The Wingham Times, 1907-09-12, Page 8e 6 THE WINGIIAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 12 1907. MINOR LOCALS. —71.00 fall weather. ---Thursday, September 12th. --Read the advts. in the TIMEs. —The TIMES till the 1st of January 1908, for 20 cents. ---Muncey fall fair will be hold on October 2nd and 3rd. —Get a copy of prize list for Wingham fall fair at the Times office. --Many from this section are attending the London Fair this week. —The Teems and Weekly Sun to January let, 1908 for 25 cents. —Make your entries early for Wing - fall fair with the Secretary at the TIMES office, —Turnberry Township Council will meet iu the Clerk's office at Blnevale 'next Monday. —The London Fair is the attraction This week. A number of Winghamites are in attendance. —The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, Canadian Foresters, will be held on Friday evening of this week. —Expert judges will award the prizes in live stook, fine arts, ladies' work and dairy provisions at Wingham fall fair. —Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland next Monday evening. All members are requested to be present —Wingham baseball club played a league game at Kincardine on Friday afternoon and won by a score of 0 to 3. —The anneal show of the Huron Poultry Association will bo held at Sea - forth on November 21st, 22nd and 23rd, —Mr. D. J. Mungovan, the well- known blind editor of the Dufferiu Post, died at his home in Orangeville on Mon - slay. Mr. Harold Trout left this week for Gravenhurst, where he has accepted a situation. —Wingham fall fair on 20th and 27th of of September. See advt. in another column for list of attractions for after- noon of 27th. —Mr. 'Thos. Bower, of town exhibited 3iis poultry at Toronto and won a num- •ef prizes. He is exhibiting at the Lon- don fair this week. —Samuel Graham, a pioneer resident of Owen Sound, died soddenly on Friday last. Mr. Graham resided in Wingham for a few months some years ago. —The Grand Trunk Rye announce their annual fall excursions to American points for Sept. 19th, 20th and 21st. See advt. in another column for Dartionlars. —One of the heaviest taxpayers was omitted from the list last week. Mr. John Hanna, who has for years been one of the heaviest taxpayers in the town has this year a total tax hill of $360.56. —The Bank of Commerce has issued a neap of Western Canada, revised to a recent date. It is a oonvenient refer- ence map, and copies of it may be had on application at any branch of the Bank. —The TmIES is in receipt of a very fine sample of tomato, from the garden of Mrs. G. W. Sowler, of Belgrave. It is a sound. plump variety, measuring fonrteen inches in circumference, and weighs one pound. —Mr. Jas. Stewart, an old resident of Bonsai' passed away on Saturday even- ing last. Deceased was a brother-in-law of Mrs. D. McGregor, of town. Mrs. McGregor and her Eon, Chas. McGregor were at Hensall for several days. —The Seaforth Milling Co, has again taken the Gregory grain storehouse and on and after the 10th inst. will be pre- pared to pay the highest market prices for all kinds of grain. Mr. John Elder will again be the buyer in Wingham. —Mrs, Walter Rose,who was so Beverly burned at her home in Teeswater recent- ly was brought to the Wingham hospi- tal last week. Mrs. Rose is still in a critical condition, but her many friends hope she will have a speedy recovery. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolena with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from ua, loc. in stamps. Litsa :te, Mum Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ox --In our list of heavy tax payers last week Mr. Jno. A, McLean was credited with having to pay $270.22. In prepar- ing the list some of Mr. McLean's prop. +erty had been left out and in place of hie taxes amonnting to $270.22 he has to pay $373.37, —One of the oldest and most respected residents of Seaforth passed away Sunday night in the person of Wm. Gillespie. Deceased had reached the ripe age of 81 years and had been en- joying wonderfully good health until quite recently. NEWS NOTES. Esther Spear, a fourteen -year-old girl of Fort Erie, committed suicide beak• ing Paris green. A new idea in ten ce13,:'post cards, at SaueamiS. Ray Corry, aged sixteen, shot himself at Wiarton, while drawing his /gun to- wards him muzzle first. I EI:13ERTIL_tSl'DEERY---Sons to inngnew ins Raspberry. "The best Red Rasp- berry torted here," writee'Prof. Maconn, Ottawa. "The h viep( yielder among all Red Raspberrie ' `writes Prof. Hatt, Guelph. We have t e only large supply in Canada to offer. 0 plants $2.00, ex. press paid. Local agent—W. Carruthers, Wingharn, Ont. BROM(a 13Ros,---P.O. Browns Nurseries, Ont. ---Mr. Writ. Elliott met with a painful accident on Tuesday while at work in his brlek'rard near Belmore. He eras working at the brick machine and one (rf the fingers on his left hand caught in the machinery and it portion of the frog• er vias taken off. Mr. Elliott will be off duty for several Weeks, Limogues Chiva, 20 T off till Sept. 15tn. ,7. eensoa tS, Twenty-four bodies have been recover- ed from the wreck of the Quebeo beid"be, leaving abant fifty still missingyG Last season's wall part at cut prices. SAuNDERS. The Government will receive the com- mercial travellers' deputation to dtecuss the day for holding Thanksgiving ou Thursday next., A few good Bibles and I;iymn Books, slight.y bleat were, at bi r}Sfaiue. bAUNDERS. The BUM of $40,269 has been received by the O ntario Government in succes- sion duties upon the estate of the late Mr. John Radler of Ottawa. Heyes quality leather re—wrist ba Ks, squaw bags, etc—e e has at auuaele' Book store. ' liey're guarau- t ted 12 months lromtthe time you buy them. 2090 off tin Sept. 15th. The committee of the Baptist Church of Ontario and Quebec preeented a r eport to the joint Committee on Church U u lou, reluoing to join the propoeed union. Angus Cameron, an old resident of C arieton place, was killed in the railway y and by a train which was being shunted. He was engaged in trimming- Up the track, when the oars baoked,on him. A new idea in teh oetlt poet cards, at SAi DERS.' P� H. Butler, foreman of the bridge gang employed on Pere Marquette, fell 40 feet from the Port Stanley bridge at London, striking the abutments below. He escaped with his life, but is seriously injured. Through the omission of the word "life" in a special act passed by the city of Montreal the Corporation is compell- ed to ref and $25,000 wrongfully collected in taxes from lite insuranhe com- paniee, Limogues Ohina, .,30% off till Sept. 15th. SAUNDERS. To make lemon extract grate the rind of three lemons into half a pint of alcohol. After allowing it to stand four days, pour off into another bottle and add an ounce of oil of lemon. Orange extract may be prepared in the4utme manner. Last season's wall paper at cut prices. SAUNDERS. ;?' Never travel without a good jar of! cold cream, for removing duet and grime. Here is a formula for a cream that contains no lanolin to encourage the growth of hair on the face, and is therefore pure and wholesome: Rose- water, 4 ounces; almond oil, 4 ounces; spermaceti, 1 ounce; white wax, 1 ounce. Heyes quality leather t' joode-wrist bags, squaw bags, etc—can be had at Saunders' Book Store. They're guaran. teed 12 months from the time you buy them. 20% off till Septf-l5th. Smelling salts can be made to last for years if fresh spirits are poured over the balls of salt from time to time, so as to keep tip the orignal strength of the mixture. Many people use spirits of ammonia in this connection, but a stili more powerful specific may be found in a combination of this spirit with oil of lavender, in the proportion of two parts of the former to one of the latter. In procuring the ammonia, however, care must be taken to avoid choosing aromatic spirits of ammonia in error, the water which it contains preventing it from amalgamating with oil. A few good Bibles and II/ymn Books, slightly shelf worn, at liapkains. SAUNDERS. The Law Of Averages, [Philadelphia Bulk tin.3 The average man is bald at 40. The average neinieter marries 1,000 couples. Glasses for old age Are adopted on the average at 13, The average oat mother 'blesses the world with 100 kittens. The yearly sale of newspapers thr0ttg out the world t►y'ageU 1110,004 . D. M. CORDON We are now opening up the largeet, most seasonable a n d fashionable display, o f 1 DRESS GOODS 1 ever shown, even by this house. The whole range is correct in quality, patterns, shades and texture ; 94d in vaines would he hard to equal. It will give us pleasnre,.to show our Dress Goode. Our Fall and Winter Coats and Mantles For Ladies, Misses and Children, are just arriving, and will be found to be correct in every particular. We have always taken the leading position in this important department, there- fore our stock must be the latest and beet. When in, please ask to be shown our guaranteed Silk Skirts, whioh we sell at cut prices, EGGS, - 20o, BUTTER, 22o. D. M. GORDON. The world's gold mines yield on an average $500,000 or 28,000 ounces of gold a year. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc. gibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Oct. —all day. Glasses properly fitted, Heyes quality leather goodtwrist bags, squaw bags, etc,—an bec had at S wonders' Bock Store. T ey,re guaran- teed 12 months from th-time you buy them. 20% off till Sept. 15th. SHEEP STRAYED. From the premises of the nnd‘rsigned, about two weeks ago, Seeren Spring Lambs and Four Ewes o se Ewe with black face and split in pft ear. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be rewarded. JAMES MCGLYNN, Glenannau P.O. September 10th, 1907. l3UIR1' . L YNETT—In Wingham, on September 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Lynett : son. MORRISON—In Wingham, on September 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morrison ; a son. �%`M cKExzIE.—In Kinloss, on July 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, con. 4: is son. GRENACIIE.—In Teeswater, on Monday, Sept. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Grenache; a daughter. HA1IRIED RAT.Pn—HARD*EY.-111 Gorrie, on Sept. 3rd, by Rev. A. B. Dobson, Miss Flo. B. Harvey, to Mr. T. W. Ralph, both of Toronto. OASSEIS—CRIen—At Ontario Street, Church, Clinton, on Sept. 4th, by Rev. W. E. Kerr. Mr Samuel Cassels, of Clinton, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Crich, of Brussels. SPOTTON—fllox.—In St. Stephen's church, Gorrie, on Sept 4th, Miss Melissa Hick, to Mr. Robt Spotton, all of Bowick, brother of Mr. Geo. Spotton, of winghanl. DIED TAYLon.—In East Wawanosh, on September Oth, Johu Taylor, aged 80 years. BARRI67T—Iu Blyth,on September 1st, Mar- garet Dick, beloved wife of Charles D. Barrett, aged 85 years and 13 days. WATsoN.—At Regina, Sask., ou September 4th, Dixie Watson, formerly of Wingham, aged 70 years. ++++++++++++4+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++d++++ Royal Grocery, This is the week for plums. We have contracted with one of the largest growers in Huron County. They will be delivered fresh every day. At GRIFFIN'S. +++++++++.+++++++++++++++44 ++++++++++''N + 9+4++++++. cyr3ro.np--twt"..m..iAetf-4'kr"-rwu•svmo,—AivoutrD � Cool Suits FOR WARM WEATHER At a Bargain The hot weather is really just commenced. Do not melt in that heavy suit when you can get a BEAUTIFUL, COOL, LIGHT SUIT made to your order so cheap. Come in and see them. We have a few Youths' Long Pants in Navy Blue. Lxtra value at 81,00 for 70c, come along'before they are picked up, A BIG REDUCTION IN UNDERWEAR. EAR. MAXWELL 4 HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers We've Got t0Move]. This means that the immense stocks in the two Bee Hive Stores in Wingham must be largely reduced in the nekt few days. These stocks include Dress Goods, Ladies' Coats, Jackets and Skirts, Men's . and Boys' Wear, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Staple Goods of all kinds, Groceries, etc., etc., etc. DRESS GOODS. The latest patterns and materials in plain and fancy goods are to h& found here, and the large assortment gives purchasers a splendid choice. e> SUMMER GOODS. Bargains in odd lines of Summer Goods, Shirtwaists, Whitewear of all kinds ; also Belts, Trimmings, Side Combs, Hat Yi•ns, Ribbons, Buttons, Hosiery, etc. These must46 at some price. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. We have time to quote but a few prices. Come in and see the goods. You'll miss the opportunity of a lifetime if you don't ring in on the money -saving bargains : Men's Overalls and Smocks, regular 90c, for.... .................. .75 Men's White Shirts, regular 75o and $1 00, for ............... • • .. .39 Staple line of Knitted and Fleece -lined Undershirts, reg. $l 00, for.. '70 Pope's make Undershirts and Drawers, reg, $1.00 a garment, for .85 Men's Working Shirts, eaoh...... .39 Meu'e Fancy Shirts, soft bosom, regular $1.00, for .. .. .85 ,{ ,{ 11 61 ,6 for .... .50 Boys' Fleece -lined Undershirts, while they last, at .35 Ladies' Coats, Jackets and Skirts. New goods, just arrived from the McIntosh Co., of London. Prices run thus : Ladies' Waterproof Coats, regular $9 00 for.. 87.00 Ladies' Waterproof Coats, regular 7.00 for.. 85.00 Ladies' Skirts, a variety of patterns, reg. $5 00 for 4.00 • Ladies' Skirts, a variety of patterns, reg 4.00 for 3.00 Ladies' Underskirts, varying in pride from 50 to 2.00 GROCERIES. Rolled Oats, 91bs. for .25 20 lbs, Granulated Sugar for 81.00— Wonderful Soap, 7 bars for .25 Bee Hive Soap, 7 .bars for .25 Mixed Cakes, 3 lbs. for 25 O.K. Soap, 7 bars for .25 BARTON'S COVGA CURE—One dose will kill a cough. Small dose, small price, large bottle. The regular price is $1.00 per bottle, but while it lasts yon may have it at, per bottle, 50c. BEE RIVE STORES A. E. ENGLAND -- PROPRIETOR ORMINSIOISM. 111111111111111111 Learn Dress -Making by Mail in your spare time at home, or Take a Personal Course at School To enable all to learn we teach on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a month. Class commenc- ing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teaches how to cut, fit and Qut together any garment to the most telaboratrom the e ldess. ainest sThe hort wholes family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven thousand dress -making, and guar- antee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 40. You cannot learn dressmaking as thorough as this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of imitations as we employ no person outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in uny other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-third for a short time. Address: Sanders' Dress -Cutting School, 31 ErieSt., Stratford, Ont., Canada. Stoves, Ranges 000% STOVES FOR 009E OR WOOD HEATING STOVES FOR GOAL OR WOOD RANGES FOR GOAL OR WOOD COOK STOVES FOR COAL OR WOOD HEATING FOR COAL OR WOOD FOIL COAL OR WOOD SHEET IRON HEATERS PARLOR COOK STOVES Sole Agents for the celebrated Ranges. HAPPY TROIIG.JLT Stoves and Old Stoves taken in exchange. Whether you wish to buy, sell,- or trade, give us a call. CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM. H. BISHOP. NEM DON'T READ IT If you don't want to be convinced of the BIG BARGAINS that Young is offering in GRANITE- WARE, TINWARE and HARDWARE in every department ! ! JUST ARRIVED :— Another very large assortment of Graniteware, at the same cut - in - two prices ! , ! A pleasure to show goods. Give us a call, and be convinced that this is the place to buy goods at money - saving prices. C/ r C/ Dr. ir C rx Yi YOUNG S BIG HARDWARE. [„,,,,t.„, i^n I,�ttreCo.? f i' (r,�� � Cj��� Cy✓oiC� /.a� s�r`ty✓�tr lt:� .1c.cs C%5rrt. r„ y, 7C F” 7r,,