HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-09-19, Page 5I 1 TII WINGIUAM TIMES, S413Tt':MI3 R 19, 1907 New Fall Suits 20TH CENTURY BRAND and SOVEREIGN BRAND These two .makes insure satisfaction in every re- spect. They are in a class by themselves, head and shoulders above all com- petitors. mmermammum Men's medium and dark Tweeds, Men's fancy Worsteds, Men's navy and black Worsteds, Men's n black Vicunas, Men'. black Cheviots, etc. On- dozen different prices to % choose from ranging f om $8.00 to $19.00. Don't fail to see our Black Cheviot special. at $13.00 in Men's and $12.00 in Youths'. It is a wonder. McGee & Gampboll YVWVVWVVVWWVVWVVVWVW Oo You Want MAMMAAAAAMMAMMMAAA to Save Moneyj Shoes` Then come here for your jChildreu's Shool Sturdy, solid, sensible. Boys and Girls are our particular hobby, and we buy to please them. and their parents, REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. R2 JOHNSTON Shoe Dealer - _ Wingham. %MAAAMAAMAMAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Wingham Fall Fair September 261h and 27th, 1907 THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26th. The Agricultural Hall will be open and the public are cordially invited to visit the hall on this evening and see the inside exhibits to good .advantage. ADMISSION -10 OENTs. Friday Afternoon, Sept. 27th SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. 2,19 TROT OR PACE.—Beet three in five, mile meats, $25, $15, $10. Five per Dent. to enter and five per cent. from winners. Four to enter and three to start, :ROAD HORSE SPEEDING.—Half mile heats, best three in five, Horses attached to four -wheeled rig; horses to be owned and driven by a farmer or his son. Conformation, style and soundness considered, $10, $6, $4. Open to members of the Society. 1BEST LADY DRIVER,—$3.00, $2.00, $1.00. LADIES' HITCHING RACE.—Horse to be hitched to buggy and driven once around the track, $3.00, $2.00. .POTATO RAGE. --competitors to stand to horse. Four potatoes to be planed 100 yards from starting point. Mount, ride to first potato, dis- mount, pick up potato, remount, ride back to starting point, dismount and put potato iu pail, and so on with each potato. Horse any size, $3.00, $2.00. PIPING AND DANCING. Prized are offered as follows, and no entrance fee:--• MEN—SAILOR'S HORNPIPE , .. $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 GIRLS—SWORD DANCE $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 BOYS—HIGHLAND FLING $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 taws PIPING $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 WINGHAfl CITIZENS' BAND :Hae been engaged and will render a choice programmo of music in front of the grand stand. SPECIAL PRIZES. andelmesiont A number of spsoial prizes are offered this year, ineluding medals by Retie Bros., of Toronto. See prize list for fall partionlars. Make your entries early with. the Secretary. Admission to Grounds, 25c. Children, Mc. Vehicles, 25 _ c,_ GRAND CONCERT. ummosumilii The famous SCHUBERT SYMPHONY CLUB and LADY GUAR. TETTE has been engaged to give a concert in the Opera House On WEDNESDAY EVENING, S1tP3.'. 25n1. This company Domes highly reoomtnended end given an excellent programme of Qaartettes, Solos, Humorous Readings, Violin and tliandolin Soloa. Admission -25o, 356 and 50o. Platt of hall at McKibbon'a drug store. `lima II.EN]1►,VISON, AL E. 1E11616tOTIC PRESIDENT. SECT TREASURER, Ur. Hugh MoQuarrie has been under the doctor's Dare during the past week. Ilia old friends in town hope that he Will soon be around again. The many friends of Mr. E. C. Wilford will be sorry tohear that he is in the Toronto General Hospital suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. We aro glad to hear, however, that it is a light attack. J. G. Moser disposed of his house 'and lot on Dinsley street to James Outt of town for the sum of $2300, Posae3sion will be given about the first of February, Mr, Moser intends to start right away and erect a new house on his lot just east of this property. Growing 01d Defers Your Time.* Broken in spirit, weak in body, nervone and discouraged. Something is wrong, and each day sees you failing away. Just one thing to do—Build up. To do this, use Ferrozone. What a tonin it is 1 .Appetite, why it makes you eat tremend- ously. Digest, indeed you will. Rich red blood will carry nourishment to every corner of the body, tired organs take oo new life, color, spirit and ambition are restored. Perfect manhood and abound- ing health is the unfailing product pf Ferrozone—try it, 50o per box every- where, cULROss. Riverview Cottage, the home Mre. Andrew Little, was the scene of a quiet wedding on Wednesday, 11th. Sept., at 11 o'olook a.m. when her third daughter, Miss Margaret, was united in marriage to Mr. David McDonald, of Culross. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Tait in the presence of only immediate relatives. The bride, who was unattend- ed, was becomingly gowned in white point d'esprit over white silk. After the wedding dinner the' bridal party drove to Wingham where the young couple left on the afternoon train for Detroit, Durand and other points in Michigan, the bride travelling in blank silk. On their return Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will reside at Fairfield Farm, gravel road north. A Suggestion of Rare Value. A diseased condition of the surfaces of the air passages oanses bad breath, but more oommoniy emanates from indigest- ion or an impure condition of the blood. Thousands of cases prove that Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills through their speoific action on the secretory and eliminative organs, not only cure bad breath, but so thor- oughly purify the system that anything suggestive of blood or digestive troubles is impossible. Through Dr, Hamilton's Pille the skin grows rosy and olear, activity of the body and mind increases, and bouuding health is established, sold everywhere in 250 boxes. I3LIIEVALE Mr. Alex. Moffatt has sold his house in this village to Mr. Leonard Rattan, of Jamestown. Dr. R. L. Stewart left last week for the West where he intends to locate and practice medicine. The good wishes of many friends will go with the doctor. Mrs. Stewart will remain in Ontario for a time. The Harvest Home services of the Johnston's church, Bluevale Cironit will. be held on Sunday, Sept. 22nd. Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brussels, will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Spec- ial collections at each service. Rev. G. Baker, of Bluevale will preach for Mr. Powell that Sunday in Brussels and Oranbrook. The Missionary Society of the Presby- terian Church held a very successful "at home" at the manse on Tuesday evening. HnxsERTRAsnnERsY—Something new in a Raspberry. "The best Red Rasp- berry tested here," writes Prof. Maooun, Ottawa. "The heaviest yielder among all Red Raspberries," writes Prof. Hutt, Guelph. We have the only large supply in Canada to offer. 6 plants $2.00, ex- press paid. Local agent—W. Carruthers, Wingham, Ont. BROWN Bnos.—P.O. Browns Nurseries, Ont. BRUSSELS. The Committee. on Attractions for Brussels Fall Fair has closed a contract with the celebrated 91st Regiment Band of Hamilton to supply the music at the Fall Fair on Oct. 3 and 4. A. quiet wedding took place On Tues. day, Sept. 3rd, at St. Peter's Cathedral, London, when Miss Thurso Meadows, formerly of Brussels, was married to Adolphus Hennesey,of that pity. Rev. Father Aylward officiated. The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Zwioker, wife of Mr. George H. Zwicker, jeweler, of London, took place at the family rest - donee, 650 Dundee street Thursday, Sept 12th, after a prolonged illness of Rix months. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. Robert Sample, of Brae - eels. She is survived by the following: Her baby, Helen Jean, six months old her mother, Mrs. Robert Sample, of Wolseley, Sask., and two sisters. Mrs. R. P. Parrot, of Wolseley, Sask., and Mrs, Andrew Dangles, of Wroiceteri. Out., besides two auntie Miss G. Roddick Miss M. Raddiok_ residing at 650Dtindas street, London, and three brothers, Anthony and Jahn of Wolseley, Sask., and Willianii, of Sault Ste. Marie. A new idea is teas Gout poet Cards, at SAVIOURS,' 1000,040044009.4.1040000000004:00 Convalescents need a Targe amount of nourish, anent in easily digested form, ze'N Scott's Err u1.j'ion is powerful nourish: ment—highly concentrated. It makes bone, blood and muscle without putting any tax on the digestion. ,AU DRUCIGISTS; 6..00. AND SLAW. 4 440410Y"'sl440000141 Miss Bettie MoNaught is away to take change of her scholars again to Toronto. Fergus has gone to the Goderioh High School where we hope he will do well. Thursday, Sept. 5th, Chas. Schnook, an old resident of Ethel locality, paid, na- ture's debt,after a short Mimes, stoppage of the bowels, at the advanced age of 86 years. Mra. Schnook predeceased her Husband. The family is grown up, the Majority of them residingin Grey town- tOWn. Miss Mary Minahull, of Newbraska, is here on a holiday visit with relatives and friends. She is a daughter of Jno. liiinshull, a termer resident of Grey, and a grand daughter of Wm. Smith, 17th con. Miss Milishull has been visit- ing in Virginia, coming by Jamestown, Syracuse, Niagara Falls and London en route. We regret to be called upon this week to report the demise of Mary E. Hunter, beloved wife of Joseph Oster, lot 16, oou 9, which sad event took place Monday, Sept. 9th. She was in her elst year. A short time ago she had a stoke of paraly- sis which laid her aside for a short time but she was considerable bettor until the demise of her son, Joe, which affected her to no small degree. Ia addition to Mr. Oster, a on and daughter survive, John Hunter, of Cranbrook, is a brother of deceased and Mrs. Price, of Toronto, who is now here, is a sister. Mrs. Oster was a daughter of the late Frank Hun- ter and had resided in Grey for over thirty years. Overtaken by 'Nausea. Yon don't know whether it is going to stay down or come up. You feel like thirty cents and look even worse. If one thing is quicker than another, it's "Nerviline." Ten drops in sweetened water gives relief instantly. Almost like magic is the ohange you experience. The cause of the nausea is removed, every sympton of vomiting and indigest- ion is cured within ten minutes. When Poison's NorvilMe is so trusty and econ- omical, a bottle -at home wouldn't be amiss. Large ones for a quarter at all dealers. BnLGRA.VE A happy event took plane at noon on Wednesday of this week at the home of Mr. Jas. Wilkinson, wheu hie daughter, Miss Caroline M. was united in mar- riage to Mr. Robt. J. McCrea. The happy couple will have the best wishes of many friends. Mr. John Armstrong shipped a car Ioad of hogs to Toronto on Tuesday, Mrs. Wm. Watson and Mrs. John L. Geddes spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs. Morrison, in London last week. Mr. Johnston of Kincardine Sandayed, at Mr. Putland's. Miss Riwdle and Mrs. Wright, of Galt spent last week visiting' their sister, Mrs. Stalker. Mr.Thos. Armstrong. of Devil's Lake, Dakota is visiting his brother, Robt. this week. Miss Daily Ross of Blyth and Miss Auld of Montana spent Sunday in the village. Mr. James Taylor has started a butch- ering business and will call at the village Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr. Hamilton has gone to Chicago to take a course in a hospital. Daring his absence his practice is being attended to by 1 r. Boyer, of Kincardine. Tho long looked for raising of the new Methodist sheds took place on Tuesday and when completed Belgrave will have good accommodation for horses. Two closed in sheds, one 50x100, the other 50x70, The Rev. Mr. Wishart of Brussels will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyter- ian church next Sunday. He will also preach in Calvin in the afternoon and evening. E.lrblishcri x899 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria CreSolene IS a boon to Asthmatics Toes it not seem more effective to breathe le a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It tures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is tarried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. meta. It is rnwatueble to mothers with small children. Those oft( Consumptive tendency find immediate relief from toughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal fot booklet. y �Ltrustrtc, Was Co.., tnNited, Agcuts, Mont. real, Ca*ada. Sof um-tamm. Mr, J. E. Maundershas gone to De- troit where he has entered the Medical College and will pnraae his course. Joseph Smillie, 1st Iine, has gone to British Columbia • on a trip, combining business and pleasure. We wish hits a good time. Word reaohed Belgrave of the death of Mrs, Wm. Gregg, Bruce Mines, Mr. and Mrs, Gregg lived on the 4th line, Morris, about a mile East of Belgrave, about 30 years ago, prior to their re- moval to Bruce Mines, and will be well remembered by the older settlers, Mr; Gregg passed away about '25 years ago, Wednesday forenoon, Sept. 4th, Jas. D, Granby, a prosperous young farmer of the 5th line, and Mies Lizzie, second daughter of Wm. Michie, 6th line, were united in marriage by Rev. J. J, Hastie, of Belgrave, at the home of the bride. Owing to the illness of Mr. Miceli.e the contemplated arrangements for the wed- ding party were not carried out. The happy couple took a short wedding trip Eastword with relatives and have now settled down to housekeeping on the groom's fine farm. On Wednesday, Sept. 4th the spirit, of Franois McOutoheon, one of the pioneers of the 6th line, took its flight. He was born in Oo. Fermanagh, Ireland, and came to Canada when a boy ' with his parents. In 1854 the family located in Morris, taking up N?tc lot 25, con. 7 then a bush lot which was transformed to a fine farm by industry, thrift and economy, Mrs. Mo0atcheon was Selena J. Craw, who made a splendid helpmate, and passed away 83‘ years ago, aged 66 years,. The surviving children are David, Wm. H., and Mrs. Robt. Nicol, of Morris; Mrs. W. H. Cloakey of To- ronto, and Mrs. Thompson, of Oregon. Mr. MoCatcheon had been poorly for about 6 years with a complication of ailments, dropsy being the chief at the last. He had been a strong, hearty man; honest, neighborly and hospitable. In politics he was a Conservative and in religion. he held to the English church. Out of a family of 9 brothers and 3 sisters Mr. MoCatcheon was the last to depart this life. You Prevent Ilay Fever, or Cure It In a prompt, pleasant and effective way, by inhaling the germ -killing, throat and lung healing Catarrhozone. De- lightfnl to use, simple in its operation, free from stomaoh nauseating and de- stroying substances. It is a marvel of scientific efficacy. Catarrhozone kills the germs that excite the disease, heals the inflammed surfaces and prevents ab. sointely a reonrrenoe of the malady. Catarrhozone cannot fail to cera Hay Fever because it destroys its cause, Druggist, 25o, $1.00, or mailed to your address if price is forwarded to Polson & Co„ Kingston, Ont. GODERICH. The formal opening of the new Guelph and ,Goderich branch of the C. P. R. was celebrated here last Thurday, three years from the turning of the first sod on the Colborne 'bank of the Matt. land River. The offiicial part of the day's pro- gramme consisted of a series of speeches in the afternoon and a grand banquet at night. The addresses in the afternoon were given in the Harbor Park, and the C. P. R, passenger station, freight sheds, eto. Dr. Macklin, chairman of the re- ception committee of the town council, presided and speeches were given by Col, McDonald, of Gnelph, solicitor for the Guelph Junction Railway ; Mr. Donald Guthrie; of Guelph, father of the M. P. for South Wellington; Wm. Bell, of Guelph, president of the Guelph Junction Railway, and Rev. Joseph Elliott, mayor of Goderich. The ban. quet was held at the British Exchange Hotel, the'diningroom being decorated in red and green for the occasion, and was crowded to its capacity. Mayor Elliott was the chairman and speeches were made by a number of prominent guests and local townsmen. The Guelph city council and officials arrived on the first train. They were met at Blyth by Mayor Elliott, Dr. Macklin and Jas. Mitchell and were presented with band - some souvenir pins as mementoes of the occasion. While in Goderich they were the guests of the town at the summer hotel. The Guelph Musical Society Made the day the occasion of a monster excursion from the Royal City and stations along the new railway, three special trains ar- tiving. The steamer Greyhound, of the White Star Trine, ran ata excursion up from Dittoit, and in spite of rough wea- ther btought up a large number of per - sone. The Greyhound took out exam. eking on the lake during Thursday and Priday afternoon aad evening and return• ed to Detroit on Saturday. The streets Of the town were ablaze with siege and bunting and Streamers with Nerds of Welcome. The population of the town was praotleigly doubled for the da-. LAROESTCK s�acx THE LEADII4Q STORE TRICKS � THE STORE WITH THE GOODS AND I'HE VALUES wommog Ladies' New Fall Coals a�tl Ski�fs JUST RECEIVED You are cordially invited to visit our mantle and skirt department on second floor. Here you will find all that's new and up to -the -minute in ladies', misses and children's Coats, Furs and Skirts. Satisfactory Garments are those whose style and Cut will attract attention, whose quality of material and work will satisfy inspection and whose value will invite quick buying—such as ours. Space here does not allow us to give a more full detail of our ex, llsive range. • Please ask for illustrated catalorrue. No, 869, Ladies' Unlined Black Kersey Coat, three quarter length, • trimmed with strapping and cording, a very stylish garment, -. price ... $12.00 No. 872, Ladies' Black Beaver Coat, full, three quarter length, trimmed with cording and buttons. Special value at $7.50 No. 826 Ladies' Collarless Tweed Man'le, 45 inohes long, fancy pockets and sleeves, braid trimmin;;, two box pleats on back. a bargain .... ........... $10.00 No, 82.4, Double breasted Tweed Monti ,,seven.eights length,Gib• son shoulder effect, bread trimming, only ,$12.00 No. 867, Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Ocat, three quarter length, trimmed with velvet and buttons, t, very stylish garment, only $10.00 No 829, Ladies' double-breasted Coat, handsomely trimmed with self strapping and stitching, full throe quarter length, our price .. $10.00 4034, Ladies' Gray Check Tweed Coats, three quarter length, nicely made, only .... 86.00 Speoial line—Sea our special line of Ladies Black Beaver Coats, at $5,00 Children's Coats,—Large Range of Children's Coats, all sizes in pretty tweed effects, imparted diroot from England, every garment well made, prices begin at .. $2.00 TOP SiiiIIK LS. Just opened up a large stook of New Fall Shirts in plain cloths and dark twe; ' effeots, fit guaranteed. See our special blank skirt at,. $4:.00 Ha EH PHONE 68. Co. WINGHAM. The C. P. R. will build a million -dollar dock at Fort William and make it the finest inland shipping port in the world. Brookville Conservatives nominated Mr. A. E. Donovan for the Legialature, but decided not to oppose Hon. Geo. P. Graham. Three thousand passengers from Ea - rope arrived at Montreal on Saturday. C. Reginald Jamieson, a Toronto Uni- versity graduate, whose letters under the pen -name of Amine Jun., caused the in- vaati„ation into University affairs, was drowned in French River. 4.4++4+++4++++++++++++++4++ ++++++++++++++9++++++++++4 + 4 • •• w al Grocery. } Pickling Tie Cauliflowers have been very scarce and small on aceount of the dry season. We are receiving some choice ones daily at present. Try our cider vinegar for pickling. At GRIFFIN I I 7 S. S ♦♦4+4+4+4+444+4+444+44+444 +++++•+++4+++++++++++++++., Stoves, Ranges COOK STOVES FOR COAL OR WOOD HEATING STOVES FOR COAL OR 'WOOD RANGES FOR COAL Olt WOOD SHEET IRON HEATERS PARLOR COOK STOVES Stile Agents for the celebrated HAPPY '11'I1O1JGIIT Stoves and Ranges. Old Stoves taken in exchange. Whether you wish to bap, 'Jell, or trade, give ns a call CENTi;AL HARD II M, t1RE H. . WING