The Wingham Times, 1907-10-17, Page 8THE WINGILVII TIMES, OCTOBER 17, 1907 MINOR LOCALS. British Inebriates,. -....,._-'.... Under the British Inebria,teea Aots •- Apple packers are natio busy- 1807.1000, any habitual dranlcerti, who . 'fhe Tin Es aunt to an;r aidreRo in ie oouvteted on iadiotmeut of A'l offence to January let, 1049, far $1. painshahle by imprisonwan5 or pedal 'liervil(lde, may be committed to a elate ...Tipped and Weekly Globi to Jailzlar er i nbriete refvr:aotory, if the (more tat, l''409 to DOW eubscribere for tel 48 ''la aatiiided huul the gvld:noe that tiro '411 wheat sold en the �4 La„ ban: eerenee Was one tiitsee a:Ate tete is< Henget this week of $1.(3 per bushel. flaenee of drink, or that druukeni:e:a ---2-1Uoapital supper and eonoert in the WAS a contribntingeease of the offense." Town Elan, on Tuuzsday, October 24th By for the greater number or persona --3t is said that a nese furniture stoic committed under ibis Ac, livery canrget Will be opened lu lA in, 'th neglect of children 1L•' nu:uber of d TEACEER WANTED. For School. Section No. 6, Turnberry; male or female Duties to begin with the year 1008. Appltcatious, stating trIttit'C'i841T r a' r w rs • r t, r lits d 'f fel for aBusiness or Shorthand tours(. 1'usitioue tortured. to graduates. Six .,0 months will tit you 'We provide 24 r teachers and best facilities. Write E. ,e us, Central 13uslneso Cc/liege, 99S j- Yonge St., Toronto. W. 13. detAW,'Principal. eatery wanted, qualifieatlons, etch, will .1) lie received up to ':Cuedd;xyi Nov. fitb, 1307. J S M DOUGALL M e Secretary -Treasurer Wingham P. U,. FARM FOR SALE. `* ,ham iu the ne;% V1 g v , - '^ 139t year being 2201; attempted Shields, Being south ?a Lot 118, mon, lf, East•Wnwan• future. 2S. Tile Nattonel Society for Prevon• *she 150 acres mo or less clot(to school and -New time table Fent into effect on i i t dlze 0. P. It. on .Z,iondey. Seo advt. for ally drained is n antic ala partioulers. chuiahes; 6 miles from Wieeham. The land lies well, is n ce y roiling, no hard pen; 1latar• v leetn, of the choicest (nuality, and is ]melon to the old sett- lors as one of the surest cropping farms in the neighborhood: is suitable for ail kinds of crop dairying or (,razing. The cleared laud is nit seeded but about 25 acres; there are 10 acres et hardwood bush, maple, beech, hetnlock, ehn, white ash, etc., which has not been culled to any extent, %here is a never -failing supply of well and sprint* water. darn 80x06, stone foundation; holds horses, 28 head of cattle. Hey barn 80x50, pen for 30 hogs. These with two liirgesheds form a well sheltered yard for smolt. De accouut of getttugthefendly home- stead, I now offer this farm at a bargain, and on term. that should make it easy for some willing man to get a good home. if not sold soon, will be offered by publics auction. For ARO D MONEILor 1. rWs --Turnberry Township Counoil will meet in the Glere's Olio at Bluevale next Monday. -Farmers are now busy iu clearing up the fall work ani business hat been lather slow in town this week. -The st're fronts have been dated in the Wilson block and they will now soon be reedy for the plate glass, GLvI T Ttenneer$ "Curreeey," "Bops" and 'Star;" Chening Tobaccoes, in big plana. Quality always the same. --Night classes have been formed at the Wingham Business College. Look ears the advertieetuent in this paper. Miss Emetine Delmage, B. A., of St. Nary's, has accepted a position on the staff of the Goderich Collegiate Institute. --b1r. D. Grant Anderson, late editor of the Atwood i3ee, has been appointed priocipal ot St. Mary's public eolicol at a salary of $700. -Maitland Lodge, T. 0, 0. F., is ar- xanging for a grand opening of their new hall in the Wilson block as soon as the building is completed, For quality and quantity ask your dealer tor the new big plugs of "Bobs," "Staff" and "Carman*" Unevriag To- baccoes. -Indian summer weather this week. A nice change fram the diaagreeable weather of last week. Rain fell ill Wingham every day last week. -The Sons of Scotland committee is again making arrangements for the annual Scottish concert, particulars of which will be given in a future issue. -Mr. Richard 'Rankin received a nasty cut by att axe he was using. The axe came off the handle. We are pleased to see lair. Rankin able to be around again. -After being in force for more than twenty years, Iocai option was wiped ant in Neepawa, Man. last week, sixty- seven per cent. of the ballots being re- t gistered against the measure. Cougi.ia, cold_, hoarcenesa, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. -A special meeting of the Town Cbanoil was held on Monday evening to xatify the action of Mayor Holmes in settling the claim for damages with Mr, Andrew Gemmill, of Turnberry. -Mr. Joseph Adams met with a severe accident one day Iaat week in falling from a wagon and fracturing several ribs. We are pleaded to learn that he is now recovering nicely. --Mrs. James Krause, of Everett, Wash., who has been visiting in this district for some time, died at the home of her nephew, Mr. Henry Armstrong, in Turnberry on Wednesday of last week, aged 67 years. -Mr. Martin Faison, son in-Iaw of Mr. W. J. Pattison, of town, has pur- chased a grocery business in Mitchell and took possession on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Poison have been residing in Michigan for some years. tion tied Cruelty to Children take ad- vantage of this Act when dealing with drunken parents who uegleot their chil- dren, and it is said the reanite are more satisfactory than are mere commitments to prison. The reformatory terms are !auger and the women bave a better ohanoa to reform while the children are better looked after. The Inspeotor says: "Nom) of them, when sober, has exhibit- ed the least tendency to enmity, or de- sire to neglect children; on the contrary their regret for the Injury they have caused and anxiety for the welfare of their offspring are constantly evident. None of theee women would be cruel were they not drunken, therefore the substitution of curative methods, direct- ed against drunkennese as the cause of M pl(ioe of mere punishment for the effeat of the drunkeunees, is rational, humane, and of course most likely to benefit both mother and children, BABY'S HEALTH, Baby's health and happiness de pends upon its little stomach and bowels per- forming their work regularly. If theee are out of order Babyis Own Tablets will cure the trouble mixer than any other medicine, and a mothet,bas the guarantee of a v rnmeut analyst that this medicine i perfectly safe. Mrs. Frank Neill, Marksville, Ont , says: "I bave used Baby's Own Tablets for stom- aoh and bowel troubles, breaking up colds and destroying worms, and always with the best snoceee." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Dents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS The human will can be so educated that it will foons all our thoughts on the brighter side of things. The diocese of London, composed of 60,000 Catholics, is educating twenty- three young men for the prieethood in the seminary at Montreal. It cost $170 a year to educate each student. Before going to Montreal they must study seven years at Sandwich, Two-thirds of the whole area of England is held by 10,217 persons, and two-thirds of the whole area of Scot- land by 030 persons. Half Scotland is held by 70 persons, who own over nine million aores, equal in area to the whole Kingdom of Denmark. One sixth of Scotland is under deer forests, which are increasing at an enormous rate. The increase in the liritiah newspapers and magazines Diming into Calends, as a result of the reduction of postage is alto- gether phenomenal. The total increase in the number of mail -bags coming into Canada from Great Britain during the months of July and August, as compared with the corresponding figures of 1906, is 162 per cent,, the number for July and August, 1906, being 2,120 bags, while for the same months in 1907 there were 5,569 bags. The "intellectual prefer- ence" is evidently proving an even great- er success than was anticipated. A simple and effective remedy for SORES THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value ot Cresolene 'with the soothingproperties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 102 in stamps. Lamm, Maas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. or -Tbe town hall on Sunday evening was not as warm as it should have been, Something should be done to remedy this matter before winter sets in as people do not wish to sit in a building that is not properly heated. -Mr. Geo. Spotton of the Wingham Business College has arranged to open a college in Goderich on the let of Novem- ber. Mr. Spotton will then have colleges iti five towns--Wingham, Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville and Goderich. -The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Well wocid, who had a thigh injured at Iter daughter's home in Goderich some little limo ago, will be sorry to learn that she is not recovering every rapidly. Mr. Wellwood left on Tuesday to spend a few days at Goderioh, The habit of making thebeetof things, of looking on the brighter aide n# things, it a fortune in itself. Gravid Trunk Pacific Officials an- nottnoe the discovery of enormous coal bode in the Tokio, region of British Columbia, through which the main line cif' the G. T. P. runs. The company oanoa no fetlfer than 16,006 sister of land in the most valuable part of this who have been nes►rd v iltld engineers lC to eatigating the lana for the 'company annoursoe that the region ft one of the I*G Oe al-bearifig areas on the continent. AUCTION SALE or v itr to t9 Farm and Village Property. Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage made by Henry Lawrence to the Vendor, which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public nuction at the Bruuswiob Hotel in the Town of Wingham, on Saturday, 20th day of October A.))1907, at 2 o'clock p. m. by W. A. Currie, auctioneer, the following valuable pro- perties namely :- First: f ot number Two in the "0" conces- sion of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, containing 90 acres more or less. On this property is situate a brick veneered dwelling 22 ft x 28 ft with frame kitchen at- tached 20 x 22, a frame barn 82 x 54 and a Khali orchurd. The property is situated 1. miles from Bel - more and 011 miler, from the Village of Wrox- eter. There are about 60 acres clears t and in a fair state of cultivatiou and the farm is well watered. Secondly: -The south half of tot eight front- ing on Margaret Street in Thomas Irwin'+ Survey in the Village of Behnore. On this property is situate a comfortable dwelling. FRMS OF SALE. -Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day or sale and the balance in 20 days thereafter. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale or may be had on application to the underaignecl. Dated this 8th October, 1907. R. VANS1ONE, Wingham. Vendor's solicitor. .fauRx. EA./tett-In Wingham, on October 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. James D. Baker; a son CARD -In Wingham, on October llth, to Mr. aid Mrs. Geo. Carr; a son. DELotto-In Teeswater, Oct. 4, 20 Mr. and Mrs. 0. DoLong, a son. Hoar -In Howick, on bth inat, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Holt, a son. SANnunson-In Howick, on 6th Inst, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sanderson, a son. MCLAt etureN-In Bewick, en 6th Inst, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos, McLaughlin, a son, MARRIED Cess-Mc0nAegee-In Morris, on Cet. 2nel, by Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, Mr. John Case, of Missouri, to Miss Frank Edna B. P. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCracken, of Morris. DIED 'I'Axzon.-In Wingham, on Oct. IItth, Mary Elizabeth, wife of Mr. R. A. Taylor, aged 86 years and 20 days. ReoensON--•In Eullett, an October 2nd, Mrs. Solomon Rogerson, in Iter 81st year. Settees -In Morris, on October 8th, Joel Sellers, aged 73 years, I month and 5 days. Knettei-In d'urnberry, on October bth' Mary Krause relict of the late James Krause, of Everett, Wash., aged 07 years, { NIGHT CLA$SES,i While many young ladies and gen- tlemeu are frittering away their evenings. others aro attending our classes and fast preparing to • : ter their conditions. Evening sessions fro • '7 to 9.80 every Monday, We' .esday and Friday. Call and have a look into our courses. Special class in Penmanship, Wingham Business College L ..: O, SPOTTON, • I'RE CIYAL, . 1 TAKE NOTICE. That J. 8, Jerome, Dentist, has a patent etrehamb that be guarantees will hold any artf al set of teeth firm itt the mouth. Priees,as low as possible. All work gnaranteed. Office in Chisholm Blook, 'Wingham. OUTSIDE . ADVERTISING Synopsis of Canadian Nerthwest Homestead Regulations. A1`Y even ilaltiibered section, of T Ciniulon Lauds is itlanitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta excepting 8 and'' ;6, not reserved, may be homesteadell ny auy person who is the sole head of a fa" ily, or any male over -18 year i of age. to the exteet of ono -quarter seotiou of 100 acres, more or less Application fir entry must be made in per- son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-ageney for the district in which the hint] issttuete. Entry by proxy may, how- ever, he made at an Areuey en certain co di - tions by hisfather, mother, son, dao ter, brother or sister of an intending hom Bader. 'rite homesteader is regpired to per'brm the homestead duties under one oft folicwing pinus: (1) At least six months' res' eneo upon and cultivation of the land in obi year for three years. 13 (21 A homesteader mar. if he so desires perform the required residence duties by living on farming land owned solely by hint, not less than eighty 1801 acres in ex' eat, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this. requirement. (8) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) in acres extent. in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon e homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own resi- dence duties by living with the father (or mother.) (4) The term"vicinity" in the two preced- ing paragraphs is defined as meaning not )nose than nine miles in a direct line, exclusive of the width of road allowances Crossed in the measurement. (5) A homesteader intending to perform his residence duties m accordance with the above while ]lying with parents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent $tor the district of such intention. Six months' notice in writing must ibe given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N -B. -Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid tor. Change in Time Table on Canadian Pacific Railway TAKING EFFECT OCTOBER 18x8, 1907 1 BALED TENDER signed, and end sloe. of Lion's Head this office until Frid sively, for the cons to the wharf at Lio Ont., according to a be seen at the office dent Engineer, Co Toronto ; 11.0. La London. Ont., on a at Lion's Head, On of Public Worsts, 0 Tenders will not on the printed -for the actual signatur An accepted the payable to the ord Minister of Public one hundred della ($1,100,00). mutt accom- pany each tender. he cheque will be forfeit- ed if the person tend ring decline the contract addressed to the under - sed "Tender for Exten- harf," will be received at •r , October 18, 1907, inolu- ruction of an extension s Bead, Bruce County, .lan and speoification to of J. G. Sing, Esq., Resi- federation Life Building, Esq , Resident Engineer, lieation to the Postmaster and at the Department tawa. e considered unless made supplied, and signed with s of tenderers. ue on a chartered hank, r of the honourable the Works,f one or o e thousand or fail to complete t and will be returned of tender. The Department d dept the lowest or an ie work contracted tor, n case of non-acceptance es not bind itself to am tender. order, FRED GELINAP, Secretary. Works, ember 20, 1907. t be paid for this adverts• t it without authority Department of Publ`, Ottawa, Se. Newspapers will uo semens if they inset from the Department Trains will arrive and leave Wingham Station as follows : * Train No. 22, eastbound, arrive 7:00 a.m., leave 7:08 a.m. * Train No. 24, eastbound, arrive 8:16 p.m., leave 3 24' p,m. * Train No. 21, westbound, arrive 1:07 p.m., leave 1:15 p.m. * Train No. 28, westbound, arrive 10:27 p.m., leave 10:35 p.m. (5) Daily except Sundays. J. Ii. BEEMER, Amu.. Orders ter the insertion of iidvertleefnents aitch as teachers wanted, bu2lneas chances mechanic$ vwantM, artioiee for sale, or in fatiti any kind of an advt, in any of the 2'aronto or athor city papers, may Lie left et the TiMae cult(, T.7riaworkswillreeeireisUrein iattention and will save peopple the trouble e2 rem%ttinp part and fotWardin advertleements. Lowest ft rates will b1e gnotod an xp HCAtion. Lea�it or send your next work of this kind to she vinris onion oE,r viri.until( t. TELEGRAPHY for Railway and Commercial work is well taught by us. Our new book "Guided by the Key," explains, Bent with first lesson to any Appli- cant on receipt of 4 cents in stamps. Address Central School of Tele- graphy, 3 (3errnrd at. east. Toronto. W. H. StrAw, President. LARGEST ANO BEST CENTRAL. STRATFORD.. ONT. Hy being the beet this school has beoome the largest business training school in 'Western Ontario. Oar en- rollment again exceeds that of a year ago. Why? Beoanse our centime are thorough and practical with special - lets in charge of our Com nerelal Shorthand and Telegraphy de. pextnients. All our graduates obtain good positions. Ton may enter nosy, Write for our free catalogue. EEUDTT & * LAC HLANy PHINOX?AtS. AUDITIONAL HOM ESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS T6 WINNIPEG. and all points in the NOP.TIi-WEST Special Trains leave Toronto TUESDAY, TUESDAY, TUESDAY, TUESDAY, TUESDAY, AVG. 27 SEP. 10 SEP. 24 00x. 8 OCT. 22 Return second-class tickets from Wing - ham at very low rates, ranging from W in- nineg 182.00, to Edmonton, $42.60. Good for sixty days. TOURIST SLEEPING, CARS on each excursion. Comfortable .berths at small extra cost. Obtain free pamphlet, rates and full information from J. R. ISEEMEIR, Agent, Wingham, or from C. B. Foster, Dist. Pass, ,Agt., C.P.R., To- ronto. a iHHt HIR1'`r 3( '1;R Hi 1) SiJ1�% I p: MI *Inas 113010111101F.MHOICHHH0 HHHIHRHIHHHEMINTWIll HINHHHHHHMONHimin Everything Cooked OD. the " HURON " Range is DONE TO A TURN. 'You are sure of satisfaction if you patronize home industry. us when in need of Call and see Furnaces, Base Burners, Steel Ranges, Gast Ranges, Wood Stoves, -in fact anything you require in the stove and heating line. R. Y. ?a3uf,%na9`e5g=.a,:1-10gWN'=.CEfFgTiJ i;o!;'n= ...R YYRYY c 3�r ,i��8_na_ 12>5 !!M c4:1 s 1:,"413 M C° L •msacrero,ri0oreer []Eighty-seven per cent of the Cana- dian farmers own their own farms. Major Thos. Beattie was nominated for the Commons by the Conservatives of Loudon, Ont., and the Labor interests nominated lair. John D. Jaoobs. VVVVs YVYVVVV_WYVVVVVVItwva,'V ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :NEWSPAPER' BARGAINS For Purity, Strength and Flavor MyTeas are unsurpassed. They are the blending of many years rC experience, and are a combination z of only the highest grades of teas. Z <{ GIVE THEM A TRIAL. MY COFFEE j is the very beet that money can t buy. Those who get it onoe come back for it. iISN'T THAT A PROOF * OF IT'S GOODNESS. 1111111106011 3: The Tieing offers the following .1, bargains for new aubaoribers :-- 2 g, Times and Toronto Daily ' 4. World to January let, 1908, .50 t Times and Weekly Globe to January let, 1909 $1.45 ,2N Times and Weekly Sun to January let, 1008 Times and Weekly Mail 4' and Empire to January let, 1908. :2.254.'1 i' Times and Fatuity Herald '1' and Weekly Star to Jant ' ]try tat, 1908. .2IS * 101111111111•11 Send at in your order early.so that you will get the full advantage of the offer you ` l p� . . 'Tilt TIMES:. MOAK ONT. - 1i< Henry Christie i Grocer and China Merchant MAAAAAA AMNAMMM►AAir►i AAAA ress Goods! Beautiful Dress Goods in Tweed effects, were 60 cents per yard, aro now offered, while they last, At 49 Cents a Yard. They are well worth your careful attention. " Money saved is money made." Also a splendid assortment of CLAN TARTANS, very pretty and very good. All shades, textures and quality of other lines of Dress Goods that for beauty of finish and excellence of quality should claim special attention. No trouble to show our goods. JUST A WORD .ABOUT OUR NEW AND FASHIONABLE LADIES' COATS for Fall and Winter wear. Every garment properly cut and tailor made, and finished exactly to our order. Come in and sae them before you decide whereto buy; it'wili pay you. Great cut in Flannellettes here now. Good time to buy. D. M. GORDON. Fon SALE -- Several good White Wyandotte cockerels. Apply at Thins office. Fort SALE -First- class 100 acre farm, two miles from Wingham. All in grass. Get particulars from H. DAVIS, George Ritz was killed at Stratford by. touching an electric wire. M. J. O'Mara, a Wallaceburg hotel- keeper,was fined two hundred dollars- -and costs for the third conviction of hav- ing sold after hours. v$ TO -S v$ Stoves at Cost_ FOR CASE ONLY, FOR 15 DAYS, COMMENCING OCT. lst 2, We want the room and the motley ; you want the stoves. So we are offering for fifteen days the greatest sale of Stoves - and‘Ranges, Base Burners, Coal and Wood Heaters that has ever been offered in Wingham. Call and look them over while the stock is large. Now is your time to save money. YOUNG'S ` BIG HARDWARE. P;•.`i, J,7 '. rr�Cr,?yf -',1 41- 11 )i`J fti1 ('+If .i1C-5ll,si l�is,FIT^7i iti,,r.i.°i"C Li i1agh i�Yi ,�Ir ir�l.��irri�- s eteie .r� t