HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-09-26, Page 5FAIR WEEK Visitors to the Fair Who have a few minutes to spare Can spend diem to advantage looking through our stock of New Fall Goods. NEW OVERCOATS NEW RAIN COATS NEW FUR COATS AND OAPS. NEW MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS NEW HATS AND OAPS NEW SHIRTS, COLLARS AND TIES NEW GLOVES AND HOSIERY NEW BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS NEW OVERALLS AND SMOCKS NEW FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR (Stanfield's make,) In fact all departments of the store are filled with the newest and up-to-date Clothing that money can buy. Special for Fair Days Men's Black Cloth Coats, made of splendid quality of Beaver, Silk Velvet Collar, latest styles, and perfect fittings; regular $1 2.00, Fair days $10.00. McGee b: Campbell NVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV AAA AAA AAAAAAAAAV\AAAAAAAAA c Do You Want to Saye Money Then come here for your Children's Shool Shoes Sturdy, solid, sensible. ' Boys and Girls are our particular hobby, and we buy to please them and their parents. REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. NN J'HNSTON Shoe Dealer AA• AAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA/1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Wingham. 040•0•1100.•••••00•0041410•••••.o ♦ • • • • • • • i ••• • • t i• 4 i♦ ••O••00•••••00•••O•••••••• • • • • •• •• • •• • dee Hive Selling We're overcrowded -with Two Stocks in One Store, we Haven't Room for Proper Display -Will You Help Us to Make Room for Goods now Arriving ? • • COMMMENCING SEPTEMBER 25 We will for ten days offer goods at astonishingly low prices, of which we quote only a few: - GROCERIES. Granulated Sugar, per. bag - Raw Sugar, per bag - Sunlight Soap, per box - Bee Hive Soap " Wonderful Soap - Green or Blaok Tea, 5 pounds for Bee Hive Starch, 4 paokages for Dnnn's Mustard, 3 tins for - • - Carnation Salmon, 2 tine for Datoh Oleanser, 8 tins for Barton Cough Medicine, large dollar bottle, beat " small (250) bottles forj 40c Coffee, ground while waiting, per ib Brooms, 80 cent lines - - Brooms, 20 bent lines 2 for • Lamp Chimneys, large, 4 for Lamp Chimneys, small 6 for Lantern Globes, 8 for - - - Currants and Raisins, 23/ lbs. • - Mixed Peale, 3 lbs. for Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for - - - - Essence of Lemon, Vanilla and Peppermint, 3 for Spines, 40 cent lines, per ib - Sweet Cakes, 31bs. for • • Biscuits, 31b. tins - - - -V • O • • • • • • • $4.90 4 00 • 4 00 O 375 3.75 •• 1.25 •. .25 • .26 • .25 .ise .30 2 .20 .25 • .25 ,25 • .25 .25 0 .25 e .25 • • ,25 • .80 • • .25 .23 w • ••• • • •2 • • • ••T • • 1T DRESS GOODS, die. ♦i Best shades, $1.00 line, for por yard . • Heavy material, 90o per yard for - *; Beautiful lines to choose from at - 4; Heavy Tweeds. a few pieces at - - Flannelette -10c lines for 8o 150 lines for Cotton -7o lines for 6o 130 lines for - Collars and Belts of latest patterns, 35c lines for Corsets, 1000 to choose from, $1.00 line ♦ Corsets, 60o lines for • • • le Dress Trimming and others at quarter price. Goats, Ladies' Gents' just in, Rain and Tweeds, $10.00 ones fir $6.00, $16,00 for - $10.00 ' A number of cheap Coats - - 5.00 ► Silk Waists, black and white, $5.00 lines at - • 8.50 '• " $3.00 " • 2.00 Lawn Waists, beautiful lines at • - .50 't better ones worth $2.00, for- - 1.00 Ladies' and Gents' Nightwear, $1.50 for 75o and • • 1.00 Ladies' Skirts, worth $5.00 for $4.00, $4.00 ones for - - • - 3.00 Shirts and Underwear at half price. Hata and Caps for carrying away. Boys' and Men's Snits at Your own prices, to clear. Overalls, Smooks, Mitts, Moos- lined Shirts, 20o off. Carpets, Rugs, Lae Curtains, all of vrhioh we are going out of- ' come and take theta away. Good fireproof safe and riding saddle for sale at half price. • 1 .80 .60 .40 .40 .11 .11 .15 .80 .40 and M EEE HIVE STORE WINGHA A. E. ENGLAND - Proprietor. ltN04i N1 N1*NM•••••N f./Asl••••••.es_1••klb. THE WINGIIAM TIMER, SEPTEMBER 26, 1907 swamis. Frank Oloakey, 611i line, is bank from a stay of two months in the Northland. He was at Kenora, Port Arthur and Fort William, A. few trips were also made on the grain boat on the lakes. On Sabbath, 29th inst., Rev, M. J. Wilson, B.A., of Teamster, will preach at the Harvest Home services in Eben- ezer Methodist ohuroh, 2nd line, at 11 a,m. and 7 p.nol. A thank offering will be taken for whioh envolopes will be dlsteibated, .Ever Have Cramps? Kind of fierce to be tied up in a knot at midnight with oramps. Keep Ner- viline handy. Ten drops quiets oramps instantly. Used 000asionaily Nerviline prevents this trouble entirely, From Stratford, Ont., Wm. Dee writes :- "Nothing I know of will give ouch quick relief to oramps, oolio or pain in the stomach as Nerviline. If yon feel squeamish or sink, just ten drops of Nerviline in water and your well next minute," Think of the protection and comfort contained in a 25o bottle of Nerviline, and get it today. BLYTR Mr. T. W. Scott has resumed his duties as manager of the Bank of Hamil- ton here, after being off duty through Ill health since last spring. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley visited at Exeter last week. Mr. A. W. Sloan has sold his large orchard of apples to a buyer from Goder- ioh, getting a fancy price. If the weath- er is favorable he will have in the neigh- borhood of 1000 barrels. Mr, John Brown. who has been attending the Detroit Medical College, and since it olosed been doing hospital work in the city, is at present visiting his mother here. MORRIS. A happy event took place at the homo of Mr. John Roe, 2nd line, on Wednesday of this week when his daughter, Miss Isabella Carolina Roe was joined in wedlock with Mr. Fred Fred Taylor, of Gerrie. There was a large number of guests present and the happy oonple will have the very best wishes of a large circle of friends. From 27 to 29 loa.ed fiat oars are haul- ed on each trip by the two engines on tho G. T. R. from the Duncan -Barr gravel pit. Another engine attends to the switching at the pit. A telegraph opera- tor ie kept there also so as to avoid accidents by collisions..„ A. Question Often Asked. Why so many people feel worse after taking pills than before ? Trouble is that drastic pills are used. No remedial action is obtained, the bowels aro irri- tated and dreadful constipation follows. In using Dr. Hamilton's Pills yon are scarcely conscious of having taken medioine. Although very mild, Dr. Hamilton's Pills do regulate the bowels, stimulate normal action of the glands, and create neither nausea, griping or violent action. Positively guaranteed for biliousness, indigestion, stomaoh, liver and kidney ills. For a safe family pill rely on Dr. Hamilton's. 25o per box at all dealers. GODERICH. Frederick A. Reid of Goderich and his young wife, who wore spending their honeymoon in Guelph and the vicinity, were fatally injured in a cross- ing accident on the G. T. R. Friday morning at a point about three miles north of Hespeler. The particularly sad feature of the incident is that they had just been married here on Wednesday morning of last week and were spend- ing their honeymoon in the looality where the accident & anrred. Mr. Reid was a young man of about thirty years, and was in the employ of the Goderioh Elevator & Transit Company here as dock foreman. His young bride was formerly Mies Etta McDowell, and she had lived in Goderioh for a number of years with her mother at the "Lake- view," a popular summer resort. The news of the fatality came as a shook to everyone in town. • o BRUSSELS. Mrs. Robt. Alphine left town last week to join her husband at Lnoknow where he is associated with the new Clothing Co. A demise that evoked wide sympathy took place at Mount Forest last Friday Sept. 13th, when Elsie Gertrude, be- loved wife of H. E. Fawcett, brother to W. J. Fawcett, of Brussels, was called away to her home, at the age of 36 years. A baby boy 2 weeks old and 4 little girls are left in addition to the husband. At the last meeting of the W, 0. T. U. the following office bearers were elect- ed :-Presidnt, Mrs. A. McGuire; 1st vice President, Mrs, W. Rands; 2nd vice President, Mrs. R. Leatherdale; Reo- Seoretary, Mrs. A, J. Lowrv; Cor. -Seo- retary, Miss ;Josie Buchanan; Treasurer, Mrs. G. Baeker; Asst, Treasurer, Dire. R. Dark; Press Supt., Mrs. M. Buchanan. At Trout Creek on Ang, 80th, Mary Ann Newsome, beloved wife of James MOIntosh, passed away at the age of 50 years, 11 months and 26 days. The decea- sed was born in the vicinity of Brussels, Huron County, on the 4th day of Sept., 1856, being a daughter of Mrs. Wm. Newsome, a resident of this place. She leaves a husband and 9 Ohildren to mourn her dottiest. 4000.0000040001414040004000000 That hacking cough continues Because your system is exhausted and your powers of resistance weakened. yQ Take Scott'.r Emulsion. It builds up and strengthens your entire system.' ' It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. :01091C90010/004110000000010/0010401090ALL DRUGGISTS: Sec. AND $1.OQ 41, CRANItMt.00K. t wHTTE(iHIIItCH. At noon on W dd fl t k e nes ay o as wee , at the residence of the bride's father, Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brussels, perform- ed the marriage ceremony between Miss Lizzie Cameron and Robert Tyreman, young people well known in this looality. Howard Tyreman and Miss Minnie Cameron were groomsman and brides- maid. After the expression of congrat- ulations the company, which consisted of only the immediate relatives, sat down to a well prepared dinner. The happy young couple took train for the East on a short honeymoon trip followed by the good wishes of a wide oirole of friends. May their joys be many. Resign From the Worry Club. Life is a rush, but we can't all get there together. In consequence, we worry -Can't help it because nerves aro weak, vitality is bnrn't up and there's no stirring power left. Out out the worry part, and build up. Let Ferro - zone help you. It's a most etreugthen. ing nutritive tonin. Fills the blood and iron, supplies building material for worn out organs, generates the sort of vitality that makes you want to do things. No medicine more helpful for mon, women and children who need strength and staying power. Try Ferrozone. 50c per box nt all dealers. GREY. Miss Marion McKay, 9th con., has arrived home from a year's stay at Earl Grey, Sask., which she enjoyed. Alex. MoDonald, 4th con„ who has been dangerously ill, is making favor- able progress and we trust he will soon be convalescent. Mrs. R. J. Hoover, 9th con., and M. Moses and Miss Raohel, of Morrie, are away on a holiday trip to the Soo, Thessalon and other points. They will be absent for a few weeks. Typewriter Bargains. -We are agents for second hand typewriters of all makes at prices ranging trom a few dollars up to $85 00. If yon want a good rebuilt typewriter at close figures, consult us. THE WINGHAbr TI]ies. Mise Susan Livingstone, of Detroit, has gone to Nevada to visit her brother Neil and uncles and aunts. Mies Mary Livingstone has returned from an en- joyable 2 months' trip with relatives at Debno, Sask. Her brother Archin and a Mr. MoAsh are in business at that point. Rev. J. R. Earle and wife, of Alberta cohference, have been visiting R. J. Hoover, 9th con., their nnole. Along with Rev. Mr. Longley and wife of the above mentioned conference, Mr. and Mrs. Earle oxpeot to sail from Vancouver for West China Mission field and will arrive at their destination about April lat. Mrs. Longley, who is Mrs. Earle's sister, was also a visitor at Mr. Hoover's. Good -Bye. 1t ii a hard word to speak. Some may laugh that it should bo, but let them. Ioy hearts are never kind. It is a word that has ohoked many an utterance, and started many a tear. The hand is clasped, the word is spoken, we part, and are out on the ocean of time -we go to meet again, where? God only knows. It may be soon, it may be never. Take care that your good-bye be not a cold one -it may be the last one yon can give. Ere you meet again death's cold hand may have closed his eyes and chained his lips forever. Ahl he may have died thinking yon loved him not. Again it may be a long separation. Friends crowd on and give you their hands, How do you detect in eaoh good-bye that love that lingers there; and how may yon bear with you the memory of these part- ing words many days? We must separ- ate. Tear not yourself away with a careless boldness that defies all love, bat make your words linger -give your heart full utterance -and if tears fall, what of it? Tears are not unmanly. -Ex. ,Established 1870 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria eresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach 1' It cures because the 'sir rendered strongly anti. septic is carried over the diseased surface With every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. menu It is invaluable to mothers with small children. Thoseotaconsumptive tendency find immediate `Ot relief from coughs or in- }lamed conditions of the throat. ' Sold by druggists. Send postal for beeldet. Lswixo, Nimes Co., Limited, .Agents, Mont - rod, Canada. 307 Volo.....: Mr. James S:mpson, of Toronto spent his vacation visiting with his brother, Mr. R. W. Simpson in Calross. The service in the Methodist church has been withdrawn for next Sunday, owing to the anniversary services in the Presbyterian church. The recent rains have made the pas- tures look better, and the butter is of a better Dolor, says the battermaker, The turnips also show an improvement. Mr. P. Mowbray, and Miss Sarah Hntohinson, of this place, were wedded recently, and ;pent the honeymoon at London. We offer congratulations. Corn cutting is in progress here. On Tuesday Mr. F. Davidson & Son's silo was filled. The corn is of good quality, and some of it matured enough for seed. Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Church here on San - day, Sep. 29th. Prof. Ballantyne, of Knox Oollege, Toronto, will conduot the services morning and evening, and Rev, D. T. L. MoKerrol of Lncknow, will conduct the afternoon meeting. A Tea meeting will be held the following even- ing, for whioh a good program is being prepared. The Epworth League of the Brick ohuroh, East Wawanosh, paid a visit to the Whiteohuroh League in the Metho- dist ohuroh on Wednesday evening last, and furnished a splendid programme along temperance lines, consisting of recitations, duets, solos, etc., after which coffee and cake were served and an enjoyable time spent. The White- church League are looking forward to returning the visit. BLIIEVALII Duff and Stewart have completed the cement work of their new flame and have installed an up to date water wheel. McKenzie Messer is spending his holi- days with his father, Mr. Wm. Messer. Ida Oleghorn is home from Toronto for a month's holiday. The iron work of the new bridge is being placed in position. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church intents. giving an Irish tea and concert on Friday evening 18th, Oct. On Tuesday evening, 17th Sept. a mis- t,ionary "At Home" was held at the Manse. About seventy-five people were present and all had a pleasant time. Rev. W. J. West M.A., was taken by surprise when Mr. R. N. Duff called kim forward and read an illuminated address and presented him with a purse of sixty-five dollars. The following is the address. To the Rev. W. J. West, M. A. Rev. and Dear Sir, -We the members of Blnevale congregation, take this op- portunity of enjoying with you and your esteemed wife and family a social hour, and to acknowledge our very sincere feelings of gratitude for your zeal and friendship on our behalf as our minister and friend. Among the greatest boons that aro bestowed on society, that of frank, honest, disinterested friendship must be found. The friendship you have established among us during the nears of your association with us holds ns endeared to you in a loving and beneficent affection that has earned for you our sincere regard. We have closely observed the diligent and painstaking interest you have taken in the people of the congregation as a whole for the pro- motion of their welfare, both spiritually and temporally, but especially with the young people ofd our congregation both as their minister and friend, sacrificing at times many of the comforts and de- lights of life for the successful promotion of their welfare. As our minister and friend we have everything good to say of you. Your influence has always been for the moral and social uplifting of the community and we trust that the pages of your life that may be spent amongst ns shall he full of pleasant and loving memories, and as a token of our regard please accept this purse as a trib- ute of our respeot and regard for your- self and your estimable wife, hoping that we may enjoy many years of your ministry in the new churoh you have so worthily assisted in raising in our con- gregation. Signed on behalf of the congregation. R. N. DUFF, Mrs. W.I. DAt IDsoN. Calgary Exhibition people have seodr- ed the Dominion Fair for 1008. The Labor Department hasbeen ep tm ant ad - 'Hied that there were 45G industrial accidents daring August. Of these 166 were fatal and 270 resulted in serious injuries. The collapse of the Quebeo bridge increased the fatalities last Aug- ust, as compared with: August, 1906. TTTHE LEADING STORE LowRia rsicti THE STORE WITH THE GOODS AND RE VALUES poimum Ladies' Nt Fall Coats and Skirts JUST RECEIVED You are cordially invited to visit our mantle and skirt department on second floor. Here you will find all that's new and up-to-the-minute in ladies', misses and children's Coats, Furs and Skirts. Satisfactory Garments are those whose style and cut will attract attention, whose quality of material and work will satisfy inspection and whose value will invite quick buying -such as ours. Space here does not allow us to give a more full detail of our extensive range. Please ask for illustrated catalogue. No. 869, Ladies' Uali'ied Black Kersey Coat, three quarterlongth, trimmed with strapping and cording, a very stylish garment, price ... ... , $12.00 No. 872, Ladies' Black Beaver Coat, full, three quarter length, trimmed wish cording and buttons. Special value at $7.50 No. 826, Ladies' Collarless Tweed Mantle, 45 inches long, fancy pockets and sleeves, braid. trimming, two box pleats on hook, a bargaiu $10.00 No. 824, Doable breasted Tweed Mantle,seven-eightslength,Gib- son shoulder effeot, braid trimming, only - ,$12,00 No, 867, Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Coat, three quarter length, trimmed with velvet and buttons, a very stylish garment, only $10.00 No 829, Ladies' double-breasted Coat, handsomely trimmed with self strapping and stitching, full three quarter length, our pride . $10.00 4034, Ladies' Gray Check Tweed Coats, three quarter length. nicely made, only. $13.00 Special line -See our special line of Ladies Black Beaver Ooats, at ,....$5.00 Children's Ooats.-Large Reinge of Children's Coats, all gazes in pretty tweed effects, itnp irted direct from England, every garment well made, prices begin at $2.00 TOP SKLRI S. Just opened up a large stock of New Fall Skirts in plain cloths and dark tweed effects, fit guaranteed. See our special black skirt at $4.00 H. E. Isard PHONE 68. Co. WINGHAM. Canada's Oldest Nurseries. We have the largest stock of Cam - RANTS, BLACEBERRIES, GRAPES and ReseemaRIEs in Oanada, also complete assortment of FRUIT and OR,VASrENTAL TREES and Sawa.*ss. Write us before placing your order. Agents wanted at once. The THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON CO., LTD., Ridgeville, Oat. Ths twelve -year-old son of WtIliam Williams of the Brant Indian reserve, fell down in a fit, and his father drove a waggon over him, killing him instantly. Citizens of Owen Sound gave Hon. A. G. McKay a great reception in honor of his appointed as leader of the Liberals in the Ontario Legislature. It may be better to mark the time than to stand still, but it is a great sin to do either when battle or work awaits US. 44+++++++++++++++++++4-++++ ++++++++++0++++++0+++++++44 1 ROYAL GROCERY.' DY=O=LA x I The new Laundry Bluing, in sheets. New idea. Simplest. x I 1• cleanest and best Bluing made. One sheet for a tub. Enough to last an ordinary family for six months. Per • package .10 I + STARCH -Cold water Starch, in packages, each ... "l c. + At G IFFIN'S. •++••+4+4.44,+4,+++++++++4+44 ++•4+••+•4.4+++4+•••••••4.M Stoves, Ranges COOK STOVES FOR COAL OR WOOD HEATING STOVES FOR COAL OR WOOD RANGES FOR COAL OR WOOD SHEET IRON HEATERS PARLOR COOK STOVES mow_ s..ssono• • Sole Agents for the celebrated HAPPY TI10'UGNT Stoves and Ranges. Old Stoves taken in exchange. Whether you wish to buy, ee1l, or trade, give as a call. CENTRAL HARDWARE W1NGBAM. H. BISHOP.