontting and tearing pains about my heart, and many a time wonld have welcomed death. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has worked a veritable mir- acle."—Thos. Hicks, Perth, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -59. Rev. John Aldis, the oldest Baptist minister in Eugland, who was in his 100th year, has died suddenly from heart failure at his home, Beokington, Somerset. The liquor dealers of Mitchell at a meeting last week decided to raise the prices of stabling and liquors. Hay for one horse is to be 10o., and for two horses, 20cts. Barreled whiskey, single glass, 10 ate, or three for 25 ora. All case goods, single glass 15 cls, or two for 25 ots. C:-,r+1,lee 'Xi Ca XV. X13,-. Beam eta The Kind You Have Always Bought oeSignature • of .61 One of MoKillep's esteemed residents, in the person of Mrs, James Davidson, passed away on Tneeday of last week after a lingering illness. The deceased, whose maiden name was Flora McDon- ald, was in her 65th year, and leaves a husband and grown op family to mourn her death. Where Doctors do agree!—Physi- cians no longer consider et catering to "quackery" in recommending in practice so meritorious a remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Nervansneas as South American Nervine. They realize that it is a step in advance in medical science and a sure and permanent Cure for diseases of the stomach. It will cure yon. Sold by A, L. Hamilton. -60, In order to compensate themselves for the general increase in prices and wages Chesley hotelkeepers are putting ap the price of whiskey. Future prices Will be as follows:—barrel whiskey 10c a glass, or 3 for a quarter, foreign ter eased goods I6c a gime, or 2 for a quarter, The Public School children of Toronto ars pouring in the colas to Elwell their holdings in the Penny Banka, Daring the past three woke they have deposited 15,287. Last week they put in $1,455, made ii:7 deposits, and opened 250 new *acetate. At the ieguiar meeting of the door don, fiat., Court of Revision a rather novel petition was presented from the India of the Teachers' Guild, asking to be placed on the voters' hst at the coining municipal elections. The ladies claim that they h ve been pcaci all support taeir homes, i twiny e n any i nistdntzee, and that they should be entitled to the same priv. lieges as a tenant or lend tivintier. About tt month ago they decided to call them. delves tenants, and ae etch they appealed to the Court fpt ,x Ifrenchiee, The Court, however, heli[ tot t under the Mt wbieh states that ty tenant 'Mitt to the sole eoeupant,'i Woald'be iinpoeii. bis to Allow the steal. Miss A. Franoie, B A„ has been ap• painter; eo the staff of Toronto Jnnotion Collegiate It's'itute as a specialist in English and History. She is a graduate of Mitchell ILO School, For Over Sixty Years. An old and Weal•Tried•Remedy--Mrs WM910s 's Soothing Syrup nee been used for aver sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfeot success, It soothes the obild, softens the game, allays all pain, oures wind colic, and is the beer remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, Its value i9 inealoulable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs Winslow', Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Guaranteed ander the Fond and Drng Act, Jane 30th, 1906. Serial Number 1098. Before Police Magistrate Andrews at Clinton, Reuben Graham of the Grabard Hotel was charged with selling liquor after hours. Graham pleaded not guilty, but after hearing the evidence the magis- trate imposed a fine of $100 and costs, it being a seoond offence. The costa were $6 65. Dr. Agnew's Ointment Cures Piles ---ltobutg, Bleeding anti Band Plies. Comfort in nue application. It curer+ in three to six nights. It cures all plain diseases in young and old. A remedy beyond compare, a d it never fail,. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -63. The death is reported from Airdrie. Alberta, of William Gorton, Jr , who left a year ago last spring with his father and other members of the family, His death, which was due to meningitis, occurred on the lith instant. Deceased was the oldest eon of Mr. Wm. Borton formerly of the 4th conceeeion, Culross, and he was aged 19 years and 8 months. To cheek a cold quickly. get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventice, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt, Preventice contain no Quinine, no laxa- tive, nothing harsh noietickening. Tak- en at the "eaeez, stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Ls Grippe, etc. Hence the name,'Preventics Good for feverish children, 48 Preven- tics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 ots. Sold by ad dealers. Mr. A. Mills, tinsmith at the Hard. ware store of Mr. T. Lawrence, Lucknow, bad the misfortune to have his leg broken in a fall from the roof of the new resi• dente being erected for Mr. D. Lawrence, While engaged in placing the metal roof. ing in position it appears he slipped and fell to the ground, a distance of 25 feet. Trial Catarrh treatments ere being mafI- ed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These testa are proving to the people—without a penny's cost—the the great value of this scientific prescrip- tion known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop', Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. The Postmaster General's report for the fiscal period of nine months ending Maroh 31st last, just issued, shows a surplus of revenue over expenditure amounting to $1,083,301. For the whole twelve months of the preceding year the sarpiue was $1,011,795. The total rev- enue for the nine months was $6,535, 083 and the expenditure $5,452,793. The revenue is inoressing at the rate of $800, 000 a year, and the number of letters and postcards carried by over 44,000,000. The number of postoffiocs have increased 236. 1 Is the POREMOST ifEth1Cttfjof the DAY. It is a purely vegetable compound pos. sessin� perfect regulating powers over all the organs of the eystiim and eentroll. ing their seeretions. It 110 purifies the blood that it ewes alt blood humors and diseases, and this combined with its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence, renders it ultiequalied for all ditteates of the :skin, Mr. Robert Parton, Millbank, Ont. writes t ":some time ago I was troubled with boils and pimples, which kept brake ing out eonstant,[-y. After taking tyro bottles of Burdock Blood Bititere 1` ant **modal etired." pee friendsbia is not earn to leek Away In stifling Martine for tear oe thievish hands; It is a generous auu•warroth, that exoande That seal it fl ws through, turning night to fees ; L'eht given to nR to glv,-abroad again, Tial none in unblessed dtarkeess shall remain --Luoy Lemma. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- aeye, bladder and urinary organs only. Noy cure bankaohes, weak bank, rheunt- %tinm, diabetes, congestion, iuflatnation, gravel, t3right'e disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of Inc kidneys and bladder The only temp which the Hindoos of the orthodox type employ is made en. tirely of vegetable produots. But soap is lift a used in India, being almost an unknown luxury with the nativee. Stnmerh trnublee, Heart and Kidney aiam,-nte, can he gnickly corrected. with a preeortptinn ku .wn to eraugiste every- where as Dr Simonet Restorative. The prompt and eurtrriefint relief welch this remedy immediately brlugs is entirely due to its Restorative settee open the nnotrolling nerves or the Stowaoh, eto. Su1d by all dealers. The news of the death of Mr. H. Days at Woodetock on Satnrday morning 19th itlat., carne as a severe shock to many citizens of Lucknow. It is but a few weeks since Air,, Days eves a visitor to relatives here and was called away to nurse a sister who was ill with typhoid fever, Mrs. Day's nontreated the die. ease reeniting in her death. It is but 14 months since Mr. Days' death and sin- cere sympathy is extended to the Ber- eaved relatives of these former popular and respected citizens. Mrs. Days' re- mains were interred at ,Colborne ceme- tery beside that of her husband. Kidney Experiment.—There's no time for expelHaenting when you've dis- covered that you are a victim of some one form or another of kidney disease, Lay hold of the treatment that thousands have pinned their faith to and has cured (pinkly and permanently. South Ameri- can Kidney Cure stands preeminent in tea world of medicine RR the kidney en fferer's truant friend. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -62, Mr. Edward Muir, a gentleman from n ear Milverton, has pnrohesed the beautiful 160 aure farm of Mr. Win. Scott, of the noth gravel road, McKillop The price paid was $10 500. This farm is one of the best in the Country, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re. moors all hard, eoft or calloused lumps and blentiebes from horeee, blood apatite care,, Splints, ringbone, sw'eney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, -coughs, etc., _ Save $50 by use of one, bo'tle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A . L, Hamil- ton. The past twenty-five years have work- ed wonders for the human race. A quarter of a century ago there were no telephones, no trolley oars, no electric fans, no cooking by electricity, no macbinery driven by motors, no trans- mission of eleotrio power, no phonograph, no biograph. It is really astonishing what strides have been made in economic electric inventions in the past twenty. five years, The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfeot Dough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 26 cents. By charging exhorbitant prices the Walkerton butchers have crowed so much popular hostility that the by-law which protects them from outside com- petition is likely to be repealed. This by-law imposes a license fee of $20 on any person living outside the corpora- tion who sells meat in quantities less than a quarter. The law is said to work against the poor who can afford to buy meat in small quantities only. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Soratobes, Bar- ber's Itch and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cared in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Rinsing the mouth with very hot wa- ter stops the thirst. Thies is safer than drinking when the body is overheated. The total assessment of Toronto is $207,317,767, and the population 272,- 600, Last year's figures gave the pope• lation as 263,720, an increase of 18,880 this year. The increase in assessment for 1007, $22,054,507, is the largest in the history of Toronto. Mr, E. Lowman, of Elmwood, County of Huron, has invented what he call,' the ideal snowplough, A company has been organized with Hon. A. G. Mao. Kay as president, to take it on the mar. kat, Ranter Bros., of Kincardine, tare manufacturing a model which will cost $12,000 and is to be ready January 1st. It will be tested on the Intercolouiai Railway*, Because one has not enough young poultry to warrant the trouble of orate fattening, be need not market his 00e. irtels with nothing but skinontheirbetea. A. fortnight's liberal fceding in a small dark but well.ventiiaicd pen will pay Well iti increased weight as well as stip- trier tip.eri ttenderness and saleability. PtantI of clean Water, plenty of grit ,`:and a dust bath, with skim milk, grain, mashes, scrape and the other tit bite that chick• era like, will amply rev4srd the slight expendittre of trouble and feed. It IS the flesh of a ehtoken that is edible, not the bones. Profit lies be producing ale much edible virtual itit postdble on it given frame. Theta Is tree economy in this, Try it, Sleepless? Nerves are Rracked. Vitality is Lowered, Brain is Congested. Health Undermined. Opiates, Sedatives, Narcotics, Norse Than Vsoaass, taroduea No rormauorit Grtva. Worry, overwork, over study and indt,reetion clause Insomnia. Healthy, natural sleep oen't be pro- duced by drega ld'iret, the blood elronlation must be improved: Clnegestinn of blood iu the head must be removed, Irritation in the brain must be re- lieved. It's beesape Ferrozone Fqualizae eir- Cniation, because it aoothee the irritation, bemuse it rcmovee congestion that it does mere insomnia For building blood end nerve, for int,tilling Jo: Oe and life into overworked organs, for establishing strength and vitality, where can you find anything so erro a8 Ferrczone, Remember, sleep is jest as important as food. You must sleep or break down. You can if you'll use Ferrozone and thereby remove the ooeditions which now keep you from sleep. Ferrozone is not a narcotic, not a dope; it is a health•giving tonic that any child or delioate woman can nee. Absolutely safe is Ferrozone. Take it for a month, take it for a year --no harm, but immeasurable good will result. To sleep well, look well, feel well, to be free from depression, nervous• neer or blues—use Ferrozone. It's a food tonic, a healer to the weak and wretched, a boon to the eleeplese— sold everywhere in 50c. boxes. New Yolk State across the line is a big state agrieu]turally. She produced in 1906, 135 863,770 lbs of cheese, sat sa bulletin fr om the state department of agriculture. There are 902 cheese faotoriee, 365 creameries, 229 combined 'factories, 26 oondenaaries and 639 milk stations. Only nine of the 61 counties in the state do not produce dairy pro. duets. SPRINt1; DrEDICINE. .As a spring medioince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. At the grand old age of 101 years, Edward Switzer, of Kirkton, entered into rest ou Tuesday, the 15th inst. By his death a lineal chain of five genera. tions has been broken. Until a few weeks ago the deceased had enjoyed re. markably good health. 0 CATAICRH CANNOT BE CURED with IooaI applioationa, as they cannot reaoh the diseased portion of the ear. There 18 only oi,e way to cure deafness, and that is by conetitntftinal remedies. Deafness is caused .by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube is inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and wheteitis entire Iy closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inilamation can be taken ont and this tube restored to its normal oon. dition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine oases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which le nothing bat an inflam- ed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cironlars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Ca: Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o, Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstip- ttion, William Northrope, oonrioted of forgii)g the name of Crown Attorney McKay, of Orangeville to a bhegne for $40, was sentenced to six months' im- prisonment by Judge Carman at St. Catharines, DR. A. W. 'CHASES 05 CATARRH CURE ... O. is sent direct tb the diseased ' parts by the Improved Blower, Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and ppetlnanautly cure;: Catarrh and Hay Fever, Blower free. All dealer3, or Dr, A, W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and nufalo. The playing of wind instruments Stich as she cornet is beneficial to the lungs and is frequently recommended by doe. tors. If the exertion demanded by the Ioudeeinstrnments is too great, the lints may be adopted with good relinits. OIYGEN�TOR (Generated. Oxygen) Cures CONSUMPTION, CATARRH, COLDS and LA 0111PPS, Also RHEUMATISM, es it allows the Kidneys to freely disdlsetgethe Urie Acid from the Blood. Curer Old Sara, Good gamily Medicine to use for Cods Scalds and Bruises, THE BEST' BLOOD PUPIPIBit KNOWN. a p'or Sale by all Druggists. THE OXYGENATOR CO.,' 42 Ilerbord Street, Toronter, Canada YVVVY r+,YOTYYMOrotrorVivInfr. vovvolrovvvvvvvvortiromlife 1' 5. 1w Announcement i.1 i > .tFa We are now ready for the Fall trade, and 3 • below we mention a few of the Fall and • Winter Goods we have in stock; ••0' • • ••• • 5. ti 4 • Extra heavy stooks Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear just I arrived. We sell Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear—guaranteed tall Nova Scotia Wool, 50 Ladies' Cloth Jackets to clear at less than half price, We have some extra good values in Ladies' and Men's Fur .'•j :~ Coats. Ili men's we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, 'a' Calf and Dog. 4. 3. A few Men's Fur Caps to clear at reasonable prices. 3 • • Pure Wool Yarn, in single, two or three ply, made in Wrox, • eter especially for our trade. y • Our stock of 150 pieces of Flannelettes, in all colors and tc weights, from 5e up, were bought before the advance in price, and 3 w therefore it is to your advantage to some and see our stock. 4 ▪ We purchased a large number of Traveller's Samples of Heavy Top:Shirts which we can sell you at less than wholesale prices. They M s • are just the thing for fall wear,• w • Come and see our new stock of Men's and Boys Overcoats and Suits, good values. c� > 3 4 5. Bring your trade and exchange it ITT for our bargains. tl . 4 4 riv iv PO • WANTED. OF KINDS T. A. MILLS.' a► jj • JCAAAAAAAAA%a*AAst.AAAAAAAw.a AILAMLi.aAAi/14AAAA•11+IA tiiL21 ti.eno•aseeettemposNeeties oss • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •� • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • A •ssseeeseeteesssekapeses•er a' • • •• -s • • • 0 N • • 1 • i • • A . •0 • ' • •0' O• 0' •;6 r� • • 1. An Advertisement in 'THE TIMES tr` Brings Good Results The Wingham Times reaches the homes of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding country. It keeps its subscribers posted on all the news of the day—local, political and foreign., If you have anything to sell, or want anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on application. We Think PUuting That's our business. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance. It's no trouble for us to give you information—to write or call—it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest something you can profit by. Prices right. Quality ever .the talisman. The W!llgliam Times WINCH -Alai, ONTARIO. 0.0.0116.0411040.1116.01100.0.61 • f • • ,• Of ;k • to