HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-10-24, Page 44 TQ AOVERTnSERS EfotiQe of ohangea must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for .changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Claaual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 19717 THE WINUAM TIMES. H. B. ELLIOTT, ntrinosure atonPIIPPRJETu THURSDAY, QOT 4, 1907, NOTES AND COMMENTS. Ata Cabinet meeting Saturday after- noon the date for the overdue of the oomiva secs:nn of the Dominion Parlia- ment w aB sit for Thursday, November 28th. • Ste Wienid Lem ter took oecra ion to say sir, Halifax flint, the All Rot Line should, must and w• ttld be built, and when tae Premier rias s this the line is as Rotel ei mantle.. The same n-suranee WAS given Stith resptct to the grand Truzie Pacific, entlralzeedy putti ole of the hue are bunt nue tin balance is with being' pushed on n S Ith all the energy the commis:donors can bring to bear. The magnificent reception riven to Hon. Mr. Fielding in Ilalifax, on the occasion of his completing twentyfire w' years of public 1ifa, furuished proof of the estiutaticu in which the gifted fin- ance uiluister is held in his native province. Sir Wilfrid paid a high Wit- ., ' nate to the excellences of hie colleague and humorously said that Nova Scotia had not disgraced herself by sending even one Tory to Ottawa. GEORGIAN BAY CANAL. Sir Wilfrid Lender said truly at the Colonial Conference that Oauada was engaged in developing her weans of transport. One of the most important has always been rtcogniz.d us b canal leading hum Georgian 13ey to the tribu- tary waters of the St Lawrence. The building of this canal will bring time water 500 miles nearer the wheat belt, thus enauriug a cheaper method of getting grain to market. The Ltberal Government is favorable to the build - tug of tide canal and the tiouserv,,tivee oppose It Here is a nett ttr Chet should present no difficulty ot choice. The people of the West who are Chipping grain, and the people of Outerio, through which the line will pass de- sire this canal, the Ltberal Geverntnent is in favor of ir, the Ootiservatlou party is oAeosed to it, tor which party then will the people vote? The question an- swers itself. It is estimated that at least $100.000, - COO will be expended in the construe tion et this oo,umeretal wetineyay, and this money will be provided gladly by European investors. Tne ex i-nditure or this sant in Canada will bring along with it a great stimulus to business, and will reenit in the rapid growth of many towns in Ontario which only re- quire the additional stimulus of this canal to make thein Cities of importance. The building of the Georgian Bay canal is part of the Liberal plan for the future, and to defeat the construction of this groat nati,nal work is the Avow- ed ibientien of the Conservative party. This is the reason why the people of Ontario should send to Parliament sup- porters of the present adminilatratton, to the end that the bands of Sir Wilfrid Laurier may be strengthened in carry- ing tat his great plan of cheap trans- portation by water from the great lakes to tide teeter An interesting UM suit ot White against Ln'ty was tried at Orangeville anti resulted in verdict for defendant. The Lake Marian Lumber Company of Ottawa has assigned with liabilities of $15,000 A woman giving the name of Ellen Webb was arrested at Oshawa on the chatge of stealing jewellery worth $300 from Mrs Woodruff, wife of a hotel. kt eper, She confessed and gat o up the jeweilere. We Trust Doctors U you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de-, bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor know$ it, too. Ask him about it. mum, thtre it dally solem of the bowies, poOreee a products are absorbed, cane:w hPad- sehn, biiloaanE.•, ate es ii7•i.etistd, hod true work n AYei i Pithlie liter pint, .&et gently, sit vegetabttle Xl sde bI. 0. Aust tie., Lwts% Marl. ♦ raaaaotaotarare of IIAIR VUOOdt. yettsiwyePCtO AL. Ww tiara *0 resets 1 'tve pabMeta *Mk fartaales St .It eur taedtbinew so,e^ ste ss'.A.'asr.A.N Wan Oenneil met on October 12th, as per adjournment; members all present; Reece Bailie in the chair. Minutes of twat xnaetimg ootif ruled on motion of Medd and Anderson. Treasurer'sstate- went showing balance on hand of 018.- 06, filed on motion of Murray and Ander- son. The clerk was instructed to colleot dividend from the Dungaunon Driving Part; Association for 1306 and pay the s .mq to Treasurer ,on motion of Ander- soo and Tbompson, An order for $10 00 Was drawn in favor of Ashfield township for Court Room, on motion of Murray sad Medd. The Council agreed to lower vulva rt ou con 9, opposite Lot 21(W ilson Drake), on motion of Murray and Ander- son. Cheques were leaned to the amount of about $130 in payment of contracts, etc. The Council adjourned to meet on Nov. 15th, et 10 o'clock, W. S MCCitoSeie, Clerk, ISL( l,VALfu her. W. 3. Wet ie spouting a few dais at Bruce Beach this week, The Icish social held last Friday even. ing. under the auspices of the Dulles' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Oharch, was a very successful event, financially and otherwise. Those who took part in the programme acquitted themselves nobly, and a very enjoyable evening's entertainment was the result, Mr. Geo. Spotton, and Aar. 4.. H. Musgrove, of Wingham, gave addresses, the former dealing admirably with the humor of tee Irishman, and the latter delivering a capital address on the history of Ireland. Heottatious by Miss Baohanan, of Bras - sole, Miss Duff. of the village, and Mr. S. Gracey, of Wing/earn, were well ren- dered. Mr. Albert Gallagher, of Howiok, proved himself an Irish humorist of no mean order. Sauget by Mr. and Mrs. Cochrell, of London, Dagald Strong, of Brussels, Mrs. Alex Moffatt and Clayton Duff were well rendered and much ap- preciated by the aadience. The ladies served tan in real Irish fashion. Rev. W. 3. West performed the duties "of chairman. Proceeds, about $45, RLYTH Notwithstanding that owing to the wet weather there was a considerable decrease in the gate receipts at the fal fair here, the Society's books show a ama11 balance on the right side, after pat ing all prizes and entreat expenses. 111r R ill. McKay, jeweler, and Mise Welke Hamilton were married on Wed- nesday afterneon of last week, the cere- mony being performed by Rev. 3. L. Small, B A, The bride wore a hand - Same cream silk costume, and was given away by her father. Mise Eva Gracey, of Wiogham, played the wedding march. Owiug to recent bereavement in the bride's family, the wedding was a quiet one. On Monday of last week, Ann Nesbit, wire of Mr. Alex. McCreight, was called to her home on high atter a short illness of a week. Deceaeed was born in Mona- ghan County, in the North of Ireland, and cave to this country about fifty years ago, settling in the village of Clark near Port Hope, afterwards moving to Morris township. She was married in Blyth to her now bereft husband. A family of 5 boys and 2 girls was born. bat only Mrs- Gibson, of Evansville, Indiana; James and Thomas at home, and Alex., of Dresden, now survive. Deceased was a member of the Presby- terian ohuroh. TO GRAVY EX01..7SIVE FRAI'CuI9E. special Agent of Peng-ready to show the New Fall Styles, George J. Atkinson, seeded agent for Sethi -ready Tailoring, will be in, town in a few days for the purpoee of discus- sing the granting of an exclusive agency for these high-class garments. Mr.Atkinson line all the new fall styles in fabrics with hi , and it is the purpose of the Semi -read Company to further extend their busies in this district. The semi -ready Special Order Depart- ment has helped to place this modern tailoring in its premier position. With the cloth rambles and the fashion plate the agent can take orders for snits tet be made from special measure. The saving is appreeiable. ----on-- . 1 Dr. (sutler, London, Eye, Ear and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, l London, 3rd door East of St, Agdrevv'e Chnreh. d. 0. Rockwell's Sunny South Co. When J. O. Rockwell's world famous/ Sunny South ootnbany comes to tl`o opera house, Wingham, Thursday event ing, bot. 31st, local theatre goers will have an opportunity to see what a really drat -class colored show is. This is re• cognized as one of the biggest, brightest,. and beat colored mneiest dotnganies in America, There is a complete elimin- ation of all that is aonrse and horse show is conepiettoris by it* absence. There k any amount of legitimate fun, aaughttr and wit in the neer musical comedy "Sunrise On The bad Plantation" which has been selected to exploit the rare talent* of the eOtniratty+, who fanke M a colored organization extend* clean across the twntlnent, The high.clase nolo concert band Which aieoi mpanlete the organization will head the "Roan" town parade act noon. Beate on sale at Mo - Ribbon's drug store. Prices 211, 35, tend 60 Ceetit*. TUE WINGII4M Tlht.,•, OCTOBER 24, 1907 A FISHERMAN'S LUCK. Weak, Worn and Almost in Despain When Dr. Williams Pink Pies Came to His Rescue. "My strength was almost gone, my breath very short and I scold karate walk. I used wetly remedies but they did not help me. Finally a friend advis- ed tee to take Dr. Williams' Pine. Pills. I did so and today, thenke to The pills, I am a perfectly well roan." .This very emphatic statement is made by Mr. R. L Porter ot Maitland, N S. Ur, Porter is a fisherman, and naturally a bard working utau, subject to much exposure. He further says: "I was in a state of debility and bloodlessness. Aonietimes I could attend to wy work, but otters was too weak and miserable to du so. I was wakeful and restlese et night, and could not eat itt the morning. I was troubled with pains in my back and shoulders, sometimes I could bardly straighten up. Then indigestion carne to add to my misery, and my condition was oue that Made me almost liopetese. I tried eeveral medioines—but in vain. Then one day a friend said why don't you try Dr, Williams' Pink peel's? 1 tried them and I shall always b. grateful for them. I i a short time I :gan to re- gain my health. I could e " better, and eunld eateinykiedot foo ' My strength retsrned, I could att i d to my work I was in fact pertt.; well ageitz, and this is actually d'', to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up the etrenerth and drive out disease in just one way—they actually make now blood. That is all they do, bat they do it well. They don't act ea the bowels—they don't purge and weaken like common pills They don't deal with mere symptoms,they go right to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is why they care a..aemia, with all its headaches and backaches, and dizzinesss and heart palpitation, That is why they cure indigestion, rhenmetism, neuralgia, St. Vitas dance, geueral weakness and the special ail- ments that growlug girls and women do not like to talk about even to their doc- tors. 13u1 you must insist on getting the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pate People" on the wrapper around ea'h box. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50a a box or six boxes for $2,50 from the Dr, Williams' Medicine 0o„ Brookville, Ont. The application to wind up the Farm- ers' Manufacturing and Supply Com- pany of Durham was dismissed by Mr. Justice Teetzel. • Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Oct. 22.—The run at the City Cattle Market today consisted of 90 oars, ooutaininic 1,500 cattle, 1,820 cheap and lamb., 340 hoes and 174 calves. Basiaess was a little brisker to -day than last week. bat the tame quality of cattle were iu ovidenoe, with, as venal, decidedly too Mach poor stair. Good cattle were bringing good prices ail right, but poor cattle were going for a song. Exporters were scarce and the prices quoted are purely nominal as far as real choice ones are concerned. The following are the gngtations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice,.,.. $4 75 $5 00 Medium . 3 90 4 25 Bulls 3 75 4 00 Light 8 00 3 25 Cowe 3 25 3 50 Feedbrs— best 1000 pounds :and up- wards 4 25 4 50 Stockers choice 2 75 3 00 " bulls . , 1 50 2 00 Butchers' --- Picked 4 50 4 75 Medium 2 75 3 00 Cowe........ 2 50 3 00 Bulls 2 25 2 75 Hogs— Beat 6 25 Lights Sheep— 5 25 5 25 Export ewes 4 25 4 40 Backs.... 3 00 8 50 0011, 3 00 3 50 Spring Lambs each.. 4 00 5 60 Calves. each , . . 300 5 75 1YIN0RAa1 MARKET REi'oRTS Wingham, Oct. 23rd, 1907. Flour per 100 lbs..., 2 50 to 3 25 Fall Wheat ..., 1 02 to 1 05 Oats,,.,,,,,,, 0 45 to 0 50 Barley ......... .... 0 55 to 0 60 Peas 0 83 to 0 86 Butter ,, 0 22 to 0 24 Eggs per dos 0 22 to 0 22 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay , per ton . , , , —13 OO to 15 00 Potatoes, per bushel 80 to 75 Tallow per lb -„--,,,-- 0 5a. to 0 06 Lard ... ... .... 0 15 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per olset 5 90 to 6 00 Dried Apple .. 6;4 to 0 08 see OLD HEW' WAD3 We will pay a highest prices tot live Ota Hiss, 8?Th88 CHICKENS, NUCK3, TURKEYS, and tett hues el penia,. Iieatiob Ods paper. ?ltd Canada Poultry & Produce Company (Limited) tiT*AtFeso, Oat Canada's Oldest Nurseries, 'We have the largest est stock of Cr n. . ItA1`TS, 13neettnenettES, GRAPES 'and 2 1LASPeenztteS in Canada, *lAo Comtt1ete assortment of PRIIIT ani Oae AME-'K1'At ' Titles and Snixr'ns Write na before; placing yonr order. Agents wanted at • once. The THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON 00,, LTD,t Ridgeville, Ont. PALL 86 WINTER Suitings Overcoalings 1 and We have the best range - of these for this season ever shown in this town, The fancy broad stripes are taking the lead in suitings although a ftw overcheck are still in vogue and the style of make is varied so that you can have the style yo i most prefer and know that it is all right. Come early and make your selection. FURNISHINGS—We have a full line of all the latest furnishings, new and nifty goods arriving every day. MAXWELL & HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. '--cut, x."~-44 0-,trM” . CST PRICES IN FURNITURE S. Gracey offers some very special cut prices in Furniture. We don't often have such sales, but we want room. Here are a few prices : We offer a ;: 52 Parlor Suite, Wilton Rug, spring seats, b'icks and edges, for, . $40 00 A $38,00 5 piece Suite for . , 30,00 An $18.00 4 -piece Suite for 13 50 $5.00 Couches for 3.90 $13.50 Sideboards for 15.50 Special prices all through, on Bedroom Suites, Extension Tables, Parlor Pieces, Rocking Chairs, Springs, 'Mattresses, etc., etc. VIMIIIMOMMISOOMIAMMiSlialMIZ I#rF W SCALE WILLIAMS PIMA O. If you have any notion of buying a Piano, don't buy until you see the New Scale Williams, one, 6f the best Pianos made in Canada. Call and seeihem at our show rooms. We off,:r very special prices on them, too. iMMINIIMMONE WO, 5. G ACEE x FA trUNDERT KER MeSZtaXeleaSeelllefilaiMSMEIVEZIOUSICIIIME A full line of COAL and WOOD RANGES, BUOY'S "HAPE'Y THOUGHT" RANGES, RADIANT HOME HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, COAL HEATERS,. I CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGH4.M. STOVES. Oaii and SEE H. BISHOP Lot of SECOND-HAND OUR STOOK and GET OUR PRICES. • • Ladies' flantles • AT THE A I STORE .• 1 • • i • • • • • r • • • • •• • • • • • We want to emphasize the fact that never 4, before in all our experience have we had Finch • perfection of quality and apish in LADIES' • MANTLES. Wholesale tailoring has pro. I greased wonderfully the list few years, and ladies will and it more satisfactory every way at to baby garments ready to wear, providing they get the richt bund. We make a specialty of CONTINE'NT'AL" Mantles, whioh'have a reputation all over Canada for novelty, and • represent a new standard of esoellence. • • Como in and see what we call atyae and wise. ..$.•ee. 1 Hanna & Go. Otte boor north et Queen's Motel, foSomethin3 itjj :nJ t.yl �d7 lig We have for years been buying large quanti ifj ties of MAPLE SYRUP from farmers To Be Proud Of. "down east," and we have been [l selling Was "Pure Maple c Syrup." fI I 41 z41 -i a On May r•st, 1907 a sample was bought from us by Mr. Thomas Kidd, Government Inspector, and for. warded to Ottawa. This sample pint of Maple Syrup was drawn from a barrel of Pure Maple Syrup made by a farmer down east." The manufacturer guaranteed it to be pure, and we sold it as such. We are now in receipt of Bulletin No. 141 published by W. J. Gerald, Esq., Deputy Minister, which gives the report of Mr. A. Mc- Gill, Acting Chief Analyst, Out of twenty samples re- ported from the "London District" only twelve were found to be genuine, and we are pleased to say that the sample forwarded from this store is reported in the inspector's Bulletin as Genuine Maple Syrup. This is the only store north of Clinton that can truthfully say "Our Maple Syrup is genuine because the Acting Chief Analyst for the Dominion of Can- ada says in his report that it is genuine," We have a quantity of this same quality in stock. IDon't you want some of it? 1 1 • r pi JOHN KERR Wingham. i 1��r�ti �-sr'�iril:.wl7h�� r r'q,�""f�'7L.�L- �r yr `��"�'�'�i..t—'.�7 its •tr� lt##TY'iVlV!/•VVYVVVVIIIV#dVM9 rrif•Vvvvv!°TIPT•Vir••••lt0 . ' lt• ► ► r •r Fall 4 4 4 •' 4 4 4 3 4 Announcenient. 4 4 4 w ,w 1► et 4. We are now ready for the Fall trade, and 3 below we mention a few of the Pall and •414 , 1 Winter Goods we hove in stock: s ► ft 1' ► f 4 • E1€trihea'vy stocks Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear Just i ) arrived. We sellsetandeld's Unshrinkable Underwear—•kuaranteed 'j all Nova Scotia Wool. 50 Ladies' Cloth Sockets to clear at leas than halt price. l► • We have some efttra good values in Ladies' and hMeii's Fur 1► Coats. In men's we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, Fp.Calf and Dog. 4 l• A few Men's Far Caps to clear at reasonable prices. Pure Wool Tarn, in single, two or three ply, made in , Wrox• 4 teter especially for our trade. .4 ► I. ' Our stock of 150 pieces of Flannelettes, in all colors and 3 r weights, from 5e up, were bought before the advance in price, and 40 therefore it is to your advantage tecome and see our stook. 1 4 4 , We purchased -a large number of Traveller's Samples of Heavy '• `. Top Shirts which we can sell you at less than wholesale prices. They are just the thing for fall wear: j • E Fir MW o t► POULTRY ' Op' ALL RINDS WANTED, ilkasasiustazumaramis Come and see our new stock of Men's and t Suits, good values. s► - l► Boys Overcoats and •ng your trade "milli exchange it for our bargains. T.A. MILLS.