HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-09-19, Page 1A
VOL XXXYI.—NO. 1858,
Foot Powder
iveuiar 2,5c per box
Our Special Price
1OG per box.
(For a short time only.)
Why have tired, swollen, aching
feet 3 10 ots invested in the right
way will cure them,
Antiseptic Foot Powder
10e PER BOX.
Walton McKibben
Macdonald Blook, Wingham.
more pupils attending than
one year ago. This speaks
eloquently as to our past
We educate to meet the
living demands of a pro-
gressive age.
Our Stenographers a n d
Bookkeepers delight the
most m o der n, exacting
city offices.
Day students attend night
classes f r e e. Graduates
placed in good situations.
Individual i n s tr action.
Now is the beet time to
enter the
DEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
We have pleasure this weak in presenting some pictures of the Winghau t
General Hospital. Most of our readers, perhaps, are familiar with the
establishment of the Hospital, but, as many .have probably not had an
opportunity of visiting the institution, we oonoladed that some piotures of the
building and its interior, with a short history of ite origin and progress, might
be of interest.
The growing importance of Wingham as a manufacturing town and rail-
road centre, and its distance from any similar institution, had made manifest
for some time the necessity of a hospital. The increasing popularity of
hospital treatment in all cases of serious illness, the better results obtained
and the fact that experience had shownn that wherever hospitals had been
established the ultimate outcome had always bean for the good of the
oommanity, indnoed a number of the promiuent citizens of Wingham to take
up the matter. A little over a year ago a sub .oription diet was circulated for
this purpose. The people of Wingham and the surrounding country responded
generonely and in a short time sufficient funds were subscribed to warrant
the undertaking. A Hospital Board, composed of some of the most repre-
sentative citizens took hold of the project.
The Webster•proper ty,
a large, 3 -story, brick build-
ing, containing some 22
rooms, situated in the high•
est, airiest, and most seclud-
ed part of town,was snared.
The grounds are spacious
and filled with beautiful
hospitals in their midst now permit
such an institution to close its -doors.
It is only a few years since when a
major °Aeration was required, a
patient had to undergo the moon-
venience of a long journey to some
oity boapital. The establishment of
a large number of town hospitals has
obviated this. Today the surgical
and medical equipment of some of
our town hospitals is superior to that
found is city institutions, The
establishment of a new hospital is a
school of medical uplifting to any
community, and the more remote
from the larger centres of medical
learning the town le, the more pro•
nounoed for good direotly to the local
medical profession and indirectly to
the people it serves, must the insti-
tution be. Jest as brilliant and
satisfactory results are obtainable is
rural as in city hospitals. Many of
the greatest surgical aeliievemeets
have been secured in the rural dis-
tricts," These words of encourage-
ment from the annual report of On-
tario's Hospital Inspector are a source
of gratification to those who have
sacrificed time and money to obtain
hospital acoommodation in the smal-
ler towns,
For the convenience of many who
have Signified their intention of con-
tribntiug towards the maintenance of
the Hospital, it may be stated that
such contributions may be given or
forwarded to Miss K. Stevenson, the
Lady Superintendent, to Dr. A, J.
Irwin, Treasurer, or to the manager
of any of the Banks in Wingham, all
of whom are members of the Hos-
pital Board, The Board consists of
the folIowiug well-known gentlemen:
Chi holm M, D. 31. P. Hon.
President ; Thoe. Bell, President ;
W.H. Green,Vioe•President; Riobard
Vanetone, Secretary ; A. J. Irwin,
D,D S., Treasurer; Rev. T. S. Boyle,
Richard Clegg, A. E. Smith, F. J.
Taylor, D. T. Hepburn, C. P. Smith,
W.F. VanStone, J.E. Tamlyn, M,D.,
J. R. Macdonald, M D,, R. C. Red-
mond, M.D., J. P. Kennedy, M.D.,
B. H. Hamilton, M.D.
All communications regarding rates
and accommodation should be addrete
sed to Miss Kathrine Stevenson, Lady
Superintendent, box 228, Wingham,
!fa, ornamental shade trees, give
ing the institution charm-
ingly homelike surround-
ings. This building w a a
thoroughly over.hauled. At
the suggestion of Dr, R.W.
Brnce•Smith, of Toronto,
Iaspeotor of Hospitals for
Ontario, such alterations
and obarmee were made in
the interior of the building
to - render it suitable for
public. private and semi-
private patients. . A thorough system of hot water heating was installed. by
Philip flies & Son, of BerIin.. the plumbing was done by the Jas. A. Robert-
son Oo., of Toronto. Many' Wingham 'Old Boys" and a large number of
wholesale firms doing bnsinese with retail merchants in the town, contributed
liberally towards the undertaking, The Huron Old Boys, of Toronto, donated
$50 00. A number of our citizens and some former citizens kindly furnished
rooms. The Loretta Ward was furnished by the proceeds of a lecture given
by Rev. Father' Tobin, of
London. The Hospital
Board was greatly assisted
in the furnishing of the
building by a Ladies' Aux-
iliary of nearly 200 mem-
here. The ladies have mani-
fested a deep interest in the
welfare of the Hospital. The
operating room is perhaps
worthy of special mention
on account of the excellence
of its equipment. A doctor
from Chicago, who visited
the Hospital last week, says
that in some respects the
operating room is more com-
pletely equipped than the
operating rooms in many of
the large Chicago hospitals. ,
Since the b n i 1 di ng was OPERATING ROOST.
opened, about the first of February last, over 70 patients have been admitted
for treatment, The rates for nursing and maintenanoe are very moderate
when compared with large city hospitals, running from $3.50 to $15.00 per
week, according to location of room. The Hospital is under government
inspection and is open to all accredited and regularly licensed physicians.
The Hospital Board desires to thank all who have so willingly contributed'
towards the equipment and maintenance of the institution. The many in
town and surrounding
country who have kindly
donated flowers, fruit, vege-
tables, apples, butter, and
other produce, make too
large a diet to enumerate,
bat all such gifts, however
small, are thankfully receiv-
ed and gine great encourage-
ment to the. management,
As it is universally admitted
that public hospitals a r e
never self-sustaining, dopa•
tions in cash or otherwise
are of great assistance in the
maintenance of all such in-
stituttons and are always
;tratefuliy aoknow i edged.
The number of patients so
far, and the results -obtained,
DINING ROOM. have enrprised many, and
are in reality phenomenal considering the size of our town. and the short
history of the institution. There is no doubt that, as the years go by, the
Wingham General Hospital will ever find a widening and increasing field of
usefulness. Dr, R. W. Bence -Snaith in this year's report of Hospitals of On-
tario says: "There is no doubt that a well conducted boapital oonfere incal-
culable benefit on the community in which it exists. Hot only are the biti-
zens, out of the fulneea of whose hearts is provision made for the proper Ohre
and treatment of the Blair
and injured,welt rewarded,
but an addition is made to
the material advantage of a
town which establishes and
supports a hospital. Such
an destitution benefits the
community also by the in.
Spence it exists in fostering
and developing an apprecia-
tion of the scientific adven-
'aged which every well con-
ducted hospital ahorild oon-
for. Any infttenoe which
bas a ten ieney to stimulate
medical rematch, and the
acquirement of knowledge
gained thereby, results in
benefit to the ooinmunity.
None of the towns in On-
tarso that have enjoyed the rttlVATE ROOT,
many and varied 'relents that oome from the establishment of well concluded
Tn �'
Ali Ladies
Who appreoiate thee, etylleh
is extended by The Little Eaton dur-
ing the next feW weeks, to show
GARMENT which are known all
over Canada as being strictly high-
olate in style, quality and workman-
100 to ohoese from --No 2 alike,
Old Peetoidiae Siete
M oderiald Blook • WiNGIIAM
Wear Grear'a Shoes and Rubbers
Sale of Du
Ip another oolum
cameos announce
building lots in Win
Saturday, 28th ins
conveniently situated
in a deeirrble part o
have also a number
!ding Lots.
Messrs, Ritchie cit
n auction sale Of
bare, to be held on
Theee lots are
to the wimple, and
the town, They
t new houses for
A. new idea in ten
cols. Apply at D. M
ent post cards, at
—To deliver par.
Mayor Wins
The :finals in the
denblee played for t
by McGee & Cam
Saturday evening
acid Ira Parker w
and 0. G. Veneto
snore by ends:—
Holmes 01210
Knechtel 1 0 0 0 1
mbrel la.
series of bowling
o umbrellas, given
ell was played on
st. Mayor Holmes
is over 0. Kneohtel
e liy 6 points. The
0 1 2'2 1 8 0 0 1--15
Get Parneli'e Bread, at Christie's.
Tirxorm .—Get your Timothy for fall
sowing at G. E. KINGS.
Our women's shoes for fall and winter
wear are very hap onto. New styles
are ready. W. J. ER.
Dr. John Ague
son of Mr, John A
was married at W
last week to Miss
Agnew have been
et the groom's o
Times joins with t]
wishing the newly'
years of happy an
Sermon to Cana
The members of t
of Foresters will att
at the Wingham
Sunday morning, 22n
when the pastor, Re
will preach a sermon
"Brotherhood," Far
ed to meet at the hall
rt Watford.
of Crestline, Ohio,
new of this town,
ford on Tuesday of
mith. Dr. and Mrs.
pending a few days
d home here. The
e many friends in
avedded couple many
prosperous wedded
The newest styles in :rimmed and
untrimmed hats. Mi�s ' L rree.
Apple barrels for sale at reasonable
prices. Oan be supplied on short notice.
Apply at Wingham Salt Works.
A league basebal
oti the Town Park
of this week, betw
Te eswater team.
in the league and 1
will have the eb
Teeawater win, thi
for first place. F
to be an interest
at 4 o'clock sharp
sardine, will be t
an Foresters,
Canadian Order
nd divine service
aptist church on
inst., at 11 o'clock
, H. Edgar Allen,
on the subject of
eters are request -
t 10.15 o'clock,
Limoguea China,
Men's shoee for fall a
are ready. Beet of upp
on Friday
game will be played
on Friday afternoon
en the locals and the
Wingham now leads
they win this game
mpionship. Should
se teams will be tied
'day's game promises
g one. Game called
Mr. Rasa, of Kin -
A few good BI
alightly shelfwor
at side or springe
calve next April.
particulars, Box
lee and Hymn Books,
, at bargains.
yirng cows with calf
a. Also cove due to
State price and full
Ti1KEs' office.
0% off till Sep,
d winte wear
s a ff soles.
t* J. GREER.
Wingham'a fall
Thursday and .Fri
good list of attra
ranged for Friday
two apeeding even
and piping. Th
Band will furnish
afternoon. The
been enlarged an
being Offered.
urease in the
There will likely
stook as a num
have signified th
the Winaltani
confer h favor b
with the Secreta
early as postibia
Fail Fair.
air will be held on
ay of next Week. A
ions have been ar-
afternoon, including
s, Highland 'lancing
Wingham Citizens'
nein during Friday
ze list this year has
more liberal prizes are
Is should mean' en in -
umber of exhibitors.
e a large exhibit in
r of new exhibitors
intention Of being at
ir. Exhibitors will
making their entries
at the TIMES oflloe as
Resigned ositions.
Messrs. Thos. Bell nd H. O. Bell have
resigned their posit one in connection
with the Wingham t stories of the Care
ada Furniture Manu oturers and expect
to be off duty this eek. We have not
yet learned who thei sncceseors will be.
Messrs. Bell have f r a long time been
connected with the rniture business in
Wingham. We h e not yet learned
what business they Intend engaging in.
Their many friend would be pleased to
hear of their enga ing in some line that
will hot neoeseit e their removal from
Bring your Butter and Eggs t . E.
See our Iarge stock of piot$re mould -
in go. Pictures frame .file you wait
at Walker's furniture Rom
Death of J
Mr. Joseph Gow
Friday last at his
street in his 66th
been ailing for so
from Bright's diaea
been a resident of
years, moving to
township. He was
In, all with whom
He is survived by b
have the sympathy
friende in her time
funeral took place o
to the Wingham ce
eph Gowdy.
passed away on
home on Edward
ear. Deceased had
months, suffering
e. Mr. Gowdy had
ingbam for a few
wn from Howick
eld in high esteem
e was acquainted.
widow who will
f a large circle of
of affliction, The
Saturday afternoon
The Mitchell $ri
an extensive burins
ing line. They ha
to oonatruot, beside
to erect south of Wi
the oonatrnotion of
work a 10 -horse po'
er, which will drive
rivets a minute, will
patented rivet heate
The concrete abu
on Saturday and w
up of the ateeI will
few days.
No formal millinery }opeeing, but all
the new styles on displ : MISS LITTLE.
We never had a bett@@r stook of furni-
ture. Out prices are right, at Walker's
f arniture store. �G�.^
e Werke are doing
in thebridge•build-
seventeen bridges
a large $8.170 one
gham. For use in
hie large piece of
✓ pneumatic rivet•
n an average eight
e installed, A new
will also be erected.
uta were finished
rk on the putting
e oommenoed in a
Highest price paid or bides and pool•
try at T. Fells' butoher shop,
Our New Fall Dress Goods arrived.
Get your dress or suit at G. E. KINO's.
New Tim
A new time table
on the Grand Trunk
We month, The
has heard it reported
Toronto, reaching Se
will leave Toronto
Seaforth about 10 o'
idea be carried out i
to the people of Wi
away with the bad o
and the first train
Toronto, with the T
reach Wingham ab
The present arrange
late nearly every d
noon hour and the
not reach Wingha
they did over the
Scotch Doti les Contest.
The annual; be ling contest in the
Toronto Globe's cotch Doubles was
played at Toronto n Friday and Satur-
day last, and the wi, nem were H. Watts
and W. N. McEao$tran, of Kew Beach.
Four Wingham pl4yers took part in this
contest. L. W. H 'neon and James Phal-
en won in the firs round from two St.
Catharines' player:, 17 to 6, and lost in
the aeoond round to two players of the
Canada's rind(, by he narrow margin of
10 to 9. A, M. Cr wford and Fred Orr
won one game fro two players of the
Alexandra club lr 14 to 8 and lost the
second game 23 5 to two players of
the Granite club.
Last season's ya1l paper at out prices.
ill be pat in force
about the end of
aforth Expositor
bat the train from
forth at 11 a. m.
artier and get to
lock, Should this
will be good news
ham, as it will do
notion at Clinton
rom London and
onto papers,"would
t 11 o'clook a. m.
• ttrain being
, the
y, breaks into the
Toronto papers do
much earner than
P. R.
A new idea in en Dent post cards, at
TARE Nonce.—We bave again opened
the Gregory grain storehouse, and are
prepared to take in all kinds of grain, at
the highest market pride.
Wingha High School.
The attendano at the Wingham High
School is now a high-water mark and
haft outgrown th accommodation at the
school building. There are now 167
students in atten once, 21 of these are
taking up senior aving work, probably
the largest class in the province; 49
for junior leavin 43 in form 11 and 63
in form 1, Fift six students are from
outside points a d pay board in the
town. This will how that the school
has been Of be efit to the town se
OAS number of students leave con-
aiderabie money here every' week.
Eighty-eight pupi belong to the town,
enongh in itself to upport a High School
and if the 9o11ool ere not bare many
Of theme students onto be compelled to
go to other towns. The wonder is that
Wingham was fo so many years with.
Ont a High Soh al. The e'chool hat
certainly made reootd in having to
large an attends band not ;yet one year
in the new echo° building.
Septemb Wedding,
A happy comps y assembled at the
home of Mr. and tee Joseph Higgins,
Glenfarrow, on W dneaday of this week,
to witness the ma riage of their daugh-
ter, Miss Mary Fr noes, to Mr. William
John Gallaher, f the township of
Howick. The Der ony who performed
at 10.30 o'clock a. m., by Rev. W. G.
Howson, of Wing am, assisted by Rev.
Mr. Russel, of Wr Teter, and Rev. Mr,
Sanderson of Det oit, an uncle of the
groom. The ma iage took place on
the lawn, where marquee bad been
erected for the o00 onion, with an arch
of ferns and amila". To the strains of
Mendeisohn's wed ing march, played
by Miss Hazel Bran on, the party took
their places, after hick Mr. Cory Baer
rendered a solo, " ords from Wagner's
Lohengrin Weddin Chorus," to mesio
composed by Mr. B er. The ceremony
and congratulation being over, Mr. Baer
sang a solo, "Oh, Island of Dreams."
The bride's dress�as of ivory oriental
satin, trimmed with Frenoh: Valen-
ciennes lace and Br seeds net. She wore
the customary tu11 veil and carried a
baguet of roses, wh le lilies of the valley
adorned her hair. he attendants were
Master Lawrence G Lennox, nephew of
the bride, as page, ho carried the ring
on a copy of the bib e; and Miss Alletta
Higgins, cousin of the bride as flower
girl; she was dresse in white silk, and
carried a basket o beautiful flowers.
Two young ladies, Miss Della Haugh
and Miss Evelyn E gland, of Wingham,
attired in Persian lawn and carrying
bouquets of sweet p as, "received" the
guests. A sumptu ns wedding dinner
was served, the to e deoorations being
white and pink, large number of
useful and handed gifts bore the ample
evidence of the este m in which the bride
is held. The h ppy couple left on
the 8 30 p. m. tra for a honeymoon
trip to London, Sa .naw and Bay City,
the bride's travel' ng costume being a
military snit of enetian navy bine
chiffon, with hat t match. Upon their
return, Mr, and M . Gallaher will take
np their residone at Hillside Farm,.
Howick, where the ride will be at home
to her friends after Deoember lst. The
many friends of t eve popular young
people Will wish t em bon voyage on
the journey of life,
We're showing'a line of novel-
ties in leather goods that are a
distinct advance over anything
previously offered atpopular prices.
Every article is stamped with
the ` maker s name and guarantee,
which is absolute assurranee of
quality and value.
It costs no more to get the best
if you come to the right store.
WITH A twee •
We are ready na'tr Ywith the latest
designs. Ca11 arty and secure first
choice, MISS Mrreve.
GIRLS W t run --For work on power
sewing machines in knitting mill or on
day work. Clean, steady work and good
wages. Will pay fate to Paris to girls
staying With us 'a reasonable time.
Apply WATSON Mrt3., CO., 1f inxiTED,
Paris, Oat.
Senn 'N` rtxi'roMis
foga-Pain in:, Over
indatnxmatioh, grant
the templet (suppoa
falling mit, Wee-,
eeuutioft have
the Queen's hotel
n1 TAFT. rlVE VIS.
book of the eye,
!vied eyelids, pain in
d neuralgia); lather
ye and squint. If
these complaints,
et in the peeler of
on Thursday, Sept.
of Desirable
Building Lots
Saturday, Sept, 28, at 2 p.m.
On above date on the premises, a
public) auction will be held of all the
unsold dots belonging to the Quay
Estate, about thirty in nareber,
These Iota ate well situated, being
close to both Public and High School%
and less than ten minutes walk from
the Post Office, Their freedom from
the dust, heat, bad sanitary condi-
tions, factory and railroad smoke
nuisances, river fogs and poor drain-
age, of some other parts of the town,
give them a special value that will
fuorease, as they form the most de-
sirable residential site left in Wing -
ham. Terms of purchase made
known on doy of sale.
Alex. Kelly, Ritchie & Covens
Auotioneer. Agents,
We have recently added a number
of new houses to our "for sale" list.
Particulars next week. In meantime
call at office.
Ritchie & Cosens
Griffin-VanstoneBeloc223k, wWINGHAM,
To Fit
a Nan
Alan's Shoe means a Shoe that
fits his FFt:T, fits his EYE,
and fits his POCKETBOOK.
Onr Shoes will fit all three.
The right Ieathers —the
latest lasts, toes and heels; in
all sizes and width.
S2.GO, $3.00,1$3.50 or f$4.00
for a pair of Shoes, Sir, and
you'll get
Perfect Satisfaction
The Shoes are ours ---the
money is yours, Let's talk
over the Shoe question.
See as for Trunks and 'Valises.
W. J. Greer
TiM Son