HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-24, Page 5VIMIIIIIIIINESSINismostassomor TW BLUE FRONT STORE CItithing and Men's ViixnisIi*ugs Exclusive. What we have and what you may require. kramlosaa Stanfield's Uashrfnkable Unde^wear, the best that is. $1,00, $1,25. $1.50 and $1.75 a garment, in ai1 sizes up to 48. Other makes uuderwear is fleece lined, all -wool end Union, from 00o up. Men's Cardigan d'aokete, the best value iu town, $1 25 to $1.50. Sweaters, Men's, Youths' and Boys', a splendid assortment of colors, lO cents up, Men's Leather, Daok, Cottonade, Moleskin, and Rubber Coats in a large range. Overalls anti Smocks, Men's, Youths' and Boys', in the celebrated Rooster Brand make. Top Shirts in Heavy Wool and Union, Men's, Youths' and Boys' 50o to $1.50. Gloves, Mocha and Kid, unlined, silk lined, wool lined and fur lined, Buokskia and Horsehide Gloves, Loather faced and Wool Mitts. taco Maadopoweasalommal• BOOTS ,AND SHOES. " RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES. TRUNKS AND SUIT. OASES. 1410.n...4 Walla tainfillanZirlanall=1111200MINEJ. r'� Mc ee.Campbell .,rte,..:....,•rieida,i+sets,nxer;a:t'ot.,. r.atieeX. ++++++++++++4++++++444++4+ +r+++4+++4+044++++++++++++w e + + + + + + + + • + + + ROYAL GROCERY Watn*ImOsm Cranberries Cranberry Sauce makes a fowl or roast palatable, Consequently a + free use of cranberries permit• a ooneiderable saving in one's meat hill without loss of food value, Try a quart for Thanksgiving; dinner, 2 quarts for , 25 We have a ohoioe lot of large, solid sweet potatoes, per pound.— Sweet ound„ Swept Potatoes + • •+ • +O•I.4+O++•++++•1,++•++++4t4.4 Cash for Eggs and choice roll Rutter. VENOMS + • + + + + s a •►asOAf i* ••++i"++++++6s+•4+av •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Lehigh ....V.OVVVV,VVVVVkV.WVVM.... t c LIValleyi g Come with the crowd and leave your order for ' Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers IT. HAS NO EQUAL. c O. 1:3_ DBITIZINT AAAAAAAI AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, "V VVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVWVVVVV •••••••••••********** ****.o i+0+++ra►e**++M+vo++++nor! :,COAL COAL COAL. + We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, + which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smiting, Cannel and e• + Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always ond. han fnlstookof LR RMRt, SHINGLES,LATH + + (Dressed Mill $ Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. + ,Qyi r- Highest Price paidfor all kinds of Logs. "11110 + + + II ! ® + r' + s +on Residenoe Pima No. 55: Omoe. No. 64. Mill, No. 44. + •a++tea+++•++40+++++++++4+414 OA++++++++0++++++++++4,4*4 4, .6N wttG Glt' SGJ t We 3 ;uG 7141101 TUN WI iG1L41' Tref 'S OCTOBER Farmers ark busy picking apples and gathering in eke ro)t prop, The. Messrs. Addie are having a goo - line engine installed to he used in tun- uing the necessary machinery about the barn, Wednesday at last week, Robert Barr, a w611 -known resident of this locality, was united in marriage to Mies Lizzie Stevenson. We hope they will enj iy a large share of the blessings of this life in their comfortable hone. Year Wisest Course. If you are caught in the wet, get sore throat, neuralgia or rues ular pain, don'twait for worse troubles, Begin prompt treatment with Polson'e Nervi. line. It drives away all trace of cold, eases rheumatism, neuralgia and pain, saves you from a lay-up in bed. No 25o purchase can bring more com- fort than abottle of Poison's Nerviline; it's the. cleanest, strongest liniment made. Sold everywhere iu large 25o bottles, GODERICUI. After being out four hours, the jury in the two damage actions,�ggainst the Canada Foundry Co. brouat in a ver. diet awarding $2.700 to John Ede, on be- half of the widow and children of Emmanuel Meddaford, killed at the new bridge over the Maitlana last fall: D. Lynn, who sued for $2,000, was awarded $500. The jury reported that they coald not say in what the company's negligence consisted. (greatest Female Strengthener on Earth. Thousands of women are wan, pa[itd, run down and dispirited. What they need is that nourishing tonin Ferrozone. Soon they regain those laughing eyes, bright spirits and rosy cheeks. Ferro - zone does this and more as Mrs. L F. Adrianson of Whitney Pier, 0. B , testi- fies. "My daughter was very much run down and had ,00nsideraole troubles at times. Often I was at a loss to know what to do. I was advised to give her Ferrozone and I did so. Ferrozone clear- ed up all the trouble, made my daughter healthy and well. Ferrozone gives good appetite, regulates, strengthens. I con- sider it medicine every womat should use regularly it she wants tb feel her best." Rebuild with Ferrozono, it is the King of all cures. Price 60.3 per box at all dealers. MORRIS. James Evans of the 7th line, is suffer- ing from the effeote of the fracture of a couple of broken ribs, oaased by the plow handle shrinking him in the side. A pretty good stroke of work was done at the Bothnia lime works on a recent Wednesday, when John Spoir, Wilson and Samuel Nicholson filled the kiln, holding aliasnt 700 bushels. and had the lime burned ready for delivery the fol. lowing Saturday afternoon. Wednesday, lath inst., Rev, Dr. Milligan, tied the hymeneal bow be- tween John H. Galbraith, of Brnssele, and Miss Ida, second daughter of James and Mrs. Bowman, of Morris, the cere- mony being performed at the Manse, Toronto. Mr. Galbraith and bride ate now comfortably settled in their new home in Brussels, lately vacated by Dr. Burns. We trust they may enjoy many 'happy prosperous years. Monday of last week Rev. A. 0, Wis- hart, B. A., of BrnsseIs performed the interesting ceremony, at the home of John Douglas, the bride's father, of joining in wedlook, Victor N. Rapaporth, of Detroit, to Mise Sophia R Douglas. The happy couple wont to London and from thence to Detroit and New York fa em which port they sailed for London, England, where they purpose making their home. Mise • Annie Douglas accompanied her sister. We hope Mr. and Mrs. l lapaporth will enjoy much of the good. things of this life. 1907 0A1#+040G#04448.P+b0414Q+0+Rh44Y44 Scott'.. Zmzl rliron strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers br increasing them flesh and nerve force. It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth,. 0004000004:141.0044404010.11008 iyitOXLTI;R. Mr. W. H Reed is at present buyi;ig cull apples for salppiuq, Mr. Geo. Paulin has moved into the house he recently parebased from Mr, Jas. Paulin. At a public meeting held in the town hall ou Wednesday evening, 10th last., it was unanimously deoided to enter at once a Lsoal Option oampaiga. Mr. W. S. McKerohor was oheitman of the meet- ing, and after explatniag the object of the gathering, called upon the speaker of the evening, Rev B. H. Speuce, of Tdrouto, who delivered. one of the best lectures .ever heard here. Ile pointed out the many advautag -s of Local Option and placed the question fairly before the people. A recitation by Mrs, Geo. Allen and a duet by Mies T. Rae and Mrs, Allen contributed to the evening's pleas- ure, At the close, oilioere and commit - ties wore elected, and steps will be taken at once to circulate petitions. Just Where The banger Lies. In rnatty catarrh snutla, cocaine is the largely need ingredient; in con• s'goeuce rhe drug habit may be termed. To be really cured of catarrh, to du so quickly, safely and pleasantly, ddotowa may Uatarrhoz nr+ is superior to any outer remedy. It boats Nure places, stops discharge, prevents h..waing, spitting and bad breath.—does this by first de• scroyiog the cause of the disease. .Oa- tarrhoz'tne ie no experiment, it is a tried and proven cure that is guaranteed for bronchial; throat, mate and lung catarrh. two sizes, 25o and $1 00 at all dealers. 'BRUSSELS. At the Voters List Court, held here receutly before Judge Doyle there were 85 appeals in all, the Court resulting in a slight gain for the Liberals. Dudley Holmes, of Wdnghane, and A.°B. Mac- Donald constituted the legal talent in dealing with the appeals. Some time between 2 and 3 o'clock on Sunday morning the postoflise was entered by burglars, access being gained by the •hack window.. , The sate was blown open and ail the contoutt;, consist- ing of stamps and cash to the value of over three' hundred• dollars, were taken. Next October I3rueoela Methodist Ssb Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene Is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing t.rgans than to take the remedy into the stomach It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface w;th every breath, g.v[ug prolonged and constant treat. meat. it is invaluable to mothers with small children. Those ofa Consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in - filmed conditions of the throat, Sold by, druggists. Send postal for booklet, LEEuzNG, Mrt.ES Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. '307 bath Sohool wall celebrate ire Jubilee or 50th minim eery. The history of the sehoo1 has beim one of great encourage• nient as to the popile who promoted to the ntiuietrv, 0 in alt, Only four Sapex' intendants have been iu charge in the life of the school, namely : —B. Gerry, who ser ved 19 years and is still to beaoher; Dr. W:stsaa, of Brantford, 1l years; Dr. Ball, Toronto, a year, and W. H. Rets, who has just eorupleted his 26th year. system/ Itognires Frequent C causing Not only outside bat inside as well, your body must bo frequently awaited. Otherwise it baouinesl i,.ded with wastes that olo,r the waeels or heatth li'duoh better to not in tuna. Use Dr. IHatn1l- 61115'5 Piite; they strengthen and regulate the bowels, asstat dlgesewn, enrich the Woad and thereby fortify the nerves and lay the toutiaatton of laming good dteateh. Dr Hamilton's bring vim and vitality so iunoa sought for to day; they 'masa a feeling of treshuess and spirit ire those who have baeu eat .g tor years. Really no medicine tie potent. Pried 23,i at ail dealers. (*IIEY. Robert Pirie has purchased the David Daabar farm ou the 4th coueessiau, tor $2400. Miss Lizzie MoKay, who taught sun eesstuily at Oraubrook, is dawning oat teacher Eraser's year at Duke's school, the latter having gone to the Bryan's section as successor to Fred, Bryans Oa the eve of his departure from the section, Mr. N, T. Bryans, teacher in S. -S. No. 4, was presented by the pupils with an address and a beautiful tie pin set with a diamond and ,pearls. Mr. Bryans will study inedioine at Toronto. The total amount of taxes to be collect- ed in Grey township this year is $23 009.• 6E. Last year the total was $26,408 76, a considerable reduction for 1007. After Deoetnber 14th all taxes unpaid will have 5 per cont added so that no doubt a hustle will be made before the above mentioned date. As a Bylaw was pas- sed to the above effect the °elleetota have no option in the matter, Alex. MacDonald, an old and well- known resident Of the 4th concession, (has passed away after an Meese of sever- al weeks. Mr. MacDonald was born in Inverness, Scotland, in April of the year 1350 and came to Grey in 1807 with his aunts and brother Donald. He was married March 4th 1885 to Ann Jane McLauchtin. He had four brothers, Donald, of Vancouver; and Willie whose residence is not known, two deceased, Duncan and Roderick, and three sisters, Katie, and Maggie living in Nairn, Scot- land, and Bella dead. Mr. MacDonald's family consists of 3 boys and 4 girls liv- and 1 dead being; Duncan, Annie, Maggie Jessie, Thomas, Katharine, Marion (dead) and Willie. The deceased was an industrious, kiud hearted, obliging man who could not be beaten as a neigh- bor. In religion he was a staunch Pres- byterian and in politics he was a loyal Liberia. GIANT TRIPLt'TS "OCrrenoy," "Bobs" and "drag" °hewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. i LA, G$ THE LEA STORE 6Til(,,K BUY YOUR LOWEST PlilOSS Fall Yndinter Coals AT ISA `"D'S And Save Pinney. BUSY DEPARTMENT. MANTLE and SHIRT Department is a BUSY section these days, And no wonder, when von think of the wealth of ehniee in LADIES', 6T[SS(;S' and CIIILDRENi S .ftafiriv to wear GAR51E3NTS. The fret, ton, that the Cats are all MODER,4.TEI.Y PRICED for quick selling has helped very mach to boom this department. We have one hundred and fifty chars to sell and you eau depend upon getting COATED at joist the PRICE you prefer to pay. Prices range from 85.00 to 816,50 in Ladies' Coats, and In Children's $2 00 to $7,00. $ DRESS GOODS, SPECIAL VALUES in all weaves in Dress Goorji, see thong; and judge f'r yourselves. We earry the largest stock, OIJR PRICES are the LOWEST—SATURDAY BARGAIN 5 pieces Dark Tweed Suiting on sale at 40e yard. REGULAR PRICES. Compare our REGULAR PRICES with S 1.LE PRICES elsewhere and see what a saving you can make having FALL and WINTER GOODS here. OUR PRICES are LOW throughout the store—no room to quote PRICES here, we wvll•d rather you would come and see our stock. We will be pleased to show you through. all departments. a FARIVI PRODUCE WANTED. Large quantities of Batter, E;g3, Died Apples, Poultry, Roney. highest prices paid for Bright Dried Apples, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens, Ducks, dry picked. Remember quality counts. PHONE 68. WINGHAM. 5!.i•..Y•.r:•.4.u#,«an�J.l., xt,.vt:a ., r 7e+.:•„rfY .. l 1 VY AIYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYYSAA/ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Go You Want to SavMooy Then Children's come here for your ShnI hoes. Sturdy, so'id, sensible. I3oys and Girl a're our particular hobby, and we buy to please them and their parents. L'1BPAIRLVQir DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. Shoe Dealer - \Vinghamn AAAAA AAAAAAAAAA/AAAAAAA#AAA +rsr.+ann,wnnnnr+AAP,nr►Are,eo'►r.#5Arh, LAST To—Day, Fri TI ay, menti Then the Greatest Sale Wi gleam ever had ends. WE WISH TO INF RM THE PUBLIC That These Last Three Days of this big sale ori A. E. England's two stocks, The Bee Hive at W itlgham, also his general store at Riverstown, will re illy be the biggest s of the entire; ten days sacrifice Prices will be smashed to smithireens on what is left -of these two stores. Everything goes without reserve at the most unheard of low prices ever q'ioted in the Province of Ot tario. If you have any regard for the value of money—if the saving of a dollar on every two dollars spent means anything to you then drop everything and be here for this final three days terrific ;;.flim; which wilt be the roost stupendous sacrifice on Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies Cloaks, Dress Skirts, Shoes, and Groceries that was ever given In the history of these two cnu'itles. The pric3 wZdl am ze you. It will pay you to come many miles to attend these last three days sales. You Will not be disappointed. Make arrangement to be hereon one or all of these Iast three days, the sale positivt:ly ends Saturday, Oct.- 26th, at midnight. These last three clays will' be an avalanche of majestic bargains such as will take the people of Wingham, Riverstown and surrounding country by storm, as it mill a ,ouSe such a response that commercial circles will be astounded and it will be a Bargain Earthquake of -low prices that will long be remembered in Wingham, Huron ccanty and vicinity. 01, ONLY THREE MORE SALE DAYS, Saturday Oct. 26, positively the last day. • n Remember, Saturday Oct. 26th at 12 o'clock midnight, is the last day. Then the greatest sale in the history of Ontario ends. ...A.. _M : S '.L' NZtr S 0 t S , Now in, 'tile hands of the National Salvage Co., of Toronto. N. B.We have yet for sale two horses, two wagons, three sets of harness, ane,saddle, bridle, fire. proof safe, some store 'fixtures, all these lnust be disposed of this week.