HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-09-19, Page 6T1IE WINGIIA.N TIMES, SEPTEMBER 19, 1307
The more particular you are,
The better you will like it
The fine quality of Red Rose is most appreciated by those
who are the most particular.
Notice the clear, amber color in the cup and the delightful
fragrance when poured from the teapot.
Will you try a package to -day ? Ask your grocer to send you onel
Kerneis frmn the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The annual report of the C.P.R. shows
gross earning of $72,217 000.
Grand Trunk employees have been
_forbidden to handle cars carrying stored
Heart relief in half an hour —A
lady in New York State, wiiriupt of her
cure by Dr Agnew's Onre 'or the Heart,
says: I teal like one brought back from
the dead, so great was my suffering from
Inert trout le and so aluloet miraculous
my recovery through the agency of this
powerful treatment. I owe my life to
et." Sold by A. L Hamilton. -19.
Burton Bedford of : hameeville was
killed while riding along a road on the
thrashing engiue, the flywheel bursting.
Ton many have noticed that the
friends who are willing to lend you
money aro those who have no money to
For Infants and Children:-
hildren:ale Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Jandre Iianrter, an Austrian, was
struck by a stone hurled from a blast
five hundred feet away at Cobalt and
The fact that no death from hydro-
phobia has been recorded iu England
since 1902 is cited as au illustration of
the preventive treatment of the disease.
Death or Lunacy seemed the only al-
ternative for a wed -known and highly
respected lady of Wingham, Out., who
glad travelled over two continents in a
stein search for a cure for nervous debil-
ity and dyspepsia. A hien drecnm:nenel-
ed South American Nei vine. One bottle
helped, silt bottles cored, and her own
written teetimouy closes with these
words: '•It has saved my life." Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.—til.
Mr. Wm. West of Stratford, a former
resident of Howiok, was married on
August 31st, to hist Oaffla of London,
Eng. They will reside in Stratford.
When a girl says she never intends
to get married she means it about as
inch as the man who says he has more
money than he knows what to do with.
tutees all hard, sett or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sw eney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
oto. Save $50 by use of one bo tle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
[Care ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil-
When the ice rune out unexpectedly,
the batter may be kept hard by puma
it in a deep covered bowl Imelda a pan of
cold water. Over the ever spread a
towel so that the corners will hang down
into the water, and if the room ie reason-
ably cool the b..tter will be firth when
taken out.
Eczema's itch
Is Never Ending
When left to itself, eczema runs on
t -awing keen di.etreee from
tehing, and covering the body with sores
that refuse to heal.
Even with careful treatment, eczema
is obstinate in yielding to eurati:e ntesw-
e ires, but; the regular and persistent use
of Dr. (-base's Ointment i•+ the most cer-
tain mean] knuon of overcoming tills
torturing disease.
Internal treatments for eezetna have
long since been discarded, except the use
Of medicine. to regulate the bowels and
enrich the blood, while local applications
are used to relieve the itching and heat
the sores.
It is the remarkable gueeeee of Dr.
Chase'.•t Ointnhent in the eure of eczema
w hich has given it world-wide reeogni-
•tion as the standard ointment for itch-
ing skier diseases.
There is a score of ways in which
Dr. Chase's Ointment, with its extra-
ordinary soothing, healing, properties, is
useful in every home; 60 cents a heir, at
r*11 &Isiah or 1,tlrecom ,, itfittQs dC
.t4orontof -
The Italians have invented a device
for making oellnloid non inflammable,
by mixing gine, gum arabio and cola
oil with the ordinary composition.
A cave in at the M. 0 R tunnel at
Windor shaft endangered the lives of
twenty workmen, and will delay opera-
tions at that point ;or three or four
Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They oure backaches, weak back, rheum.
%sism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of tee
kidneys and bladder
October 7 has been fixed for the bye -
election in Brockville to fill the vacancy
In the Legislature caused by the trans-
lation of Hon. Geo. P. Graham to the
Dominion House.
Japanese do a lucrative trade in the
exportation of frogskins for purses.
The works controlled by a Tokio mer-
chant have exported as many as 130,000
skins In a less than a year.
South American Kidney Cure is the
only kluuey treatment that has proven
equal to correct all the evils that are
heels to befall these physioal regulators
Hundreds of testimonials to prove the
curative merits of tine liquid kidney
specific in oases of Bright's disease,
diabetes, irritation of the bladder, in
flammation, dropsical tendency. Don't
delay. Sold by A. L. Hamlltou.-22.
A pigeon•poet has been organized
between the Weat Iadian Islands of
Antigua and Montserrat, to supplement
the deficiencies of the existing post and
telegraph service.
The house in whith Daniel Defoe
wrote "Robinson Crusoe" hn Tooting
London, is to be pulled down. Few
English ever visit it, but many Amer-
icans make a pilgrimage to it.
Many people say they are "all nerves,'
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They reetore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shateered nervous
A 500 mile canal, projected to drain
the great swamps of Florida, would
where the French guillotine used to be
kept, has been pulled down, the may
reclaim 6,500,000 acres of Iand.
Fifty persons are said to have been
buried alive by an avalanche of snow
that has rolled down the mountain -side
and obliterated the Chilean Custom
house at Jnneal. This station is on the
Argentine frontier, high up in the Andes.
'When Rheumatism doubles a man
up physician and sufferer alike lose heart
and often despair of a cure. but here's
the exception. Wm. Pegg, of Norwood.
Ont., says '•I was nearly doubled up
with rhenmatism. I got three bottles of
South American Rheumatic Cure and
tbey cured me. It's the quickest attire
medicine I ever saw." Sold by A. L
Hamilton. -18.
While a crowd on the upper steel ari-h
',ridge were viewing the illumination of
the Niagara Fal s, it is thought the in-
tense light of the projectors so dazed an
unknown young man that he plunged
from the railing of the bridge to death
in the river, 200 feet below.
CJ 'X'Cee XLX .
Beers the do.elle Khd Veil Have Aula'v3 Baun!,i
• of rsrJ 1-&-e,"1/
A One of tiu »bunt Line by eighteen
inched in sizs is better than a board, to
use when basting plaits, folds or lame in
ftertt.'n to cheer materiel. ai the lee• d'e
sltpe over 1t mere easily Suet' a piece
of tie is very handy for use wht n stamp-
ing parte Ton.
Eyes and Nose ran Water.- 0 C
Ar.osr, ot Brewer, Metres, sees: "1 have
bad Catarrh for several years. Water
would ran from my eyes and nt'se for
dal n at a time. About four months ago
I was induce -id to try D-. Ageew'e
Catarrhal Powder, and Fin e using the
wonderful remedy I have not had an
attack. Ir relieves in sen minatse "
60 cents. Gold by A. L. Hamilton. -17.
A caravan of about 50 gipsies arrived
at tlauwenge, near Paris, recently, to
the great alarm of the iuhabitants. The
pollee decided to arrest them all, On
the following day the pipettes asked for
the morning pepere to Bee what they
s ere accused of,
The essential lung•healing principal of
the pine tree has finally bean successfully
separated and retined into a perfect
oauxh medicine—Dr Wood's Norway
Pipe Syrup. Sold by all dealers on e
gnat tutee of satisfaction. Pricy 25
Ooe woman who does her own work
keeps a bottle of vinegar on her kitchen
sink. After having her hands in soap-
sude for arty length of tirne she rinses
them with vinegar. This counterncte the
alkali in the soap helps toremuve stains
and keeps the hands white and smooth.
Emigrants from Ireland in 1906 num- 1
bered 35.918, an increase of 4,746 cowl ar•
ed with the figures of 'the preceeding 'y
year. The latter were tho lowest on 1
record since 1851, and last year's number
is below the average for the precceslog
five years by 2,090.
sienna.). etEDICINZ.
As a spring medicinee Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones tip the
system and remove impurities ` unities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring,
Mint phosphate is et hot weather r'•
freshment. Crash sprigs of fresh pepper-
mint, cover thein with powdered sugar,
add lemon juice, a little phosphate, slices
Of orange and pineapple, and some can•
died cherries, and dilute with crushed
ice and water.
BR. A. i . CHASE'S
is sent direct to the
parts by the Improved 'dotter.
Heals the ulcers, clears tt,n air
]J passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay hever, Blower
free. All dealers. or Dr. A W Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
The 80 sore Parra on the 16th O.m .
belonging to the De ke estate, Goderich
Tp. was sold by anetiou, Mr. John Iklid-
dleton, reeve. purchaser, at $3260. He
got a good bargeiu. Tne farm is a good
one for erurtug but has been lee gleoted.
T Cet elect- .
DU KW You Have Always Bo1ghi
Bears the
Three peers in the penitentiary woe
the sentence imposed upnn James Ste-
wart Cather, the defanitiug cashier of
the Bank of British North America,
woo fl -ed to Loudon, Eng., from Mont
real lust year The defalcations am-
ounted to $23,000, and were due to
Lexa-Liver Pills are theladies' favorite
medicine. They curs Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biiliouaness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The township of Bruce will have two
reprt a intativee at County Oonnoil hist
year, as we understated there are con-
eidera'+dy more than 10(O nealified muni-
cipal Vetere on the list. This is pretty
good evidence that the township's going
f tr std rather than backward. There
, will he 32 lnenebera in the Brace County
°Junt.11 of 11108.
Mr. John Walker, of Goderich, de-
parted this Iife,on Wednesday, Sept 4th,
at the good old age of eighty -tight yearn
and five months, after an illness of a
few weeks. The deceased was a native
of Scotland, being h /rn et Troon, in the
year 1819. At au early age he moved
to Ayr, turd later by learned his Crane es
a carpenter et Gieez'tw, He came to
Canada in Wee, having been preceded
hither by hie brother Imbert. He lived
fleet at Bay Chaleure and then moved to
'Montreal, where he married I:1 z :hash
Augus sire, 'Weaker riled in 1819 and
of their children three sorts and" three
rieeehrers are atilt afire/evince
Was Weak and Run Down
Mrs. J. H. Armstrong, Port EImsley,
Ont., tells of her experience with
She writes : "It is with gratitude I
tell how your heart and Nerve fills
benefitted hue.
"I was very weak and run down, bad
headaches nearly every day and very
often would faint away, in fact, my
doctor said that r:nmctairni' I mould never
come out of the faint. It Wne ticrorgh
one of your travellingr agents th tt I v1•es
induced to try Milburn's Meares and
Nerve Pills anti after taking, three hoses
I am glad to relate it has Leen a number
of years since I had a fair=tiny spell and
scarcely ever have a headache. '1'oo
much cannot be acid in praise of Mil -
burn's Iieart and Nerve Pills, for in me
they have effected a perfect cure,
Price GO cents per box or 3 boxes fos
111.25, at all dealers, or The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Per OvAr Sixty Tears.
An old and Wetl-Tried-Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
tor over sixty pears by millinne of moth-
ers r'or their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
nhidd, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wiled collo, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea Ir is pleasant to the taste.
Solei by druegiste in every part of the
,eorld. Twt•rtry five osnte a bottle, Its
sable is lroeleulnble. Be sure von ask
tor Mrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syron. and
rake. no other kind. Gnarenteed under
the Fend ami D•ntr Aot, June30tb, 1906
Soria' Number 101)8.
John G.rrnn, prnprieter of a grain ale•
vator n.'ar treniont City, Ohio, recently
out off his tougne with a knife, using a
poir of pioeere to pull it out to make the
ant. Garrote had suffered two years
wish cancer of the moxas, and begged
physicians to cut it off. They refused,
and he performed the operation himself.
It is said that he will recover.
First Sign of Failing Health.
Worry isa disease—and it's more—it
prodtmes or•hrr diseases, •because it
breaks down the nerves and saps the
vitally of the body.
What a pity women don't realize that
if they were well—if the blood was
nut inions—if the uerves were strong—it
all the organs were active—then the
little thiugs that irritate and prey on the
mind wouldn't receive a momeut'e
The woman who worries has a poor
appetite—she sleeps poorly. If is only
lasted for a day or two it might be of
small consequence—but she grows limp,
miserable, nnhnnpy—worse day by day
She needs Ftrrozene which cures
worry by oarirg the conditions that
reader worry Ioscible. For nervouee
weak women, no heal° is so gnod; thous•
and tt has oared just like Mrs. M. E
Ethtriogtou. of Troy, who writes: —' I
am quite willing to give a pnblio testi-
monial for Ferrczone, believing Is to be
a tonic of superior excellence and one
rant well rapialr build up strength and
sut•ply new energy to anyone not feel •
ing wel'. Last coring I was in a very
poor condition of health. I was nervone•
felt tirett, and completely worn out-" No
doubt ire quite a common complaint
with ladies nt my age, but I placed great
reliance fu Ferri zine, and took it for
sever .1 weeks It made thequite swing.
and in feet I have been io better heal h
ever since I can heartily recommend
Ferroz the "
Ferrozone mires by making good blood
strong, uerves and a healthy body.
This 18 why it gives male, clearness to
the skin. buoyancy to the step, bri.eht•
nese to the eyes—because with gond di-
gestion and activity of the body in all
its parrs there'd health. Price 50c per bus
at all dealers.
Valentine Wissler and Philip Hoff
man bad a lawsuit at the Division Court
at Walkerton. Wissler sued for the
price of some timber he had pare lased
on the Hoffman farm, which he alleged
was destroyed by a fire set out by Hoff-
man. Wissler was allowed damages to
the extent of $70 10. Tho costs of the
case were $22 79,
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar-
her's Itch and every form of contagions
Itch on human or animals cured in 30
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion,
It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
A total grain crop of 190,000.000 bush-
els, including wheat 80,000,000 to 85,-
000,000, bushels; oats, 87,500,000; barley,
18,500 000, and flax, 1,300,000, is the esti
mate the retiring President of the Win-
uipeg Grain Exshinge. W. J. Bettingen,
gave for the west at rile annual ,,meeting
of the exchange; and of its monetary
valve he said at would probably yi:id n
larger return than auy former harvest.
To check a cold quickly, get from vane
druggist'enae little Candy Cold Tablets
calf•et Pteventics, Druggists every-
where are now dispensing Preventics, for
they are riot only safe, but decidedly cer-
ram and prompt. Preventics contain no
teeiniue, no laxative, nothing harsh nor
eh:l aping. Taken at the "sneeze singe"
Pteventics will prevent Pneumonia,
13rctcchitii, Li Grippe, etc. Hence the
name, Prevecthcs Good for feverish
children. 48 Preventics 25 cents, Trial
13 Ives 5 cts. Sold by all dealers
Another is row to be added to thogal-
exy of nativea of Bruce Dooms who are
famous. T Rnseell Coutts, B. A , the
young man who has dtscovered the pro I
cess of making illuminating gas from'
corncobs, cornstalks an 1 common straw,'
is the latest addition to the list. Ile
was born in Tiverton, his father, Buy.
Tae Ooutts, being pastor of the Baptist
church there froth 1868 to 1874. He is a
graduate of McMaster university.
For a pretty table coyer, crochet
wheels from linen thread and sew them
on a bleached or unbleached Can't tie
foundation. Use ten to form a iiEht
e angle in each corner and buttonhole
them in place, then out the canvas frim
under theta, ''rheic may be used in a
row all around the cover. Flowers hay-
ing petals made of Itoniton braii with
French knots in the centre may be used
in the same way on a linen sorer. Frit g4
the edges of the cover.
An ercchapge trays it takes"""" --ft sharp
knock to break au egg from Cho outside,
while a weak obick with its soft bill Can
break tint from the Weide, the flan'e
way with a town, The 'mocha from the
outside have little effect, but the butieees
interests of a town continually knocking
oue soother for spite, Is au uejury to the
citizens and piosperity thereof, Oh, yes
it is the blows at home that hurt a town,
Stomaoh trouhlee, Heart and /Kidney ail.
mantra can be quickly corrected with a
preeoril.tirn I .own to dinggists every
where as Dr Shoop's Restorative The
prompt and eu wiring relief %hu•h tine
remedy immediately brings is entire ly
clue to its Restorative action upon the
coutrofling nerves of the Stemaoh, ero
A week Sromsoh, causing dyspepsia, a
w• ak Heart w ith palpitation or intern;it•
tent pains, always menus weak Stomach
nerves or weak Heart nerves Strength•
en thane h side or controlling nerves wit h
Dr. She op's Restrrative and see how
quickly these ailments disappear. Dr
Stioop of Racine, Wig will mail samples
free. Write for theta A teat will toll.
Your health it certainly worth this tarn•
ple trial. Sold by all dealers.
I' pipeclay ie dissolved in the water
the linen is thoroughly cleansed with
half the labor and fully a saving of one
fourth of soap, and the clothes will be
improved in oolor equally ae if bleached
The pipeclay hardens the softest water
A oeut'e worth to four gallons of water
is enough.
That Cutting Acid that arises from
the ectanaon awl almost strangles, is
caused by fermentation of the fowl in
the stomach It is a foretaste of inidgna•
rion and dyspepsia. Take one of Dr
Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets immediate-
ly atter eating, and it will prevet this
distress and aid digestion 60 iu a bnx,
35 mi. te. Sold by A. L Hamilton. -16,
A New York newspaper which hes
kept traok of the automobile accidents,
announces that during A.une, July and
Auguet there were 96 reported in the
'Dotted States, in which 50 people were
killed, while•202 were seriously injured.
The automobile fools are apparentlyruu-
ning the careless railway employes a
close race.
Trial Ca arrh treatments are being mail-
ed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop,
Ranine, Win. These tests are proving
ro the people—without a penny's cost—
the great value of this soientiflo prescrip-
tion known to druegiere everywhere ae
Dr. Shoop's Oatairh Remedy. Sold by
all dealers.
A quiet wedding attended only by the
immediate friends of the parties con-
cerned. took place at the home of Mr. R.
Hook, 15th con., Goderich Tp. on Wed-
nesday afternoon, Sept 11th, when Miss
Mable, bis a deet canghter, became the
wife of Mr. D. J Burne Bath are well
and favorably known, and the congratu-
lations and good wishes of their friends
are exteuded them. Rev. Mr. Snowden
performed the ceremony.
A pretty wedding was ce'ehrated at
high noon Wednesday, Sept lith at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. John S. How.
rie, Goderich, when their second laugh
ter, Isabella Gibson, bename the bride of
Henry Stevenson Baker, B So., C. E ,
of Niagara Falls, Ont. The house was
decked in asparagus and white 'asters
and about seventy, five guests made the
occasion a very animated one. Rev.
James A Anderson tied the knot as the
happy couple stood beneath a heart of
white asters.
There is more Catarrh in this seotion
of the coanery than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be inoarable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease and prescribed local reme-
dies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it in-
curable. Seirnce has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment Hanel
Catarrh Cure, nhauufaotured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is
taken internally in doses from ten drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They c tier one hundred dollars for nay
case it tails• to cure, Senu for circulars
and testimonials
Address: F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo,
Sold by Drupelets, 75c
Take Haifa Family Palle for consti-
Sweet potatoos ars priu ipslly used
in the Azores to mak alcohol, the yield
beiug 10 to 11 per cent The present
price is about 13 cents (United States
onrrenov) ner liter (1 05767 quarts ) r
The one in a healthy body and ruddy
eornplexion, the other in ill -health,
blotches, pimples, boils and sores, and
frequently in intenser forms as ulcers,
abscesses, erysipelas, salt rheum, etc.
Every organ of the body depends on
the blood for force and vitality, and is
but scantily served when the blood is
impure. No remedy is so potent as a
blood purifier or more rapidly producer
new and healthy blood than
Which neutralizes the various poisons and
restores the vitalizing power ot this all
important fluid.
For sale by all druggists and 4o 1 ks.
tt- ip
The good housewife always feels like bestowing
Pandora a cheerful "good morning."
Why? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed
of hot coals as a reward for checking
closely befcre retiring to rest.
In five minutes after
turning on the da alts she will I-
have a good, strong fire. 1
Should she sleep
two or three hours longer
than usual there will still
be a fire ready for her.
The fire -box, fines
and dampers are so
scientifically arranged
that the Pandora can be
etr to
orf the dampers
upon the
I i r I' i441, �f
regulated to hold a fire
from 24 to 36 hours.
Pandora owners
never have their sleep
disturbed with dreads of
making a new fire in the
If your local dealer
does not handle this most il;1ll
perfect of ail ranges, write
direct to us for Free Booklet.
London, Toronto. Montreal, 'Winnipeg. Vancouver, St. John. Hamilton
Up at Goderich, where people with
social aspirations tumble over them-
selves trying to be up-to-date, and where
the proudest and happiest woman is the
one who has evolved a new scheme, a
shocking thing happened recently. One
of the popular society women announced
a white "elepbant party." Every guest
was to bring something she conld not
find any nee for, still too good to throw
away. The party would have been a
great suooess bas for the uu•looked•for
development winch broke it up- Eleveu
of the nineteen women brought their
The average daily wage et Norwegiam
printers is 93 cents.
Here is an item in the city papers
that will interest hoosekoepers: The
outlook for tho p ick of canned goods
this year is exceedingly gloomy, say a.
number of the wholesale grooers of the,
city. Of the early, small fruits their is
a very short crop, and prices now exceed.
those of the same time 1st year by 30 to•
35 per cent. P;ums, which are fairly
plentiful, aro dear, too, because of the
scarcity of other fruits, Tee vegetable
crop is smaller than lest;vear, and in
(he case of pear have opened 12 per cent
higher than Net year, -
The Winghain Times
toGOO tneet,•tlle SIMS** @tteWM.telbato
�n Mvrtsmit
Briogs load Results
The Wingham Times reaches
the homes of most of the people of
Wingham and surrounding country. It
keeps its subscribers posted on all the
news of the day—local, political and
If you have anything to sell, or
want anything, advertise in The Times.
Rates on application.
We Think Frioting
That's our business. We are
constantly on the lookout for new ideas,
and these are here awaiting your accept-
ance. It's no trouble for us to give you
intormation—to write or call --it will
place you under no obligation, and
perhaps we may suggest something you
can profit by. Prices right. Quality
ever the talisman.
110011 ttl+l 00111 Nf!lN 0