HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-03, Page 2AUGUST 3, 1905, 2 y zonstI THE � iNGTiA�t , .1I8#1 tex� PLANT LICE. TQ�VN DIRECTORY. � �--- TO At VERTISg.RS he discovered theresairotlon of plants. Henry Cavendish was 53 ;s ears old itiotioe of obangee frust be left et thele When he dt800vered hydrogen. i'r it is'� �% j (�uI, These Utiles 114; THE 1f lNUtlC3 �v pniy Contact Fptsans Ktil Tha �+•^ .„-"'^""' Sucking, 4'ests•--6prays Bettor PA ott{oe not later than Saturday IAOgn. Christian Huygens was 01 years ololdBAPTIST CRuaalli- Sabbath eervi0ee at The copy for changes meet be left when he published his theory of the un- p Loes.l history at' the early 80s, 11 a nt ant t 7 m. Sunday School at EVERY THURSAAY� MORNING If ht. �� ou Wednesday evenings. Rev. J, N. Mo- The Tillie, (Mee, Beaver Block Lean,13,A.., pastor. Abner Cosens S.S. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 'Superinteacleitt, TWENTY YEAS 11O A t later than Monday evening MOVi Items from The "Times" fylee. eeee p m. neral grayer Tweeting Camel advertisements accepted up daledo of n g to noon Wednesday of each weeks ESTABLISHED 1$72 Count Bertholot, Klaprarh, John Del. ton, GlayLussao, Comae Rantford (Ben- jamiu Thompson), Woehles, Letbig, Al- ex seder von Rawboldt, and, iu fact, the THE Atiit+�+ majority of the eminent chemists and 1 ii i• phveicians did their most intportent H. R. ELLIOTT. errareernie sense soperrecti work in advanced years. THITRSD AY, AlIGINT 3, 1303. • ---� REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER. NOTES ANi) elOWMJ.NTS. Atter Trying Other Treatnents, HY- f Hotel , and tavern licenses cancelled in omei liHas Used With 1?erfeet Sue Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MuF.srltsne, of attraction will be tine band ezonrsign to meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. ,cellon, Lanark t were visit{uK their ort Elgin. D P ie pastor. L Harold S S Sa, CONTRACT RAT$,-Thefollowingtsbieshows. Ontario, since the l t d May ill geSS perinteudeut tor p ed n t i f 3 000 periods: - Old friends here last week. Messrs. ., Quite a n ' Out of a total at 102 license inspectors only advice a physician could give his Thos. Agnew and Miss Agnew of WOWS" in the inauguration of the City a teat- bath services at 11 a tn. and 7 m,. Sun- OueOolumu $70.00 840.00 $22.6o gs to all but a dozen are new teen appointed ha fever patients, was to o away Prom ah alsomade a call in Slee Hollow ford, on Wednesday. F HelfUnitunn 40.00 2;1.00 16.00 0.tp pp y p gFY day Sohgol at 2.$Op m Gen 1 p y Glnartergoiumn 20.00 ld 60 7.60 8.00 (Flom THE WINDHAM TIMES of Friday, July 24th, 1855) T NEWS Mies. 1, The Scott Aot was defeated tEL fiat. 6 0 ••-�#1 e0 i MEysoD1 t1 CHUxoa-Sabbath services 'TERMS of lige RIPxION per snnum n at 11 a m and 7m, advance $1.60 it not aQpai;}. NQ paper discon• dt,p,Aud by 808.p Sunday School at tinned t�U ail arrears are paid, a:Dept et the ELEtti' {IOLL0\V, - 2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon- epilog of the publisher. Haying to full blast here. The yield LOCAL tIEWS. day evening. General prayer meeting ADveuesstNa RATne. •-• Legal and other y` g ` B, oasu$ladvertiSementel0oper Non riellinpfor ie above the average the quality good The street watering part is agate m on Wednesday •eveuiugs. Rev, J, . sect insertion, Sc per line for each sabsegaent Gandy, D Dpastor.W 13Towler, n y, , sir The commencement was wuob later this ase. insertion. M B S S Superintendent Advertisements in 1ocaI columns aro charged year than fart, ou account of the sappy 'Reels a sharp look out for bogus $2 10 eta. per line for first insertion, and 6 dente condition of the ground owing to the "'Boniiniuu of Canada" bills, PaitsnYTanL w CHIIROS-Sabbath ser- per line for each subsequent insertion. Vices at I1 a m and 7 pin, Sunday Advertieeanents of Strayed, Farms for Rale Au 13th, The chief ,School at 2:30 or to tient and similar, $1.00 for first three .regaent rains. Civic holiday, g p m• General prayer weeks, and 25 cents for each eabsequent in - or slailMT s f a w num- Co.,,� qrr , pa o . . our rates for the insertion of advertisements her about 100, out of a total o ambos of Winghamttee took o e eoifl eriolis:- • Before the die^Query of Hyomer the f ST PAUL'S CSUROH Moscone-Bab- SPAes. 1 rR. 6 Ito. 8 mo. Dim no a e era prayer overnment came home, but now anyone who is subject to quite recently. Monster Sanday school excursion to meeting on Wedneeday evening. Rev. ne Inch ............ 6o0 8.00 2.00 125 flu directs awoe the Whitney1 nay Mr. J. W. Green, who is at work en- Kincardine ou Tuesday next, Fare Wm. Lowe, Rector and S. $. Snperin• Advertisements without agepi ane at home without tandem. John Taylor and Ed. Nash, will .inserted till torrid and ahem must be psi - - !urgina photos, is now canvassing iu the from here, adults 60 cents; children 25 assistant S. S. Su riutendents. fogliii advance. nt advertisements meet be paid this theme can, if tivomei is need, star fear of the annual at tack of sneezing, watery eyes, and other discomforts. J. F. Forbes, a well known Western railroad man, whose home is at McCook. Nebraska, writes, "I bare never had any relief from any remedy for hay fever, even temporarily, until I discovered the merits of Hyomei. I always reconetneud it when the occasion requires." There is no offensive or dangerous stomach dosing when Hyomei is used This reliable remedy for the cure of all diseases of the respiratory organs is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, so that the air taken into the throat and lungs is like that of the White Mountains or other health resorts where hay fever is un- known. The fact that Walton McKibbou agrees to refund the money to any hay fever sufferer who uses Hyomei without sno- Nita should inspire confidence in its power to effect a Duro. A complete out- fit costs only $1.00 and extra bottles but 50 cents. into power. A goodly number of ex•Cebinet Minis- ters are excluded front pensions by' the five-year limit. They are Henri Joly, Sir Charles A. P. Pellotier,A R. Augers, J. 0, Paterson, Edward Blake, William Ross, W. H. Montague, A. Desjerdins, E G. Prior, L. O. Taillon, David Tis• dale and Hugh John Macdonald. A Great Work. (Hamilton Times.) It is estimated that the Grand Trunk Pacific will require 10,500,000 ties, near- ly 500,000 tons of rails, 43,000.000 spikes, 5,000,000 bolts, 2,500,000 angle bare and fish plates, guards and ties also in the millions. It is estimated that 50 loco- motives, 30,000 freight cars, and 500 pas- senger ooaohes will be required, besides bridge -timber and steel, stations, tele.__ phones and telegraphs, water tanks, terminal facilities, fencing, etc. That Initial steps are already being taken at mean work. Think of the figures iu Antwerp for the organization of a nni- detall. sehe ties placed end to end versal exhibition to be held there in 1918• would reach over 16,000 miles, If a man During King Edward's progress undertook to handle the 60,000.000 odd through the streets of Algiers it was no - spikes, bolts, fish plates, eto., required tired that the cheers of the native por- for the track, at the `rate of one a second tion of the crowds were unexpectedly working ten hours daily, the job would enthusiastic. This, is seems, was be - last about five years and four months. cause on the day of the king's arrival The building of stations, roundhouses, - the weather was rainy, although recent - ate., will require a small army of ly the country had been suffering mechanics, The demand for locomo- greatly from the want of rain, and the tives and cars will try the capacity Of local populace at ouce formed the con - our shops. The grading and track -lay- elusion that his majesty was a magician ing alone will mean labor for thousands. of great power. It is a vast work and will increase by over 20 per oent the railway mileage of , There es more Catarrh in this section Than Dry Powders. Plaait lice eat no part of the plan itself, and it le absolutely impossible for that reason to reach theta with any of the stomach poisons. Paste greens -arsenate oteirad'an l art other materials that kill by being eaten are of absO- lutely no use against these little suck- leg uck leg pests, They can be reached onlyF by contact poisons, which. aet through, the spiracles, or breathing pores, at the sides of the body. There are two kinds of contact poi- sons -those that act mechanically bye clogging the pores and those that Pen** tl poison directly. Soaps are clogging In character, and se are oils in general, but the petroleum oils are internal insecticides as well, Tobatsca decoctions and all dry powders act only when they enter the spiracle* and get into the body of the insect.. Dry powders are effective in proportioi# to their fineness. Coarsely ground te- baceo, for instance, will be absolute)? useless, where a sample that is finely trate into the body an pe vioiaity of Whitechurch, His samples cents. - Tea Jon DEPARTMiNT is stocked with en ere far belond the ord1 enlartfements SALVATION Alwy--Service at' 7 and 11 extensive aaaortment of alt requisites for print- • in execution and finish, especially the The water tank oa the market square a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday, and 'counaffording unin gclout sr not ae�s work in P y d place to get a refreshing every evening during the week at 8 t y d pit t i 1t t 1 i P t India ink work. was a goo F a ype an a ro r a. a on s ora a y ee o os - shower bath on Sunday and Monday. o'clock at the barracks. ere, Band lta, etc., and the latest styles of Mr. C. Leg+;° Ireland, accompanied POST On'ioR--In Macdonald Block. Ing. choice fancy type for the finer classes of print TURNBERRY. Office hours from 8 a m t0 6.30 p m. H B ELLIOTT Haying operations are sing p by his sister, Mrs. Groan of Uneont4, peter Fisher, ostmaster. N. Y., arrived home Saturday evening. P SENNEDY, M. tJ.C. M..P. 8, O. briskly. The Beason {e somewhat later PIuma° Lien and free Ile was welcomed by a serenade from . Member of the British Medical Aasocia• than other years, and owiug to the first reading room in the Town Hall, will tion. Gold MedaUia+ in Medicine. S ecial of the month cowing in wet it kept a the band. be open every afternoon Pram 2 to attention patd�to diseases o! Women and Child; a good many from starting sooner. P Mr. Nicholls of Londop, accompanied 5:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7 ren. Office hours -i to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. in. byhis son Harry, spent Sunday fn to 9:80 o'clock. Mrs, Orlando G. Craig, DR MACDONALD, The weather durine the last few dayslibrarian,• has been all that could be desired for town, with his sone of the Central haymaking and a goad deal has been se- bakery. Harry will spend his summer TOWN COUNCIL -Thos. Bell, Mayor; Centre Street y g holidays here, W. 3. Greer, Thos. Armstrong, David gingham, cured. , J. G, Stewart, S. Bennett, W. F. Fall wheat is coming on splendid,and a Wingham has a population of 2000. Vans0nne, poanoillors; J. B. Fer- good crop is now almost an assured fact, It has 8 printing and publishing houses, Dunnage Assessor. Board meets first and e P dry for a week or so, it will keep some there are 9 intelligent compositors in o'clock. of the farmers busy to get around with town that we know of out of employ SosooL Baum --Dr. A. J. Irwin, the hay in time to harvest it. "' ment. Wingham's intelligence should (chairman), Tilos. Abraham, J. D. Long, hi h. J, J. Flomuth, H. Kerr, Wm, Moore, A. ll being resodProprietor and Pabtieher P Canada. Its effect on settlement and the development of our country's in- dustries will be in proportion to its mag- nitude. The next 20 years will be im- portant onoa in the onward progress of the Dominion. Notable Exceptions. Here are some exceptions, named by an exchange, which disprove the rule at- tributable to Dr. Osler, that a man's best work is done before he is forty years of age: Johann Kepler was 59 years old when he gave to the world his discovery of the law of the distance of the planets from the sun. Franois•Bacbn was 59 years old when be published; his Novum Organum. Pierre Gaesendi was 58 years old when he published' his atomic theory. Oita von Guericke was 48 years old when he invented the air pump. htn "Pelorone Jack." This fish has Johan Rudolph von Glauber was 55 p years old when he discoveted sodium inhabited the waters of Cook strait for sulphate (Glauber Bait.) many years, and now acts as a most ef- Sir Isaac Newton was 44 years old festive pilot, escorting all kinds of ves- when he published the law a! gr ways eels In and out of the French pass, al- ways keeping to deep water. As he is tion• never absent from his duties, the proo- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz was 54 lamation has been received with keen Vitae old when he was commissioned to satisfaction by sailors. establish the Academy of Sciences in of the country than all other ' diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed Local rem- edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatments, • pronounced it in- curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only censtitational cure on the market. It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys- tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson DR. AGNEW, hould the weather kee warm and employing steadily 10 printers, and Monday evening in each month at 8 Physician, Surgeon, etc: The New Zealand legislature has pas- sed a measure prohibiting ander a pen- alty of $50 interference with an old dol - Berlin. Antonini; van Leeuwenhoek was 88 Tired all the Time. years old when lie discovered blood core Mrs. George Beattie, Carr's Brook. puscles, in #usoria, eto. Colchester Ca., writes: -"Last spring 1 ' .Rene teaumur was 47 years old when war very mach run down, felt tired. alt Ile brought out his thermometer. , the time, and clid.not seem to have _life ' or energy enonghtado nay work. Theis Benjamin Franklin was 46 years old boxes; of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food did me when he invented the lightning rod. a world df good, and made work a piea- Joseph Priestley was 41 years old when sure to me. I hate not had occasion to he dteoavered oxygen. use any medicine since, and have re. comtuended Dr. Chases Nerve Food to Jan Iugenhoutz Was 49 petal; old when - all my friends." Ontario. Office -Macdonald Block, over W.McZibbon'e Drug Store. Night calla answered at the canoe. R. ROBT.C.REDMOND, M. R.C.S. (Ent;) C. P. (Loud.) Roots seem to be doing well especially run g E. Lloyd, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, John potatoes Turnips have not come up A game of baseball wan played on the F Groves • Treasurer J B Ferguson. P$YSICIAN and SURGEON very regular, and in some places there is park here on Saturday laat between the Meetings second Tuesday evening in each Office, with Dr. Chisholm. complaint of the fiy taking them. Blaevale and Wingllaw clubs, resulting month. in a decided victory for the former. PUBLIC SCHOOL TBaomtns.-A. H. BLUEVALE. ; Store-Blaevale 28 and an innings to Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Strawberries have been verplentiful spare; Wingham 8. Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Y Cornyn, Miss Matheson, Miss Wilson, here this season. A sulphur spring has been discovered Mies Cummings and 11. Manning. Both fall wheat and hay will be a - ou the land oa the prairie owned by Dr. BOARD or HEALTH -Thos. Bell, heavy crop iu this section, Tainlyn. When the doltnr has Dom- (chairman), 0. 3, Reading, Thos Greg - Mr Eat tit who o, 10 y making we have no doubt this spot will Secretary, Dr. ,T. R. Macdonald, ly a short time ago, is getting along become a popular resort for our citizens. Medical Health Officer. well. is foot ver bad plated the extensive improvements he is cry, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson, Mr. Reading has raised an additton to his barn, and is improving its appearance considerably. ,• Onr baseball team Reel muds -elated over the big victory they achieved in the game with the Wingham club last Satur- day. Torment of Piles Fourteen Years. Would 'await; thea floor in agony -bootors oou%d not hep him. Mt. X. Irricscit, 103 Fuller St„ Toronto, Wei** "}'..r.' ,isolette yeard .I tufle-rBd tl,,, t„rlht eteteta ievnediromitelliteetike,, I2iv. 4 *flair day l( &Dint not, alt downlong onougk to eats bear' 'Metals, hue would stalk the floot• ist agony. 1 wee • treated by doctors for pears, and tried all earls of re ntedieb without sluices until I w'as advised to try r Ointment. Dr.Chale ss to I,tartedbobath the poets fn hot Water: night and morntttg, end would titer Apply/he ointment. To mYurprter ane bet completely cared nie.iin aiy .'t,m ties this e e wonderful mnkaribnt, and 1 Would riseoaaineiad:all fluters* from; piles to )Oh.1Ct ZIO 1016 it," If you kens What it Means to suffer frost les you will not w*tedst a3/4 Mr. ; ane tlttuser** in preiaiee Ih. Meal's which did se stook fertile. The recent of Dr. Chase's, Oise *pre for *lee has moor beanIn Wool .t mid' 10 eta e bee, ,mak t" -e Nacres The agony is over. T.he hones of tom• mons at Ottawa after a protracted session of six months was prorogued on Monday Iast After legislating away many of the votes of the boys at the front the Government, at the close of the session, rewarded them with a vote of thanks and $80 to scrip, and then voted themselves $500 additional session indemnity as an equivalent for their protracted and arduous labors! This is looking after No. 1 witha yengeance. Some of our ex changes allude to it as a "salary grab" but theproper phrase would be a deliber- ate steal. . our' or Season. MIL 111 Uppe--near, did you tee any of those fine old •aqueducts While you were in Italy? lilies. New•itich--•Never spots a duck. And while we Was rid- ing seeress Gsemen y We kept k t. loo ' Out for tome of them German peasants, blit I iiever :Reels Pinch a 8Careity 4f fowi'hto• place.. • • sis.rtae tertesta se "A friend eafiiot he known he pros, Petite°, and alt eftettly eennot be hid friends *telt us in 1n.dvif. Toutsa crs 7 prospeety Only When invited, but 111 adversity' they C0lnewithout aft Male fatten." At au OWN sleds. Pesell bet `'T'eb, site 1 1t01d this eteeld: flpttibt t Well, you don't hktlt tb tetetloto if you don't Want tot -DO - twit /tree 'X'taitfi. (.,It derpettais slut ti/uelltteft fe *pe* tit* ♦tat'* Will , lilts ti.. i little �y� to ti/y.•�6ot An effort is being made to get up a - match between the in.tmbers of the North Star baseball club end the print- • ere of the town. Should,,the game take place, our typographical imp says' that following will be the score made by the NorthStars:-000000000. On Saturday last while Mr. John • Hanna of this town, was in the wheel- ing at the waterworks, he got his medtcine known• No. 2 -:For special cases -10 degrees finger into the cog wheels of the pump- stronger --three dollars per box. , ing engine, smashing two of them bad- idles -ask your druggist for Cook M Cotton )hoot Gomlroand. Take no other ly. The report is current around town es an p1110, mixtures�p�and imitations are, cqcommend that at the time the accident occurred ed by all druurgistta inethe her Mr. Hanna was so absorbed in thinking minion of Canaaa. I4Ialled to any addrassa en receipt of�2riee and four 2 -gent posta8e about Ms reply to "Citizen's" letter that etali»ts.. Ql�he Cool; Complains, . a he forgot all about his dangerous poli- - tion until the pain brought him to him. Sold in Wingham by A. I. McCall &, Co. A L. Hamilton and Walton McKibben, druggists self again. • Mr. Robert R. Risden, a farmer resi- dent of this town, is now is the tele- graph office of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad at Krasner, Cal. Conk's Cotton Root Compound; Ladies s Favorite, Tsthe only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "In the houll and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No.1,--Ti or ordinary eases 16 by far the best dollar Windiux• Oros Western Fair mr 1111N.0.51e14 TORT MA►1 PALL Apw,cu,.TYAAt ,AIAO POPULAR When Governor Simcoe laid the foundation of London, Ontario, one hundred years ago he knew it would grow to be a great city, but had no thought of the Western hair. The Western hair gives the people of this country an excellent opportunity for a pleasant outing at a utittintnn of cost, and at the sane time developer theft store of practical and useful knowledge. Its educational features have always been carefully 'fostered by the Director8. This year reverAl iuipartant improvements of en instructive nature have been added. The celebrated9tst highland Regiment nand will give thrt116ncertsdaily during the ethibition. Theenterj4o. ment•departeltnt wilt be better than'rter, and trill include leaping tii0 gap in mid air on a steam autontobile. Ion u.,oAMATIO.a 1M.ITR W. J. atIP, m.aeI4sRT, AA A. MAMA*. Act1MTAI♦ LONDON Sept. 8 m 16, 1905 Dangerous Germs in Summer. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. l<J�1 TRAINS LEAVC FOR London 6.40 A.m.... 8.80p.m. Toronto &Bast 10,40 a.m6.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Kincardine -11.16 a.m... 2.05 p -m.... 9.15p.m. ARRIVE WROM. Kincardine ....6,40 a.m10.40 a.m.... 2,40 p.m. London 11.10 a.m..- 7.85 ppm. Palmerston 9.86 a.m. Toronto & EastHAROLD, Agent, Wingham.m, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAII. TRAINS MAI'S FOR 'Toronto and East6.57 a.m,... 8.42 p.m. Teeswater 1.17 p.m....10.48 p.m. ARRIVE rROM Teeavwater 31.8"157 a.m 2.48 p.m. Toronto •T B.BBBMBR. Agent,Wingbam. pew Strengthen the ystem'\ .ith'IVli-b-na'and Keep Well. ' A� wealthy philanthropist in New and aid yogi in naturally end easily di. York epende thourende of dollars every sleeting the food. It is the only remedy that Disse indigestion !slid tam rammer providing tussis for the babies,, ltnlorrlt h e lett ge tilt e 'with the result that the mortality is ttoh troablee by strenicthening the di. greatly decreased, He epprecletea the &Ohs tsysten*. ft is guaranteed: to Make fact that tlieease eerie ase oomton iII a complete and permanent ante . la an• the laminar and that the stomach must diseases of the emotion excepting oatl- be kept healthy to resiet their attacks. tier. Older people do trainee ms a Milk diet Ill.o.net reWttotres complete health to tc3"ilil0splfe%iplta bee a tto ntretlt- the *hole eystem had cures 1tead ohett,. hied th6 otos oli laid stivo organs back -ache, at ditfb ttlnd dib« by fii8 tide of M{-o•ntaa that they tote Will tress atter, seting,, vertigo, h harm, be tree from slokaeee in the enmmrrreili. end,ake . eI3e`e*i lity ,lir h lietalo sod. 1lr4titi it tr+eak a find im t 41i - a Take It, Mt•o-na tablet before taint iiefeelb, Meal, and it will, *Oahe ma heal tut A gnarrantob' tel 'rrefan' .the looneyif ilMMMaanntatltltir tied Mitt ha pre8ent itt o-;h&N. bot shoos' hal , :le given the lining Oftheliiti sab., i �eatld twig+itery o. box. .5jk Mo- ' streogth to trill) Whole a ile a ,blboa SQ iow.yen OUTSIDE ADVERTISING • W. B. TOWER, M.D., C. M. CORONER. Office at residence, Diagonal Street. VANSTONtE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Private and Oompanytunds #o loan at lowest rate of tittered. No commission charged sort - gages, town and farm•proper y bought and sold. Office, Beaver Blocs W J^ A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. e, Wingham; Ont. E. L. DICKINSON Denser HOLMES Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as tewohers wanted, . business chances, meehanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the Tunes office, ThisWork Will receive promptattentton and trill save people the trouble of remitting for sod. forwarding advertisements. Lowest testas will be emoted on appheation. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE. Wingham. ST PAYS TO ADVEIMSE IN THE M DICKINSON & HOIMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY ro LOAN. Oreicn: Meyer .Block, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S„ L. D. 8. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over' Post Office, Wingham. T1CT T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. 1 i • DENTIST, Beaver Block, Wingham D. D. S. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons. UTA. CURRIE, a WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER Is now prepared to attend the wants of those requiring his services, at a reasonable price. No necessity of going out of town for an auc- tioneer. All orders left at the TIMES aloe will receive prompt attention. NAST LICE ON AFFLE TRIO. ground may be effective. In the one case the particles cannot penetrate through the spiracles and hence do not affect the insects at all. In the other they get where they can exercise their specific effect, and the insects suttee accordingly. In any case thoroughness in application is ahsplutely .demanded. Experience has shown that sprats are better than dry powders as against plant lice and that the finer and more forcible the spray the better its effect. The cleanest and on the whole a. very satisfactory application on flowering plants is a tobacco decoction. There are now upon the market several to- bacco extracts which may be diluted with water and applied without fur- ther urther preparation. A11 these extracts, so far as I have used them, are mors or less satisfactory, but in every case it is necessary to use them about twice as strong as is recommended on the label. Instead of the extract a tobacco soap may be used, and that Is more effective because it combines a clog- ging with the direct poisoning action. Among the soaps the whale or fish oil preparations are much the most effac-- tive. They usually come in paste form, although sorne are dried out so ea ter cut into cakes, but in either case about one pound of soap in from four to ;fix gallons of water will be satisfactory. The tobacco preparations are usually harmless• to plants at all strongthe. The soap mixtures are caustic and tend to burn or. otherwise .injure foliage, SO they must be more carotully used. One pound to four ;Aliens of water is us- ually harmless to all but the tenderest of plants, but when there is any doubt one pound to six gallons should be first tried, andif this is not effective within► a day or two another application should be made, increasing the iitrength until the Insects are killed• or the plant shows signs of becoming_ injured. -Dr. John B. Smith, New Jersey. - ALES. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Trues Mace will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON, Winghem,•Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and truce. St►1ea o! Farm Stook and Implements a specialty. All orders left et the Tune office promptly attended to. . Terms reasonable, FARM ERS anti anyone heeler live stook at other articles they wish to dispose bfrshoflidxdver• tree the same for sale in • he Textus. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed If a om eoaa Tanto on do not get Duet er W ' gun e T thaton will sell because you may ask more tor the article or stock than it is worth.. Bend smut ad erne o v ement to the yTrues and try this atmict of isposing of yottr stook and other eo 'THRs•' ExPERIENC E- T„„ TOW* MAWR Dratoltea COOVetidertel Am. Mayotte weneini i ilketeS and des itrn Wet arer a% obit lr tells trnllafii-eti Standard, Apple Box..• Fruit growers and box makers should bear in mind tiia amendrni tit to the act regulating the size pf fruit packages. recently passed, legalizing a minimum standard box, This box has a minimum size of 10x11x20 Inches inside measure- ment. There Is no specification as to the .thickness of the material other than that it should be strong and sea- soned wood. It is recommended, how- ever, that the ends should be at least five-eighths of an inch ;thick and , the sides at least three-eighths of an inch thick, and there should be no objee- tionable odor to the wood. There axe no specifications as to what grade of fruit shall 'be packed in Inures. The market reports, however, would Ole - courage the shipment in boxes of rtny- thing but apples, et•the very highest grade; the rest ef'the fruit can be more economically shipped in barrels. Progress In Catnticle. A. W. Campbell, Deputy Minister et Public Works for Ontario, Canada, in a recent address spoke as follows about the progress of reed improvement li% Canada, says The Good Roads Maga- zine: "In five years every County in Ontariowill have ;adopted the ;Govern- rhent systetrt .el gSigd ro8lt5 dee i'the rnp- torlet 'will be .able to travel Irons t14 Quebec boundary to Detroit on eaten- tifically constructed; highways." And he added that ithelets 'three 0- t n lett e e 7G 000 haeebeen expended on �obad roar, a total Of 1,642 miles having been con etructed, and he fo eeasted `that within a few yes,re ..a'.system et ail delivery by automobile' "*pule 'be teen throughout the f'rovincb. Greiding Up Poultry. It iS easier and cheaper to grade ale a flock b ` k . X chic et a tin full til t by >s k blood roosters thee any other ivtty. 0 no others are used ,and changed every , year it *will not take Iona fo get them to a point at good for titin use ae pure brads. It ,'#kould be - MIa 10 bug 'at leaet one 'setting of etuf ;blood egg& every year, too,_,»eslttee t3 * rotated. leeteit. Ake Oakes °theles., 'yha Ibraeder wbo;Bseilet lihs heats.mat#«w ittfd keels$ theta fee acedeM Which eannet be Seal ler` Poet ptkctes SDI in tlietit, `ti et Rotel tteidge, lai4 that Ise baa Made a>i,4Yltyett Brei`•