HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-24, Page 6TUI'. WINUlfAllTi U , ocroilf:u .di 11107 " I S GOOD TEA" The Expert Tea Taster is the one who knows the real value of Red Rose Tea and uses it as a standard to judge other Teas by. Wouldn't you like to judge it for yourself It is the Tea that has that rich, fruity flavor --- just what pleases the expert Tea taster. Ask your Grocer to send you a package. Kernels from tho Saiicth interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A two dollar and a half gold piece issued in Than in 1849 recently sold for $175.. ?rom twenty-five to fifty persons were killed and over six hundred injured by the blowing np of seven powder mills at ?'ontanat, Ind. 1 Dr. Chase's Oint mentis a certain and guaranteed cure tee each and every f or m of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. Bee testimonials in the press and ask Tour ncighbors about it. You can use it and gotyour money back if not satiated. 61e, at all dealers or 1]im,s NEON, L ri s & Co., Toronto. DR. CHASE'S CIIRMITiEarr. Mr, Alexander Paul and Mrs. Eli- mabeth Craig, both of Owen Sound, were recently married. He is 83 years Old and she is St. Capt. An nndseu is having four big polar hears trained to draw sleds, and •with their aid will make an attempt to reach the north pole in 1910. For Ovnr Sixty Years. An old and Weil-Tried-Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over oixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, 'with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, mires wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleaeant to the taste. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five Dents a bottle. Its valve is incalculable, Be sure you ask for Mrs WinsIow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Guaranteed under the Fond and Ding Act, June 30th, 1.306. Serial Number 1098. Wright Martin, of Godericb, has a flock of 2C0 hens that have laid during the past nine months 20.313 eggs and have cleared their owner $100. The following announcement in con- nection with the 32nd, Bruce Regiment has been made—To be provisional Iientenante, Corporal Tranter, George Morris, 80th Juno, 1U07. A weak stomach, causing dyspepsia, a weak. Heart with palpitation or intermit- tent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strength- en these inside or controling nerves with Dr. Shoop'e Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. Sheen of Racine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this sim- ple trial. Sold by all dealers. A London editor wants to know why men are better looking than women. "Who in thunder ever said they were? Single men do not think so, and married 7nen do not dare to say what they think. ret" C3 M, i ears the 1't0 Red Yee Nate keen tineett flignatara ,sof r/•ifi'..C. '1, Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved husband and family of 'crena McLean, (beloved wife of Mr. John McDo:igall, of eon. 2, Kinloss), who died very anddenly on Monday, 14th inst., at the age of 34 years and 0 months. The funeral took place on Thursday. Was A Total Wreck From !Heart Failure in such eases the action of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS in quieting nee 1, art, r.etrtt g ifs Iter. Basi heat and ig::tir,,gtetetot`a nerve centres, is. beyond all q;e ,±taw, marvel. Iota. Mr. Darius Carr, Geary, N.B. v rItee "It is with the greate t of Plea Are I Write you a few lirres.to ."et you knot- the peat blessing yonr Milburn's Ii;eart; and 'Nerve Pith have been to me. I was x total wreck frdtn heart failure and my wife advised ane to take your pills. After using two boxes I was restored to perfect health. I am now 02 years cid and feel almost as well as I did at 20," Price 50 cents per box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct by The #C. Eburu t✓o,, Litpit d, Toronto, {iba3. Mr. P. A. Melcolrnson has been ap- pointed Deputy Judge or the County Court of Bruce in the absence on leave of Jetties) Klein, The latter purposes spending a year in California. Lncknow Curling.Cluh held its annual meeting last weetr:) when the eillcers were elected: President, G. A Siddall; Vice -President, J. G. Anderson; Secre- tary, W. J Earls; Treasurer, T, S. Reid; Managing Committee, G. H. Smith, W. D. Murdoch and the officers. "Regular Practitioner—No Re- Su1t."—Mrs. Aunie C. Ohestuut, of Whitby. was for months a rheumatic victim, but South American Rheumatic Cure changed the song from "despair" to "joy." She says: •'I suffered untold misery tram rhenmatistu—doctor's medi- cine did mo no good—two bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure oared we—relief two hours after the first dose." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -50. Copies of the new game laws of Ont. tario, which came into force June 5th, 1007, have been sent out, and according to the new regulations, sgnirrels, black and grey, may be killed only from Nov. let to Dec. let. The Toronto Telegram propounds these two questions which have an ap- plication to other places besides that city : 1. How is it that, no matter how dear money is, the banks never pay more than three per cent. on deposits? 2. How is it that, no matter how oheap cattle are, the butchers never charge less than 20c per pound for beefsteak? Pain anwhere, pain in the head, painful periods, Neuralgia, toothache, all pains can bo stopped by a thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Pain simply means congestion—undue blood pressure at the point where pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this unnatural blood nreesure, and pant im- mediately departs. Write Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis. and get a free trial pack. age, Large box 25 cts,—Druggists, The superintendent of streets in Cleveland recently summoned to his presence an Irish officer, to whom he said: "It is reported to me that there is a dead dog in Horner. Street. T want you to see to its disposition." "Yis, sore," said the subordinate. In half an hour the Irishman telepboned his chief as follows: "I have made inquiries about the dog's disposition, and I find that it was a savage:one." ITCH Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar- ber's Itch and every form of contagious Itch on unman or animate cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. le Hamilton. Rev. 3. Johnston, of Paisley, clerk of Bruce Presbytery, has been asked to consider a call from the large congrega- tion of Kemble, Presbytery of Owen Sound. It is not likely that M. John- ston will accept. The Stomach's "Weal or Woe:" -- The Stomach is the centre from which, the standpoint of health, flows "weal or woe," A healthy stomach means per. feet digestion—perfect dig: alien means strong and steady nerve centres --strong nerve centres means good circnla tion, rich blood and goodhealth. South American Nervine makes and ke-ps the stomach right. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. --52 Miss Ltcy Field died on Sunday, 12th inst., after a short illnese at her home in Kinloss. She was 50 pears of age and much esteemed in the community. The body was taken to Kincardine for inter - ganent. Mrs. Cassie Chadwick, who some j three yearn ago caused such a sensation by her criminal plunges in high finances which ended in her being sent to prison, died there last week, and was brought is Woodstock Oat, for burial, The Guelph Mercury registers a cont. plaint that Is likely applicable all over the province dime the shooting season opened. It says: --"The woods ate rife 'with hunters, the farmers say, and they are anything but welcome on the farm, If they would shoot legitimate game and behave themselves there ' gonld be little trouble, but many of them make a mark at any lining animal they see. If they can't hit weld ducks en the wing they are bound to shoot tame dtieks an the OM or ponds, and failing that, they liege a stray shot M °pole or ale*. S. MR tittle two a woollen manufac turer in the North of Eoglami succeeded in waking a fabrio from old rupee. Ile obtained a q+tautity of old rope and cordage, naray.•d them and wove them by : secret process luta a kind of rough cloth "1'dy !Heart was Thum my Life Oat." is the way Mrs It H. WIight, ut Brockville Ont , describes her sufferings from smotherit) , fluttering and palpita- tion After trying many remedies with- out beuefie sax bottles of Dr Aguew's Cure for the Hart rostered her to per- fect health. The first dose gave almost instant relief, and in a day suffering ceased altogether. Sold by A. L. Hamil- ton. —51. The following recommemlati-es have been made to the Minister of Educe - tion by the Advisory Council of Ednoa- tion: A reduction of the pressure of home work in the lower classes of the Public Schools, with instructions to in- speotore in the case of others; the re- modelling of the High School entrance boards and examinations; the financial aid to fifth slaw a in localities where the High School accommodations are in- sufficient or the progress of studies is nnsniteble. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, sots or calioused lumps end blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, aw: euey, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $:50 by use of one bo tle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Care ever known. So[d:•by A , L. Hamil- ton. A detailed statement of ,'the public debt and revenue and expenditure of the Dominion, as shown by the returns furnished to the Finance Department up to September 30, shows that the total net debt of the Dominion on this date' was $251,572,452, a decrease of $213,200 during the last month. The total rev- enue for September was $8,378,302, and for the first pix months of the present fiscal year, $50,034,217, while the total expenditure for the month was $8,697,- 259, and for the six months, $38,7.15.320. Daring the first half of the present fiseal year, $7,613.056 was spent on public' works, railways and canals, $716.850 on railway subsidies, and $1,139,032 on bounties. Bright's Diseaso—Insidious! decep- tive! relentless! has foiled hundreds of trials by medical science to stem the tide of its ravages—and not until South American Kidney Cure proved beyond a doubt its power to turn hack the tido, was there a gleam of anything bat des pair for the victim of this dread form of kidney disease. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. —54. It cost a farmer in Mornington To.; Perth Oo., $5 and costs, amounting in all to $16 for beating an emigrant boy who had got in the habit of leaving the farmer's home. The boy is incorrigible and was sent to the Industrial school. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments,can be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists every- where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative, , The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of the Stomaca, etc. Sold by all dealers. Mrs. Wightman, widow of the late William Wightman, died at the resid- ence of her son Robert, in Hawick, on Tuesday of last week. She was in her eighty-eighth year, Her maiden name was Margaret Ann ?hair, and she was a native of Ireland. WATCH The Kidneys. They are the most iinportant secretory organs. Into and through the kidneys flow the waste fluids of the body, con- taining poisonous matter taken out of the system. If the kidneys do not aet properly this matter is retained, tho whole system becomes disordered and the following symptotns will follow : Pain in the small of the back and loins, frightful dreams, specks floating before the• eyes,ufiiness under the eyes, and !Welling of the feet and ankles or any urinary trouble. When any of these symptoms manifest themselves you can quickly rid yourself of there by the use of the best of all medicines for the kidneys, DEAN'S ICIDNE•Y PILLS. Mrs John L. Doyle, Sutton West, Ont., Writes : "l was troubled with a pain in my back for dome time, but after wing two boxes of DOAN'S. 1 TnNxT Psr,T,es i was entirely cured and can speak highly in their favor.'' Friee 50 cents per box, or 3 for 31.26, at all dealers, or The Doan Kidney fill Co., Tot'onto, Ostt. Air. einem Tolrnie, el P. for N ', Bruce, headed a deputatiou of his e., stitueuts which weite4 upon tbo Mini. ,. r of Jnstioa to ask remission of. t" 'sentence o' sight mouths irnprisounmt t t••.seri upon the two temoester b 1„ coInt cttoa with the Mrs, Thom se riot CASTOR IA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the"]$" Signature of 'uy . John Ross, of can. 0, Kinloss, hoe die- pos•d of his 50 acro farm to Joint Car. rathcrs and bast purchased the 150 pore farm, known as the Donald Clarke property, from R. Mo Kinnon, Consider ation about $0 500. We eongratalate Mr. Rose in being in possession of suck a nice home. As yet Mr. McKinnon has nit decided op what he may engage in. HP HMO a[EDrviat ', As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Sitters has no aquae. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Smuggling of jewels into the United States is said to have reached the value of from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 yearly. As a result, the Diamond Importers' Agee sooiation is advocating the enforoement of the law requiring offenders to pay the Government triple the value of a smuggled article as penalty. Sinking Sensation in the Stomach, Do They Affect You? These nnpleaeant feelings of weak- ness and collapse indicate that the sympathetic nervous system is oat of order. The cause is impairment of nerve tone, arising from failure of the stom- ach ro perform its work. Acute indigestion follows and the nat. prat result is mental depression, and a feeling of collapse and extreme weak. nese. The best, beitatrse the quickest and sorest cure, is Ferrozone. It acts at once upon the digestive and assimilative organs -1t fortifies the stom- ach --makes the blood nourishing, givs it a rich, red color, the best evidence of health. "For ten. years I suffered acutely from stomach trouble." writes Mr. Maxwell Thompson, of Toledo. "I always had a headache and dull feeling after meals. My appetite was poor, and I didn't ren itch food. It was all due to a weak defective stomach. I read about Ferro - zone and ordered six boxes from my druggist. It was no time at all before I felt much better, and when all the Ferr- ozone was used I really took a new lease of life. I am stronger, brighter, and feel more like work than before trying Ferrnzone. It is a splendid tonic, Lbs best I ever used." Ferrozone is unrivalled in caring stomach ailments, try it and be con- vinced. Sold by all druggists in 50o. boxes, Interment took place on Wednesday afternoon of last week of Olive, beloved wife of Dr. G. A. Newton, at Green Hill cemetery. Deceased was born in the township of Carrick, Bruce Co, about f ortynine years ago and was a daughter of Mr, S. Rivers, now of Teeewater, Mrs. Newton had been a sufferer from heart trouble for a period of nine years, She took a swallow of an alkaline mix. tare which caused stricture of the tissues and during all these years she had not been able to swallows solid food. She bore her trouble with ohristian patience and forbearance and to the last was in- terested in her family and household affn[rs, having been confined to her bed only one day previous to her death. She was a Iife Iong member of the Methodist church. Friends and relatives from Owen Sound, Wingham and Teeswater attended the funeral. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail- ed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie, These tests are proving to the people --without a penny's cost—the the great value of this scientific prescrip- tion known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. As Teeswater, last'Wednesday, Mr. T. B. Aitken and Mies Mary E, McKenzie were Inatrfed at 11 oAplook a, m, at the home of the bride's mother, and liar. Robert E, Curran and liaise Fldra Nixon, of that town were married at high noon, at the home of the bride's parents, i(Yu. ion St. Revs D. Tait officiated at both, Another marriage was that of Mr. Jae, Haitiday bf Riveradele andMisslsabella Sharpe of Teeswater. in 13elginni, where nettling is allswed to go to waste, papers left in railway Carriages are carefully collected akd et the end of "every week sent to the gen.. eral depot at1Vi-lineutilized a es tob in the manufacture of pulp for making a certain quality of oatdboard. The quantity of old paper's collected daily in the railway' carriages amounts to front GGO to /70 pounds. This represents something like 260,08 potrnde a year, and this amount *Odd be soniewliat larger were it not for the fact that many of these papers are a niaappr'opr:iated after oolleotiOn. to • , tit,,. ., , .s, n„t tent i.•vtvae- Dr, I'o ty two Id. O' „ries Abram.' an.i which is s'lw' tit aa; ttnous as II, which mutt Ma„riv pod aulkey, l>• conte to art end The reason ft.r tt, dirsotutiou lies it, ler. Torrey's t•ziren dog maws Mr Ali x+ander posseee mote pi the humor of life, and has ways got into taaari with bis audient- wZaicktr than his colleague. Toe essentutl luug.lioaling prinoipal o sttc pine tree has finally been euccessfah seperated autl retitled into a perfect cough medicine --Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a iltrautee of satisfaction. Price 2f tehta. Mrs. Martha Copeland, an aged rebi debt of Teeswater, passed away on Sena day morning after several months illness due to senile , esay. She was aged,75 years and had lived iu the village for the pant 18 years. Forty years ago t:he watn her late husband Came to Uulross, and the family lived east on the 4th, conces- sion thtough pioueer days, There were ten eons and daughters, seven of whom survive. Little but Searching.—Dr. Von Stau's PiuS,apple Tablets are not big nape• sous dosee'tthat ooutain injurious drugs oruareotios---they are the pure vegetable pepsin—the medicinal extract from„this tusoious fruit, and the tablets are prepar- ed in tee palatable formas the fruit itself. They cure indigestion. 60 in a box, 35 Dents, Sold by A, L. Hamilton, -56 A tramp who saved two boys from drowning at Centreville, N. J. recently was rewarded by the mother of the boys with some money, a new sett of cloth- ing and the best diener she could 000k. He was also offered a permanent posi- tion on the feria but refused saying ; "I took the bath alright, and it was the first in many moons, but work and I parted company so long ago I can scarce- ly remember it, Good-bye, I'm on my way to nowhere." Mars is one of the most prominent stars in the southern eky, to be seen near nine 9 o'clock, Its apparent motion has been very singular. About tin weeks ago its position was nearly the same as now, it moved west three or four degrees and returned and is now moving eastward. This apparent mo. don is well known to be duo to the earth's motion and that of the planet combined, and is in reality not what it semis. New Berlin, Oct. 16. --Judge Cooper, in the City Court yesterday, sentenced Stauley Griswold, fourteen years old, to a bath. The boy tearfully admitted that he had stolen a bicycle. The jadge was more interested in his assertion that he had not only not had a bath sinoe August,but had not hadhie clothes off in that time. Patrolman English used a scrub brush, and from an anteroom of the police court came exclamations of "Gee. that hurts!" "Let up will you, please?" "Say, this Is fierce!" The officer ac- companied the boy to his home, intro- duced him to his mother and ieotured her on cleanliness. CATAB•Ita CANNOT BI: