HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-17, Page 54 0 friaZ WINGTIAE Tin% 00TOUR 17, 1907 104000000140.000414001040000' " A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. f,...;:- She took Scatt'.4. imutrion: ,,.. 164. Result: T $he gained a pound a day in weight.' AU- DRIMGISTSI Soc. Alin! 0.00 • 2 1 41144004400004140410004114404 Hats Off to the Style Lea.ders. We are prepared to show you the newest styles in Overcoats for Fall and Winter wear: Every garment fresh from the big tailor shops. They are full of quality and style - the kind of style that lasts as long as the garment lasts. We guarantee a perfect fit and full satisfaction. $11111131.150811311MIDOMMIIMIRSII McGee & Campbell. CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. Assmoss .4#41,1VVVYVVVVVVVYVVVVVWVVVVV AAAAANNAAAAAAA AAA AAAAAA^AA o You Want to Save Money Then come here for your Children's Shool, Shoes' Sturdy, solid, sensible. Boys and Girls are our particular hobby, and we buy to please them and their parents. REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. R. JOHNSTON, • Wingham. IShoe Dealer ••• A AA AA A ilkAAAAA MAO A AAAA AAA AAA AA AAA AA &AAA ^AAA AAAAAAAA • ihookANkAAAAAAANiAAMAAAAAAAA ui*"..V~okivVit.W.Vvvvvvr.owv‘opo Lehigh mosoramomormmtamamorom*sarmlormomisima COAL e C Valley Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers . IT HAS NO EQUAL. 4 TETIR;INTS APAAANAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvoivvvvvyvvy ,10..............o.....m,•••••••••••••..“•••••••••••••••••••0 ianomilimosoa.a' 441******40411141.41.41414#411140****44. 44,.....••1144•44••44•4••••• COAL COAL COAL.. • We are sole agents for the celebrated settANTos cgALI which httor noequftl. Also the best grades of Smitkiing, Cannel aria Domestic, Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. gieuzzol LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH j (Droned or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, °rte. tor Highest Trite paid for an kinds of too. 11021 JO Am McLeanii Residen06 t'houe No. 66. Office, No. 64. UM, No. 44, 111M+0044,1004:00:0:44411410 1 I; UULILOSS. Mr,lAndrew A.snetrong, tad fle Dui* roes, and lilies Kate McAllister formerly of the eth line, were married at the home of the bridete sister, Daaphin, lifan., Qfl Sept. 24th. Rev, A, A. Adamson office isteo, The bride was prettily gowned in point d'esprite trimmed with (satin ribbon. ger travelling suit navy blue ohiffen tweed cloth, with bat and gloves to match, it spending a week with friends iu Daaphin, Gilbert Plain and other paints they came east and will reside on the 2ad line. ST. rtnitEr18. Mise Marion McPherson was visiting with Teeswater Mende last week. Miss M. E. Salkeld, of Goderioh, was visiting with old friends for a few days Communion services were held in Cal- vin Ohnroh on Sunday last. The annual thank -offering of the Harris Mission Band was held in Calvin oharch on Tuesday of this week. Rev. B. M. Whaley was the speaker at this meeting, Do our Ears Ring? When they buzz and seem slightly deaf, beware of catarrhal This grows steadily worse, but can be cured by Catarrhozone. J. A. Hammill of Greenmonnt, P. E. I. proved the merit of Catarrhozone and writes: "No one could have worse Catfish than I had for years, It caused partial deaf. nese, bad taste, upset my stomach, made me sick all over, Catarrozone cleared my nostrils, stoppeciothe cough and gave me a clear feeling in my breathing organs. I am absolutely cured." Doctors say nothing is better than Catarrhozone. Try it and you'll say so too. Two sizes, 25o and $1.00 at all dealers. .•••••••......••••••••••• .111••••-•••••••• Ready on the Shelf, That's where you'll find 'Nerviline" in every well regulated household So pleasant to take that even little children will cry for it So certain to cure coughs, sudden gelds and tight chest that thous-. ands of bottles are sold every day. Pol. son's Nerviline does prevent illness, it does ease pain and inflammation, and by being handy will save worry and keep down the doctor bills. Large bottles Sold for a quarter at all dealers. oaetesTower. Some of tee horses near here have had to be shot owing to distemper. Turnips in this locality are again at- tacked by bugs this year. The root crop will be small. J. T, Strachan bas gone to Toronto to attend the nuiversity. He is a good !student. Mr. A. MoDenald's health is inaprov. ing !somewhat, we are pleased to state. He is still confined to the houses. D. Taylor le still under the M. D's. care. We hope to pee him improved in the near future, Miss! A. trachea has returned to Pine River after visiting her home for some tirae. Gonniswil. The Canada Foundry Company is the defendant in two actions at the Assizes arising out of a fatal accident at the new bridge of the Guelph and Goderich way across the Maitland here. Samuel Ede, on behalf of the widow and orphans of Emanuel Meddaford, who was killed by a car toppling into the river, claims $10,000 damages, The family live in England. The other action is brought by D. Lynn for $2,000 damages for in- juries sustained by himself in the acci- dent. Court opened Tuesday with Chief jristice Boyd presiding. Miss Florence Armstrong has been re- engaged as teacher of the Barker school for 1008 at a salary of $400, She is doing good work. The trustees of Fulton's school, 15th con., are advertising for a teacher for next year as successor to Miss Kate Telf- er, the present inettrahent. Attendance is very small owing to the lack ot chit - drat of sohool age in the section, Angus Shaw, 5th con, arrived home from a very ehjoyable vitt 01 sa mouths British Colombia and Wisconson with his sons, Arthur and John respeetively The hitter ran a nail tato one of his feet last Slily and is still travelling oncrutob* es but we hope he will soon be o. k. Mr. Shaw (lame home via Chicago and called on Wm, Bishop at ECOmbka, Ont. Ite will likely Outline to make his home in Grey, 'kerb, he still holds his Wm. •••••••••••11.••••••••••• nrret The new house that J, G. Moser is erecting is being rushed along as fast as possible. The cellar is Aniehed and now ready for the brickwork. The Anniversary sermons will be preached in the Methodist church, Blyth, on Sunday, Oot. 20th, by Rev. R. Lecke, of Kincardine, The 'Y' which the C. P. R. erects.d here in the summer for turning their engines when Blyth was the terminus of the G. Se G, has been removed as the tura table at Goderioh is BOW in wozk- ing order. Youth's Vitality Sapped Away. Your child looks poorly, is tired and fretted. Yon would like this boy or girl to be more t (dist, more energetio and vivacious. The "something" that is wrong is simply this Stomach and bowelneeds attention. Constipation and indigestion must be relieved, new lite and vigor are Squired in the blood, slight, assistance is needed for the kid. norm and liver. Nothing is se effeetive as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They pat new life lute young folks as well as the old ones. Every child should use this medi. eine regularly bemuse its benefits are not to be had. In any otherway. 25e at all dealers. BRUSSELS, Brussels tax rate will be two cents on On Sunday afternoon last the members of Blyth Court, 0. 0. F. marched to St. Andrew's church when the pastor. Rev. J., L. Small, B. A.., preached the annum' sermon to the brethren. AWRIUS. We are sorry to hear that Robert Nichol, 6th line, had the misfortune to lose one of the blacks belonging to his matched team, from indigestion. Re could have taken a fancy price for the span. James Ander/son, V. Se left for Desboro', Bruce Co , where he will practice his oalling. The people of that locality will find,hira an agreeable per- son to do business with, oompeteet in his profession and worthy of their beat confidence. Wm. Cunningham, 711i line, met with a serious accident last Monday which might have resulted fatally. His team ran away with a load of hay and he was thrown under the wagon; receiving severe cute on his head and face. We hope he will soon be all right. It re. (mired 16 stitches to sew up the cut. Tuesday of last week Joel Sellers, an old and woll.known resident of the 3td line, passed away, aged 73 Years. 1 month and 6 days. The cause of death was dropsy with which he had been ill for the past 6 months. Mr. Sellars was a native of Yorkshire, England, and pad resided in Morris for 48 years. In addi. thin to Mile Sells rs there are five children Eli, in Saskatoon; Joseph, on the homestead, and Misses Ellenajane and Minnie at home. Deceased was a Liberal in politics. •••••••-••••••-•••••••-• Loss of Appetite and Energy Singly they are a worry-con:pined they become a burden, telling that waste has been immensely greater than the body's power to rebaild. The first need is to reconstruct the blood, make good the deficiency of red cells. Ferrozone the dollar this year. Tnis is one mill improves digestion, makes blood, the less than last year. kind that nourishes and rebuilds. Quids- ly the nervous system responds to the Communion service will be held in new power supplied by Nerviline. Strength returns, ambition revives, energy and endurance glee the system just what it needs to maintain the bal. anoe of health. No tonic better hs,n Ferrozene, 50c per box at all dealere. Melville church on Sabbath October 20th when the new individuel cups will be used. Sunday, Oetober 6tb, was the 50111 or Golden Wedding anniversary of our old friends Richard aud Mrs. Roe, of Brns. eels South, and they 'went to the latter's old home, now owned by Mrs. Roe's brother, L. Frain, 3rd cen. Grey. where the ceremony was performed, for dinner in honor of the occasion, Oa thatevent- ful wedding day Rev. Isaacs Crane tied the nuptial bow, John Roe being the groomsman and Mrs. James Sharp, of Bruseele, sister to the bride, being the bridesmaid. The wedding was also the date of the first Fall Fair ever held in Brussels. Up to five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Roe resided on their farm, adjMn. lug that of the bride's parents, the late Joseph and Mrs. Fretn, when they sold Out and moved to the property they par. eltiteed. Although not possessing as much vita as in the earlier years Me. Roe and his btide of 60 ream enjoy comparatively good health and we trust they may be spared for a good many years to come. Mr. Roe was born in Kilkenny CO . Ireland, and Mrs. Roe's birthplace was recited°, in the Co. of Leeds, Established re79 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Creselcrie Is a boort to Asthmatics Doe li it not seen More effective to breathe in a remedy to curs disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy Imo the stomach ? lt tures because the sit rendered stronglyang, septic is carried over the diseased smiace with evety breath. a.vieg prolongs...I and constant treat. ntent. It is invaluable to motherith knell children. Those of n consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in. R med conditionS of the throat. Sola by de:testa Send peal for booklet. Laguna:, Mums Co., Limited, Ageses, Ikea real, Canada, see BL1TEVA.LE Mr. Robe Mosgrove met with what might have been a serious accident on Thursday last. He was assisting at the digging out of a cellar under a portion of the hotel building, and the earth caved in, completely covering Mr. Mos. grove. It took the workmen some time to remove the earth and when recovered Mr. Mosgrove was pretty well exhausted. Rev. W. H. Lecke, of Kinoardine preached anniversay sermons in the Methodist church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thornton were visiting with the latter's mother in Virginia. Mrs. David Irving aid [children have moved to Palmerston where Mr. Irving has a position on the G. T, R. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church are preparing an Irish concert to be presented in the Foresters' hall cn Friday evening, October 18th. Mr. A. H. Musgrove, of Wingham, will speak and Mr. S. Graoey will read. Misses Ina and Aggie Thomas are with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. Therese. Mrs. Schoales, Mrs. J no. Xing and little Florence have returned from the West. Rev, W. J West M. A , who was away for a short holiday, has returned home ani occupied his own pulpit last Sabbath His pulpit was supplied by Mr. Hutton and Rev. L. Perrin during his absence. We are sorry to report the continued illness of Mrs. Masters, Andrew McDonald was sentenceTh Chatham to two years in penitentiary for forgery. Mr. Cyrus A. Birge of Hamilton is the man who has given 650,000 to Victoria Volversity, The property or the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway, $6,060,060, has been insured with the Lloyds of Eng- land and it NeW York syndicate. ITHE LEADING STOREI 71= BUY YOUR 4 Fall and Winter Coats AT ISARD'S And Save 'Utley. 150560100MIMMINIMION62000 BUSY DEPARTMENT. MANTLE and SKIRT Department is a BUSY section these days. And no wonder, when von think of the wealth of ehoice in LA.DIES', Ml$SES' and Cif ILDR,EN'S Readv.to wear 0 ARMENTS. The faet, ton, that the Coats are all MODERATELY PRICED for quick selling has helped very much to boom this department. WO have one hundred and fifty wart; to sell and you can depend upon getting COATED at just the PRICE you prefer to pay. Prices range from $5.00 to $16.50 in Ladies' Coats, and, in Children's $2 00 to $7.00. •••••••••••11 DRESS GOODS, SPECIAL VALUES in all weaves in Dress Goodq, see thera and judge for yontseives. We carry the largest stock, OUR PRICE are the LOWEST -SATURDAY BARGAIN 5 pieces Dark Tweed Suiting on sale at 40e yard. •Pos••••••••,•••1•;••••••••••••••••fl REGULAR PRICES. Compare our REGULAR PRICEwith S PRICES elsewhere and see what a saving you can make buying FALL and WINTER GOODS here. OUR PRICES are LOW throughout the store -no room to quote PRICES here, we would rather you would some and see our stock. We will be pleased to show you through all departments. FARM PRODUCE WANTED. Large quantities of Butter, Eggs, Died Apples, Poultry* Honey. Highest prices paid for Bright Dried Apples, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens, Ducks, dry picked. Remember quality counts. Es is rd PHONE 68. Co. WINGHAM. • • • 1 ..t•romr,arrriimmow1 4.4.• 4.44 4' • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. •• •' 4. 9. • 4. • ROYAL GROCERY. FINN if HADDIES. • • 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 9. 4. 0. • • • 9.• 9. • ▪ *4 + 444. 44 ****** 4 4.&.,, We are receiving weekly shipments of choice -Finnan Middies direct from the curing houses in Nova Scotia. Labrador erring' Just arrived -the first of the new catch. Fine, large, fat fish. Try FARINA. for Porridge. At 'FRY Grand Trunk Peelle oflioials repott valuable coal fields on the company's property at Telqua, B. 0. Prince Albert bye -election, the first held iu Saskatchewan as a new Province, resulted in the return of Mr. Bradshaw, Canada's Oldest Nurseries. We have the largest strink of Cult - Reeves. Beesereetiates, Giteeses and. RASPBERRIES itt Osuarie, also complete assortment of FRUIT and Ottieseeteerers the Equal Righter by one raajority. TREES and SERUMS Write as before plaarig your order. Airente wanted as The revivaliste, Tory and Alexander, (Ince. The THOS W. BOWMAN & have decided to emeritus. SON CO , LTD , Ridgeville, Out, **************40 4* ********* ,,.4...,,,,••,e••••••••••• 4 i Ladies' riantles 1 AT THE A 1 STORE experience have we had each We want to emphasize the fact that never before in all our perfection of quality and finish in LADIES' a,„ MANTLES. Wholesale tailoring has pre • - gressed wonderfully the last few yearti, and • ladies will find itenore satiqactory every way git to bay garinretsNady to wear, providing they get the richt Until We make a specialty ot " CONTINENTAL " MeLtlee, which have a reparation all over Canada for nOVelty`, and represent a new standard of excellence. 4,0 Come in and see what we call style and • 0.4+0410. Hanna 6‘ Go. One door north of Queen's Rotel. 4044044.444414•44.41444.