HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-27, Page 7i' ?t ' [it 0NN#NI BY MARY CECIL HAY", tilt ixl C7j■] tXI Author of " gighted At Last," "Carried Away," 12' "4 Back to the Old Horne," Etc., Etc. �,hN•'�y'' •�..h�.h.h�.6••1• K�•hrh2(IM••h M •IM.'�t( K N••���.hy.4.�..�,^�,�., hlA�•M,•�"-" ^�'^- �� PART T. where (apparently without even need - tea tate word of conmetod) they,llned the !tall, closing up to shut out the CIIA1'rEli I, Molki old servants of the Athelings, while he, in full uniform, stepped It was not to be supposed that boldly forttard and took the hand of that vigorous south -hest wind, Primrose Atheling? She met hint which had swept unhindered over the with no evidence of unwillingness, • Channel, would not strive to avenge looking very lovely, and suspicious - itself when the long stretch of clown ly like a bride prepared for hila in resisted it. In its angry astonish- her long cloak of soft esterhazy stile, trent it broke into disorderly and, and her beaver hat of the sante rampant gusts; one rushing to whis- dainty shade, with its broad brut Isle down a cottage ehiuutey; one buttoned up behind ttith cord and <• whirling o t proudly t ho were t hull g a d or, tc s. a tr. As as t • one bending, with a nutsterfui deris- already her bridegroom, he led her ion, the row of poplars standing • to the. postechnise, "which was in against the fading line of color in waiting, t„ t ih four fresh horses ant + the west; one blustering among the ing for • a start, and in a few mo• firs that stood scattered, like grim sentinels, about the old tower on the wide slope of the darkening downs; . and one whirling distractedly round the tower itself, chafed into a more and more boisterous mood, as it, fa11- • • cd to find entrance there. Sturdily meeting the jealous blasts, . as if it liked to feel the freshness of their strength on its worn breast, the old square tower stood upon that; --southern slope, proudly seething to . support, rather the•u be sag ported by, the two long gabled wings, whose old black -timbered walls stand a' firm. even in such a gale as this, as the hardy tower itself. Yet if any tower could have had the good ex- • cuse of age for tottering, auroly it was this, which bad been built when workmen received a penny a day. But from generation to generation the Athelings--to whom it had been given as a reward for military tecr- vices--had so carefully preserved it, that still on its outer walls, the grotesque heads, carved by prisoners in far -back years, were, most of them, perfectly uninjured, and even them. .And at last in the soft sum- unconscious eyes grew able to dot - the least so had only had their harsh I iter dusk what a moment of exulta- languish the scene beyond; she start. points rounded by a mellow old age. tion it was for him, when he saw ed forward and opened the entrance Even the great alarm bell was the s the great yellow chaise stationary door, trying to move it noiselessly very one which had been put upon outside one of the old posting- upon its long black hinges. the tower by the old family, whose houses, and knew that he had over- "Oliver,” she whispered, out rlhtne .had boon wedded to the pro- taken the runaway couple on the safe among the shadows; "Oliver." party for so many hundred years side of the border! Panting with There came no answer, and for a that the last century was getting triumph he burst into the room second she drew back, the eagerness middle-nged before they were divore- where they were calmly dining, And ed by the daring young soldier ofathe walls reverberated to the un - suddenly restrained; but only for 4. THE WINGIRM WINGS.TIMES JULY 27, 10$ 11 matdre'a *pacific fer DIAERIfoA, RYSENTl3RY, CRAMPS, PAIN it; THS STOW ACH, COLIC, CHOLERA tOE+ BUS, CHOLERA INPANTUM SSA SICKNESS, end ell SUM* MBR CQJiiPLAINTS .Ls Chlldrea or Adults. - Its effects are pgarvelleet. Pleasant ,ad Hsrmteas ;telelell, Rapid, Reliable ead. Effectual la iia tickles. IT HAS SEEN A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR NEARLY SIETE YEARS. eslcc se CINTrt, harms ecarritvrt a . Tsar'rp ronesaant utterance of lonely, longing thongitts meets. they and it were out of eight, that had often struggled for expres- aiasn. It had grown to be her own But Squire Atheling :had only been and when, at last, with a -deep sigh, whistling through his morning toilet, she dropped her bow, and put her and was soon made aware of what lips for a moment to the violin, with had happened, n. touching revelation of unstirred 'then what a hot pursuit began, for depths of love and tenderness, she the suuire's horses, always more or knew she had made the sorrowful air less overfed, actually for this once a part of her very being. rose to the occasion. Again and For a few minutes she stood look - again he, heard, at, the road -side Ing Clown into the fading fire; the inns, of the yellow chaise being less rapt look still in her eyes,the wistfui than an hour in advance, and by af- expression still upon the melancholy ternoon he had so gained upon it girlish fare; then she lifted her head that turning a corner suddenly he suddenly, and crossed the hall to that saw the great chariot on the long door from which she entered searcely level road, not even half a utile half an hour before. Gently she put ahead. For quite two hours then the terrier aside: but so ntechatt Bally they kept so near, that once the that she was not aware he followed young soldier in his conspicuous scar- her into the room. let, leaned daringly from the win- When she re-entered the hall, her dow, and looking back, seemed to face was stiff and drawn and hug - the irate squire to be laughing de- gent—like that of an old woman. fiance at him. • F'aIteriig, as if she could• not see No wonder that then his heat in- her way, she trod the silent .tower, creased, and that he spared the hors- pausing beside the window simply es even less than he had done all for the rest of leaning there; day, shouting with lustiest inpati- get presently, while looking vaguely once to the hostlers who changed through the small diamond panes, her self away front her brother's touch, T • the hideous idols and weapons, $a if 1 want to remember -.-nothing. 1 Will you are not too indolent dor that, Rot even speak to you---to-night. Ile trilling errand, go .and bring Miles forbade it.': to any room." ?Oh, you will remember only "hl randutother, li a ill -conte. Let' that?" ho queried, with a hard me tin all you want. I will try laugh. „'1'llis Is a change Indeed. hard. I. will come ttith yea --- any - Your faith in me wee not of a very where," the girl cried, throwing her wearing quality, tlesitt'te its prates- . arms impulsively round the unre- tations--eh, Primrose? You :think aponsite forte. "I hill try to be to it bus lasted long enough?" you more than ever utiles--" "Long enough -,•- to break My Slue had made a desperate effort, -heart:" but as the name was uttered she felt "Poor little heart!" the young senseless to the ground.. • man said, itis rapid tones softening tO gentleness, "You should be as in- different as I. It would be wiser, We - CI•IAl' J,'I:;il 11. know that a. than who makes others suffer must take, his awn turn at The midday down express had pant last. else we acknowledge no justicd • cd out id the little station of '!'itaty- in life. Whet has he said to you ton, -and one of the few .passengers this evening?" it had left behind it stood on the'"• "Be would not listen. You know, plutfnrm looking round in an un- Oliver, flow he never would listen to hurried sort of way, that had yet na me when I spoke on your behalf. He . listlessness in it. tihe had it on her never was tike a brother to me any mind to ask a .eluestion from any uf- unore than to you. It must, be my fh•iul whom she should encounter, but one comfort—now." seeing none site waited with the , pea "I thought so. He did not listen tient alertness of an experienced trav- to that linal appeal of yours?" eler; who knows that no lady with "I did net cull it final --to hint," a liberal braid need vaulty look for she said, with a pitiful break in her attention among railway porters. voice. "And afterward I went back. As she' stood, fragments reacted her 1 had grown to feel differently --after of a conversation carried on between playing, and I fancied Miles might: the station -toaster and two or three feet differently too; and — why are people whose arrival had engrossed you looking at me so?" she• broke him to the exclusion of all else, and. off, sharply. when she bad listened to a few sen - "1t is you who are looking oddly tences• she walked rather hastily at me. Go on. You went in to Miles away into the booking -office, • here again, you say?" two women sat close to adusty fire, "Go, go now, Oliver," she cried, talking in half whispers, and whip: with startling abruptness; and. . the girl crossed the room a fete - while an angry frown gathered on words reached her distinctly, though his face, he turned, without another - the heavy tones were lowered. She word, and left her. She did not watch lout, as she had w 1 gaze always done before. o. He r g e was fixed in the opposite direction, among the baro, swaying branches of huge willow, so old and decrepit that it had bean supported and repaired by iron hoops and bolts. The sud- den harsh creaking of these roused. her nervously at last—though the melancholy, noise had grown to be a familiar one to her on windy nights --and she turned, and without dos- ing the door behind her, ran in the direction her brother had taken. No forms was discernible, but she had intuitively.. taken the right path, for when she reached the ane retraining fragment of the high wall, which had once defended the tower, she saw him pausing on the edge of- the dry moat. "Oliver," she said, standing be - turned back at once to the chilly - platformn, and by that time a sleepy- eyed poeter (who appeared to pos- sess any amount of staying power, and none of going), had begun to Seel a "dull curiosity in her. "Your luggage, miss?" he inquired, pointing back to the only box the trate had disgorged. "Yes," she ansWered, with an in- difference to which ho had not been accustomed °where passengers' lug- gage was in question. "is there any conveyance here??" The porter looked over his left shoulder, and then over his right. "Fly's gone," be remarked then, casually. "Perhaps at the Hallway Inn—where do you want to go to?" "I will tell the driver," she r" - plied, with quiet dignity. '•You mean that inn just outside the gates? side him with a pitiful attempt at Bring my luggage there." ease, and a still more pitiful uncoil- The tone meant a shilling the man sciottsness of its failure, "I know-- `las confident, and he took from thr. oh! I know quite well, dear—how )adv the bag she bad been holding there comes times when the old before he shouldered her box, submission breaks its bonds, and the The gross door of the tall square old endurance dies. 'There—there must inn Avas closed, but a fint-fnccd elder - come such times. But you know ly waiter, who stood peering hope - how I ---I love you. You know my fully out, opened it as the girl up - own life is nothing to me compared proached; then, as if he would reth- with bringing any happiness—or re- er not risk a question until she was lief—into yours. And you will ---es secure in his depnrtueelt, he led her, fortune, who had refused to sink his measured force of his language. But second. I trust without a word, through the .tali "Oliver!" she cried again, in a you—trust me." 6 "Why Primrose " he said, moving toward a door opposite them. At the bar window as they passed, a smell, red-faced Winn in pink stool talking to the landlord, heating his hunting -crop against his boot with almost every word he said. The girt heard a few senti'nces, then made such an impulsive ntoveznent forward that she almost overtook the waiter before he had impressively thrown open the door of a room that had very little in it besides a long table ready laid for any promiscuous meal. But through its closed window there was a pretty peep of wintry garden ground beyond. "While you are waiting for the fly, madame, whet will you take?" in- quired the senator, noticing that his visitor stood looking straight through the window in an unbusi- ness -like way, after she had be- spoken the fly on its return, just as if she were listening for something. "Shall I order lunch?" "Yes," indifferently. "With sherry?" rry?" "No," looking gravely now back into the room. "A sandwich and a cup of tea, if not inconvenient." "Not in the least inconvenient, madame," he deprecated, his smile addind that though, up to then, he had only thought she Wright be idi- otic, he now was assured of it. When he had departed with his order, her ears followed his flat heavy tread, and presently he joined the two who were talking in the ball, and she knew he waited there, though Without speaking, until he was cruelly summoned to carry in her tray. Not until he had set down her mod- est little meal hu order diel she speak to hint, and then it was rather lightly: "What Is that murder every one is talkini4 of? Was it here?" "In The,wton, madame? Oh, dear, no," the tion said, and nothing farther, because he required time to recover tate insult offered to Thaw - tons "Where, then?" she asked, taking • own name and it.dlsiduality in that its vehement tide ebbed abruptly at • of his wife, even though she were an the very moment of its fullest flow, Atheling. for the young man in officer's cont Tho tower with its narrow loop- and cap who bowed to hitt so cour- holes was but a hollow Shen now, teously was ' only Captain Basset's for all its stalwart outside show, • servant, and when the runaway frightful whisper, and ayoung man suddenly, while' Itis foot sent a stones caste slowly and quietly up to her. trent the thick wail on which they His gaze wont beyond her, far into stood, rooling down into the grass - the gloomy hall, as he stood onside grown moat below, "don't make the door in silence for a minute that Irl. She there of our fraternal tnireries than and only formed the entrance hall g secntea an Hour uu mt. r5 of the old mansion. But the four bride coyly removed the fun cloak hastily caught one of his hands in n need be. I'm ve pretty sure I've general- • stubborn wells rose higher than the and the wide beaver hat, she smiling- 1 nervous grip between her own, then sY hedes, and lUiles's disagreeable ly revealed to him the familiar.faee 1 dropped it as hastily, and pressed speeches, and I've often enough paid wings, and its massive square meets- and form of hie •daughter's pretty her fingers' her 'lips, through tvlttch hint back for them—always, when I cared the whole depth of the house, maid wasn't ]lard up. he'll forget it all the breath carte panting while up in its attcltntnbered height For, hours before this, two people ••Oliver," she w'ltispered, "how ter- —from to-night—shall we? Now, there was obscurity oven on a June had left the chaise, and the penniless ,,b cheer up, and give thea kiss," • day, and o» this January evening; riblet "No—" Ho had taken her two !waviest darkness. 3'ou»g soldier of fortune had quietly "Terrible? Only to children," he wedded the heiress of the Athelings answered, the rather supercilious hands between his own, and wonder - In the south wall was the arched in her native county.ed why she wrenched them away in smile looking odd -on his indifferent, • entrance door, having on either side But all this had happened fully handsome face, "The thief in the a manner so unlike herself. After- a narrow, heavily mullioned window. one hundred years before that Jan- night again, but what matter? Un- ward he remembered that when they In the two walls east and west were nary night, ivhelt the wind whistled met his, they had shaken as if pal - less you—" he put his hands on the sled. "No" ---pushing the soft, dark dogrs into the living rooms of the round that stanch old tower, and girl's shoulders and scrutinized the g mansion, three on either side, the when primrose Ilasset came quietly hair from her temples—'but I love outer encs leading into sepnratd pale young face. "Poor llttlo Prim- you, Oliver, so well, so cruelly, rooms, the centre ones into the long into the old hall. Despite the incl- rose! For a man's enemy to be hie that wide corridors which connected them ancholy of her face, she was l eautf- own brother, signifies little enough, The words broke off suddenly, and . all. In the north wall stood only ful like that other Primrose, but but upon a woman, I dare say it she turned away in silence, while her there the likeness ceased, for the falls pretty heavily. \tihile I rentem' the open fire -place with its wide tow brother let her go alone, lone , th ou h her youngsol ir of tartune y O w sber my CaUso to Sate hin, chimney of carved black oak. High step was • certainly not one of the typical Ins- 1 'must remember yours t o." • on the walls above these doors andlishmen who take their pleasure sac!- "Oh, hash!" she cried, with an eV- Shrinkingly she re-entered the tow- wittdows, and the };tent fire -place in ln, scattered the Atheling •guineas to pealing glance into her brother's face. er, and stood by the dying sire, sltiv- •which a sultry fire generally burned, such purpose that, his stolen wife, I want to remember only yours. erfng. in every limb. were relegated and lost in gloom the was the last heiress of 'she long line. I want to remember how you have "Primrose! Primrose!" faded pennons of old tapestry which Primrose Basset entered through been forbidden to enter here—where It was almost an hour later when 'had been the Athelings pride, as a, door on the east side of the tow- it ought to be home to you—and this querulous cry broke the silence well as the curious and hideous en- er, which led into the private room obliged to come like a thief, as you of the great dim hall, and the girl gravings, among .which Hogarth's of the master of the house. A. Skye say. I want to remember his selfish- for the first time lifted her bowed looked very modern; while lower head. terrier lay on the bear -skin mat out- tress -no," suddenly drawl»}; iter- "1 am here, grandmother." dawn lung the innovations of that side, and did not move as she step- She she uttered the words young Captain Basset., NN hi) had in- ped carefully past him; but as she aloud, but thoughtno sound followedered the la - plebeians slated oil leaving•• his heirs a new crossed the !tall,. though the anxious movement of her ashen laps. name, as well as the ire- face was turned from him, he lay re- boredAlways mooning somewhere in e phies of his sport and the legends of , garding her wistfully as it seemed, " =-==-� ,;e bat's light," the peevish voice in e. his vandalsisu—for was it not even his jet-black eyes shining through the '► /gained, as an upright, rigid -looking, • whispered that the four carved legs long silky hair. Lying thus watch- little old lady came toward the • of his billiard table had been the i her,with Itis short ears MK hearth. "As usual, T look in vain for ng posts_ of a magnificent oak bed in back, he scented to be waiting for t consideration from you, Primrose which Queen tliznbeth had once some expected sound, moving his You are alw'ay's bent on your own ..stretched her stately limbs? silky tail to and fro with a swaying e'1 y�e• selfish enjoyment --just as Oliver was Ilut he had left legends of his rout- motion, not to be confused with or- before my house was happily rid of . age too, for had not he, a penniless dietary wagging, which would not _ him. Always the shute! Always the • young captain of dragoons, won by have become an animal so keenly same! I am very sure that if Miles pure daring," the beauty and heiress of conscious that his own high birth know how you leave me to myself, he the county? Was it not often told could be proved in an instant by ^� --� Would insist on my no longer giving : still, how he had brought his trooste that firm appehdage. you a Sown here, where 1 surely de - up from their barracks to the tower Thegirl d tothewide old grate, " g r paseed fire t mouldered, oak . serve a !:tile attention. I mean to where a �,% e tell him ; your ingratitude." a violin case on an oak e / � . �•Q _ table near, took from its nest 01 silk ° ti- "Again, grandmother? Y ou have Bei Haid Eczema and flannel �tvith the tender totteh done it so often." of a mother atvakenittg her sleeping i round to peer Int olct w otnan turned sharply child—the one clear friend and cont- w- t o her granddaught- And suffered what no pen creat panion of her lonely life. After hold- $ave Restore! Thousand of er's titre. "Primrose?" she queried, a if uncertain who was beside her Ing, the v' lin for many initiates and 1 s ever 41Oiaribe--Thrree dao#orst r „sum esia . iFQlllCitl to Itut the girl's only answer now was baffled.' then tuning it with reverent hands, ell+Yth An -t1 Sireinjftfla, to silently stretch out a guiding she drew the ably first l y noteothe ji hand. milk" .Yw, lrftct:et, st, cathatines, 0_, string in that first long for Theri •is no aced #fir db many women lb ""Toa startled me, child," old bars. • Write*: "My daugthterMari rhe or oxeix r years wltihe clt the dog seemed to be waiting. suffer !Earn end vvehkness, horrouenees, Basset explained, crossly pushing the old, eontraetbd eczema, and - sae seee bice yet before she had even played alt- eleeplessnesl, Antonia, faint and dizzy hand aside. "iL'hat nuith can you oftbluielorst that ail ever c jIeucder, m no. other note he had uneasily risen., spells and the numerous troublek tvhicb have o 1 )i of the worst that bas ever coma un r k t the slender figure render the lite of tremae a round n tick. • up the huge teapot, and balancing it as if to tell whether it held suffici- ent to supply her wants. "About four miles allay, just be- yond- the village of Doering. At the Tower, of which yon have probably hetrd. •" "And who was murdered?" "Mr. Miles Basset, the master of the Tower." "And who inurdered him?" The - question was asked its the same tooe, but the man, for all his natural for upsetting my nerves by denseness, had seen a passionate speaking in a voice so unlike your anxiety in the girl's eyes before she own that ii thought I had, some lowered them --such curious eyes he stritnger here? It 1 were mercenary thought them; grity and green and I should seeped, yon had some de- blue all at once, like the sea -water sign in habitually endeavoring to sometimes was on a suenner's day shatter my nerves, as well as leaving in a certain favorite nook of Isla. inc so much alone. i'tn net a gent, Curious, but very beautiful, tfOr an idiot, to be content in soli- "That's, of course, 'what nobody rude for hours at a time, as You can say, nttttiante," he answered, are. I'm human enough to require while these thoughts ran in his mind. human companionship, and I will gRM11PIluuI1A1W011111111111111111STIIIM111II111111111iliW iii., 4-4 :.. STOMA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the S'i. ature of AYegetable PreparntionrorAS- , splinting theFopd = l,Rcguta- ljng the Stomachs andBoWels Cal• Promotes Digestion,Cheefftll- ness and itest,Contains neither Opiuin,j<'torptline nor i;'fineral. NOT NARCOTIC.. JJxyaeaseilst,IvatarG aIra '<? .i't'mr,kre Sesd- AIx.Jea e • /larrle[ia failr- Aaise Jird �1dae''m� !t nava* I rPu AperrcelRemedy far Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,DIarrhoea, Warins,Convutsions ,Feverisil- ncssand Los SQl'SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. i 1 w lise Jnr Over ■ Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF wriAppen, THC CENTAUR i.�sl9 .iiI utelli ktlivaattasit its I]Iridt U11.JtI1,i CAST i RIA ,1,' Isar � �•�, COMPAN-. NCW YORA CITY. Touch Typewriting The students of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College are taught Typewriting on Machines with blank keys—blindfold the students and they will operate at a high speed. A touch operator can do more work and gets more money than a sight operator. "e Can you write by touch," is the first question now usually asked the applicant for a position. School term—Sept. till June inclusive. Booklet free for the asking. J. W.'W STERVELT, Y. M. C. A. reg., Principal. LONDON, ONT. y. "t.7! r_'- -_. ...vat+ 't-. f' . ,$'tlGiik:Yr6.gYr•.SY16 .f?:i't0:. GUARD AGAINST GERMS Keep Well by Strengthenfng the Stomach in Summer With Mi•o na - In time of war the most responsibility rests upon the guard. If he is lacking in vigilance, disaster can easily overtake the army, With the intliridval life, the stomach may well represent the "guard" agaiust sickness. If it is stong and vigilant, any disease germs that. may be swallowed will be neutralized by the digestive juices, or else driven from the system. Everyone with weak digestion should use Mi-o•na at this season and so streng- then the stomach that disease germs can have nn effect whatever. This remark- able remedy pats the whole digestive system in so healthy, clean and'sweet a state the fermentation Of the food can- turned f flee end sit pre tly suffered what morn turned his bac o I hrd three diiferont dee• e • area , •could ever describe, et ell to no, he had watched with such devotion, phs6 itndbu ertng. tore attend t to , incl• and :Mood with hi's Erose outstretch- Younj girls enduing into w'omrnbood. purpose whatever: F ed • in the .angle of the fast -closed "toltct suffer with pains and headaches, and 1rI deeded to try Dr. Whose face le ale Ind the blood watery, n'hate'a0intthetta and to door. ray surprise rhe ammad{• At first the notes fell slowly b», Will Itched thein re lxdHeart Nerve AWAY ,began to improve . the shadowy; silence, feeling their p tf g m Ietet ours won as it were, 'then they brighten. Women et the change of life, who are ofwas to Y' y wt , of that longstanding dile ( ed and: trembled into tiller DM, until terries, subject What aushes,tien of fee iigeer of cave, what way four year" t they framers themselves, beneath her pine Ind needl s, R R► a, whoa vra tit etc., 'Are tided over the tryingi' time of .yiieptileti,WI Odaltfit i 1 delicate tody. into a. tender, yearn. t elf their life by the use Of this wonderful WI OM,* rk• i• ung melody. It had panted itself rerdedy, . lel tion roust nut uncertainty at first, quivering It 6eM tk rrenderfui erect on A women'tr ' +t abe permanent." I tvitli intensest feeling', xs Iter sa.d• sjIt II, ±I n erf ul lend !mics t%■ in.4 Mat. A. ittcssa reoww as., Publio School thoughts strove tor uttorauce; bet at br►nrfdcofo IC5 )eIusls+a'l ;Loa ' Teacher arid Sunday 9ohool, 9uperintendeat last --being repeated and repeated-- br the eke. t St; Oterl crab„tOititlts t11lrunt liwtl it greiv Inter perfection, Ureathiti t They build up the system, renew lost With Mr. Bird ifta ti►sw. Mstetlet sod Whys b lei tike a lovely solo voice imam; thtk vitality, improve the Appetite, Make rich, tot tihalr warald pat tlalatp►11 t soft -toned choir. The girl kite.* wL tier blood ane! 41401A -hat Weak, tired* jog it way in any srrsir a in= a; ua "e' I1tat tlris pathtittc air gra slowly. i ,,g , g Dr. Cbeeter Ointsneet c Co�° iia gra�t?n but , of his themot � 'ad ert1lK tit Cul haunting grain in a sy+,it- fttleielin . sae. este sex. bot ti Cli state 1''d rt+.sonr bea i 1 tile, ttlrilt,itaet.• d'6.ratxateigmoatarboflrit+.i►'w Obme" phony of Schulsert"e, but graduallW r j#tiIjbe{i ,,1,iitltdi 'jraiiito,ont. r7'bot. . . . - . - - • it had ilei'onti different. It was tjtil5 ..._._ ._._ ........ have Miles made aw are of duan 1 get this from yota who ioWtt me everything. how, go and tell lout I want to speak to hint. 'fell hint if he does not come end have a cup of tea and a game of eribbage with his neglected grandmother, I shall be positively ill. lits has sure- ly lead plenty ot time to despatch whatever business took hhn from the dinner -treble this evening, I !tate to go into that room of his, with aaa-a A (to be Continued ) MA'NAtallt WANTED. Tretstworthy lady et gentlemen to manage laminate a in this count" and adjoining territory for well end ravarebly known house ot eolid tlnnnciel Standing. 8=001) straight cash eelart•y� htellOpeneees peidetich Mondaybi cheek direct hoPaioprnthey iiot eed oiteiemene.Address. •e Maneaer•, 810 Conte Sleek, ChtA.ago Ill{noid not exist, that any dtaeese germs Wind* may enter the stomaoh will be destroy- ed, and food will be so readily assimil- ated that a rapid and healthy increase tate flesh will result. Nervousness and sleeplessnees come. more often front a weak stomach, tbelir front any other cane; headache, back- ache, and rheumsti'i pains are d{reetl canoed by an acid Condition of thee stomach. Mi•o-na oorrects all thitea prevents the formation of settle, Omit nervousness, kidney trouble, or rhi nwags- ism, is gniokly cured. Ask Walton Mcltibbon to show roathee guarantee ander which he sells Mi -o ilia. Price 60 cents. It Costs nothing unless, it cures. (astern Fair estern eX141111T1ON TNA? MA6e FALL Ab111CULTUMAL ,AIDS POPULAN When Governor Slmcoe laid t oundatton tit London, Ontario, one hundred- cars ago he knew it woutd grow to tea great cit • ret had no thougtttof the Western pair. The'tveste• x gives the nom of thin{ teetttg en excetlen • .pottunity for n pleasant outing et a minimun of cost, and at the aan.e time developer their store of practical and useful intotvted„e. Its educational features *have always teen carefully tottered by the Directors, This year several important intproventeets of an instructive nature have been added. 'rhetelebrated gist ltighlaud Regiment hand wilt -girt ' titree concerts daily during the exhibition. The entertain- ment department will be better than ever, and will Wetdde leaping the gap in tnkl air on a .tenet automobile, toe INPONNATION Wnrre W..t. Ie(t6, P14tstoR,1T. 6N - a A. 'Net.tlts, ,,terItoA5Y LONDON Sept. 8 at 10- X905