The Wingham Times, 1907-09-12, Page 6P
The Name Guarantees the Quality
Do you want to be sure of getting the same quality
of Tea every time you buy? Not good one time and poor
the next, but always good, always that rich pungent flavor
which is so delightful.
If you do, asic your grocer to send you a package
the sate as the one above. After you use Red Rose Tea
once, you will buy again and you will always find the
quality the same. Don't accept a substitute,
M•N.. ,.a-Uune. , o....0,44, 4h.M1.Wr e44,4114ekt
ernois from tile Sancium i1i
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
7apt, I' D McIaar:n of Gneilph loft
eye through the premature disuharge
a blast
The Aiauitoba Governnlrnt awarded a
ntraot for a telepboue a xchau.;e build -
in WiUUipeg;.
Nervousness, Dyspepsia., Indiges-
rin. and kirldrtd etre?-tat:+, rake wrens
rote the healing qurihties of Se:uth
rtpricen N. tame Thomas Ilor.kiee,
Darhatu, O•ra,tonk hie preacher's nil-
. et, followed caireetiond tend was ('Hind
rmnnently ref the everst feral of Nett
usProotr•atinnend D*'epnraia Heh,ts
0 711mm-idea it to othere with grab°vine
stare. Ira; n emit nerve builder,
,Id by A. L Hamilton.,—la.
The hires of the Macdonald Agrir•ul•
oral College at St. Anne de Bellevue,
ate., were struck by lightning aid barn -
t to the ground.oon
boon's 'Kidney Pill
idney s ant on the kid-
rebladder and urinary organs ouly.
heyoorehaokanhes. weak back, rintant-
tatn, dials:te z, congestion, inflatnation,
"oval,. Bright's disease and all other
ceases arisingfrom wrong action of one
•4neys and bladder
Mr. George Miller. Conner Line, Twp
1 Arran, hall n yield of 325 bushels of
'heat from cif Nix acres This would
+e an average of 54 bushels to the acre.
Dr. Chase's °int
mentis a certain
and guaranteed
cnroforeaoh and
every f or m of
and protruding
;wile& See tentimontals in the press and ask
aoru'ntaighhc zs about it. You can use it and
ret,yourmoney back ie not satisfied. Mc, at all
lealees or L'ImA*rsoN, Dara:s & Co., Toronto.
Dib tal,:I,t.GreiV Cyii9@9'�'i+ ll'cl '.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Evangelical parsonage, Mildmay, on
Wedneslay, Sept. 4th, at II a. m , when
lira Joseph Wood. of Ho wick was mar-
-tier). to Mist Sarah, dangbter of Mr. and
Sia. Geo. Boltzmann of Carrick. Rev.
P. B. Meyer performed the ceremony in
'he presence of a few immediate rela-
Kid;iey Duty —It is the particular
function of the iiidUeya to filter out peat -
me wheatpass through them into the
blood. Wheu the kidneys are diseased
they eannot do their wbola duty, and
should have the help and strettutb that
South American Kidney Care will afford
itaany and all forma of kidney disorder.
It relieves in (i hours. Sold by A, L.
Hamilton. _..14.
Ir. D. E. Munro, of Auburn, who bas
been in the Clinton hospital for several
weeks, was able to return home last week
greatly improved in health.
England added last year over three-
quarters of a million tone to its registers
of steamers and sailing vessels and ex•
perts ora wondering whether this 18 not
more than trade conditions warrant.
The 0 P R is of owe. TWe ntY am! A II C V 3 W EP it Xan o " pgrahnae a man's Wynn but
years ego
it had only 4,4151 miles of trig*t i1 F: i VI yon have to ou•tivee hie goodwill.
t .•drty u bac, ioagh]y ?gelatine, [2 Ot.O
mile, Then it had one throngh trete a
Jetty Eve days iu a week, going to flan
Yen are 0teem' m4e.i.
(:Dever in five data ane a bale, To -day Y•'u ft•el ued .sr d *, rn. For Infants and Children.
th--err i. the double daily t alfseonttneilt• You etre stets, bt,t rant aware of the
fartYon awn time yourself around—but
0 to k le ltt,tlu•111hle Bears the
With your •.tnrnneh oaring out for es.
tit service, the ever aeon malt t'vf ry
toilette and the trans. Canada Limited.
re wing three times et week during July
aud Anoint ant each tushing the trip
in two days lees trete thou the Due took
21. yearn ego,Eat what you like --Gam the Most v• •
r-at,d some Ku k to du Tb, s •
fa olio? s neat ex•"eiee ae uiu b. 011 SOY
p truer .1'e h•. [nets en-teenY , but tet they're
deto t give them the old that Dr Von
ata 'r Ptr eapt,le retie -re r ff:.rd and you
can eat Aux thicg tact's wholesome and
1 poJ,.t, 1e-00 to a hoe, oke Deets. Sold
1 by a L ii:uttltotl -
There are not teary or the early planoat; feet in Hallett town hip, set tbt re
art a few of the hackiegzreap who Need
halt the bardehi;;s ineident to clearing a
bush ?semi Amongthese may he lane-
,int•el Sir Thomas Fear. of the gravel
read; Gorge Snell, of the 811; Rebt
Scott, of the 11'h; J. Graeby, of the
10;h; and film, Tay ler All of tF ese
' have been residents of the vownsbip far
over 50 years, and w bile they have peesed
the alloted three son e 3 ears and ten.
meet of them re yl t vigor ou i and active
There are 360 OCO people employed in
the German mines
The ancient Egyptians used a form of
blast furnace 2000 B O.
The eseentlel fang -healing principal of
the pine tree has fleshy boon successfully
;Iterated and relined into it perfect
tough medicine—Dr Wood's Norway
Piue Syrup. Sold by all dealers on p
I•narantoe of satisfaction. Price 51:3
If there be nerve derangement of any
kind, it iz bound to produce all the
'various phenomena of heart detang;e•
;,tent. In
The force of dycamite• is about eight
titres that of g;nnpowder.
There aro more thioes in tin cans than
ate dreamt of in thy pbilorophy.
Those Worrying Piles! - One ap
pltoatiou or Dr Aguew's Ote,tmont will
gyve Sue confort, App ed every n ght
ter three to c•ix tights mei a cute is • fet-
ed iu the most sieeb fru cases of Band,Bleeding, orItching Plies, Dr, Agnttw'8
Otntntt+ut cares Ilii omit and all itching
and burning; thin uJsea es. It acts like
magio 25 cents. Sold by A. L lion, i1-
When a woman baa a good•Iooking
husband she always keeps one eye on
him and the other ou her w oar u friends.
To encourage temperatoe the British
adnrirality allows e6 a cin a month to
sailors' who forego their daily ration of
rum. But, as a sailor who does not wish
to Brick rum can draw his rations orad
eel1 then to other sailors at 80 cents or
even more a mouth, the tetaperanoe plan
is not to successful as was hoped.
81,1014G ARI)ICINII.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Strong onions, and plenty of them.
were ascribed by Mrs Catherine Gilli-
gan of New York, aged 107 years and 4
mouths at the time of her death, as the
cease of her longevity. She was often
heard to boast that medicine had never
passed her lips. "I take onions for
colds," sbe said, ''onions for fever, and
when I am well I eat onions on general
principles and heesnee they are good
To check a cold quickly, get from voor
druggist some little Candy Cold Tnbiete
called Preveutir•s. Druggists every-
where are now dispensing Preventics, for
they are not Janie safe, but decidedly* oer-
tain and prompt. Preventics Contain no
Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh hor
sickening. Taken at the •'sueeze stage"on
Preventics wilt prevent Poeamia,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, eta. Hence the
name, Preventics. Good for feverish
children. d8 Preventics 25 cents. Trial
Boxes 5 ots. Sold by all dealers,
Thos. Standish. of the 13th con. ani-
ma, has a cow that met with an no.
oideut and had one leg broken. His
brother, a veterinary of Walkerton,
found it impossible to splint the leg so
as to sage the cow. Ile therefore deoid•
ed to amputate the leg; this was done
and the cow is doing nicely, and will be
fattened for market. This was certAinly
better than killing her at once, This is
the first case that we have heard of where
this method Was adopted.
ler combined treatment that will cure all
forms of nervone disorders, as -well as
set upon the heart itself.
Mr,+. John Riley, Douro, Ont., writes:
4f1 .
been a great sufferer from
heart and nerve trorlhIes for the pact
ten years. Atter trying many remedies,
and doetorieg for tato years without
the least l,eliriat, I decided to gite Mil -
burn's heart and :Nerve fills It trial.
I sin thankful to say that, after using.
!nine Iw.teaa i am entirely cured and would
!*commend them to all sufferers."
Price „(t mite per box or 8 Iuaec, for
$1.2S, t5, et all dealers, or mailed direct:
ern tee -h4 of price by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
with the premier of years tole ad of them.
Stomach troehles, II art and Kidney sa-
ne uta,weakly ran be weakly cnzrect• d with a
plf,raarig,tinn ke.owu to druggists tea la
a here us Dc Snort/es Restorative. The
,prompt and se peaking relief v. hush this
remedy immediately Intuasis entir?ly
tins to its R-storattve notion upnu the
oouttolling nerves et t11•• Stonieoh, eta.
A week Stnuch, causingdysp psis, a
w- ak Heart with palpitation or interumit-
te nr pulse, 81Wny8 means weak Stemmer
nerves or week Heart nerves Strength-
en there inside or controlling nerves with,
Dr Sheep's Reetorative and see how
quit•kly these at!me:its rtisappear• Dr
:ihoep of Meanie Wis will ?nidi samples
free. Write for then A tont wi.1 tell.
Your health it certainly worth this elm -
pie trial. Sold by all dealers.
I The Kind You Have. Always Bough!
9isttt •ce at d the eery. (tau en edtze way 1 Signature ofd4.,1
OW try It', rr. z -ne—It will eurely do yt o
1'• -tree -me ie n wonderful eorrthinet on
nt v• getehte err-e,ct8 fortified by +xeel-
lent tonics for the nerves and sre•mKUh.
1'+rit n yon fee/ dc poudruta Formz:ne
oh er • you up
wise u 1'i•Auor anri oppresctnn weigh
yon d e,vn Farr z,ne bran ea yen up
Hitt ri alt gip t imp ,i'rihle Its t r• Z ills
entree rn1 tt.•rt•e1e►tlei eine ;vol. r. Ht
VO, h tun,ilnK h atth goad lo kl CO/3"1
Pp111N, utan, .,t•gnrt.l?,rrez liar; nettle.
the w,., k nh oI 1t AY d ter 30l'k 1. all
tyro • for own, went, u alt chelriree try
Fe: le 11'(,8 5011 per h s et all 0t; ier6
O a Saturday, Aug 31st, one of the old
rehtdeuts of God'. rich in the person of
Francis Jordan, passed away at his home
ou Colborne street. He had been a resi-
dent of Goderich for over half a century
and for the greater part of that time was
in the drug bosinese there. Mr. Jerrie')
bas been for years the chairman of the
board of Collegiate I rati.rnta trustees,
and be took part in the yrooeedings iu
eounectiou well the Collegiate Institute
reunion the week before hisdeatb, but an
attack of Bright's dfssase came on jest a
a week agoieenitieg in his death. Mr.
Jordan was an Engl?shoran by birth
He was a Conservative in politics and
an Auglican in religion.
A Pleasant Duty.—"When I know
auytulc•g worthy of reconmm it:dation, I
mousi•ler it my duty to tell at," says Rev.
Jas, Murdock, of Hamburg, Pe. "Dr.
Agnew'd Catarrhal Powder has cured me
of Catarrh of five y ears atandiugr. i( is
certainly magiaai in its effect. The tient
application benefited me to five minut s.
50 ets." Sold by A L. Hamilton, -9.
A pretty little home wedding was
solewniz d at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Win. Harvey, of Gorrie, on Tuesday,
Sept. 3rd, at high noon,when their voice.
Mies Flo. B. Harvey, of Toronto, was
united iu the holy bends of wedlock to
file. Thomas W. Ralph, of the office staff
of the 0, N. R. Co., Toronto. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. A. B.
Dobson, in the presence of the immediate
relatives, the bride being given away by
her uncle, Mr. Wm. Harvey.
The editor of the Mi limey Gazette
has rete fl.d from a Mat thee nip to the
W. -est The pro. ince of A. b. Ire will this
year prot'nca almost en average crop in
spate ot the bacltw ird spring. The eroph
are zip -1 ing very slowly, however, on
aeocuct of the cold, v. et weatber. 1t
has been raiulu,; in Athol ta?very other
day during the month of Angost Iu
SdHketohewreu the Yie'd will r ct conte up
to the average. In some ft. -miens, how-
ever ilio crops never were Netter, but
the frost has done considerable damage
in in,rny parte. Mauitoba, itis es' hinted
will yield abort ten bushels to the acre,
tied the writer saw many fields of wheat
glowed up, the Drop beteg too li,ht to
pay fur the haaveating of it. There is
net mach m'-ve in real estate iu the west
this year, owing mainly to the stringency
of the money w8rkert, The writer visit-
ed some of the fruit growing dietriota in
British Columbia, aud was astonished
at the marvellous fertility of the to
the Realise.
vac Ov"r Sixty Years.
An old and Weil•Tried•Rernedy—Mrs
Wluslow'e Sootbiun Syrup has been used
tor over emir years by mallow of moth-
ers Per their children while teething,
with perfect ?macess, It soothes the
ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind collo, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is plealaut to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five Dente a bottle. Its
velue is incalculable, Be sore you ask
for Mrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, and
teake no outer kind. Guaranteed under
the Forel and Drag Aot, June 30th, 1906.
Serial Number 101)8
ITCH, ;tfange, Prairie Scratches, Bar-
ger'. Itch and every term of contagions
Itch on human or animals cured iu 80
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lo -ion,
It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
'The young man starting ont for him-
self ought to make a a:udy of his power
of penetration, his character -reading
ability. Ile ought to melte It a business
to study men, estimate their capabilities
and motives which actuate them, Ile
should study them, sorntiniza their
actions, watch their tendencies in little
things and learn to read them as an
open book. The involuntary acts and
natural manner of a man indicate more
than does hie studied conversation, The
eye cannot lie. It epesks the truth in all
languages. It often cant:ad:eta the
tongue, While the man is often trying
to deceive you with his words, his eyes
are telling you the truth; his actions are
tndicative of the real man, while the
tongue may onlyrepresent the diplomat,
the man who is doting;.
Many people say they are"all nerves,
smelly startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's- Heart and
Nerve Fills are just the remedy Ruch
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centras and give
new nerve force to sbewroved nervous
Thenet n t d est of some of the citiess
ofho world t wo didamatter of interest to
the taxpayers. That of Paris is the
greatest, being $350,000,000, or $172 82 a
head. New York s is next, being $440,
060,000, or $113.25 a head. London's
debt is $335,000,000, or $73 5'0 s head
while Philndelpliisi,s is $64,800,000, of
$10 50 a Head. Stratford's debt is $088,
012, or $63.50 per head, with assets of
Aotiens and some people's Mot•hie
speak bade than words.
And it's easy to advertise tee fact that
yen are a tool, All you hare to do is
boast pobliely of Soar wisdom,
moves ell hard, soft or (:nllunne•i lamps
Ker! blemishes from horses, blond spa"tn.
ourhn. sulints, ringbone, ow tansy, st;11-'4.
sprains, More fled swollen throat, (mirrhs,
stn. Satre 110 by use of one bn•tl'.
Warranted the most wonderfn! B end.h
Care ever known Sold by A. L. }fount-
Sortie men world rather he thought
dela than be considered rich in thnuehG
An old and much respected resident
of Goderich. in the person of Jobe
Walker, departed this life Wednrs:ay,
Sept. 4th. at the age of eighty -tight years
and five months.
insure Against 881103+ (loads.
Of the many forms of insurance pros
abty that which protects you ogainet the
sertoua results of colds is the most vale,
this time of veer, when so ulanv are be.
corning vi :tiuls of ]a grippe and pneu
monia By the prompt use of Dr Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine you can
keep rhe cough loose, erevent further
develeprnent of the cold and cure it in a
Sew days.
A (piet but pretty wedding took place
at the home of Jes Jewell, Benwiiler,
on Wednesday, Auger, 28t'), when hie
sister iu law, Miss Anna Mar, fonrtlt
daughter of John \Vriubt, of Portland.
Oregon, formerly of Clinton, was Mar-
ried to Fratf•t E Wilson, of CYlinton.
Only the immediate relatidtss of both
parties were present.
Why does the proportional number of
widowe increase steadily ? asks a Swiss
journal, and gives in reply several res -
sons --the men are a ngaged in more haz-
ardous 000upationt; they waste too
much time in taverns, drinking and
squabbling over politics, and they get. 6r.
ally burn the candle at both ends. Hence
the insurance companies ate beginning
to ask a higher rate for men than for
The U S Forestry Bureau, which
now administers more' acres of land
than any other institution in the world
and is the landlord branch of the
United States Government, Baas just
compiled its report ooveriug atatietioe
of grazing on the public Janda of the
great West, The fi.tures will give same
idea of the scale on which Uncle Sam
bas gone into the land business, and are
very comforting because of their very
siza, for if the existing policy isnumoles•
ted the vast areas, of forest and mcun-
tain now embraced in reserves will tor
all time be administered in the itzterest
of the entire people. There are now
more than 156 000 000 sores of land in
tho national forests. Grazing is per-
mitted, bat under strict regnlatiocs,
made in order that the grass may not be
destroyed by overfeeding.
Dr. Agnew'S Cure for the Heart
acre direetly and quickly, stirnulatee the
Heart's action, steps roost acute vain, dis-
pels all sigma Of weakness, flattering,
aiilkin t, smothering, or palpitation.
Tris wondetful cure is the sturdy ship
whtch carries the heart -sick patient into
the haven of radiant and perfect health,
Gives retie in moat acute forms of heart
disease in 30 minutes. Sold by -A. L.
Hamilton. -11.
Nature's Remedy
La grippe, pneumonia aucl elate
mita often leave
lat -
entaoftenleave a nasty cough 1a•hen
they're gone. It is a dangerous
thing to neglect.
Cure it with
Perfect 8ao
ad Purifier
Cures All Germ Disposes'►
42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont.
Mountains have eara as well as feat—
at least there are mountaineers.
The average life of illi American abip
is only eighteen years, while that of a
British vessel is twenty-six years. The
Scandinavian average is the best. It
is thirty years.
Laxa-'Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
tnedicine. They onre Constipation, Siok
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, putging or sickening.
The ratepayers of Colborne are to
vote en September 30th on a bylaw to
guarantee the bonds of the Ontario
Went Shore Electric Railway Go. to the
amount of $25,000,
Bears tee the Kbd You leave always Bou it
• of
There is mare Catarrh in this aeotion
of tate oouutry than all other diseases
pet together, and until the last few years,
was supposed to he iuourable For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease and prescribed local reme-
dies. and by couetautly failing to cure
with local treatment, prououuced it in-
curable. Sc! -nee has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease and therefore
requires oonstitotional treatment Halla
Catarrh Care, ruanufantured by F. J.
Cheney tat Co , Toledo, Ohto, is the only
conetitutioual cure on the marker. It
taken internally in doses from ten drops
to a teaspoonful, Ir riots directly on the
blood and mucous surtaxes of the systarn.
They tiler oue hundred dollars for any
case it fails to mire. Send for Omelets
and testimnniels
Address: F. S. Cheney & Co , Toledo,
Sold by Drupeiste, 75c
Take Hall's Family. Pills for consti-
In the perish church of Ovhiltree on
one oeeasian a young probationer was
olrieiatiu8 iu the absence of the regular
minister, and as he had been tired with
a long journey and wanted a rest before
delivering the sermon he gave a long
Psalm to be mug, not knowing that the
precentor was suffering from a had cold -
indeed, the bad cold was a chronic com-
plaint. 'Tbe 'first four verses were
finished not so badly, but at the fifth
Tammas stuck, and no amount of tun-
ing could get him started again. At Iast
the minister had to stand up and that in
no pleasant mood, Leaning over the
pulpit side he thus addressed the pre-
centor--" Tammas, if ye mak' sin a work
about skirling Dot four verses o' a Palm
now, what'll ye dae through a' the ages
0' eternity?"
Youth's Companion: Not long ago
the farmers and cnitivatore in Algeria
often went to considerable expense to
destroy- the dwarf palms which abound
in that part of A?riea. Prow, thank* to-
othe constant progress of practical'
these Dene des ided p]
have beeome a a soar ca of Wealth, and are
060E gnently cultivated in their turn,
Their leaves furnish fibres from +6rhi0h,
by very simple processes, is prodtioed it
substitute tore horsehair in the matott►tao-
tate of mattresses and So forth Other
l+lxfite likewise !tarnish fibres Which ere
utilized for is similar la trpyee, but the
African dwarf palm at present hoods the
lead ipc this ifidntttrf'.
The Pandora
oven is perfectzy
ventilated. The air in the
oven is constantly being
renewed whit fresh air
drawn through three vents
between oven and fire -pct
doors, and the cooking
fumes ca:
rigid ottt
another set
of vents in back
end of oven, as
L ,
shown by 111115-
oven never smells close
and stuffy, as do the
majority of range overs.
Food cooked in it is ntor c
healthful, as well as more
appetizing and satisfying.
11 your 1•4,1 Jeder cannot rah.
you complete infurnra::on about die
Pandora, write direct for free
ry� xryry+;1stcs, ,
7 f`'t-�•s�'•,e`�Sr�tik�lt�,�,�r� � lr per'0
-22,.. ', e, -1, r--. —. :•a.
-_:'.TCWw"n"• Wtrn fir..,.,.._ ite.4.%Y
Imo"" M',Gi.3:&.:'•l'��1=%
.11.77 --kr. -•-. �'.;;•�� r%,.- ,,.....
es.. ` ."G
% �,,,
1•ss4•rroarr••.s4•••st4.4'► sororr••••••••••4 ••••••41
We ate sole agents for the celebrated 3CRAN'I'4►b COAL,
+ which has no equal. Also the beat grades ot Soothing, Cannel and
4 •
Domestic Coat, aut1 Wood of all kinds. always on hand.
throats Hands and
Lege Paralyzed
p Reside•iii Phone N.o.,55,
Three of the best doctors in St, Thomas
found themselves ,unable to cope with
this case, which only emphasizes the
extraordinary merit of Dr. Chase's Nerve
rood as a cure for paralysis of the nerves.
Mrs. Frank Snyder, St. Thomas, Ont.,
writes:—"I mite to tell you of the great
benefit I fdii'nd in the use of Dr. Chase'a
Nerve rood. I had diphtheria sp bad
that after i got over it I was left' with
paralysis in the throat, hands and legs.
I was completely disabled and could do
no Work. whatever. I had some of the
best doctors in St. Thomas, but they
were not able to cure or even relieve me.
f I)r. Chases Nerve
Th use o rood
has cured me completely, the paralysis
has entirely loft, my nerves are strength-
ened and my system generally built up
so that I feel as well as ever I did, and
tan recommend Dr. Chsee's Nerve rood
to any one suffering from weeknesis of
th3 nerves ' and paralysis."
We earry a
fnil stook of
!Dressed or Undressed)
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
! ` Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "1
ter` c �/w 1
Office, No. 64. Mill, No, 44. •
r•4••4e••4104.44.4104•••44••••4 •s•s.ss4•+r•••••••••.4.444•i
Dr. Chase's nerve Food, 59 coats a
box, 6 boxes for $2.50. at all dealers, or
Lamson, two* Cato, TOr0atl. `' elw____ st dIJ4034 .40.4
•••••••••t traaa••••••••••aOa
An AverBsement in
Brings Goad Resulis
The yVingham Times reaches
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