HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-09-12, Page 3a TUE WINGHAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER The oniy way to start a Savings, Account ie to start it.Good �1nt►n- tions do not bear= interest---nteitiherr does idler stoney. The Bank of Hamilton pays interest at high. - est current rate, compounded quarterly, WINll11Ari BRANCH P, S i1+I I T H, A GENT. THE CAN.e 1 IAN BANK F C MMERCE READ OFFICE, TORONTO EsTADLIS111:D 1867 E. E. WALI1ER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General 1Vtaueger 4, 11, gRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOI•LOWINO RATES i $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $20 6 cents " •$v10 " " 830 10 cents 87 " 830t` " 850 15 cents Theser Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.93 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtatned without delay at any office of the Bank WING17AM BRANCH - A. D. SMITH, MANAGER. You want to learn bookkeeping so that when you finish your course you will feel sure of yourself, don't you? That's the way we will teach you.. bookkeeping. We will thoroughly instruct you in the theory of bookkeeping and, then make you apply your theoret- seal knowledge in a practical way. You will know the.,correot way to enter up every conceivable kind of a transaction by either single or double entry. • You knowevery will ev y phase of modern banking methods. You will " make good " in actual business life. And, do you know, wd cannot supply the demand for our graduates? Large, illustrated catalogue free. FOREST CITY BUSINESS 'COLLEGE laembers of Business Educators' Association. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, Loudon. 8 c 't3i gatA ra - lE4ea inti -" aTG� 6TC PAINTSJ 3.Sold Subject to Chemical Analysis ! ! I.E t� This means that you can take any can of " Martin- Senour 100% Pure Paint" Cl off our shelves, have it analyzed by any reliable chemist in Canada, If you do not find it IN abso- lutely pure and exactly as we claim, we will pay ir the charges and make you a present of $loo for gl. your trouble. I" t. ....rte 55. SOLE AGENT IN WINCHAM. J. BU . _c� ^�t.�i :.L -.ir I. .,,---... ,, .=sig tiC.l;;tr ,��~ .'t;:l,.rtr`'+-,' •,.7 ;. MARTIN -SE NOUR LEHICH .VALLEY COAL ..J Come with the crowd and leave your order ,,for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. iiimietasonsusvairamiiimilismusimimalulalli0010111101MINIS D.3317:Et:N'S DOMINION BANK BEAD QF7f• LQE : TORONTO, Capital paid up, $3,633,800 Rose've food and Ilndivi ed troflis $4,120,000 Total Assets, oar 51,000,0DQ WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted,. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe, SAVI1\GS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and edded to principal quartette --end of Itlarch, June, Septt saber and Dec(m• ger each year, D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. ADDITIONAL HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG anti art poiuts lu the NOkT-h-l1 E ST Special Trains leave Toronto TUT3i)A.Y, AUG. '21 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 TER(mAv, SEP. C4 TUESDAY, OOT, 8 TUESDAY, 001', 22 Return second-class tickets from wing. from at very low rates, ranging from H in. nines $32,00, to Edmonton, *42.10. Good for sixty days. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on each excursion. Comfortable berths at small extra Bost Obtain free pamphlet, rates and full information from J. ii. DECREE, Agent. Wiugbsu,, or from U. 13. Foster, Dist. Pass, act„ C.P.R., To- ronto. High -Class Diamonds People who wear diamonds waist stones that will bear the closest serntiny,--gems which are free from flaws and from wbose surface every ray of light is reflected as from a drop of water. We carry all sizes of diamonds from tbp lergest to the smallest, either set or onset and all of the pur- est quality. 01HWard & Co. 374 Richmond St. LONDON, ONT, FARMERS and stook or other artiole E y v iohne p to disp osea of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIROS. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if yon douotgetaeastomer. Weoan'tguarantee that you will sell beeanes you may ask more for the artiole or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Tuatas and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other artiolea. IT PAYS TO .A.DVEETIS IN TILE TIMES 1907 AB$OLUTE LONDQNINi!1F00. An Experience an a Bus . n a Buffo - twang �y .eating Black Pay. ozl a sEcumni„LiFtrgoWZonN!.arldl'at7,r bank, little des wing Carter's Little Liver Pis. Myst earir afgnature Of See Pao -Simile ¶✓rapper Rale% Totri mann and as easy to lake ax sugar. CARTERS IVER PIa%, FOR HEADACHE., FON DIlliNESS* FOR BILIOUSNESS* FOR TORPID LIVER. FLA CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKiN FOR T?IEC*IMPLERIOR rultilLtSZt NU it NAvt. YA:LIV, 6 rCeith 1 ! roreGZy "rtzetaEie./ .eafK� see. 804 CUM?. alOK Ht ADAOHla. Chances are agaizist the man who never takes chances. Oue of the beet methods to rid the house of flies is to pat into an atom*zee some oil of laventer slightly diluted w th hot watt X. Spray it luta the air, t nd the flies will leave the plane. 0 Lis leaved a delightful odor. Beare the Zhu Kind ?Salina Always Eadgh? Signature of There is nothing more useful in th.. kitchen than a board oovered with en eey paper. It is good for sharpening It elves and soiesore and very useful in reu'ov- ing rust front steel knives and fucks; in faot, it removes the deepest rat t marks. Get t troll board about ail ruches long, two inches wide and out inch think, andc•ove,r it with emery cloth No. 1.0. This 'puts a smooth edge on carving knives by unrefntly grindaug the blade edge the saute as on a stone. .a LITTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN. mGuaranteed iiy oei is b Walton ItteKtbbon to Cara Catarrh Thousands alio have been cured by Hy o -suet call the inhaler that uontee with every outfit the "Little Pocket Phgsiciau," atizt is so small that ix can be oarrieu kat he pocket or purer. There is natty no excuse wh'ttever for anyone Laying catarrh tow that fly -o - mei ie so readily obtainable. It you hayµ any doubts about its value, Wal- ton ailcKKtbbon will let you have a Cour• plett+out tit, with the tweetataudin. that unites it nares catarrh it wile not Dost you a cent. The complete Heee mei ten fit eonsiete of the "Little Pocket Pup -tato" and a bottle of ely•o met and c.Ate only $1 00, making it the moss economical se well as the ouly guaranteed treatment for the cure of catarrh. Remember that Hy -camel cures catarrh without atom - rich dosing, applying the rnedioattou and healiug where the deeeaseed genu are present. The average Ontario farmer does not worry very mnoh over the problems of food chemistry, or such details as the requisite amount of hydrocarbons or proteid in bread. But he is vitally in- terested in those problems that affect the market for his products and the cost at living. There seerns to be little relation be. tween the loaf on the table and the mar. 'trete of the Province. There is a close relation, however -bee/stole of the fact that individuals all ovet Ontario insist oil buying Western hour, thinking it the beat because it has been so extensively advertised. This, tsken in the aggregate has caused the deoline lb the demand for Ontario wheat and the building tzp of the West at the expense of Ontario far. mere and millers. That the market has been largely lost and that feed is dear cannot be disputed. but *hat is vastly mote important to the farming 'Community of Ontario is the signal success of Ontario millers in driv- ing out Western competition in the Mari- time markets, People in Ontario eat bread made !rem Western floor, People in the Maritime Provinces peter what is known as Ontario blended Boni, and the effeot of this demand is already felt bythose Millen t os a who ma&d a special- ty of the new filar. The exploitation bed discovery of the fact that just enough Western Ilene made tO be added to the riohly-flavoured, but Weaker Bear of Ontario, to make the beet and moot nourishing bread hi the World, spent Opp )rtanity for Ontario far. rulers, They oannot Afford to neglect the latest move to regain the litmus s mar- ket, and the sooner they realize that itis financial folly to encourage Western in. dustry at the expense of their own bash tteeetants, and insist on buying only tion milled in Ontario, the sooner will each a detnand tae created for Onterio blended ftorire, that Millions of Money' wilt remain in Ontario, to benefit the wheat growete And stockmeut of this province. streams of water were still runrting on the street. The lanterns reflected darkly on the pavement. Suddenly the off horse went zlow•n, kicking the near ode's feet from under him. In • their struggles to get up they s)y'ung tite bus' head around, and we lay broadside to the street. I looked to see a snarl of wagons, the bus hem- med in by jeering cabmen, a gaping crowd and the driver jerking at his fallen horses. Not so. Six bobbies were already on the spot. As if by magic a space was cleared about us and the traffic checked. Under the steady hand of the driver the horses were Fenn up, trembling and mud -be- spattered, but otherwise none the worse for their tumble. The nolace- men lowered their hands and Cheap- side again resounded with the Lon- don roar. When a black fog comes down the city vanishes, From your seat on the bus beside the driver you cannot make out the horses' heads. The street limps shimmer dimly, sound seems deaderletlrand when you speak your voice is strange and unfamiliar. Your face looks like a chimney sweep's, your chest burns as you breathe, and near you on the bus you hear some people coughing. You won- der what they • look like. Down on the street somewhere there is a thud, and some one onuses violently. The driver laughs. "This 'ere's th' black- est kind," he says. "I guess we're fixed 'ere for a bit. Yer kin just bet your hlnnmin' 'ead I won't budge till I see th' 'arses. Last time I knock- ed down a bloody hobby with ill' pole an' most ran into th' Thames," Every little while it seems to lighten, the horses take a step or two, and then once more the world is buried in suf- focating blackness, Your eyes sting as you strain them through the fog. All' at once it begins to lift, and in the zenith the son masers, large and strange ansa red. The buses begin to move again. Yon can see them loomly dimly, crowded with ghostly passengers. Then as it grows still lighter yon see the eleamieg helmet of a mounted sentinel and a clock tower rising black behind. It is Whitehall. Yon have been two hours on the bus and have gone w00 yards. -Thornton Oaxley 111 Metropolitan Magazine. Horse Show a Success. The recent Horse Show in Toronto, as an exhibition and in point of at- tendance, was 0 success, Zvlore peo- ple saw it than saw the show last year. More people came to Toronto from outside points to be present. The horses in nearly every class were especially good, in one or two cases only the judges withholding ribbons. Moreover, there were more entries. Financially, the slow has a little balance in the wrong column,n, an ac- tual deficit of $18.00 The boxes brought in only $2,142, this year, as compared with $4,355 last year, nd though the general attendance was larger, the prices were lower, and the adu ssion receiptsis lower. . 1 he man- agement agement set out with subscriptions of $2,000 from the Ontario Horse- men's Association, $1,000 from the Canadian Horse Show Association and $1,050 in individual subscriptions from members of the Toronto Hunt Club. This would leave an apparent sur- pl is, but the subscribers are repaid in part by the association. Those having most to do with the show are well satisfied with its suc- cess, a success attained despite more than one serious handicap. As to the judging, ne eomplaizits have been made. it pays to advertise, we know. The cheapest way is best. :fust tell your wife, and she will go And tell it to the rest. Trtsl 0a firth tr„,+*n+n'q' re t, .t•„email• el or I fr..•,, en a („•-.t, by 1)r .1hnnp, Rat'ir,' . h%ii 1 tt P.+ rt r•r. 11,E pre.lilt f1 to tth.• pe'rt,te-w•thnnr a 1 e, na etr+t- tha g"e,ar v',Ttie f.• thi-.oier•t'f o t.t .,'i tp• tintr know,: to 0' 0!116.ei R ever}++`++rN r6 D. S -one's Crista -ch }.t•'n,•'It. all dealers. 1"at3t aro nn f i•`t at Chie urn rn form an inteinntioaal union of farmers' or- ganizations. The ''w Preece Caneeian treaty g vr'n Praises pr,-ft,reutta: a a on Berne of her prod to, s aad mitritvu u rat+ -a on the vast KIDNEY Thu kidneys form a very ileportant ee' channel for the out- let of disease from the system, carrying off ace aha pCOMPLAINTS AT p ofiss odist on the blood. The kidneys are often affected and cause serious disease when least sus- pected. When the back aches, specks Hoa before t s l t h o eyes, urine contains a brick -dust sediment, or is thick and stringy, .scanty, highly colored, in fact when there is anything wrong with the small of the back or the urinary organs thee the kidneys are affected. If you are troubled with your kidneys DN'S KIDNEY PILLS wilt cure you. bars. Frank row., Wood- side, N.B., Writes ; "I was a great sufferer with backache for over a year and could get nothing to relieve lure until I took two boxes of DOAN'S iiioNa r Paas, and now I do not feel any pain whatever and cart eat and sleep well; something I could not do before." Price 50 cents a bot er 3 tot $1,25, at all dealer, or The Dostt Kidney Pili Co., Toronto, Oat. Just try a blended fibur once and see for yourself that it doer relays WHITER and; tastier Bread and Biscuits - LIGHTER Pastry- MORE ELICiQIUS Cake, • And there's good reason for it, too. I,. Flours combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all hone baking -no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR, Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. "Made in Ontario" s E?.1 OFFICIAL. rid= stetLABEL 0040* 3SAS*•r•+•M400010itarvref is •b1r•011100004011 X1111** sw+st 6.111Q4 • • o• aa CLU�y • • • s LL'ii� orb i d. • ••s • • • a • a u to • a ! • • a • • • O t• • • The TIMES will receive subsc4)tions at the rates below 1 4. for any or all of the folrowing publications : + Times to January 1st, 1903I.00 + Ttmea and Daily Globe4,50 + + Times and Daily Mail and Enjwirr 4.60, 4' 4. Times and Daily World • 310 4. + Times and Toronto Daily News,.. 2,30 .. 4. Ti nes and Toronto Daily Star.2 0 4. + Ti nes and Daily Advertiser ............ ..... . ... `2.35 + '1' Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 30 + Times and Weekly Globe . 1 35 4. t Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 70 + 'r' Times and Family Herald and 'Weekly Star 1.75 + .11.. Tunes and Family Herald sod Weekly Star, and 4. 4. book " Hand; Horne Bock " 1.90 + 4. Times and Weekly Witness ' 1.85 + + Times and &tontrea] Weekly 'Jerald 1.35 + Tines and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 'i' + Times and London Adv'el tiler (A eel:ly) 1.60 m 4. Times and Toronto Weekly Sur, l.t;0 + Times and World Wide 2.20 t e' Tithes and Northern Messerrger. 1.35 4. 4. Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 + 'i' We specially recommend Our readers to SO AV The4. 4. 4.. to the Farmers,' Anvot ate asd Home 1llaerz ne. + + Times and Farming. World 1.85 4. Times and Presbyterian 2 ��5 't' 4. Times and Westminster .... , .. 2, •t5 ,'t,, 4. Times and Presbyterian and R estminster........ 3,25 + 'r' Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) . 1.90 4. 4. Times and 'Youths' Companion . „ . •;>>,75 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly).. , , . 2.90 4 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1 45 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1 85 Times and Michigan Farmer 1,F5 Times and Woman's Home Companion 1,75 Times and. Canadian Woman (monthly) Lerdtn ., 1.15 Times and American Sheep Breeder 1 90 Times and Country Gentleman 2.10 Times and Delineator 1,35 Times and Boston Cocking School Magazine1,75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower... 1.35 Times and Good Housekeeping . - , , , , 1,80 Times and Modern Women 1A5 Times and .McCall's Magazine .. 1,45 Times and Pearson's Magazine...... 1,70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine........ 1.90 Times and American Boy Magazine 1 (15 Times and 'What to Fat ..... 1 60 Tithes and Bookkeeper ..., ... 1.65 Times and Recreation .... , .... , ... 1.75 Times and Cosmopolitan 1 55 Times and Ladies' Paine Journal 215 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.45 Times and Success .,,..... 1 4t? Tithes and Iionsekeeper . 1 0 , Trines and Pilgrim 1 (0 Times and Poultry Keeper . , , . , . 1.40 Times and I.#oard's Dairyman ...- 1,110 Times and McClure's Magazine ... 1.P0 Times And Munsey's Magazine.- . • • 4 0 il . 4 ..... 4 2.00 Times and Mural New Yorker.....,:............. 2,f_0 Times and Vick's Magazine .......... 1.40 Times and American Gardening............... • 2 25 Times and Health Culture ............. ....... i.s5 Times and Ram's torn. .... -. .. 4.15 ,Times and 1 onr Track News . .......... , 1 9 Tittles and Breeders' Gazette ................. r. 2,25 Times and Practical Partner ......... y... 1.55 "When piernitains are fifteen #with: any of abor'e papers, subscribers will neetire such pretninms when ordering through tit, same aaa *itl•tit g direct from pnblishetii. These low rates mean a eotiaiderable eating to ttubFeriterb, and err S7 ItxdTLt OA.S11 1N ADVANOD. Send remittances by postal note, post cfflte or exprdee money order, addreesinyr RA ES a FOR 190 07. • M**S aS +++++++++++++44+++. ++++++++++++4-14++++++++++3-i*÷++++ TIMES ort, WINGRAM, ONTARIO. 041/016.4141661.40114101101140.1.410.14144 6116 +*Sifl ii* *i* * 4 a 4. a 4. 4. q. 4` 4 d• .-t. w 4 • A