The Wingham Times, 1905-08-03, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL XXXTV.--NO. 1747. VfINGIAM, ONTARIO. TRUISDAY. AUGUST 3, 19o5. Labor Day Gelebration in Windham Tailor -Made Clothes We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your - order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- -ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction.. Trousers made, to order , at $3.50, 3J5. $4, $5, $66. A fine seleotion of Gents' Fur- nishixige always in stock. NISILHomuth 1 Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES tuned by Vaunt PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria *treat. Wingham, Ont. No witnessesrequired. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,0 011 1000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,644,000 "adhere' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, She United States and Ettrope. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT--Intereet allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prineipal 30th Jane and 31st Deoember mon year. D. T. REPRORlio Manager. *Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK of HAMILTON WINCHAM. 06Pita Paid tea 32,235,000.00. Rewrite Fond, $2,235,000.00. Total Assent, $20,553,846.57. Preitident- RON. WM. Mimes. Vioe•President and General Manager -3". it Aesiatent Gen. Manalger-11. M. WATSON JURIDOPORS 4oloa Proctor, Ohms. lh Dalton, 3. IL litoldrie, Goo. Rutherford, Cyril, A. Dirge. tameetor-O. ORDER. YOUR FRUIT From us and be sure of getting the best quality -that's the kind we sell. Ro Ito Hutchison GEOOBRIES AND OROORERY, Phone 59. Prompt delivery. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Souvenir Card Souvenir poste other than the regu petitel oards-requir otherwise they wil office. It is a waste to send "private" or out the cent stamp. takenly think these e oarde do not require ' an awkward error. Need Stamps. de -this is, mule r 03441 Canadian a one -cent storap, go to dead letter f time and money icture cards with - any people mis, nvenir and private ny postage. It itt To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located : I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless tho circumstances under which you buy are very exceptional. I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists taday properties, (both in town and country), that cannot be excelled either in quality or priee. It makes no difference whether you want a 830 building lot or a 00,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOM. • WINGHAM, Iti.V1.1108 BASIX* iniairadi tot deposits of SIAS iind up ino1al on *0' *ad seseetal Depolite *leo tatitteed sit carted dam of Moroi% OffilriOGZIN ago* smozneacixt a liOtlielea, neuters. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. izistcards. The postcffice de .artment has notified postmasters and sabers interested to prevent the oircula Ron of immoral post- cards through the mails. Such cards are in circulation Lathe United States, notwitbstandiug t bas been doing its it is said they are Canada, at the Government est to stop them, and nding their way into Do you want to buy a farin or a bons° and lot on your own terms? If so go to C. J. MAG (TIRE, Real Estate Agent. WANTED :-Glove work, • The Depar ment Objects. An order has be. h issued by the Post- master -General forbidding rural post- masters from trailteking in stamps other than for the sale o such as are needed for local use. Sol e rural postmasters who are storekeep s and who have been paying their wool sale bills partly in stamps, thereby I sening the sale of stamps at other o ces and increasing their own receipts om the percentage of sales will thus b compelled to desist. Steady Regal G1o' e& Mitt Co., London. 4 Labor Day etebration. Labor Day -Monday, September 4th - will be celebrated an Wingham this year, under the auspices of the Wingham Fire Company. This is ex- pected to be one of tle old-tinse day's of sport in Wingham 4nd the program will include a champion hip le.oroese match, baseball match, c rapionship football match, oalithnmpijrn and trades and labor protession, h ghland dancing and piping, tug of warj baby show, also a flag and mart dril by 100 boysand girls. The Wingham oitzens' band will be in attendance all day- Watch future issues of the TIMES and programs for full par- ticulars. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Speeialist, 870 Queen's Avenue, London, 8rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Mamie supplied. • Wheat Fret) Godericn. Mr. W. V. VanStsme has received two car loads of the whe t saved from the Goderich elevator a will use part of it for feedffig purpose's and Will sell a quantity of it. Dra num Gray had the contract Of deliveri the wheat from the cars to MeGre r's chopping mill and two of the dray Iloads are said to have been the two 1 rgest loads of grain ever delivered in W ghat% The grain was put into bags. One load weighed 5 tons and 1425 you ds or 190 bushels and 25 pounds and, he other 5 tons and 870 pounds or 1/2 whets and 50 pounds. 1•••••••••••1 WANTED -Girl to do plain cooking; $16 00 per month. Apply at once at Na- tional Hotel. No better investment than to buy a good home and lot in Wingbara. For sale by 0. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent. Moying 11 Mr. talteyPer has beeti areside Ing toilet thitsvie he Will Otaftt a jew has been on long business life of 'WI much soloed. lie tical Vratiolathelter Payed good bud he trmy find a 'Ye ut the middy to greittly retitled in and Sunday' Itch tit* worker. take the the best in Winglatta te t at Mouxkfy, September 4th, 1905 Child Drowned In Michigan. On Sunday evening, July 23r5, Harold Cornya, the youngest son of Mr. and Mra. W, D. Cornyn, as drowned iu Pion Lake, at Fannin on, Mioh. Mr. and Mrs. Cornyn have had more than their share of trouble ,in bringing pp_ their ohildren. Out o only one survives, a bo He atzffered the loss ofa of a fourth of July celeb last fourth. Dr, Opmpl removed the right eye t The other child was a buried just a year ago an old Wingham boy, a eympathy of many frier bereavement, Garden Part in Turnberry. A garden party ill be hetet under the auspices of "Holm a Sabbath school" on Friday evening, A gust Ilth, 1905, at the residence of Mr. m. Mitchell, Turn - berry, about one ile north of Holmes School House, T e Wingham citizens' band will be in a endanco and furnish music for the eve ing. The committee is making every ort for the comfort and entertainme of those who attend. Admission to gro nds and tea, 15 cents. Tea will be aerve4 from 6 to 8 o'clock. Ioe cream, etc. w 11 be on sale ,on the grounds. All ar cordially invited. Come early. Goderich. who for Many years of Wingham is leay. far Goderich, where lry !dote. Mr. Park oflneoted with the Nutt that he will be s a thoroughly prao. and has always en. es here and we hope VreeperouS badness L. Mr. Park will be ID Methodist church , Where he was an eo. ma Mrs. Perk will 'IsbN of many friends elr new home. three ohildren of six years. eye on account tion a year ago 11, of Detroit, save the other. girl. She was Mr. Cornyn is d will have the s here in this • A good house to rent. Apply to R. Vanatone. 500 packages butter wanted -choice -17o cash or trade. Don't miss our July and August sale. Geo. E. KING. 10 men and boys wanted to work in faetory. 'Apply at office of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited: Voter The voters' 1 Turnberry for and was first p gess' office at 28th. The list 659 voters, div" division No. 1 •County Council Matters. A special meeting f the Huron County Council was hel 1 at Clinton on Saturday to take aotie* in connection with the equalization q .estion. It will be remembered that the town of Clinton and Goderich townshi have entered appeals against the equasized assessment Re fixed by the Count Cleaned. The ' List Posted. t for the township of 005 have been printed sted up in Clerk Bur- nevale, on Friday, July his year shows a total of ed as follovre:-Polling 206; No. 2, 184; No, 3, 128; No. 4, 14 . There are 388 persons qualified to seave as jurors. The voters' list for Wingh an was also just posted in Clerk Fergus; n'a office, on Saturday, July 29th. Tile list this year has a total of 835 voters' divided'into wards as fol. lows: -Ward No. 1, 168; No. 2, 158; No. 3, 195; too. 4, 314. The number of persons quali led to serve as jurors is 334. .A RUSHi and hundred the great ba goods and me 08 at "The Be Wingham, E disappointed. ment. Don't OR BARGAINS.-BuRareds are taking advantage of krnpt stOck sale of dry 's furnishings now going Hive," Keeler's stand, erybody pleased; no one argains in every depart- iss your share. matter was fully diseni in oil Saturday and it appoint three valuator municipality in the Q0 ed at the meet. vas decided to to visit every ity and submit their report to the coun 11. The gentle. ment appointed as valu :tors were John Leckie, of Brussels; Jo. ;xi Cox, of Gode- rich Tp., Mr. Bawden, af Exeter. An- other matter that was ia1t with at this meeting was the takin over from Con. tractor Cooper, the la at the House of R was pronounced No. of credit was given t excellent manner in work. e addition built uge. This work , and a great deed Mr. Cooper for the hich he done his Huron Pi .neer Dead. Paisley has lost • ne of its most es- teeraed citizens ir the death of Mr. Viritliam +neves. dr. Chaves came to Canada from AbeiSeenshire, Scotland, in 1857, and, with as wife, settled in Huron county, tak ug up and clearing a farm out of what eette then known as the Queen's bush. Retiring from the farm in 1881 Mt_ Chaves dwelt for twelve years iu CH ford, and then mov- ed to Paisley, wbee he had since lived. elder in the Church tit of the Sabbath ive iu all good work. a ardent Reformer, active part in the contests in his ridiag. Be is survived by a widow and on daughter, Mrs. Al- len, Paisley. WE WANT FEET. -See Greer's Shoe Store windows and read adv. in this paper for prices in yes, W. J. GREER. • To Abolish Al Gambling. The necessity for ijbolzahing all gamb- ! ling at agricultural'airs is enlarged up• on in the annual repart of fairs and ex- hibitions, just issue t by the Minister of Agriculture. Phot 'graphs are given uf some of the gambliag devices used, by which immense s s of money are taken from the farm rs. Strong ground is taken against hor e racing and the consequent betting n those occasions. Many of the fair are said to be dis- graced by the im ral character and tone of the side sho s. We have known the Wingham fall ir and have attended it for the past eig teen years, and in that time we have never seen a gambling device on the g uuds, nor have we seen a side show f an immoral char - water. While th Department of Agri- culture may hav to keep a close watch on some of the airs in Ontario, the Directors of th Wingham fair have a clean character. he fair this year will be kept up to the anal good character and promises to one of the best fairs ever held in Wi ham. The dates are September 28th d 29th. . Oheves was a and superintend wheel, and was ao In politics he was and always took a Sarnia ail Detroit. From general re many people in this ing to take in the M I.O.O.F, excursion Wingha 's Civic Holiday. Tuesday was 'theta doubt a holiday in Wingham to after the trains left for Kincardine the town was practically desetted. The eather was perfect and this helped to in tease the crowd for the trip to the lake, I'd= Wingham 1018 tickets were sol for Kincardine and from other place along the route of the excursion over 00 tickets were told, reeking this ye 's excursion the best every held by th Union Sunday Schools. At the lake tow the excersioniets had a happY day and all arrangements were carried Ott in erfect order. The la - °thaw boys iron Wingham met defeat With 1incardIDi bins by 8 afore of 4 to 1. This defeat does not in any wear affect the stantreng of the championship of the district Several ',hike of the Wingham bow era had a good day's sport at the lake toWi. In the games in the morning Winbowlers Were de - feted by two $hot, but et the end of play in the aft rnoon, they were leaders by twenty -al shots. The Citizens* Band were in lattefld8nCe at the lake park all day ad rendered choice Meek% The exonrsloz4.ta returned horn shortly after eight o'4look all feeling that they had a please day's outing. alsamaiak. ort we learn that vicinity are platili• nerve Encampment, o Sarnia and De. troit on Saturday, gust 12th. This is one of the best exciastons of the season and promises to be very popular that year, Train leaves Wingham 8.40 a.m., fare, $2.05. Retaining, special train leaves Sarnia at 1 1p m. on Monday, August 14. Arran eaments have, also been Made with the White Star Line to convey passengers Lam Sarnia to De- troit and return per nagnificent steamer "Tashnioo" at the lew rate of 50o. Boat leaves Sarnia at 4.50 a.m., Saturday, and tickets will be good to return on any White Star Line boa up to and intend- ing 2.30 p.m., on 51anday, Aug, 14th, Farms, any size, quality, or price. For sale by C. 3. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent. CHURCH t2tTES. The swami report 2f the Methodist Ohara ,Brnesele, for tI e past year show. ed up well. Total recaived for all pur. poaes for the year $27tta 84; for Missions $373,50; Connexional funds, $125,65; uolading Oran - sed by Ladies' urate debt, $200; $400; pastor's retaker, $100; $39.46; fuel, , $14.23. Sink, f $70.37. aptiet Church Rev. J. N. church membership, brook, Vett; amount r Aid, $101.; 5; paid on o paid on parsonage debt salary, $825; church gm-treas., $25; taxes, $57.25. Balance 08 han ing fund shows balance At the service ha the on Sunday moruiug la McLean, B.A., tendere his resignation as pastor of the church, and wished to be relieved of the charg after Sunday, September 17th, Und a. his pastorate of nearly three years, the ohuroh has made advancement alceg the different lines of work, and it wale with deep re- gret that the member f the cougrega- tioia learned of the pa or's intention to resign. We underst nd that if Rev. Mr. MoLean'a resign Ma is accepted, he intends to take a c arse of studies in the Rochester Theolo kat Seminary, to farther equip himself for the work of his calling. Ray. Mr and Mrs. McLean have made a large et ole of friends dur- ing their residence n Wingham, not only among the Be tist congregation, but of other donomirftUona as well, who have learned to high esteem them, and whose best wishes 1wil1 follow them wherever their lot m4y be oast. Only Moth e Knows! • (Baltimose Sun.] How to Ra se Apples. Only a kiss on the Laby's face, Only a kiss with a mother's grace, An important bul etin, No. 154, on So simple a thing t t the sunbeams "Apple Culture," has been issued by the laughed, And the bees heabahe from where they Department of Agri 'tura. Prof Hutt quaffed; ot the O.A.C. write on the general sub- Only a kiss, but th face WAS fair, And nobody lense v what love was ockhead, on injur- there - 5. Peart also took Nobody knew but nether. on of the treatise. Only a word to mcher's joy, o the selections of Onlya word to he parting boy, ject. and Mr. Wm: ions insects. Mr. part iu the preparat Sections are devote I vedettes, recommen etions of those And the changing Halts on the window surtable to the seaso , the market, and shone Aa boyhsne Aswent oudothe world alone; 'heri the intended use bei ig made. Exposure, word from a mother brave, windbreaks, the sol, orchard arrange- EnutYnsobedy knew the love it gave - mount, transplantin_, pruning, cropping, Nobody knew butemother. cultivating and cooesr crops, grafting, " A great sale of men's soft and stiff hats at "Tho Bee live" bankrupt stook sale this week. Tremendous bargains - await you in the -.ewest styles and best qualities. Also ai °home• selection of shirts, silk neckaatar tied ta WI) enders. During July and Augusa this Stoke will close at 8 p, ni. every evening except Saturday An Exclusive Perfume "Good" perfumes -the common sort -ate sold everywhere. Volande The exquisite perfume is not cern- 230818 any way and can be obtained Only from tie, the specially appointed agents. It is dentist°, delightful and taggetitive ttf WelI-brednesti-just the kind to suit persons who are a bit particular. We should like to shOW it to you. Walton Wino° DRUCCIST. WYNGttAlif. Next door to Post Office. aunacald, protectio packing, grading, si other matters are Disease e and peaty are fully dealt wit ender provides a chard activities. y 8wayward sigis, from mice, picking, Only a sigh, but i hopeless one, ipping, storing, and And the lights burn id dimly and shone fully. dealt with with a blur- ud their treatment Could a mother co teleran; 'Tia human to err. and an apple cal- Only a sigh as to e took his part, ndy guide for or- But nobody kraw what it cost her Heart - Nobody knew bat mother Second Bowler Personally Conducted Excursion To California and Lewis Clark Expos- ition, Portland, Oreg., Ang. 29th to Sept.' -'24th, 1905. $150.00 including transportation, meals in dining car. sleeping car accommodation on train and at hotels for above period. As party will be limited to 125, early reservation necessary. For full particulars call on Grand Trunk agents, or address E. C. Bowler, room 308, Union Station, Toronto. Good Advice. The Mayor of D mation to the peoi beautify the city. lollovss, are applic aver issues 8 procla- e asking them to help His suggestions, as ble anywhere :- Promise not to air on the sidewalka. Resolve never to throtv paper in the etreets. If your awning old, torn or faded, get a new one. If your sidewalk fence or gate needs .repairing, fix it. Illuminate the front of your store in the business eectioi . Take all dande]iazs Ont of your lawn; they spoil its bean y. If your advertisfng sign is old or faded take it down and faint it. Irrespective of tho size of your house make your lawn ale finest. If your store Ir int, residence or fence is dull or dingy, oder it painted. Ask your milkman, groceryman and expressman to halm their wogotis paint. ed. Burn all the r tbbish possible; allow 110 one 10 throw 1 on the strode, alter! Or vacant lots. Every effort p4 forth or dollar spent to improve the t syn's appearance Will returned two -fol Destroy the Ming weeds that are starting on you property, and on your neighbor's pro rty. Organize a b1bck imptomeent society and allow no feeda to grow on the tide. walk area or jraosnt property in your bicient result rM 8 very genera eo-0- eration of t people, who are 110W re. ported 84 be ng perfectly delighted with whet they hoe acoomplithed. 11 mik YOUR CHOICE OF Only a sob as tbs tomb doors close Only a sob, but 1 upward rose, And the lights in t e window flickered and died, And with them he hope, her joy, her pride. Only a sob as sh turned away, Bat nobody hoer as she knelt to pray - Nobody knew -but mother. PERFUMES might with advantage be =tele from our showing. That's so for quite a number of reasons. One of them is that our cheapest per. fume is PERFUME. It is grades above a lot ot the ateff that is called perfurne-and which is sold only because it costa little. One thing should be remember- ed when buying perfume. It's this : A few drops of a good last- ing sort will go further and last longer than a pint of some watery fluid done up in a pretty wrapper. In different sized bottles -or in bulk. Prices and qualities please our customers, We invite atten- tion to our new supply. AoloilcCall &Coo LIMITED, Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, ONT. - 11111 4.4.++4•4.-44-14444.44+++.1.4.+4.444-1.' 4, 11 k - t 4. Wingham 4. + , Businest I .,. College •J; + + , + + + Parents, Young Nen, 4. 4. + , + Young Women 1 WAKE UP + + 4. 4: to the fact that a knowledge of Book- 4.. -1. keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting + •I• is an equipment for success in hfe. As + 44 an investment it pays a dividend every tr _ 4' day in the year. + There is no time like the ?RENT. 4.: 4; Improve the present and you assure the 4. •i' future. Enter now, and seaure a thor- + 4. ough trainingin either of our depart- + 4. ments that will pave the business aven• 4. * ueg=lfditrigr)112;rmation cheer- * far given by calling or writing. 4. + 4. N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. 4. .1* 12 years teaching experience. 1." GEO. SPOTTON, - President. t The will of th late John Bell, K 0, of Belleville, dis oses of an estate va1. ned at $128,000. sise The report thoniiiiien Live Stook Commissioner fldaon is resigning is officially denied. Several people explosion of gas ing from Gauen The net profits twelve months e 474,088, compar the twelvemon were injured by an ine on a launch sail - gas. f the C.P.R. for the ding June 30 were $15 - with $14,213,195 for s ending June 30, 1904. +.144.4.44+4.444.+444.4•44+4.4.44+4. 4•4+++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. 4. + Wingham's Leading Shoe Store .1. 4. masesseaseassamateatatiata + 4. 4. 4. 4. TIME FOR i TWICE A YEAR 4.I 4. WE HOLD THESE 4. 4. I Broken! ::t Great Clearance Sales 4. + Prices.. + It's simply a business proposition. * * tiliVaotKtiLlasVAWAMAPVa We don't want to carry over stock. 4. + Styles change -shoes get shopworn T + + and when you come here for your Shoes next Spring we il + don't want to show you the same old Shoes, and we won't. 4. We want shelf Room for our Fall stock. Must have it. 4. = Summer Footwear So Out Goes all our SprinA and E We say out it goes, because the prices named below - will make it go. * Every man, woman, boy or girl who gets a pair of Shoes at this sale will be a walking advertisement for us. T. Call soon for yours, as the stock will move quickly. l'.. The sale is now on. ' 24 pairs afen's Dongola Bais, Goodyear welt ; regular prices 4. $3.00 and $8.50. Sale price - - • ..t. 18 pairs Boys' Patent Box Calf Tan and Chocolate Boot*, regular $2.50 ancl a3.00 ; to clear at . s 81.73 * 15 pairts Lathes' Patina Colt and Kid Balt, lovely boots: regular $2.50, t8.00 and $3.50; sale $1.7-3 $2.2a 82.73 20 pairs Ladies' Motto% OxfOrds, patent or self tip ; regular oa price $1.50; sale price - - • - *1.00 Now is the time to make Shoe investments. 1: IMA See us for Trunks and Valises. f .,--, W. J. GREER Shoer to the People. 4404+1+14+14514;•:04414.444+44+ . • 2.