HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-09-26, Page 1THE,. WINGHAIVI TIMES.
VOL XXXVI.-N0, 1859.
Foot Powder
Regular 25c per box
Our Special Price
10c per box,
(For a short time only.)
Why have tired, swollen, oohing
feet ? 10 tits invested in the right
way will cure them.
Antiseptic Foot Powder
10c PER BOX.
WaIIon McKibbon
Macdonald Blook, Wingham.
more pupils attending than
one year ago, This speaks
eloquently as to our past
We educate to meet the
living demands of a pro-
gressive age.
Onr Stenographers a n d
Bookkeepers delight the
most m o d e r u, exacting
city offices.
Day students attend night
classes f r e e. Graduates
planed in good situations.
Individual i n ti tr a c t i o n.
Now is the best time to
enter the
t�.3L GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
All Ladies
Who' appreciate nice, stylieh
is extended by The Little Eaton dur-
ing the next few weeks, to Mow
GARMENT which are known all
over Canada as being striotly high-
class ile style, quality and workman-
100 to choose from—No 2 alike.
Old Postoffioe Store
Maodoflaln 111ook • WINGHAM.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Mr. D McPherei
contract of paolnug
t t p i g
of apples in this se
of men started at
Boyers say that t
section is much
parts of the Provi
n of town has the
ve thousand barrels
'tion, end a number
he work this week.
e apple crop in this
letter than in other
Get Parnell's Bread, at Christie's.
The Wingham fal
Thursday and Frida
attractions for Frid
bring out a large
The entries are co
usual and the exhi
mise to be larger
new exhibitors are
this year.
all Fair.
fair will be bald on
of this week. The
y afternoon should
number of people.
Hing in better than
t in all classes pro-
hen usual, as many
oming to Wingham
Want a Magazine?—TSAUNDERs.
Wedded/n Toronto.
Mr. Jas. Pluard of Huntsville, a for-
mer resident of (town, and Miss • May
Linklater, daugh er of Mrs. Thos. Link -
later, of Wingh.m, were married in
Toronto on Mona+y of this week. The
young couple ave many friends in
Wham whotbem will fah b
w em bon
voyage on the eea of life together.
Mrs. T. M. Hen i erson and eon, Perrin,
attended the • adding. Mr. and Mrs.
Pluard will resi e in Huntsville.
Fine Stationery. SArideDERS. Yon bet!
Wedding ekes Galore.
These very impo tent -adjuncts t e
wedding dinner .acre been ch in
evidence at the b kery of r. A. J.
Nioholls during th p . t ' ew weeks.
One day this week • o lethan three of
these delectable del acies were turned
out. Mr. Nicholls •sakes the genuine
article, in a variety .f styles to snit the
taste of the custom r, and judging by
the number he tarns at, the people know
where to go viten th:y want the best.
The newest style in trimmed and
untrimmed hats. M S LITTLE.
Presented wit Gold Watch.
On Friday evenin last the Huron
Old Boys' Assooiatin of Toronto pre-
sented Mr. E. Floo.y, Hon. President,
with a beautiful g.ld watch in recog-
nition of his service, to the Association
in the past, and of he good will of the
members toward . im. Mr. E. 3, B.
Dunoan, barrister,; made the present-
ation in a happy address, which was
replied to in feelin terms by the reoip.
ient. The Assooi: tion is over seven
years old and has membership of 500.
Onr New Fall Drees Goods arrived.
Get your dress or suit at G. E. KING'S
See onr large stook of picture mould-
ings. Piotnres framed while you wait
at Walker's furniture store.
In Janua
At a meeting of
pointed some time a
advisability of submit
in Wingham, held c
last, it Was decided t
taking of a vote on t
municipal elections
Some of the represen
time wag now oppo
favored the idea of
The views of the lat
the meantime a ca
on the question wil
y 1909.
he committee ap-
o to consider the
ing Local Option
1 Friday evening
arrange for the
o question at the
in January, 1909.
alives thought the
ane, while others
siting another year.
er prevailed, and in
paign of education
be entered into.
We are ready
designs. Call to
choice. Miss Lie
sowing machines in
day work. Olean, at
waged. Will pay f
staying with us
Paris, Oat.
ow with the latest
y and secure first
or work on power
hitting mill or on
ady work and good
re to Paris to girls
reasonable time.
Mr. White's ratitude.
Mr. W. G. White, bo was so badly
hurt at the C. P. R. statien some nine
weeks ago, forwards • s the following
letter, which we are ,leased to publish,
showing his apprecia ion of the treat-
ment reoeived in our ospital :--
Dear Sir,. Throug . the columns of
your paper I desire to Spiess my grati-
tude for the kind and careful attention
I t-eoeived while a pati .nt in your Wing -
ham Hospital. My ao •'dent was a very
severe one, my leg be . g badly Crushed;
and the tact that in leg was Saved at
all, I am confident is due to the Skilful
treatment I received I wish to thank
the nurses ,and doe rs especially, as
well as all the kind riends who maul -
tested so muoh inter t in my behalf.
'Yon a truly
G. Wntrm
272 Maria S . TOrtinto Jnnotion.
Concert Fri • ay Night.
The Chas. Potter Co„ of Toronto,
will give an entertain • eat in the operg
house on Friday eve • ng of this weer,
under the auspices of he A, Y. P. A. of
St. Pang's church. he program will
consist of moving plot res and illuatrat•
ed songs. The enterta nment is a od
one and the hall shoul bo well ed,
Fine Stationery. Sauk/tuts, You bet i
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butoher shop.
Haunts of Fis
Are situated an th
Grand Trunk Railw
8th to Tuesday Nov.
sold at single fare f
points in Temagam:
good and big game a
mation and tickets
from Mr, Harold, re
Grand Trunk in Win
and Game.
direot line of the
. On Tuesday, Oot.
5th, tioketi will be
r round trip to all
where fishing is
and. Full Juror -
ay be obtained
esentative of the
TIMOTHY.—Get your Timothy for fall
sowing at G. E. KING'S.
FOR SALE — Save • • 1 good White
Wyandotte cockerels. Apply at TIMES
New Story N
This week the con
our serial story is g
Next week we will e
of a new story, "The
by the well -know
Hope. This story is
which gave birth to
Zenda novels which
Look for the openin
xt Week.
lusting ohapter of
en in this issue.
art the publioation
risoner of Zenda,"
author, Anthony
e original romance
the whole race of
ve been so popular.
chapter in our next
Window shades—mo44d free, Big
line at SAUNDEra'.
Men's shoes for fall and• winter wear
are ready. Best of uppers and soles.
Death of J mes England.
Another of the ld reaidenta of this
section peened a ay on Friday last in
the person of Mr. James England, aged
78 yeats. Deceas came to the 'Town
Plot many years a o and had continu-
ously resided they , He had been con-
fined to his bed fo some time. He is
survived by his w dow and grown up
family, who will have the sincere
sympathy of many f tends. Tbo funeral
took place Sunday afternoon to the
Wingham cemetery,
Big valves in newttbilet papers at
Our women's shoes for fall and winter
wear are very handsome. New styles
are ready. W. J. GREER.
Pleasant H liday Trip.
Mr. H. Davis ha a very pleasant trip
during hie holidays at week. The Allan
Line, of which Mr. Davis has been local
agent for a num..r of years, invited
thirty of its oldest Ontario agents for a
trip. The party vas conveyed in a
special Pullman c from Toronto to
Montreal and here they went on board
the magnificent ate mer, Victorian, and
enjoyed the beautifl sail from Montreal
to Quebec. LeavinQuebec the party
was conveyed in a, special sleeper to
Toronto. The me • bars of the party
were right royally eated by the Allan
Line management .nd all enjoyed the
very pleasant outin• . While in Quebec
Mr. Davis viewed m , ny of the ecenes of
his boyhood days ausaw many changes
in the ancient city s'.• oe his last visit.
No formal milline y opening, but all
the new styles on die lay. MIss LITTLE.
Dr. Nelson Tait
Toronto, will be at
Wingham, on Frid
8 a. m. till 3 p. m.
diseases of Eye, Ea
Glasses fitted.
498 Spadina Ave.,
the Queen's hotel,
, Sept. 27th, from
or consultation iu
, Nose and Throat.
Canadian Citi ens' League.
Rev. 0. S. Eby,
spent a few days of
Wingham in the int
zation of a local br
Citizens' League.
Baptist and Meths
Sunday, and on
meeting was hel
Ohnroh, which ow
weather, was not 1
H. E. Allen press
plained the worki
tion and the good
accomplished, in
where the move
twelve years ago.
the address the 1
ohoeen :--Preaid
vice-president, J
J. F. Groves ;
committee, D. M
A. E. Simmons.
organization wil
evening, Oot. 4th
• D., of Toronto,
the past week in
rest of the organi-
oh of the Canadian
He addressed the
ist congregations on
Tuesday evening a
in the Methodist
ng to the unfavorable
rgely attended. Rey,
ed, and Dr. Eby el-
ite of the organize•
emits that had been
the United Staten
ent originated some
At the conclusion of
lowing officers were
nt, F. Buchanan ;
Kerr Monetary,
easurer, A. Oosens ;
Gordon, Ii. B. Elliott,
A meeting to complete
be Held on Friday
Barns Burned in t
Two destructive fires oc
rose on Thuraday afl
Threshing operations were
the farm of Nelson Lontti�
the first concession, wheu
the engine blew into the mr.
and in a regiment the wh
ablaze. The building and
consumed,together with a
and bens. A wind from t
blew some of the burning
barn of Mr. James Smith
joining lot, and it too, wi
fell a prey to the flames.
both cases will be heavy,
this time of the year, who
Drop has just been house
riedinsuranoe, but the am
nearly cover the loss. ..
erred in Cnl-
rnoon last.
in progress on
lot 18, in
span, from
w of the barn,
e place was
contents weztl
lumber of pigs
e north-west
nnbers to the
on the ad -
the contents
The loss in
especially at
i the season's
L Both oar -
nuts will not
Window Shades—mouute4 fees. Big`
line at SAux»ERs'. to
WANTED -1000 barrels dr d -apples;
500 tubs batter; any ggs and
feathers, GED. E. KING.
Lakeside Base
The baseball game
Wingham park on Frida
the locals and Teeswate
victory for the visitors
9 to 8. This game left
Teeswater tied for the oh
tho A game
Teeswater on Tuesday w
the teams in the same pos
eighth inning the game
account of the rain, the
time being 1-1. These to
mot on the local diamond
next Tuesday afternoo
Maple Leafs hope to brea
land the pennant. The
will be in attendance, an
fee is 25o and 15o. We
stores and factories wil
give employees a chacce
game, which will uudou.
eyed on the
last between
resulted in a
by a scorn of
'ingham and
mpionship in
►s played at
icli still left
tion. At the
as called on
core at that
ms will again
t four o'clock
, when the
the tie and
•itizeas' band
the admission
nderstarid the
be closed to
n witness the
tedly be a good
Old wall paper at your wn offer.
TAKE NoTIOE —We slave again opened
the Gregory grain s rehouse, land are
prepared to take il1�a „kinds of grain, at
the highest market pr%e.
C. O. F. Ch ,' ch Service.
Oa Sunday mor ing last the local
members o; the :t►anadian Order of
Foresters, to the +umber of over one
hundred, attended; divine service• at the
Baptist Church, w' ere the pastor, Rev.
H. Edgar Allen, .+:livered an eloquent
and practical ser n on the subject of
"Brotherhood." eking for a text the
latter clause of th eighth verse of the
twenty third chap or of Matthew, the
speaker namcd three great classes of
brotherhood, nem: y, universal brother-
hood, Spiritual b otherhood, and the
brotherhood of frternal organizations
The principles up which the brother-
hood was founded ere dwelt upon, and
the words which f i rm the motto of the
Order briefly refe'red to. Mr. Allen
closed a carefully' prepared and well -
delivered sermon b' a reference to some
of the dangers in , onnection with fra-
ternal organizttion•, On reassembling
at the hall a vote of thanks was tendered
Rev. Mr. Alien for hi excellent disoourse,
also to the church • rzoials and the ohoir.
to do well digging
notice. If yea ha
line, see me before
I am now prepared
Lid cleaning on short
e any work in this
lacing contract.
West Wawa .sh Wedding.
The home of . and Mrs. Edward
Chamney, of the s: enth concession of
West Wawanosh, ; as the scene a festive
gathering on We•nesday afternoon,
when their seco d daughter, Miss
Rebecca, was unite • in the bonds of
matrimony to Mr. i, Robert Rutlege, a
prosperous young f rmer, of the same
township. A corn i any of about sixty
guests were presen and the ceremony
was performed at f ur o'clock by Rev.
A, E. Jones, of A burn, the wedding
party standing nn an an arch of ferns
and lilies of the va ley. The bride was
attired in a very Dooming costume of
Persian lawn, -•ith trimming of
Valehoiennes laoe insertion and ribbon.
Her travelling ani was of blue satin
covert cloth, Withla dainty white silk
waist, and white :It hat to matoh. At
the conolueion o ` the ceremony the
happy pair were endered the hearty
oongranlations of he assembled guests,
atter which all ea down to a sumptuous
wedding dinner. r. and Mrs. Rutlege
drove to Goderioh where they took the
evening train fo a wedding trip to
Nisggara and othe places On their re-
turn they will set e down to the reals•
tied of married li on "Maple (;trove''
farm, at the Nil •. Their many friends
join in wishing t. em many happy years
of wedded life,
Fire, Loss
Our annual fire bi
growing as our p
and the housing fac
pane with the expans
speotaoular burning
great conflagration o
compares in extent
struotion of propert
United States in a sin
cord for 1906 stands t
ing to the burning o
The total losses for
United States and Oa
$537,800,400, Of this
oisco was responsible f
000, including bnildin
in 1908.
1 has been steadily
pulation increases
Titles try to keep
u. Not even the
f Rome, nor the
anoint London,
ith the vast de -
by fire iu the
le year. The re•
wally high ow -
San Francisco.
that year in the
ads by fire were
at sum San Fran -
r some $350, i 6 1,-
e and is. • tents,
Big 'values in new o =t papers at
,- We never had a better stook of furni-
ture, Out prides are right, at Walker's
tarniture store,
Quiet W dding.
At the residence o Mr, Thomas Kew,
Wingham, on Thu sday evening last,
was eolemnized the . arriage of Mr. W.
T. Walkom, former ,• G. T. R. station
agent at Whiteoharc•, but now of Berlin
and Mrs, Lizzie Iler derson, of White-
ohnroh. The nuptia knot was tied in
the presence of only t e immediate rela-
tives of the contraoti.g parties, by Rev.
W. A, Finlay, pasto of the Methodist
Ohnroh at White° arch. Atter the
ceremony a wedding upper was eujoyeci
by the company. M and Mrs. Walkom
left on Friday mor ing for their new
home at Berlin, wh •e Mr. Walkom has
a position with the . T. R as operator.
Mrs Walkom is a dr nghter of the late
Mr. Kew, and has s nt moat of her life
thus far in Whitech rah, where she is
held in very high es eem. Mr. Walkom
had been a resident f Whitchurch only
es few years, but ha won the good will
of those who know 1 im, by his courteous
and genial manner, s well as by hie
faithful service to the public in the
capaoity of G. T, R, gent, Theirmany
friends join in exten ing good wishes.
Apple barrels for sale at reasonable
prices. Can be supplied on short notice.
Apply at Wingham Salt Works.
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc -
Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, Oct. 1
—all day. Glasses properly fitted.
McLean—Rin oul Nuptials.
A happy matrimo ing union was con-
summated at the re iden000f the bride's
parents, at noon or Weduesday of this
week, when Miss ennie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, 0. A. intoul, of tine town,
became the bride o Mr. Fred McLean,
son of Mr. J. A. M Lean. The imprea•
sive ceremony was performed by Rev.
D. Ferree, pastor o St. Andrews' Pres-
byterian Ohnroh, i the presence of only
the immediate relat yes and a few friends
of the bride and room. The bride's
dress was of silve gray poplin de aoi,
with embroiders chiffon trimming,
worn over taffeta ilk skirt. Tho cere-
mony and oongr tnlatione being over,
the company enjdyed a dainty repast.
A large number o useful and beautiful
presents testified .o the high regard in
which the bride 's held. '1 he hrrpy
couple left on the C. P. R. afternoon
train for a short h.neymoon, the bride's
going -away dress being of navy blue
chiffon broadcloth worn with a waist of
bine silk with alio er lace trimming; and
hat to match. Th TIMES j.tina with the
many friends of t e wedded oonple iu
wishing them abt;udant happiness• and
prosperity on life's voyage,
Died In 5th Year.
The Listowel St ndard iu referring
to the death of M Purcell, father of
Mrs. Wm. Andrews of this town says:—
By the death of .. r. Nathan Parcell,
senior, which coo rred on Saturday
morning last, Listo «el has lost one of
its oldest if not its eldest citizen. Ho
was in his 95th yea and had resided
in town for over fo ty years. Up to
the past year or two is health had been
good, considering hi advanced age, but
latterly he had stiff red much, and the
end name as a hap.y release. The de-
ceased was a natio: of Castle Bar in the
West of Ireland, a d came to Canada at
the age of fifteen ears, He lived first
at Kempville, Ont and was married a
first time in East. n Ontario to Sarah
Bartley. The firs. family consisted of
five ohildren, of w • • m only one survives,
Mr, Wm. Purcell f Deokville, i4ioh.,
who was present . the funeral on Sun.
day last, About •rty-eight years ago
he was married a second time to Mary
Ann Knox, who survived him, and of
whose family of ve ohildren two are
alive, .Mrd. Wm, • ndrows of Wingham,
and Mr. Nathan : dwell, jr., of Edmon.
ton, Alta.
GIANT Tetreiteers "Currenoy," "Robs"
and "Stag" Chewing Toba000es,, in big
pings. Quality always the Minae.
Mee Orr is vie- ing with friends in
Dr. H. E. W, Tt}mlyn was visiting in
Detroit for a few
Mrs. H. B. BIl ott is visiting with
relatives in DetroI% and Port Huron,
Miss E Stan ore, of Brampton, is
visiting with her =ieter, Mrs W. G. Orr.
Mrs. Jap, A, :r: ugh and two daugh.
tern are visiting ith friends in Detroit.
Mrs. W. F. anStone has returned
home after seve al weeks visit in Mani-
Mrs. J. A. agnire is visiting rela-
tives and frien s in Trenton and Camp-
Mr. and M's. F. H. Walley visited
with Mr. au.' Mra, Jesse Button at
Lucknow over Sunday.
Mr. Harry emer, of Teeswater, was
visiting for a f days with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. . H. Beemer.
Mrs. R. E. Saunders has returned
home after ape ding a few weeks at the
parental home t Brantford.
Mr. and M R. W. McKenzie, of
Goderioh, were visiting with Mr, and
Mrs, Geo, McK nzie for a few days.
Mr. and M Jas. Elliott, sr., of
Steelton are vis ting with relatives and
old friends in ingham and vicinity.
Mrs. Oummin
tion Mr, A.
with typhoid fe'
Dr. T. Ohishol
ing for Prince A.
will spend a few
son, Dr. J. 5, Chid
Mr. Edgar He
doing Presbyter
near Nanton, Altl,
visiting at his pr.r
Mrs. (Dr) M.
Gaaleo, of Khmer
ham hospitallast
s is visiting with her
iummings, who is ill
er nt his home in Lis-
, M.P., left this morn
art, Sask. where he
veeks visiting with his
derson, who has been
au Missionary work
for some months is
nta1 home in town.
llli0rimmou and Mrs.
ine, visited the Wing -
eek and while in town
were the guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. O. Manners were
visiting at Dungannon on Saturday and
Sunday. They ttended the Glover —
Mallough weddin on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F.
Wash., are visiting
Mrs. Bell, Edward
Bell and wife, of
are also spending a
Mr. and Mrs. R.
to their new hone
Oatbauino Street,
will bo "At H„
during October,
first and second M
, Tripp, of Spokane,
e latter's mother,
,treet. Mr. M. J.'
eueca Falls, N.Y.,
w days here.
White have moved
"Fair View," on
where Mrs. .White
" every Thnrsiay
afterwards on the
ndays of the month.
Mr. W. G. How
eery sermons in t
dist Church on Su
The Foreign a
Presbyterian Chu
$100,000 for next y
The Rev, T. E.
Tuesday inducted
We wish him a pro
Will the parents
girls of the meetin
the Baptist eh me
noon at 2 o'clock.
Dr. Eby preache
in the Baptist elm
log ,on "the Yello
escape therefrom,"
The Rev. Rural
Rector of Guelph
special Harvest Tha
St. PIMPS on Friday
n preached anniver-
e Westfield Meths•
day last.
ission Board of the
h will require about
ar's purposes.
owell, B. A., was on
Rentor of Ohesiey.
porous ministry.
remind the boys and
in the basement of
on Saturday after -
a powerful sermon
ch on Sunday even -
Peril and the only
can Davidson,M A ,
will preach the
nksgiving sermon in
evening, Oct. 4th.
The Rev. W. Howson, of the
Methodist church, ill occupy his own
pulpit next Sunday, $'Subjeota: 11 a.
"Finding the hearty of God;" 7 p m ,
"Men on fire." 'Tho ushers will be
pleased to show strdngers to seats.
The Methodist *ew Connexion, the
United Methodist, ,Free Churches, and
the Bible Ohristiann church of England,
will be formally merged into one organ•
ization this week u der the name of the
United Methodist ' hnroh. Each of the
uniting bodies is an offshoot of the
Wesleyan Method':t church. The new
combination will have a membership
of 190,000,
The Baptist Y. U. gave a anoint nn
Monday evening i henor of Rev. E. R.
Fitch. Mr. W. D Pringle made a very
able chairman am an excellent prnaram
was rendered. y Benkwith's "Wing -
ham Paradoxes" • as well received, and
Misses Hazel and erns Moore received
an encore for th.ir aolendid dinging.
The whole proar• a was one of the best
the B. Y. P. U.'have aver arranged.
Pastor Alien ga si Mr. Fitch a most
hearty welcom : in the name, of the
Society, to w oh suitable reply was
made. The fri.nr's then adjourned to
the basement fo refreshments.
Next Snnday' Rev, B. W. Merrill,
B. A., B Th., enerai
of Baptist Sun ' ay 'Schaal work. will
oeenpy the pulp of the Baptist obtiroh
morning and e :tying. At the close of
the evening vice Mr. Merrill will
oondnot ana >n.00nference Of S. S
workers, wher . all will be free to ask
questions or offer suggestions. Mr.
The Paper Hangr
Who is honest with yon will tell
you that the wall papers we se 1
are the moat satis actory in every
We have the exoluslve sale of
many beautiful designs, so when
you bay here you will be assayed
that your walla will not lock
•'c0mm0n "
Better see the new steles.
Fisher Stand.
Merrill is a Sunday School specialist and
this conference will be of speciei inter-
est and help to S. S. teachers and r'1 iters,
A cordial invitation is given to all. The
conference will begin at 8 15 p m. to
give everyone a chance of attending,
Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and
Throat Specialist, 370 Qneea's A.veane,
London, 3rd door East of St, Andrew's
of Desirable
Bulletin ►° Lots
Saturday, Sept, 28, at 2 p.m.
On above date on the premises, a
publio.anction will be held of ali the
unsold lots belonging to the Quay
E:•tate, about thirty in unmoor,
These lota•are well situated, being
close to both Pablio and High Schools,
and less then ten minutes walk from
the Post Ofliee. Their freedom from
the dost, heat, bad sanitary condi-
tions, factory and railroad smoke
nuisances, river fogs and poor drain-
age, of some other parts of the town,
give them a epeeist valve that will
'increase, as they form the most de-
sirable residential mite left in Wing -
ham. Terms of purchase made
known on deer of sale.
Alex. Kelly, Ritchie .& Cesons
Auotioneer, Agents,
We have recently added a number
of new houses to our "for sale" list.
Particulars next week. In meantime
call at office.
Ritchie 86 Covens
Griffin-Vanstone Blocic, WINGHAM.
Phone 123
To fit
Man's Shoe means a Shoe that
fits his FEET, fits his EYE,
and fits his P0O} ET1300K,
Our Shoes will tit all three.
The right leathers — the
latest lasts, toes and heels; in
all sizes and widths,
$2.50, $;#.00, $3.50 or $4.00
for a pair of Shoes, Sir, and
you'll get
Perfect Satisfaction
The Shoes are otire---tile
money is yours. Let's talk
ober the Shoe gtiestioti.
See ns for Trunks
and Valides.
W. J. Greer