HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-31, Page 1600D 1L%DVIGD
Now is the time to buy Wingham
property as priers are ecmewnat easier
than ayear ago, and the pnreheser
will not have to pay 1907 taxes
We Offer this week
1 story, frame; Petrick St.
1 story, frame; Minnie St.
1 story; frame: Frincee St.
1 story, trame; North St.
1 story, frame ; Scott St
1?Z atcry, frame; Scott St,
lis story. "frame; Alirr. `;t.
2 story, Frame; Minnie St.
1 story, brick; John St
1 story, brink ; Josephine St.
2 story, brick; Vicr„rtc at
lee story, frame, new; E•twarrl St.
A number of nice properties in
Town Piot.
Building lots in all parts of the
Farms for sale -a Torg list
We have a buyer fora Grocery,
Hardware or Generel atc•re bnsi•
neer to Wtngb' m rr 'vicinity
costing from $3000 to $5000.
Ritchie & Cosens
Griffin-VotatoneBloelt. wile Gaeta.
Phone 123
IRubbers, ail sizes, /til prices
-that will keep the feet dry.
Thursday, Oct. 31
Canada,'S Big Family will
It's not our funetion tet at.
tend to dreseing the Turkey,
but it is our business to
attend to
Old feet or young feet, big
feet or little feet -we've dress.
ing for all of thena.
1111111161111011111' --
Sea Us for Trunks toed Valises.
1161 ii1
� +u6
.......m..9• -..1111•11M1•..
Walton Mckibboa
Macdonald Block, Wingham,
Ten dozen travellers' samples O'f
• meatiest just received. It will pay yon
to call and see them at T. A, MILLS.
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo -
Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, Nov. 26
---a11 day. Glasses properly fitted.
While many young ladies and gen-
tlemen are frittering away their
evenings, others are attending our
classes and fast preparing to better
their conditions.
Evening sessions from 7 to 9.30
every Monday, Wednesday and
Call and have a look into our
Special class in Penmanship.
Wingham Business 'College
It's old and new
customers to its
new home.
• 11•01111111111111111
Where they will find one
of the most complete stocks
in its respective lines ever
shown in our town, viz.:
Butter 22C, Eggs 23c,
Dried Apples 8c,Potatoes
8oc per bushel. Come; on-
New Store Opposite P4Setelliotp.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Peer Hunt
The deer huntirp
and a party of
Monday morning t
the wooda near T
are Dr. J. R.
burn, A. M Ors
B. Ooclirane and
s Away.
season is now on
tngbamites left ou
spend two weeks in
site Lake. In party
odoueld, D T. Rep
Ord, L. W. Hallsott,
fiat. Stapletoxt.
Clearing sale of ail 'Ladles' Par Jack-
ets. Gno E. KING.
The Electric ght Plant,
We are credibly nformed that the
repairs ,necessary at the els; trio light
power house will no run up to $25,000
as was stated in our ane of two weeks
ago. After getting a imatea and further
looking into the m tter it is believed
that $10,000 spent i improvements and
new machinery wit give Wingham one
of the very best 1 being plants to be
found in Ontario. Old machinery can
be discarded wh oh would probably
bring the expendit re below the $10,000
Now is the time to invest your money
in sail and winter footwear. Great
values at W. 3'. GREER'S.
A Goo Salary.
Mise Mabel Snell
the Calgary Millin
a salary of seven
doliat s per year.
lady had only a co
before spending
Wingham Basin
she graanattd, i
months ago.
pertence, she wi
one thousand.
better than Soho
lady, Write
College for our
graphy vs. Tea
who ie engaged with
le young
of education
months at the
a Cletilege, from which
atent,grephy, just nine
ith three years' ex
1 no doubt be r oeiving
urely stenography is
1 teaching tor any young
e Wini bam Business
ampialet entitled "Steno-
Co., is now ren
nndred a
his esti
mdn 80
PRIVATE BOARD -Central locality.
Eleotaia lights, bath and turnaoe, ,Box
338, Wingham.
• Get The
When the beet_
same priceras the
not have the best
your local paper
have one of the
have the best, Th
Weekly Star of D1
test. Its growin
witted by all pub!
family paper, m
tural paper wits
as little as the
dollars per year
est Always.
can be had at the
nferior article, why
If in addition to
on feel you al,€dnlll
jigger w eklie , then
Family 1, Braid and
ntreal 4 s stood the
popularity is ad -
'there. It is a clean
amnia and egtionl-
�ut rival. It costs
inferior papers -one
so why not have the
WANTED -Five hundred men and
boys to buy clothing from H. L ISARD &
Co. BIG BARGAINS in unite and aver -
The Fee
The Weekly Su
advice to farmers •
"Once more T
tanners against
way to sudden
situation, The
enough, but it
payment of a Oen
nearly two cents
hand, or the sale
and $20 on the ot
a man with feed
during February
holdirg on to all t
holding, and the d
food necessary to
spring until the n
rives, In seasons
very high prices in
ed by much lows
and it looks as i
itself thie year.
should be rememb
Ontario farms eve
stookers and inferi
pay for the fee
is folly to mainta
Witt year witdc
knocking these ns
On the head and r
end 'tallow."
"The indication
Hospital Fun
A large meaanra
the efforts of the Le
Wingham Hospital i
the supper and conies
hall laps Thursday
were tastefully arran
chamber, and Suppe
wards of four bnndre
telieotuai part of t
held in the opera ban
Afecietove as amine
addresses by Rev. D.
Allen, Rev. Fr Lee
E. Tamlyn ; vooal
composed of Messrs.
Hill, and Misses •.
recitations by Mrs.
solos by Miss Mason
lyn; duets by Lon
and Claude and Ola
instrumental music
The total receipts,
tioketa, donations,
over $200
gives the following'
e Sun would warn
e danger of giving
attic over the feed
itaation is serious
oes" not justify the
a pound for hay and
r grain, on the one
f good cows at $10
r, We believe that
enough to last him
mild be justified in
e stock that is worth
ferring of buying the
ee them through to
(tensity of buying ar-
imilar to the present,
fall have been follow -
prices before spring,"
hietory will repeat
At the same time it
red that there are on
y year a lot of 'scrub
r sows Wh•oh do not
put into them. It
n such at any time;
Neill be shown by
ess feed consumers
Tieing on the hides
•0 Enriched.
f SUOnAR8 attended
es Auxiliary of the
oonneotion, with
t held in the town
evening. Tablets
ed in rhe Donnell
was served to up -
people. The in -
programme was
e, with Mr. A. H
and ooneiated of
perrie, Rev. H. F
eudeaa and Dr J
u.fo by a quartette
G. W. Ohne, R. j.
aeon and (xrifiin;
E. W. Tamlyn;
nd Dr. 3. E Tam.
and Joe Harold;
ton Maxwell; and
Mies E. E Grant.
iuoluding sale of
eto., amounted to
Express wagons at met sOw.
WANTED. -A go girl for general
housework. Appl to Bins. JoaN
RUBBERS -We b 've Ladles' Rubbers
500 and Storm Ru ers at 65o a pair.
See thein at W, J. GREER'S.
WANTED.--Ohoice Tub Butter, 27o;
fresh eggs, 25o. Mao large qu.►ntities
dried apples and feathers. G. E. KING.
Following are the refs
in:diens held in fourth o
Pnbiio School during
September and Oat •
Arithmetic, grammar,
ture, nompositiosf, read
spelling. Maximum,
honors, 480.
1, Kennedy 533, N
Davidson 493, 0 Kerr
476, F. Orr 408, Nellie
Iolmee 439, A.1 oechte
mond 42g, M. Oantelon 4
A. Sanderson 414, 0.
Mitchell 904, B. Beck
chines 377, P. Paton 36
H. Coutts 364, M. Homo
net 851, R, Robertson 35
H. Day 343, E. Bower 3
at. Williamson 321, R.
Swarts 918, E. Hall 312,
111, Haines 306, 0 Pend
292, A. Wilson 284, B.
Howson 278, E Jet,kins
269, M.. Currie 262, B.
Brook 251, A. Maodona
Nicholls 242. G. Hamilto
280, V. Miller 216, M. 5
Wingham H spitai Notes.
Mise Devereaux, . Clinton, who has
been i11 at the hoepi al for some weeks
with typhoid fever w, = able to return to
her home on Tuesda ....,, ..Mr. Jesse
Harrison, of Gorrie, • • o had his arm
amputated acme time , • o was able to
leave for his home on •aturday. Mr
Harrison expressed him: If as highly
pleased with the attend .n he received
Irom the attending p. •sicians and
nurses.......Mrs. Prior, • " K ncardine,
who has been a patient ere for some
time, left for her home on " onday
Mrs. 'Woods left for her h me in Wrox-
eter on Saturday.. .... • , ss Sneath, late
of Ripley ie a patient ' t the hospital,
with typhoid fever.. -.Friends of
Mrs, Rose, of Teeswate will be pleased
to learn that she is an 1 improving. It
will yet be some tim-'before she is able
to leave the hospital. After oonsid
erable delay. the du .. b -waiter has been
placed in position. his necessary piece
of Inrniture will s •e the nurses many
long walks up and d•wn the stairway...
The sun -bath room has been come
pleted and this wil maks a cheery place
for the patients during the winter
are that in many,
cedes farmers will be tempted to sell,
w ruling, grain -"and
normal conditions
it own places. Is.
o? There may be
ediate profit in the
arried through it
the soil its aooee-
nd this- will mean
he Doming year.
1 fartnert of Oat -
for the exereiee of
ught in planning
re demanded this
neer in whtcii the
depend its a la1 ge
ty of the Province
at the high priced n
fodder which node
would be ted on t
this a wise thing to
an appearance of im
transaction, but if
will involve denyin
t a wed fertilisation,
lessened crops for
Not in yeertr have t
ario been called upo
so mach mire and
t heir operations tie
season, and on the re
deity it performed w
aal.5aeere the
for Wats time 'W,'l oo
MAW WANTED. -For Toronto. Apply-
pplyto Mrs. O. J. Generates.
HIGHEST CASK PRICE paid for hides,
skins, tallow andwool, at the Wingham
Tannery. W. D PRINGLE.
Dr, Nelson Tait, of 498 Spading ave.,
Toronto, will be'a the Queen's hotel,
Wingham, on F day, Nov. let, for
consultation dise.:es of Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat. 01 saes fitted.
Gone to :r West Mission.
On Thursday afternoon last, Ettra
Howson, dangh ler of the Rev. W. G.
Howson of this own,' Wok her depart-
ure for the • "salon fields of the
far West. S ' e has been appointed
Superintendent of the hospital Bella
Bella, 300 mil:: north of Vancouver
She tarried a d: y or twe in Toronto,
taking leave of her many friends. Oa
Friday evenin last, she was invited to
an informal • athering of ladies and
members of th Broadway Tabernacles,
of which eburh she bad been a member
for three year A program of oonstder-
able variety vs a gone through, several
short addresses being deltvered by the
S. S. Superint "ndent, President of the
League, and others; reoitations and
ramie, filling p the intervals. Toward
the close of t program Miss /Towson
was invited to orae forward, when the
Rev. T, W. • i11, the pastor of the
obiroh, in a fe • well chosen remarks,'
presented Mies owson, on behalf of
her friends, wit • a beautiful case of sit
instruments, in erling silver, such as
are used by uurs •a to their work. .Miss
Hewson was is " en by atirprize, but
thanked her fri •ods for their kindly
remembrances, fter refreshments had
been sorted, the ,4 eating broke up, and
on l3atdrday M idnight, Miss Howson
took train for he long journey of 8000
miles Across the . ontitient.
is of the emelt-
as of Wingham
the months of
•er. Subjects:
ography, More-
na, writing and
50; pass, 890;
t arson 503, V
483, D. Holmes
ioholle 449, G
483, H. Dian
, D. Mann 418,
rmour 41.4, 0.
ith 392, W.
, P. Pugh 365,
h 355, G. Gan-
L Calhoun 350
E. Johns 324,
adersen 819, L.
M. Adams 311,:
r 806, M. Biehl
tapleton 282, F
70, A Simmons
laokhall 254, L
d 246, Norman
239, L Hewer
arta 185.
Wall Paper! Ought to ¢e,6ur line!
FURS; FURS, FURS. -We have them in
large variety. GEO. E. KING.
Women's Rubbers in high or lcw out,
Storni Rubbers, Sandals, eto., 50o to 85c a
pa W. J. GREER.
re you collecting L In • • es? See
ourXmas assortment; n•,,' in.
Death of He
The death 000urre,
evening of last weak .
a highly respected res
Deceased was in hi
though id feeble heal
.was able to take hie d
short time prier to bis
was born in Wiltsh
came to Canada with
age of five years, sett
the Township of Du
moving to 'Uxbridge T
Mr. Ball, with his feta
Township, near Brus
ijved until his sons en
in Wingham, when he
farm and for seven
resident of Wingham.
this sketch was of a qa
disposition and in all
was found to be uprig
tions. In religion he
and in politics a Oen
Ball, though in delicate
years, anrvives her has
of four sons and fon
survive. The funera
Sunday afternoon to W
and among those in a
distance were Miss R.
er, B. 0 n Dr. Ball, T.
Fort William; Mess
Uxbridge; Mr, and
Brantford; Mrs, D
Mr. and Mrs R Lea
Mr. and Mrs. W. Th
ry Ball.
on Wednesday
Mr. Henry Ball,
. ent of this town
81st year and
h for some time
sly walks until a
death. •Mr. Ball
re, England, and
is parents at the
ng for a time in
mer, -afterwards
wnehip. In 1876
lymoved to Grey
s, w here they
aged in business
etired from the
ars bad been a
The subject of
et and retiring
,is transactions
t and consoien-
e a Methr,riirt
ervative. Mrs
. earth for many
find. A family
daughters also
took place on
ngham cemetery
teudance from a
. Ball, Vanoouv
ronto ; L. A. Bali,
J and S. Ball,
re. D T. Eck,
wning Brussels;
ierdale, Brussels;
mpson, Wes field.
Panne, wrist bar e aw bags -al'
new Xmas shapes. NDERS.
Call and see our new stook of neck-
ties; Selling below wholesale prices.
Tali.. MILLS.
Are you colleotihi eeLlelognet;? See
our Xmas asaorttn 41 now in.
Fan. S.r rn,-A good frame barn6d
40; timber in good (shape Bind will be
bold at a reasonable ptioe. Get 'autism
tare at Titres office.
Fort SALE.-HonSehold Jewel Amigo;
Wood burner, large fire box and oven,
reservoir, high shelf;, good bakeleseitn
good condition, not long iii use; far..
filer's ideal. Owner !requires to tee
coal. Apply at O.P.R, etatios,win ghem.
Dr. Better, London, Bye, Bar and
Throat S ctaliat, 870 Queen's Avenue,
London, Ord door Eaet of St. Andrew's
"John Wesley,
is the ent•jeot of
which wilt be given
Mtn next Monday
is invited.
Rev. T A. Rode
given a unanimous
Prettbyterien Ohnrc
Tne salary is $1,80
holidays, but witho
Next Sunday's se
Capron will be co
Jubilee of Huron
music will be render
sermons preached fo
Rev, D. Perri°
Blyth Presbyterian
next, iu connection
services. Rev. .1.
wits take Mr. Pe
Audrew's Presbyter
In oonneotion w
aervioes of at. An
Charon, the Wee
very tuooesatul ens
day seeping. A
rendered anti refres
In the Baptist
Disy morning, the p
"rue Fit th 1 eatitu
of the Merottul.'
pastor will deliver
the Lane's Pra
Brotherhood of Be
welcome. All seat
Sunday was
Audrew's Preebyt
Robs. Martin, pas
Stratford, 000npie
and evening. Not
favorable weather
attended each servic
a• tentively to two m
sermons. The ohoi
music and at the
Cline was assisted i
F. Hill and Misses
The servioea throng
oesefnl and the oontr
al. Ftev. D. Perrie
work at Stratford a
noun delivered an ad
of the Stratford Y.
a Life and Times,"
illustrated 1 •oture
8t Paul's School -
ening, The public
of Otiliia has been
11 as pastor ot Knox
at Owen Sound,
with one month's
a manse,
vices at St. P,inVe
tuemoretive of the
Dtoceae. Speaf .1
d, and appropriate
the occasion,
ill preaoh in the
huroh ou timidity
ith the anniversary
Small, of kilytli
ie's work iu St.
an church,
h the anniversary
rew' i Presbyterian
taster tinted held a
rtainment on Muu-
oud program was
manta were nerved.
hurch next Lord's
titer will preaoh ou
e, or the B1eesedness
In the evening the
e loterth sermon ou
er entified '• The
evers." Everybody
nniversary at St.
rime Church., Rev.
✓ of Knox Charon,
the pulpit morning
ithstanding the un-
arge congregations
, and listened most
sterly and inspiring
rendered excellent
ening aervioe Mr.
a quartette by Mr.
rifila and Mason.
nt were very atte-
ntions were liber-
ook Mr. Martin's
on Sunday after-
ess to the members
. C. A,
High Sc 'col Items.
Enrolled attend: ace 169.
The weekly ere•. inations will be held
on Monday inste • of Friday as hereto-
On account • Pf Thank/striving Day
school closed on "ednesday evening for
the week.
There need be +o fear of the frost this
winter as the la ge bins at the school
have been filled ••ith coal.
The grass seal whioh was sown some
ime ago is now ••eking ins appearance
end it is boped bat next attmmer the
fine grounds will ()clothed in a gorgeous
green robe.
Messrs Barn's' and Mac00milck of
the Listowel Hig School staff visited
Wingham on Sat day and were greatly
interested in our igh School building.
Tnedday evens • • of this week the
students of the Hi . h School were favor-
ed by an address rota Dr. Macdonald,
under the attain es of the Literary
Society, entitled, ' trip through tog.
land." Viewb We : thrown on a large
screen placed at th . front of the Aseem-
'biy ball. These w re so clearly explain-
ed, that one woolalmost imagine him.
Belt in the Old La. d. Patriotic mnaio
was furnished by r. Cline tied others.
Altogether at very p eaeant and profitable
evening wets dpsnt, Pres, T. B.Robin.
sort presided and n a very eloquent
mariner otttlined , e designs of the
Literary Society. he next meeting will
be held on Friday, err. 8th.
Your window eh
cheaper here. SAIF
de #nay be bought
Wo understand
who has been for
a gent of the G. T.
to Brantford. M
large number of
hear with regret o
but will congrat
motion. The
has had a very a
representative in
worki ng to the v
company. He w
very best wishes
have not yet lea
Harold's success
to Brantford.
hat Mr. L Harold,
some time the looal
R is to be transferred
. Harold has made a
riends here who will
his being transferred,
late him on his pro -
and Trut,k Railway
le and Efficient local
r. Harold. he alwa3 s
y best interests of the
1 take with him the
f Wingbamites. We
ned who will be Mr.
in Wingham.
We lead in stat
ies coming in. S.
Xmas papeter•
To Fruit
The Provincial li
tion will be held in
12th to 16th of
rungements are ab
County of Hero
That everyone m
to compete for pr
mens to the Con
intended to be a
Huron's fruit, th
tion is given throu
If you wish to ex
are required to ha
of any of the toll
win, Ban Davis
Golden Russet,
Ontario. or any
Tbeae may be se
ioh, not later th
properly labs led
Apart from the
arranging for a 0
vertieing purposes
be paid, Send
ioh, not later than
mete of apples o
variety, 8 of each
be paid here. P
on each paekage
to compete in the
you must send 'yo
1'. W. Hodgotts,
ere' Adsooietion,
What A progra
people. A new tra
r.aptdiy te; preach
very beat eviaenc
the people eat th
kept promptly an
,1•nal4 uraticn q
verting Auetraii
sborteuing the
Autipodee and L
Canada the gr
Great Britain, A
Canal uniting th
sea board, and
to take grain fr
sets, through Ce
ohauging bulk
nese caused by a
000,000 of additi
Railway to Ten
dations ot trains
the shipments
markets possible
and expense nu
iug the Europe
miles nearer the
The Liberals
try on a Platt
planks, even it
but there are in
rticnitnral Exbibi•
Toronto from the
ovember, at.d ar-
t completed for a
exhibit thereat.
y have a chance
z.ra or to add speoi•
y exhibit whioh is
ig advertisement of
foilowiog informa-
h the County press:
ibit for a prize, you
e five specimens each
wing varieties: Bal.
Canada Red, Snow,
reening, Ring, Spy,
their desirable variety.
to W. Lane, Goder-
n Monday next, and
ith name of producer.
bone exhibit we are
unty exhibit for ad -
only, no prizes will
o W. Lane, °oder•
November 5th, apeci-
pears of any winter
cost of sending will
t natne of producer
f fruit. It yeti with
Provincial prize lilt,
r entries and trait to
eeretaryt Fruit Grow.
Parliament Buildings,
e fora contented
scontinentai railway
complement, the
of promisee made to
last eleotipp being
the Ail Red Line, di-
n tragIo via Canada,
istanoe between the
don, and maitii.;g of
t highway between
straits and New Zee -
the Georgian Bay
Great Lakes with the
us maktag It possible
m oars to ocean vee•
adieu territory without
The imps-tns to busi-
expenditure of $.00, -
nal capital,
to the Hudson Bay
re the congested von•
n the West, and make
f oettle for European
without the great loss
iavained, alae bring -
n grain market 1,000
West than it is at pre
outd sweep the oceans
rat containing these
there were no others,
y of them.
The Septembe' bank statement is re
assuring. Tne ! deposits on demand
snowed an inure': se over tiie preceding
month ot $8,60°',937, and the deportts
after notice, a '.eoreaee ot $1,579,635,
leaving $4,030 2 2 to the good. The
current luane re 8anada decreased $1,-
868,675, and the C. rrent loans elsewhere
increased $760,2:6. The call luaus in
Canada decrease. $466 887, and the cell
loans elsewhere inoreaeed $1,070.369,
The ocrrent loan were $550,938,838 iu
January, and res •ed the maximum in
Jane, wi+h $8°6,9 0,448. Last month
they were $578,207,. •7. •
While much mon has gone to finance
the western crop • • vembnt, it is pretty
certain, says the • °watery Times, that
the banks will n loosen their pulse
strings to any con'.iderabie degree fur a
time yet. The eh reared banks of Can-
ada have .made a determined effort to
cheek reckless epee lation and have to a
large extent sue•.eded They have
olfeuded, because t • ey have acted some.
what as a school m. °ter e,hontd when his
scholars are wildl • gambling in marbles,
There were 8 ,0000 working days lett
be trades die tee in Canada ie Sep.
(By the Local pth n Committee )
If the -el could .e "as much or more
intoxicente" sold n prohibition localities
as in those where 1 icense prevails, ligsor
men would not s end thousands of dol-
lars to fight pr. • ibition. They might
prefer that their •flatness ehouid be legal
rather than ille •. i, bat they would not
pay out large s ms of money to fight
prohibition if th; profits on the liquor
trade were as 1. ge or larger under it
than under lice se. The liquor men
know perfectly ell on which side their
bread is batter°.. They are under no
illusions in their fight against prohibi-
tion. They are • ot payiug out their
money for senti•'ent; and this silly he
ought to be dropp; d by all who an to
be honest, or who want to b onsidered
The recently i.sued excise returns
show the followi excise receipts for
the District of Owen Sound: Monthly
average for year 905-1906, $2586 29;
monthly average fo 9 months of 1907,
$1402 74, or a deo ease under Local
Option of 45 per Oen
Every other distil
an increasa. Bear i
Oven Sound District
have been cat off
Owen Sound, South
the townships of S
Koppel, Amabel, Ar
Brute are all under L
1 000 bags of Green Apples, NC
to peel. Will pay 30e a bag, de-
livered at The Little Eaton.
t in Ontario shows
mind that in the
85 liquor lioenses
y Local Option.
mpton, Tara and
denham, Derby,
an, Saugeen and
cal Option in this
Now be honest an
Option (bed material'
Gumption of liquor,
Owen Sound. Boar
temperance moiety
etitution, bet they
saying that the pas
baetnesa year in th
admit that Local
reduce the con•
of Trade is not a
Iona religions ba-
re responsible tor
year was the best
history of Owen