The Wingham Times, 1907-10-31, Page 5THE WINDHAM TIMES, OCTOBER Bl, 1207 Nossoceounessinte---41ressossmisogioncommioussois1ono ARE YOU THINKING zikine wikw.lautsu. lie•opening services in connection with the Briok Ohurch will be held on Sunday and Monday, November 17th and 18tla, Further particuiare will be given in a later issue. 0014999040000004410400000;$00 The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You, catch cold easily or become run, down because of the after effects of malaria. -Strengthen yourself with, Scott'..r Eynatriorie It 13uiblood and tones up your nervous tOsrsOtIe:.6150:§0.11:407LIG04904044404.100041'00 A le 01STS; 50c, AND $1.00, Aso OF BUYING ourastaxy The Quarterly Offieial Board. will nae e t in the Selgrave Methodist Oburela on Monday, November 4th, at 0 p, m. The regular quarterly Sacramental service for the Beigrave circuit will be held at Sunshine on Sunday next, November 3cd, at 10.00 a. an, All are hatched to attend this service When Your ueole Barna Of course We hard to work, Stooping over hurts, lifting le tedious', and von Wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviltue? Nothing lilac it for weak or lame hack. It penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the first application, brings cure that defies a relapse. No liniment is so clean, so soothing, so certain to kill muecular, rheumatic or soiled° peies. Your dealer 80118 Poison's Verviline it large 260 bottles. Why not try it ? e, Overcoat ? If you want Style, Fit and Quality all com- bined in the one garment at a moderate price, you have no choice but to come to us for that particular garment, Our clothing is gaining in popularity every clay. McGee O. Campbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS LIJC KNO IV. One of the most popular eveute at the Looknow fair was the winning of the old man's roe by John Adams. Mr. Adams is over eighty year& of age, a pioneer, and a character of more than local repute, He is one evidence of the claim that of the earlier settlers only the fittest survived. We have many others. Some time ago a number of ladies, formerly of Ashfield and Huron townships, had a social gathering in Detroit, aud over a enp of tea were dis- cussing in Gaelic the ages of some of our residents. Messrs, Peter Murray, Kenneth Hunter, Allan MoKeezie and one lady ventured the opinion that big Dineen McRae was the oldest, "Hoot," exclaimed another lady, "he is, young yet, he is only 05, and 'Sailor' MeKay'e father in Luckuow is 105" L=T !THE LEADING STORE BUY YOUR LOVIIIST KUM ++++++.++++++++++++++++++++ GROCERY. 0kAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA f4 - Lehigh ::1 .1 • eosaedenavviaIWWWWWWWwww`l" , 11 Va !ley --‹ Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh -Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers IT HAS NO EQUAL. • ILT ••••••••0•11111... c JD_ 131:TIZINTS.. -0CA• AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAItNAAAAAAA VVVYVVVVYWYVVVVVVYYVVVYY; ' 4640•40•11•4•400******41.44440•••• 44••••404p*****0•0•444444..0.4 COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agedts for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, • f whioh has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Oannel and t• .1 Domeetio Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. .4. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH 1 4 e carry a 4. f all stook of 1 ' ‘Iaressee or undressed) I Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc, Highest Price paid for all kinds of logs. .4. -0 litiN N M'cLeanni + Residence Phone No. 55, Office. No, 64. Mill, No, 44, ••••••••••40•10.414. •••••••••444,440••••••••••+4 • • No Liniment Can °nye It. That pain between the eyes isn't neuralgin, Many think so, but it h ca- tarrh, elain ordinary catarrh that needs attentiou right now. Your proper lead is to use "Oatarrhozone." Doctors recognize It as a cure that surpasses all others Sure, because it does reach the trouble; safe, bemuse no drugs to take, you,breathe its healing vapor direct to the course of the trouble, and cure is guaranteed. Two sizes, 253 and L 00. Sold everywhere. WET WAWA.NOSEI. One of the old residents of the town •ship of West Wawanosb, in the person of Sarah Ann Powell, beloved wife of James W. Jackman, passed to her re- ward on Toesday 22nd, at her home on concession 13, after an illness of about eight weeks. Mrs, Jackman was sixty- nine years of age. She was born in the township and had lived there all her life. She is :Survived try three brothers and three sisters: John Powell, of Chilton ; George Powell, of Blyth, and another brother, in New Ontario, and Mrs. James Switzer, of • Bayfield ; Mrs. John Cochrane, of Wingham; and Mrs. John Menzies,'of Emit Wawanosh, Besides her husband she leaves a family of seven children; William and Ernest, at home; George and Edmund James, at Ottawa; Airs. Powell and Mies Alice Jaokman, at BeRiOr8; and lilies Eva J44111T1SC, at Ottawa. The funeral took place Friday afternoon to Dungannon cemetery. Miss Susie Pearson was elected Brd Vice President of the Wingham Dis- trict Epworth League at the Convert - tion held at Brussels. Miss Einelyno, daughter, pi: }lector ROYAL 4111, FLOWER POTS We have them in all sizes. 3 inch Flower Pots, per doz. 15e 4 inch Flower Pots, per dm, 25e "050 t '4 4. 5 11 41 44 ' 40e 1 6 II II 4 I • 7 If *4 I I " $1400 8 ,, I 4 t 4 t 441131,4$ Now in stock the new crop of kelecied Valeneia Raisins • • for 25e. + ________________ 0 + : t • 4 0 .444-0400+40+0.4404.4.44+4400-4 ... ... . 1.4.4•4•*••-•••+++. ***** 1. Hanging Baskets 20e each. O. • • 4. S AK. 3 lbs • IF MoQuarrie, is home from a most en- joyable visit with her sister in Man- chester, England. Miss 7311eQuarrie saw considerrible of the Old Laud and she may be induced to go back, Ur. John McAllister arid family have removed to Toronto, where they purpose Leaking their home. We are (Sorry to lose these good. citizens from oar midet, Niro. Be A. Fairbairn, who had been. enjoying holiday visit tor several months with relatives mid old friends here, has returned to her home in Cali- fornia. She is a daughter of Mrs. Rott. MoKe.y, 8th con, aud a sister to Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, Robert and Peter Mo- Eay of the same line. Blood, Pure, Molt, Red. Rosy glow in the face, eparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are an the automate of good blood. No surer way exists ot purifying and euriehiug the blood than to use Dr. Hamileonat By their gentle active on the bowels, iiidneye and liver their filter every impurity from the system,' leaving it wholesotue and able to do the wog* utoeesary fur the maize, tenance of health. To be well, look well, aud feel always at your best, use Dr, liewiltou's Pills of Mandrake aud Batterout, a truly wonderful medidne for yoang and Md. Prate 23e at alt dettleas. And Save rioney, ITTri Dr. S. M, Sloan and wife. of Norris, Alaska, are here visiting the former's parents, Mr. ehd Mrs A. W. S'oan. Mrs. Johnstoue, of Melville, Miehltraw was visiting with her sister, Mrs. Rich- ard Sam -rs. Tue two ladies have not seen each other for forty faall. Mr, and Cites. G. M. Chambere were in Kincardine last week attending the funeral of the former's brother, who died lu-Wienipeg after two weeks Mous from typhoid fever. Deceased was car letterer for the 0. P. R. He had been Imine for a visit during the summer and attend- ed the Kinoardine old boys' reunion. The funeral took place Friday at Kin- eardaas. =174Pie=C4'47==i3:103M'Filell „ BUSY DEPARTMENT., MANTLE and SKIRT Department is a BUSY seetion these days. And no wonder, when you think of the wealth of chalets in LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S Readv•to wear GARMENTS. The feet, too, that the Coats are all MODERATELY PRIOED for quick selling has helped very anuel to boom this department. We have one hundred and fifty coats to sell and you can depend upon. getting COATI at just the PRICE you prefer to pay. Prices range from. 65.00 to $1.0.50 in LadiesCots, and iii Children's $2.00 to $7.00. 11 110201,1001OCIII DRESS GOODS. SPECIAL VALUES in all weaves in Dress Gol:14. see them and judge for yourselves. We carry the largest stook, OUR PRICE -3 are the LOWEST—SATURDAY BARGAIN 5 pieces Dark Tweed Suiting on sale at 40e yard, REGULAR PRICES. , Compare oar REGULA.R PRICES with S .LESPRICES elsewhere and see what a saving*you ean make btu/n.1 FALL; and WINTER GOODS here. OUR PRICES are LOW throughout tine store—no room to quote PRICES here, we volaid rather you would come and see our stock. • We will be pleased to show yea through all departments. Why Do Ton Faint? Sometimes from shock or fright, but usually because the eystem is weakened and depreesed,—it leeks power to reset from sudden swath. This condition de - Maude rebuilding, demands nourishment, which is best supplied by Ferrozene In every form of ritibillty Forrezteue is a ape Igo, It fortifi-s the digeetive and assiranlatwe power of the bcdy, promotes the elimination of waste materials, builds up tissue. gives energy and resist - awe. To have rich, red blood, euduring nerves, a strong coustitutiou and lasting good health, use Ferroz me. Sold every- where in 50o boxes or six for $2 60. FARM PRODUCE WANTED. Large quantities of Batter, Egg,t, Died Apples, Poultry, Honey. Highest prices paid for Bright Apples, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens, Dueks, dry pleked. , Remember quality malts. ••••••011ML 4 v4, PHONE 68. 94.1.41#, 4...,•41Eirre4.14•"' VOY1101.:40#,110,WW4r.i."41.• WINGHAM. '2ere=1,4/73, an.m.r.w..s.amm...w••••••.•,.e..rwmmorre.• ste..ValWeaVelVYWYVVVelVeeee)/Vereit... testRAAAAAAMealkAAA"AAAietAA,41Veiri Established r879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seen more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the. stomach It cures because the air rendered strongly ani - septic is carried over the diseased surae w,th every- breath, g ving prolonged and constant treat. meat. It is invaluable to trothets with small children. Those of a. consumptive tendency find itnntediate relief from cottghs or in- itiated conditions cf the throat Sold. by druggitts. Send postal for booklet. Lensuna, kittcs Co., Limited, Agents, Blom. real, Canada. 307 al.0111tIM. John Young has purchased the Ashton farm on the 7th line, for $700. Miss Islibbl McNab has been re-engag- ed as teacher in S. S. No. 4, at a salary of $450. PoliceMan George Oelbiolc, of °Ash, spent a few days recently at the home of his parents in this township. Harry D. Ainlay, of Brassels, who is teaching in Morrie townehip, has heel engaged to take charge of the Oranbrook public school for 1008. The elsay is (.500 Tax Oollecter Proctor has started Mit on his rounds. Arrangements have been made tith the Bank of Hemilton at Winghata and Blyth aud with the Standard and Metropolitan Banks at Bruesele to receive taxes thereby afford- ing conveniences to the ratepayers in- stead of making trips to meet the Colleotor. wmeriror..10:41.4•1•Neulo...110•••••••••••••••••••••••••001... J.Ju ou Want t Savo Money Then come here for your Children's Shoo! Shoes]. Sturdy, solid, sensible. Boys and Girl,; are our particular hobby, and we buy to please them and their parents. IMPAIRING DONE "I E Arrx, It AND PROMPTL • Shoe Dealer AN▪ AAAAAAAAAA"P•AAAAAAAAAA"AA Wingham. P . "...4.44.0%Aintig"..t.^^1AAAAWAlev011~fit 11 If iv FINDS ITSELF SLIGHTLY DISFIGURED, BUT STILL IN THE RING ! ValeggraostilatliteMeraZeefell1014167411000511=g1.11 41 a Will Open 1 Ira gain BIGGER AND I3ETTER THAN EVER, after Selling at prices quoted on my 7,000 circulars will continue indefinitely until nay entire stock these doors. There will be such a gathering walls of the places will shake ! opening up more goods and getting them into shape. sent out to every voter in. town and country Oct. 16, in Wingham and Eiverstown has passed out through of the people and such an awakening that the very Come, and bring your friends, and share in these marvellous money -saving opportunities. . • r.V.t..9 I • THE BEE . Poultry', Potatoes, :Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, eto., taken and Highe t Market Prices Paid I