HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-31, Page 4A fn'i line of (T)AL and WOOD RANGES, BUCK'S "HAPPY THOUGHT " RANGES, RADIANS' HOME HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, COAL HEATERS. Let of $EOOND-HAND STOVES. pall and SEE OUR STOOK and GEE OUR PRICES. ! CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGEIAM, L H. BISHOP., rr TUE WINGIIAM TIMES, OOTO$ER 31, 1907 TO ADVERTISERS NOtdae of ohangee must be left at this atfioe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Oaeuai advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ERTABLZSli$D 1872 THE WINfllAliI ` iiIES, R. B $LLIQTT, PUBLremoatAND PROPRIETOP • THURSDAY, 00T. 31. t907. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The bye elections Tuesday for House or Con no19 vb0 iu 4-,a resulted in the return of Ur A. M Martin (Liberal) in North Wellirs,;ton, Ur. 0. L. Oxen (Ooas'rvativ. ) in E tet Northumberland anx 1114 tr B. artier (Owls rvative) for London. Tue wsj xtues were all large. A report from U,ited Sc..ct•e U0 141111 F W Mahtu, at N,.tLu ghem, England, Mates that the olfh, al figurers shows that Great Brioche's annual import ut apple* is now nt any 9.000,010 bushels Oat; -ball the import le front the Uuit:.d States. The twat from all the British Possessions is under 4 000,000 bushels; Canada's share is about 3,000,000, and Australia's nearly 500.000. It is be- lieved that Brunie's enure demand for imported apples could be met by Canada and ,Australia. The railroads of the United States are owned by about 450,000 stook - holders. The iota aconratet count was made three years ago by the interstate commerce Oommiseiou, when the num- ber was 327,000. Since that time the growth in capital stook has been very heavy, so that a correspondingly lirge increase in the number of shareholders has lately 000nred. The Penus)lvauia has many more than doable as many owners as any other railroad in America, havtng fully one•tenth of the total Lum- ber. Its last divi tend checks in Jd ty went to 45,500 different persons or insti- tutions. The trade figures of the D,mioion for September and for the first sex menthe of the current fispal year indicate a non. tinned large expansion of Oanad.t's traria The figures for Sep=ember are pep orally grstitying in that th •y chow a vrtry large increase of exports over S-ptemoer of last year, the 1110119148 to• rhs in with, to gather vvith the Antast inureaee, conurer. balancing by over th-ee millions the de creates of the previous four menthe. Lest month every line of industry chow ed a large increase in exports, wi'h the single exception of the fishetios; which showed a decrease of about half a million as compered with Se tt.mber, 1906. The total trade for the Fix m tnrbs was $332,. 661,155, an inorease of $at 156.482 over the correspondiug six months of last year. SURE AND SAFi ' Baby's Own Tablets is the 1 est medi- clues to the world for the, mwor aitmeuee of little ones. and the safest We do not ask you to take our word terr this - we give you the guarantee of it Govern- ment analyst that ihie medtcXue o•,ntains no opiate or harmful ,)rug /It is equally good for the new born ba a or the well grown child. It is a c tam cure for all the moor ailmf nt of childhood. Mrs. Andrew Trees Savabeo, Qle., sans: "I have pr ed the vaino of Baby's 0 xn Tabiete ae w cure for several o the troubles that afflict yonngtohtl- dren, including akin disuas', ind grata to and teething troubles." Sold by medi- cine dealers or by utnil at 25 o••nts a box from the Dr Williams' Medtciue 00 , Brookville, 0 et W R 1TECHL'R VH. 0 e day last week Mr Thee. Mire - house and the apple pack• ra put up 44 barrels of pma.l•stz •d apples in 8i2 hoots in Mr Thus. Davideun's ,ruhard. Mr. Mirehonse says he could put up 60 bar rete in the swine time bad tue apples been of the size of former years. Wall Paper! Ought to see our line! SAUNDERS. The Government streamer Lenrine ran on the breakwater ar. Goderioh and was wrecked. is Your Hair SicI?1 That's too bad! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like+ to speak of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is ;n regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops corning out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's Hair Vigor tures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. the be.t kind of s t e tirnonlat-- "Sold tor over stn y year's., ttl)i.wt• w r_ r c r , x-. r.► . ,<, L, r..tn 364•11?„.O. Arai, ah Oa. Letr. *era tauaaact+orere er PRSSAAPAR11.U1. gasUSW PlICTONtt. tt FALL & WINTER Sailings an Over co aliogs We have the best range of these for this season ever shown in this town. The fancy broad stripes are taking the lead in suitings although a f:w overcheck are still in vogue and the s*yle of make is varied so that you can have the style yo 1 most prefer and know that it is all right. Colne early and make your selection. FURNISHINGS -We have a full line of all the latest turnishings, new and nifty goods arriving every day. I''1AX W E L,L, & HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. zsaserdteareasisssors‘astassebeeftsafterseasttoessoilt aseettPeseLAP CUT PRICES IN FURNITURE 93,. 71' .Y. ly.wipp.,. • , • r . 7.2 S. Gracev offers some very special cut prices in Furniture. We don't often have such sales, but we want room. Here are a few prices : We offer a •52 Parlor Suite, Wilton Rug, spring seats, beck4 and edges, for.. $4000 A e3 i.00 5 ph ee Suite for 30,00 An $18.00 4.piece Suite for 18 50 $5.00 Conches for 3.90 $18.50 Sldebtards for 15.50 Special prices all through, oz Bedroom Suites, Extension Tables, Parlor Pieces, Rocking Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., etc. NEW SCALE WILLIAIIB PIANO. If you have any notion of buying a Piano, don't buy until you see the New Scale Wil iams, one of the best Pianos male in Ganada. Call and see them at our show rooms. We offer very special prices on them, too. a 5. RAcEy FURNITURE And DEALER MENNE MIR* 1 Ladies' flantles AT THE A 1 STORE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We want to emphasize the fact that never before in all our experience have we had such perteotion of gnalrty ann finish in LADIES' MANTLES. Wholesale tailoriog has pro- gresaed Wonderfully the last few years, and ladies will find it more sati•faotory every way to buy garments ready to wear, providing they get the right pipit We make a specialty of '• CONTINENTAL" Mantles, which have a reputation all over Canada for novelty, and tepreeent a new standard of exoellenoe. Come in and see what we call style and valve. ••••••••. Hanna be G. One door north of Queen's Hotel. • • • • • • 2 • • •• • i • 1 Live Stook Markets. Toronto, Oot. 29 -The run at that Oily Oattle Market for to -day was 80 loads, with 1,110 head of cattle, 2,200 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs, and 220 calves. The claw of cattle still coming in is very poor in quality for the most part,. and trade to -day was draggy.aud slow. There was the usual demand for choice butcher cattle, but not much activity in any other line, for the reason pre- sumably that the quality was not up to requirement, Tnere is some demand for good export cattle, but the Market is not very strong. in view of the pre- ent position of the British market. The following are the gnotattoue: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice . , .. , , . , $4 50 $5 00 Medium 4 00 • 4 25 Bulls 8 60 3 75 Light 800 3 50 Cows 3 25 3 60 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 25, 4 50 Stockers choice 2 75 3 00 " bulls...... 1 50 2 00• Bntchers'- Picked 4 50 5 00 Medium.... 2 65 3 15 Oows........ 2 60 3 00 Bulls 2 00 2 50 Hogs - Bost 6 12;1, Lights 5 75 5 S7;1 Sheep - Export ewes 4 25 4 40 ' Bucks.... 3 60 4 CO Calle........ . ... 3 00 3 50 Spring Lambs each., 4 00 5 25 Calves. each .. 3 00 5 75 WJNOHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Oct 30th, 1907. Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 80 to 3 15 Fall Wheat ..., -,., 1 02 to 1 03 Oats,,.. ., a 0 45 to 0 60 Barley .... ..... 0 55 to 0 60 Peas .. ... 0 88 to 0 86 Butter,..t. ,,.. 0 24 to 0 24 Eggs per dor - 0 22 to 0 22 Wood per cord 2 50 10 300 Huy , per ton.. ,,..13 00 to 15 00 Potatoes, per bushel ......50 to 60 Tallow per lb ............ 0 5i to 0 00 Lard .. 0 15 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per cwt. 5 90 to 6 00 Dried Apple 07 to 0 07 Wrq OLD . HENS WANTED We Will pay the highest prices tor •Iive OLD HENS, SPRING OHIOKENS, DUCKS, TURKEYS, and all kinds of poultry. &tendon this paper. lyf The Canada Poultry & Produce Company (Limited) 8TRATFORD, ON; Eligasiedulettgageadvarbdiegiatureggesiosi rkca0 The Greatest Clearing Sale c, OF 1907, AT JNO KERR'S IG STOr'•, E a WINGHAM, ONTARIO. ANEW Fall Goods all in, but came a little late. Goods that should have come to us in July and August arrived after the middle of October. Manufacturers so busy they could not fill orders on time. Now° we're Loaded with ran and Winter Goods. But we're going to unload, and we'll make it worth youF' while to help ,us. SALE BEGINS MONDAY NOVEMBER 4th 1907 Come early and get your winter supply of Clothing, ete., at slaughter prices. Hosiery, Underwear, Dress Goods, Furs, Carpets, House Furnishings, Clothing, Smallwares, All Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy China, Glassware, Cut Glass, etc., all going at Slaughter Sale Prices. EE EARLY AND GET IRST CHOICE. . MEN'S AND BUYS' READY-TO-WEAR GLOTHING-ONE-THIRD OFF. $15 00 Snit for $10.00 12 00 " 8 00 1000 " 667 8 00 " 5.88 6 00 " 4 00 - $3 00 Pants for $2 00 - 2.50 1.67 - 2.00 " 1 83 - 1.50 " 1.00 - 1.25 " .83 - $12 00 Overcoat for $8.00 - 10.00 '°6 67 - 8 00 ..5.83 - 7 00 Ulsters for 4.00 - 6 00 8.00 Carpets, Window Curtains, Chenille and Damask Curtains and Table Covers, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, all House Furnishings -AT ONE-QUARTER OFF. . Men's, Boys', Women's, Misses' and Ghildren's Hosiery and Underwear All New Goods, and bought direct from the manufacturers at close prices. ALL BRAN NEW but they must go. ONE FIFTH OFF. That is, you get a dollar Undershirt for 80e. Dress Goods, Prints, . Wrapperettes. Silks, Satins -everything in Dry Goods MUST GO. FURS -Jackets, RaiTh Scarfs, Boas, Muffs, Throw Overs -everything in Far Goods must go. Big Bargains in Fancy China, Glassware, etc. From 20 to 50 ef, less than regular prices. Big Bargains in Boots and Sboes. 20 to 50 % less than regular prices. COME EARLY. TERMS OP SALE - SPOT CASH OR TRADE t @MEM IF SZSR tyS dare Facts to gar We are for the next 30 days going to sell our well -assorted stock of PARLOR SUITES, DINING ROOM SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, COUCHES, EASY CHAIRS, FANCY CHAIRS, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES at the LOWEST PRICES ever .heard of in Wingham. THIS IS OUR FIRST BIG ALE. d ILII • ,s Parlor Suites Two of the very best Moquette moth- proof 5 piece Rug Spites, spring edge, and all piusl7 banded and ° silk corded. It is a dandy. The reg. price $60.00, Bp, dal $38.50give Just two of these snits in stook. 1, 4 piece Wilton Rug Suite: assorted colors, spring edge, plush banded and silk corded with heavy wool fringe, regular prioe $48 00, very special $32.50 ' 1,3 piece suite the verynewest polish- t' P p epi mohogsny, frame npholetnred in the very finest colored Verona or Silk, reg. $35, special t$lr6.00 We have not room to quote epeeist prides of all our spites but call and see for your -our selves. Dining Roo Bed Room. Suites We have all kinds ranging in prion from $14 00 to $76 00. 4 , Special Suite -Royal Oak finish, 8 drawers in stand, ,1,6x20 British plate mirror, and large stead O . with drawer mid door, with wooden or iron bed to match; • regular $20.00; 'medal as above, • any number $14.00 Our epeoial suite has a large dresser double topebapedfront, 2drawete very large Mirror British Plate, size 18 x 80, washstand, large . double top shaped front, drawers and door,withiron bed 48in, high, lnoh braes rod,heavy brass nobs, 8.pieoe reg. prioe $28.60; epeoial p'tice; say number $22.00 Can't be beat. We're giving special prices on all suites, call in and be convinced of the (money yon can cave. Suites • , We can just give yon a few words about these as our spade is limited. We can you Dining Suites $22.00 np, u 1 Dining Room Site, consisting of : 1 Combination Sideboard, solid 4cut oak, 2 British plate rnirore, large convex leade'Rglasedoor,worth$45.00 1 Ext. Table WI out oat, solid pedestal, centre opens 8 ft,well polished,worth $30.00 1 set cut oat Dinners with '�*a genuineleather nph. seats, worth ...,.....$28.00 regular price and worth it $103.00 Special price to clear just one of these left, Just think the price is $82,00 Couches. We have eoinething good to show you in • tbia line. 16 Conches left, 6 feet long 26 inches wide, uph in the very beet figured • velour, spring edge, spring head, 4 row of heavy copper 'springs, heavy wool fringe on bottom,reg. price $16 00, special price while they last :.... $7.50 6 good Oonohes aper. in beet velour assorted colors, heavy roll edge springs head and side,), a bargain at $16 00, but our selling price 1e , ... , , •. • ......., 5O We have better vouches with Jost as big reductions of prioe,our 525 00 O couch goes at......,..,. $20. O A FEW WORDS A'13OUT Springs an Mattresses. tt All people know that ittdoes not pay to buy a oheap. artiolo especially in a mattress. We have the cheap bat strongly advice you 10 buy the better. Just to convince the people of the high quality of snattreittee we have decided to out our prices dearly as low as r the cheap. We will for the nowt 80 days Nell this mattress, guars*, teed by us and the makers in town ' to be pare, glean and [utnitery, Special price tor 80 days...,$3.00 Other Mattresses ranging from'1~ablee 54 to $t6. Springs -W$$ handle the very beet - wovenwire sprindgs, Rusticated by factory for 5 tears, tpeeial sprint)... .... c$3:00 When taking springs and taattress we will give an extra ont'of 60o: Don't fail to call and see our stook, it it a pleasure to chow donde. Watch our window. �! t� ��yy Easy Vha►1's We are giving big but in this line, Call and see them, nph, all over With the beet of Roods, jnet one nph, in tapestry, springs, seat and back, solid Comfort, only: , .$4.50 Fancy hookers, yardinere Maude Pletures,Centre• Ext. Tables,. Sideboards, Iron Beds, ete , at very lowest prices. undertaking arse answered any hoar day or night. Telephone calls receive prompt attention. cine Phone, NO. 05. Restdenee Phone, No. 125. JAS. WALIER & CO. Pletnte Framing * bpeeialiy. All goods delivered fret. Don walk into the Bank Cellar Mateod of our store. 1�+ ce