HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-09-12, Page 5TI S: WINGFIAM TII4IES, SEI'TEMDI R 12. 1907 a t ;,1� ,.; The latest styles --The �91i��illill ( best makes ---and the most S reasonable prices. ., ..-;• Men's Stiff Hats, from $2,00 � t :• -' sea - to $3, 50. Merl s Fedoras ..' :% in black and brown, from ,• $1,00 to $5.00, Men's and. f 1M 1. • : `' Boys' Caps in navy, greed, fawn brown re etc. from No 1 25C to $1,00. RirG R W 1 These are all new goods, which have been opened up during the Last ten days, and there is nothing but the latest styles represented. t r McGee Gampbell0 . . 0..I i ,., A t WVWVVWWVWVVVWVVVWWWV 3 TwoWeeks?Sale AAAAAMAAAAAAA y of Shoes ! I smamsamunavagammomman 50 pair odd, large sizes Men's heavy working Shoes to be sold below cost. Call and see them. Special value. Q We carry a full line of , TRUNKS, VALISES, F and TELESCOPES. REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND PRO1uPTLY. R. JOHNSTON.7A n M ��1� � It AAAMAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAAAMAAMAAAAAA winaham: Tao Fair Thursday "and Friday September 26th and 27th, 1907 THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26th. The Agrionitural Hall will be open and the public are cordially invited ' to visit the hall on this evening and see the inside exhibits to good advantage. ADMISSION -10 CENTS. Friday Afternoon, Sept, 27th SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. -2.10 TROT OR PACE, -Best three in five, mile heats, $25r/ $15, $10. Five per cent. to enter and five per cent. from vex ers. Four to enter and three to start. 7 ROAD HORSE SPEEDING. -Half mile heats, best t ee in five. Horses attached to four•wlleeled rig; horses to be owned and driven by a farmer or hie son. Conformation, . style a$d soundness considered. $10,$0, $4. Open to members of the Society BEST LADY' DRIVER. --$3.00, $2.00, $1.00. LADIES' :BITCHING RACE. -Horse to be hitched to buggy and driven once around the track. $3,00, $2.00, POTATO RAGE.--Oompetiters to stand to horse. Four potatoes to be placed 100 yards from starting point. Mount, ride to first potato, die. monist, pick up potato, remount, . ride back to starting point, dismount and put potato in pail, and so on with each potato. Horse any size, $3.00, $2,00. PIPING AND DANCING. Prizes are offered as foilow'e, and no entrance fee: -- MEN -SAILOR'S HORNPIPE ,.., $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 GIRLS -SWORD DANCE $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 BOYS -HIGHLAND FLING $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 MEN'S PIPING, ..,...$5.00, $3,00, $2.00 'WINGJ-IAl`I. CITIZENS' BAND 'as been engaged and will render a choice programme of music. in front of the grand stand.. SPECIAL PRIZES. A number of special, prizes are offered thin year, including medals by Eyrie' Bros., of Toronto. See prize list for full particulars. Make your entried early with the Secretary. Admission to Grounds, 25c. Children, 15c. Vehicles, 25o, GRAND CONCERT. The famous SCHUBERT SYMPHONY OMB and LADY QUAIL. • VETTE has been engaged to give a concert in the Opera house op{ WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 25rir. This,e0mpany cornea highly recommended and gives ars excellent programme t Qaattettee, Solos, humorous Readings, Violin and Mandolin Saint, Admission --25o, 35c and &)c. Plan of hall at MoKibbon's 'drug Store. *Wt. l�,SIAT1,1ZOSobt, PRESIDElit Sieriendokieselseseseeirmisereverraleirto JZ. B..1''.1t.Llrtlltlt'�+' SEC'' TREASURED. NAST WAWVANOSff. lir. John S. and Mrs, Anderson, of hiladelphia, Pa., and Dr. R. F. Ander. on,of Toledo, Ohio, have returnedhome a#ter speeding their holidays at tha home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Anderson,. 'Miert That Cold Com)* -flow is it to. be cured? This method is impiioity itself. Rub the ohoot and hroat well with Nervi,line, Ube it as ¢argle and take some in hot water before etiringe1oog with one otDr. Hamilton's Pills. Next morning duds you refresh- d,efree from cold and bright as a dollar. These household remedies are wonder- ully encoessful, and certainly won't fail n your ease. For sale at all dealers. WESTFIELD, James Redmond received the sad in- elligenoe of the death of his sister, Mrs, James Hunter, of Grindstone City. She eaves a husband and family of several cbildren to mourn for her, Miss Lorene Rogerson, of Jamestown, ew York, who has been visiting rela- ives here for the past month, left Last geek for Kirktan, where she intends ttatting her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Carr, be - ore returning home. • 1'1t,' the Busy Office Mau Ile feels half dead, a sense of nausea, teadache and nerve strain. He is on the erge of breakdown through overwork nd lack of exercise, These difficulties re best overcome by:' Dr, Hamilton's ?ills, which makes the bowels active, timulate kidneys and liver and thereby ree the system of impurities. To revitalize and stimulate your hole being, to shake off lethargy and iredness, nothing compares with Dr. amilton's Pills which do make good ooks, good spirits, good health. Sold ,verywhere in 250 boxes. BRUSSELS, Mr. J. D: Warwiok has returned from he Weet. Ile purchased property near )algary and will return in the spring. Mr. Robt. Thnell intends moving his amity to Berlin, where he has a good osition in a foundry. Mr. John F. McCrae has returned rom his trip through the West. He vent as far as Prince Rupert. Mr. Chas Richardson has secured a osition in Lucknow and left for that tlade last week. BLYrR On Monday of last week Thomas tewart, barber. was makried to Mies :ate Brown, both of this town, at ondon, On Sunday, October 20111, Revved Bowe services will be held in the iiethodist church. Rev. Hugh Looke, if Kincardine, will be the preacher. Miss Kelly, of Senora, is renewing iId friendships in town. Miss Selly as a daughter of the late P. Deily and eft Blyth about 12 years ago. Mr. Walter S. Jacobs left here for Iorden, Man„ where he will spend eptember with his cousin, Mr. George acobs, ST. HELENS. Rev. R. W. Crow is away for a few holidays, part of which will be spent in Toronto and Barrie. Gregor Stuart has taken a position Ith the Maisons Bank at Lnoknow. Mrs. Rutz, of Rothstook, is visiting hIr daughter, Mrs, C. Decker. Master Lorne Firth has returned to is home in London after spending two tonths with his aunt, Mrs. R. K. Miller. Mrs. Horn and daughters, Maud and Edith, and..t r. and Mrs. Thos. Pennel and family left for the West last week. Both Mr. Horn and Mr. Pennel intend making their homes in the West and we Wish them all every success. r110.0.10040140041044004404410441 Rickets, 40, Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones 2 • ; Are not forming rapidly enough. -.. 2 Lack of nourishment is the cause. ,Scott".s Enter rriorz nouxisIees baby's "D" entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.9" tcactly what baby needs. 40 �y 0040000.0440400 ALL DRUGGISTS, 50c, AND $1.00 BLUEVIS.T.E Miss Clara Messer has returned to her school duties et Newbury. The interior of the village school was cleaned and painted during the holidaya. Mary King, Flornoe Aiteheson, Mary Stewart and Howard Stewart are attend, ing the Wingham High School. The work on the new Presbyterian Church, is being pressed along rapidly. The brick work is about oompleted and it will not be long before the roof is on. Mr. Wm. Fraser has bought the hoose he lives in from Mr. Joseph McKinney, and is making some alterations iu it. The iron for the new bridge in this village has arrived from Mitchell and Messrs Hill & Co expeot to have the work oompleted in about two weeks, A Hard Case Overcome No longer necessary to suffer from mnsonlar rheumatism. Every case can be cured. Ferrozene is unfailing as proved by David Johnston of Ormond, Ont. "My wife was a dreadful suffer- er" he writes. "For two years she could scarcely do any work. Her knuckles and joints swelled, causing torture. To get up or down stairs woe impossible. She took box after box of Ferrozone and rubbed the sore places with Nerviline. Improvement started and she mended fast. Today she is quite mired and we thank Fetrozone for her recovery." No remedy more popular with doctors than Ferrozoge; it does cure, 25c per box at all dealers. The Cause of Ray Fever It's a microbe that floats in the air, gets into the throat and lungs, develops rapidly, excites inflammation, &c. The cause is as pimple as a thistle in the finger. - Extract the thistle, away goes the pain. Destroy the Hay Fever germ -you get well. That's why Catarrho. zone acts so marvallonsly in Hay Fever, Its fragrant vapor to you brings cure, but to the microbe death. Oatarrhozone is as qulok to not on these mi., orosoopic organismsas lighting. Pre., vents as well as cures, and is always aneoessful. Druggists, 25e and $1,00, or Polson & Co„ Kingston, Ont. DCNGA.N;\ON. The manse is reeeiviog a fresh coat of paint this week. Thos. Elliott has the oontraot. los. Rutherford, John Roberta' Iboward Case and Misses Daisy Ryan and B. Durnin are the Dnngannonites attending the G. 0.1. this term. L C, Pentland, director of the Y. M. 0. A. of Canton, 111,, wife and two chit. drop, Helen and LaWrence, Who have been visiting the format's mother, litre. D. Girvin, returned home Wednesday, September 4th. CLINTON. Ontario street Church, on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, at 10 o'clock, was the scene of a quiet wedding when Miss Elizabeth Jane, only de:tighter of Mr. Enos. Crich, of Brussels, was matrimonially joined to Mr, Samuel Cassels, of town. Rev. Mr. Kerr performed the oeremony, the brid- al party being unattended. They left for Brussels, where a reoeptioa was given them on Wednesday evening, The bride's gown was a pretty bine pop • lin. On Thnraday Last , Dr. Shaw drove down Victoria St, on his way to make a Call, having bis etln Harry in thebaggy with hien. At the railroad he found a train obltrnoting the crossing, He wait- ed patiently for fifteen minutes, as the train shunted back and forth, his horse in the meantime becoming so restive that the boy was thrown out of the buggy and trampled beneath the horse's feet, though yery fortunately he was not badly injured, Dr. Shaw then deter- mined to make an example of the Con- ductor, as it was a common thing for the crossing to be blocked, and accordingly laid information against Conductor Hinny, The case came before Police Magistrate Andrews, several witnesses testifying that the crossing was blocked for a considerable length of time. A fine of $10 and costs, was imposed saoord- ingly.-New Era. Smugglers have adopted a new game in the St. Lawrence. - Tlrey drop cigars over the sides of ocean steamers into waiting boats, and so evade the custom officers, ° the Toile Club have received their rifles and a new range has been selected at the river. Practices are being held aimofit daily and judging by the sooree thathave been already Made Ilungannori Will prodilee soma amok marksman. -Each member is- au artist. The singing of the Schubert Lady Quartette was of a superior character and each number received a hearty encore which was generally responded to. -The Wind. sor Evening Record. Opera house on Wednesday evening, Sept, 251h, Plan of hall at aicKibbon's drug store. How to Become Rich. In order to become rick it is name ary merely too follow the simple procedure of any king of finance. Thus: Borrow all the money you can upon the property you already own, With the money bay more property, ~ Combine the two properties, float a loan upon them, and with the money buy a third property. Merge the three prorertiee, use the merger as security for a loan and with the money buy another large property. Consolidate this with the others, select a board of directors, and authorize your. evil to iioat twice as much stook as there is. Sell this stook, and with the money buy Ave or six more properties, Organize a holding company which will carry the stooks of all the properties. Yon are now so wealthy and infiaen- tial that you do not need to make any more loans.' Iaorease the stook of your properties, and sell bonds upon them. Authorize yourself to bay everything in eight with tide money. Now yon will have control of every- thing; also, you will have the say-so in any amount of subsidiary companiett, and a controlling voice in eight or nine insurance companies and national banks. After this there doesn't seem to be muck for yon to do except to get the dyspepsia, get bald, and prattle gently about the excellence of moral provertis. -W. D. Nesbit in Life. Harvesting is now well advanced all over the West, and later reports are of a more cheerful' character. Excellent yields era reported from Indian Head, Lethbridge and eastern districts. There was heavy frost in Northern Alberta, but damage was very light. Established 2-879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria CreSolette Is a boon to Asthmatics nos it not neem mote effective to breathe its a retnody to cute disease of the laeathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- teptk is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. meat. It is invaluable to ,pothers- with small children. Those of a consumptive 5 r tendency find immediate cite d7'' relief from conchs or in. ''L horned conditions r,f the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. bessitt4F:, Mutts. Co., Limited, Agents, 3tont- real. Canada ,oy Dominies of The Dominion. From The Canadian Cornier: The old saying, "Let me make the songs of a people and I don't care who makes the laws," might be changed to "Let me teach the children of the nation and I care not who goes to parliament." In the pioneer days, when the little red school house, the log cabin and the frame church were the only sigiie of set- tlement and civilizatiou. Canada was fortunate in the character of its educat- ors. There was the canny Scotch school- master often with Edinburgh traditions and a great reverence for the "human- ities," whose attainments were held in respect by the countryside. In old days one sometimes came aoroes the Irish teacher, who held Trinity College, Dublin, as the finest institution in the Empire. They were stalwart and thor- ough disciplinarians and were not re- membered any less fondly because they believed. in the) virtues of the birch. There successors are not so strenuous in 'method, since milder days have brought gentler discipline. One of the men who combined the best traditions of the old school, progressive grasp of the old school with the grasp of the new recently pass- ed away in Toronto. A hott of those whom he trained in the priuciples of what he always regarded as the noblest of professions hold James A. McLellan in tender esteem. Oats in Feeding. "The fact cannot be questioned that'. the oat crop is the safest grain Drop that can be fed to live stock," says Prof. Shaw. "It can be fed to a wider range of entreats than any other grain. It Is adapted to a larger number of uses in feeding than any other grain, and is fed in more mixtures, For young swine oats are a good food, providing the halls are sifted out. Otherwise the hulls are too coarse to suit their digestion. They make a splendid food for brood sows when pregnant, given and made in') slop alone, or along with bran. For sows in mile the same mixture is fine and is further improved by adding ground corn. The two former are fine for milk production. The latter aide in maintaining flesh. For swine during the growitg period ground oats are also good, alone or with other grain; but corn is butter than oats for swine that are being fattened." Samuel Beerman, it farmer residing three tulles from Morton, Out, out his throat with a pocketknife, A doctor was suniuioned and dressed the wounds, which required Aikteen stitches, leaving him in a very serious condition. Ili - health was the Cause of the rash act, L 11 THE LEADING :TORE S NEW FALL I7re S Gwids All that's new in. Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmingsnow- in stock at II, E. Isard & Co.'s. We have .just passed into sto;.k three large shipments of New Fall Dress Goods -Comprising all the new weaves. in English, French and German manufacture Fancy Fail Tweed Effects, very pretty dark colorings in a large range of patterns, wear guaranteed, make up nicely in tailored suite, our speoiat price - 50e Shepards Cheeks in black and white, blue and white, nice dress fabric, prices - - • • - 20e to 30e Tartans and Shadow Plaids very popular for shirt waist outings width 40 inches, only 50c COLORED DRESS GOODS. Cashmeres. Sedges, Panamas, Lustres, Henriettas, Satin Cloths, Venetians, Voiles, Mohair. BLACK DRESS GOODS. We are showing many pretty weaves in mouruing Dress Materials snob, as Orem•de-ohene, Voiles, Armures, San Toy, Populin, Serges, Llamas, Albatross, Venetians, Panamas are the oorrect styles. French Eolienne, fine weave, sick and wool, high silk finish, nice wieght and width, our prioe • - 81.00 Black Armnre, all wool dress fabric, in fancy pebble effect, silk finish, medium weight, per yard - . - 75e Mirror Poplin, something new in black dress material, corded weave, silk finish, very pretty costume cloth, speoial price 81.00 Black Panama Cloth, all wool, soft finish. medium weight. close twisted yarn,makes a very pretty Eton Suit,prioe 50e, T Se,$1.00 Blank Lustre, brilliant finish, hard firm weave, made of pure Mohair yarn, will make a pretty blouse or shirt waist suit. price - - - - - • $1.00 LADIES' FALL COATS. Buy your Fall and Winter Coat early and get first choice -we have opened up three oases and have them ready for your inspection in our mantle and skirt department on second floor. Prices are very moderate, H. E. Isard PHONE 68. Co. WINGHAM. stvvnr,va,ervvrrtrYVV rsYVVVvi r j4A It 01 r all 10.► ► ak lr P C WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR, PER YARD 6cm .1 E rA a U�cH EMen's Cotton Socks. ►: Embroideries, worth I5c. miner Vests. a Ladies' Su 4 FMen's Shfrts and Drawers. 4 ti`s Ladies' Vests and Drawers. 4 Lace Curtains, ret ular -Oa. •[ i' Dress Goods, regular 50z. 4 26c1 Cashmere Hose, rezuitr 35e. Tapestry Carpet, regular 35,:. 4 Table Linen, 55 in. wide, worth 35c. 4 O 1 pair Linen or Bath Totvals. .4 Grey Flannell, worth 35e. REAL BARGAINS IN REMNANTS ON REMNANT TABU;. 4 Pi SC vrirraltirrrifvvvvirrirriiirovIrilat 4 4'. 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TE TION OF GOODS Some Special Valie Fiaanellettes, worth 7e wholesale. Dress Muslims, fast colors, regular Sa. White Cross barred Muslin, regular 8e. Tea Towels, Children's Cotton Hose. Embroideries, worth e, 8c and 9e. 4 4 1 4 r 4 4 e 4 4 Flannellettes, 1 yard wide, regular 12•e. 4 Sbirtings, in bine, brown and gray, reg 12x-0, 4 Ginghams and Prints, reg 12lc and 15c, 3 Heavy Wrapperettes, pretty patterns, 121c. 1 Heavy White Towels. 4 Dress Muslins, regular 121e. 4 Ladies' Cotton Idose, regular 12.1e and 15e. 4 4 4 4 lThe above are only a few of' the many genuine bargains 1 we have for you. All Dress Goods will be sold at sac 3 "' on the $ y something really special in Black Sills. 3 Beautiful new Black Sateen Underskirts, very cheap. A few odd Wrappers to be cleared out at cost, Beautiful White Cambric Night Dresses at cost Ili s ► ► 1 4 4 1 P'OULt TRY OP ALL RINDS T V11LLS.' L : A few geed bibles and avian Books, WANTED,, . +i slightly sheliWorn, at bargains. ists i d•CN0ERS. if iMll WtIMAAVOILEAWithilligno +C saassesiiiira stir.. _ L