The Wingham Times, 1907-10-17, Page 6THE WINGILI}1 TIKES, OCTOBER 17, 1007 ,/+ A very eatidfactory way to clean mei:MnQRequire Nerve c.--, c e,,,c �,.� �. after they have been hnug nn the Nile M41! Aly '" +i .. '• and. heatprtlel to bosh them carefully and [Dena Tonle. .ue wide a wide broom dippe.l ill gasoline. It Blood tl Itching. Burning Skin Diseases ----- Cureci Tor Thirty-five) Cents. ---Dr lht'f, yrpj .f Tea k. Do you know that five .cups of Red Rose Tea (40c. grade) only cost one cent? You canactually make 200 cups from one pound. It is easy to prove this. Buy a package and try it. eft your Grocers. Kernels frain to Wahl MU! Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Irelan 1 holds the record for center.a- rians. The fortress at Malta is regarded as second to Gibraltar. Trial Catarrh treatments ere r+einet mail- ed out free, on regeest, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Thede tests are proving ro the people—without a penny's cost—the the great value of this scientific prescrip• tion known ro druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Soli by all dealers. Mitchell passed a bylaw to loan $10,- 000 to the woolen mills. It takes 0,500,000 acres to grow the world's, tobacco. CAST RIA For Infants and Chaclren. The glad You Have Always Bought Bears the reignature of 144 In a census of this world the percen- tage of blind persons is 64 to every million. • A light of one -candlepower is plainly visible at one mile and one of three• candlepower at two miles. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionshess, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. When a man drops his coin at the races he can charge it up to running ex - pensee. Common snuff sprinkled in the chinks round the fireplace will drive away crickets. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics, for they are not only safe, but deoidedly certain and prompt. Preventics contain no Quinine, no laxa- tive, nothing harsh nor sickening. Tak- en at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Prevent/co Good for feverish children, 48 Proven - tics 25 cents, Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold by all dealers. Gas in mines in bawl rook often shows a marked. increase in flow when the barometer is 19w, C.f ttl CD Mt. 1 -El. Deem tka The Kind You Have Always B0:13:13 Sign itnza a The 'Teelited States maintains 3,778 mimionades in Japan, China, Korea, the Philippines, Burmah Siam, India Tibet, Persia, Turkey, Egypt and the South American countries. GOAD BLOOD ITS QUALITY S0 WILL BAD BLOOD, The one Ina healthy body and ruddy complexion, the other in ill -health, blotches, pierples, boils and sores and frequently. iii inteaser forms as eera, Isbe+ee :,ell. e_ysipsias, salt rheum, etc, Every or,; m of the body depends on the blued foe force and vitality, and is but sea:ltiiv served when the blood is impure. Nopremedy is so potent as a blood puriti,'e or more rapidly produces new and h .filthy blood than BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS iwhtch neutralizes the various poisons and ±Storrs tits vitalizing power of this all Pectaut fluid. ?or sale by all druggist$ stud 4sale r. A,Rut-W'8 °Intuirnt• r'...L-v' s ter our rinv end cured Tetter. Salt inseam. Seaid Head, I.czema, Berta is Iuth, Uinta ii, H ototte^et tied all erupt:la s et the t.itiu I, le eeunthing and gn:erin.: an•t acts like : taaeie in the env: or ail baby hntuore. +:i•tld by A L llruiilt•iu-47 O•t Satnrdey, the 5th hist.. tho death of Wit Wine Keuuedy occurred in Ariz qua. D,cenaed way a sou of the late Jahn I Keneerly aim for years resided cu the 12th orncession of Huron. Two Kingston schoolboys who played truant were sentenced to a whipping by the Police Magistrate. Nearly forty miles of Grand Trunk Pa- oido tiack have been laid west of Fort Willi•tm and trains are running daily. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re - moven all hard, sott or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Sr'.ve $50 by use of one bo•tle Warranted the most wonderful Btemieh Care ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil- ton. The schooners Erie Stewart and On- tario, from Chatham. were wrecked in trying to make Socthampton harbor. The New York State excise depart- ment receives from the saloons of Man- hattan and the Bronx boroughs $17,808 each day in the year. Pain nowhere, pain in the head, painful periods, Neuralgia, toothache, all pains can be stopped by a thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Pain simply means congestion—undue blood pressure at the point where pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this unnatural blood nreesnre, and pain im- mediately departs, Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. and get a free trial peak - age, Large box 25 cts.—Druggists. Preparations are being made at Ottawa for the opening of Parliament, which is expected to take place about the third week in November. The corporation of Richmond, an important London suburb, recently raised the salary of its librarian to $3 75 a week, and that of the porter to $6 25. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organa only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum - edam, diabetes, congestion, infiamation t gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Mr. Alexander Faul and Mrs. Eliza- beth Craig, both of Owen Sound, were recently married. He is 83 years old and she is 81. Cassie Chadweck, whose doings in the financial world caused a sensation in America three years ago, is dead in the Ohio State Penitentiary. Manly Str+arigtll and Womanly Beauty depend 61i purity oftho bluou, and much of that purity depends on pa - feet kidney filtering. If these organs are diseased and will not perform their functions, man will seek in vain for strength and woman for beauty. South American Kidney Cure drives cut all impurities through the body's "filterors" —repairs weak spots. Sold by A, L Hatnilton,-- 4G. SERINO MEDICINE. As a spring ut?die:ince Burdock Blood Sitters has no equal. It' tones up the tyst'iri and removes all impurities from she blood, and takes away that tired, dreary Yeeline eo prevalent iu the spring. When a be a stead creaks at eanh move- ment of the sleeper remove the slats and wrap the earls of each io old news- paper. Tris will insure complete ail- euce. J. P. Newman, of Wiarton, bought 100 tons of hay near Stratford and will have it shipped north immediately. Tho hay will cost him $17 a ton at Wiarton. Use fine wire for hanging up such ar titles as rolling pins, chopping halves, potatoe mashers and pastry beards. The wire loop is perfectly clean. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 26 cents. Speechless and Paralyzed.—"I had vatvuler dieeaee, of the heart," writse Mre. J S. Goode, of i'rnro, N. S "I suffered terribly and was often speech- less and partially paralyzed. One dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure far the Heart gave me tenet, and before I finished one bottle I was able to go about. Today I am a well woman." Sold by A. L Hamilton. —43. Vaseline stains on clothing should be taken out before the articles are sent to the waeh, for soap sets them. Soak thetas in to-pentine, kerosene. or alcohol before putting the garments in water. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments, can he quickly corrected with a nresoription known to druggikts every- where verywhere as Dr. Shooa'a Restorative. The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of the Stomach, etc. Sold by all dealers, While coupling cars near Teeswater, the left knee of William Squires, a 0. P. R brakeman, was badly crashed A special train took him to Toronto Hospital. Better without a Stomach then with one that's got a constant "hurt" to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimu- late the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of life and leave no bad effects—carry them with you in your vest pocket—GO iu a box, 35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -48. A few drops of turpentine added to cold•water starch or boiled staroh will How Aro Your- Nerves? The dilly grind of life burns up a man's vitality faster ;tutu he renews it Us gets shaky. starts at trifles, tosses in hew strep, ready to fly cif the handle any minute. The nervous man is nervous because his blood is so thiu his nerves are starv- ed to death He nerds Ferrozonol Its time a.itiau is upon the digestion. It stimalates secretion of gastric juice, ensures perfect diuestion. prepares the food so it can be at mute assimilated. Hence the hloo.i is nuuriehiid, is fortified, made redder, rirher, stronger. To the whole corganiem is imparted a vita, endnrauce anti res,rve of vigor th It the nervous luau never knew before. The restorative power of Ferrozone is marvelous. In a month it will make you feel like new, jest as it did. Mr, Karl E Newsome, of R.otheeay, who writes: ' I owe a debt or gratitude to Ferrozoae whish saved my life atter a sego of nervous prostration, About a year ago my healeh gave oat. I was in snoh a weak irritable condition I couldn't work, and found that threhi doctors did noth- ing for me. My druggist recommended Ferrez)ne as the beet preparation for nervous troubles, so I commenced with one tablet at meals. Every box of Ferr- ozone I took dud me more good than the previous one and it wasn't very loug before I was strong enough to move around again. In three mouths I was completely cured. Ferroznne braced up my nerves, 'gave mea strong healthy constitution, and is certainly a marvelous restorer and tonic," Try Ferrozone—sold everywhere by druggists in 50c. t'oxes, give an excellent gloss to the liuen, and will prevent it from sticking to the iron. A weak stomach, causing dyspepsia, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermit- tent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strength- en these inside or controling nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this sim- ple trial. Sold by all dealers. The efficiency of the human heart is greater than that of any piece of machin- ery, taking into consideration the size. Itpnmbsnearly eight tons of blood daily. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar- ber's Itch and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolrord's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Mince the left -overs of any sort of meat, season highly, put a tablespoon- ful on a four inch equare of pastry rolled thin, fold, making a three•oor- nered turnover, and fry in deep fat. kn appetizing breakfrst or luncheon dish is made by boiling liver, obpppibg it very fine and mixing it with rice. The resultant hash may or may not bz flavored with a little onion, wording to tpeta, The first ptibiic plowing match ever hold in the Counties of Huron, Brnce and Perth, took place in the year 1847, on what was then known as the Gibson Farm, on the Huron Road, Goderieh Tp., Mtnated about a mile 1rem Goder- ich, Quite a number took part in the contest, though the land was not then anything like as well cleared as it is now, and so far as is known, the only man still living who was one of the successful contestants, ie Mr. John Buch- anan, of Colborne, Who still hate and hearty, Could beat many younger men In handling the plow yet. A dnmb tramp has been arrested in Berlin for begging. He used a phono• graph, visiting private houses only, where his machine poured out a heart- rending tale of its owner's misfortunes. In. England the telephone apprentice serves three years. In the shop, six mouths; with experienced instrument setter, three months; in ewitohroom, 18 months; Ostrom, three months, and on instrument faults, six months. Tha feral products for the year 1906 in the United Suttee have a farm value of $6.79.4,000,000. This is $485,000,000 above the value of 1905 and $2,077,000,- 009 above that of 1899. The value for 1000 was 8 per cent greater than that of 1905, 10 per cent over 1905, 15 per cent over 1903 and 44 per cent over 1899, For Over Sixty Years. An old and Weil-Tried-Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, mires wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Guaranteed under the Fond and Drug Aot, June 30th, 1906. Serial Number 1098. Twitchy Pdllsoles and Sleeplessness. — The hopeless heal t sickness that settles on a man or woman whose nerves are shattered by disease can best be pictured in contrast with a patient who has been in the "deptha" and has been dragged from them by South American Nervine. George Webster. of Forest, Out., says: "I owe my life to it. Everything else failed to cure." Sold by A. L. Hamil- ton. -44. As evidence of the deoline of tippling in England it is stated that the number Of public hooses in 1881 was 96,727, and in 1904 the number was 91,502. 1 - CATARRH If you want a sure cure for CATARRH OF THE HEAD, here it is. . . O11GEMTOR THE REASON WHY : 1I1 CAUSNI- OXYGENATOII HEALS Tho mucous membrane being in an ;riflemen condition, causes running at the note; but when this membrane is ItenGd the discharge ceases. ]fiver effort ehoutd lie made to cure Catarrh, for It leads to tettxrrh of the Throat, Stomach or Bladder, (onsump- Oen and Bright's Disease. "Oxygenator" is put np in large sire bottles. Price $1.25. Van, and ,,00 "Oxygenator"lis sold by all wholesale and retail druggist:3. The Oxygenator Company oronte, Canada. , Use a heavy ribbo d silk ribbon about two inches wide, and fold it in the same way you would in making a bow for a pair of pumps—no ends and the erose piece in the centre, not drawn in, but left the width of the bows. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25c,- CATARRHCURE... is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower, Reals the ulcers, clears the ate passages, stops droppings in the throat and ppetmanantly cures Catarrh and Stay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. If you are troubled with insomnia try drinking a glassfnl of hot milk after getting into bed. Sip it very slowly and as hot as possible. Some people like a pinch of sugar or salt in it. Hot milk has a soothing effect on the nerves and helps to induce sleep. CICDR=A. Bears the ,The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of .444i The friends of Mr. Thos. Sanderson, formerly of Stapleton, will sympathize with him in the death of his wife, which 000ared at Godericb on Sunday, Oot. Gth at the early` age of 42 years, Deceased hag,, had a1iiigering illness, borne with Ohristion resignation and fortitude, and her death was not altogether unexpected. The President a Slave to Catarrh. —D. T. Sample, president of Sample's Instalment Company, Washington. Pa., writes: "For years I was afflicted with Chronio Catarrh. Remedies and treat- ment by specialists only gave me tempor- ary' relief until I was induced to use Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It gave almost instant relief. 50 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -49. Bernard Goetz last week Bold his 100 acre farm, lot 1E, concession 18, Oar- riek, to Mr. Fred Rneswurm for $7500. This is a big price to pay for 100 acres Of land, but it is probably the best farm in the township. Mr. Goetz intends buying another farm in Carrick. CIASal Csrt. XA. Beane e 'the Kind You Havve-e Always B the augh $lgnatdre rc;CC�iG'- af Typewriter Bar: nips.—We are agents for second hand typewriters of all makes at prices ranging tient a few dollars Up to S85 00. 11 you want a good rebuilt tvrewrttsr nt close figures, oo;tsult us. THE WIN(:IIIAM TIbt»s. The death coon-^- rr d in Seaforth on Saturday evening, Oct. 5th, of Agnes Grant, relict of the late John Crioh. Deceased was in her 59th year. For many months she had been in very feeble health, but through it all had been a patient sufferer. She wtis a woman of most amiable disposition, and was loved by all who kuew her. A visitor recently told us a story of a canny Scot who believed in getting all that was coming to him, He had in- vested tan oents in a lottery tioket—and drew a fine horse and carriage. Going to claim his property, he surveyed it critically and slowly, and noticing a lana in the equipment, exclaimed with a sternness in his tone that made the olerk tremble: "Whaur's the whip?" Health and Vitality for Old People As old age oreepe on vitality is lower- ed, the heart beats more slowly, the blood becomes thin and watery and the power of resistauce is lessened. It is the old people above all others who require the new life and energy, which come with the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Thousands of old people depend on this treatment, because is calms and quiets the nerves, gradually and certainly en- riches the blood, builds asp the system and instils new life and vigor into their shrivelled arteries. Blank lace may be successfully treated by squeezing it in a lather of motile soap made with tea instead of water. It should then be rinsed once or twine and left to soak for several hours in an in- fusion of tea made with a teaspoonful each of tea and gum arabin to a pint of water, while many people recommend as an alternative a lather made of soap and milk instead of soap and water. With nearly 150 acres of wooded lands per head of population, Canada possess- es a forest heritage incomparably greater than that of any other nation, Accord- ing to the dates and flguresycompiled by the Dominion Statistioian,Nerway comes next to Canada, with a little over 9 acres per capita, Sweden with about the same, the United States with 7 acres, and Rus- sia with about 4 acres. CATARRH CANNOT BE CUBED with local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased' portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachiau Tnbe. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire• ly closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out andrthis tube restored to its normal con- dition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine oases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, whioh is nothing but an inflam- ed condition of the mucous surfaoee. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. You'll never make a good unless you take an occasional chance. When yon hear anything that is too good to be true it is'time-to stand from Under. One factory in Cape Colony ie turning out cheese at the rate of 100,000 pounds annually. Potato growers in North Wales are warned by the board of agriculture and fisheries to destroy at once any plant infeoted with the disease known as "blaok scab." It is a. disease of recent introduction, and passes in the spring fro& the non -infections winter stage to the highly dangerous summer stage. The death of Mies Mary Weber, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Weber of Mildmay, took plane on Sat- urday afternoon in the hospilal at Buff- alo, after a long and exceedingly painful illness. Two years ago deceased took ill with a cancer, and a year later under- went an operation for the same. This however, did not prove to be stiooeeeful and on Good Priddy of this year, anoth- er operation was performed, eine which time she has been unable to leave the hospital. Mise Weber was 130 years of apse, and was highly Warmed by sIl who knew her. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. HOLDS FIRE ALL NIGHT The good housewife always feels like bestowing Pandora a cheerful "good morning." Why so Because the Pandora always has a nice bed of hot coals as a reward for checking off the dampers closely before retiring to rest. In five minutes after turning on the drafts she will have a good, strong {:re. Should she sleep two or three hours longer than usual there will still be a fire ready for her. The fire -box, flues and dampers are so scientifically arranged that the Pandora can be regulated to hold a fire from 24 to 36 hours. Pandora owners never have their sleep disturbed with dreams of making a new fire in the morning. If your local dealer does not handle this most perfect of all ranges, write dirept to us for Free Booklet. London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, Hamilton ALEX. YOUNG - AGENT - WINGIIAb1 Capital paid up, $3,633,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $4,720,000 Total Assets, over 51,000,00D' WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on ell pointe in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposit, of $1 and upwards, and edde4 to principal quarters -- end of March, Jttne, September and Deoem- ber each year, D. T. JHEPB1IRN, Manage. R, 'Vsnetone, Solicitor. • We teach the " Gregg " System of Shorthand because we know it is the best. It is written iri one straight line and based on the movement required to write ordinary longhand. It re- quires no shadings, back slants or vettical strokes which are " hard to rem }ber" and require "slackening up' to snake correctly. The Gregg is thus easier to learn, write and read. A speedy, accurate stenographer is the result. • The Principal of our Shorthand School graduated under the author of the " Gregg system, and her two assistants are graduates of the Busi- ness Educators' Association. You are assured of the very best tuition here. ' More information in our large , illustrated catalogue, which we would like to mail you free. First lesson on Gregg sent free on application. A greater demand for our gradu- ates than we can supply. ° FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE J. W. WESI'ERVELT, ' Principal, London. Members of Business Educators' Association. '.r 1410 O J M4Ifl�T The only way to start a.Savl'ngs Account hi to start iti Good, inten Vans do\note bear interest—neither does Idle money. TheiBank of Hamilton pays interest at high.. est current rate, compounded quarterly.' WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT. , THE CAATADIAN BANK: OF COMMERCE HEAD OPI!ICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1887 B. K. WALKER, President ALEk. LAIRD, General Manager A. S. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 • Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England . .A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERc AL AND FARMERS` PAPER blaCOUNTEDI s ✓ SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposit of $1 and upwards received, and interest Billowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever its. the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of.ths depoelt. ` XNGUAM BRANCH A, E. MITE, MANAGIV.ii.. 84 i d 0