HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-27, Page 15SANTA
AND FRIEND: -- Jeremy Reids of Hensel, found a• friend at the.
Nursery School Christmas party on Thursday afternoon.
(Expositor Photo);
Mil$,, MacGREGOR
Mrn., Clarence Reid with
has teen a patient In South
Huron Hospital,. Exeter re*
_' turned to her home on
Satu rdav
The W.G. Thompson Ltd.
FlrIn entertained. the
employees of Hensall.
kfteheli and Granton to a
Christmas party • in the
Hensall Arena on. Saturday
evening. The. Ladies' Legion
Auxiliary provided the
dinner and dancing, was.
enjoYed to music by the
Country Gentlemen;
The Cancer, Polio and,
Tuberculosis Members of the
LO.O.F. and Amber?
REbekah Lodges delivered
treats to Shut-ins at Queens-
way Nursing, Blue Water
Rest Home, Zurich, Huron-
view, Clinton and some locale
members this week.
Mr. Tom Kelly,
Administration Manager at
the. local Bank of Montreal
left' last week for a Holiday
with Relatives and friends in.
Nova Scotia.
•Mr. Brad Sangster who. .
wwaa�a patient in South Huron.
Hospital, Exter returned
home last week.
Mrs. Don Luther, Raechel.
and Adam of St. Johns,
Newfoundland' visited last
week, with the.formers father
in-law, and mother-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther.
.THE NEW TEACHER AND FRiIENDS — Judy Oatema of Clinton, with
friends Vicky and, Matthew ,Is the new teacher at the Hensall Nursery
School. (Expositor Photo)
I : ee Links Club.
Sing carols
Correspondent ninth admired and all who
A bountiful Christmas Pot-
luck' turkey supper was
*roughly enjoyed by over 50:
seniors, ' members of the
Three Links Senior` Citizens
Club of Henson on Tuesday
evening, The evening' was
completed by singing carols,
a reading by Mrs: Harold
Parker, and: an inspiring
address by' Rev. Stan
McDonald. Christmas
relieves the monotony of.
everyday 'lives and brings
:hope and peace to all, young
and old alike'.. Therefore it is
a personalseasonwhen we
recall the Babe who came to
save all; this was C}od's
supreme revelation of Him-.
self. The season helps us all
to become more thoughtful of
others. He closed with a
poem, "0 tell me, where is
Christmas found".
Henry Adkins favoured
with,'two pieces on the
�mout horgan: and Mrs.. Carl'
Payne sang a Christmas
number,, "The friendly
beasts'.; .
Mrs. Bertha Mac(#regor
conducted the business,
welcoming, all present. Two
invitafions were -received;
one from the Kinsmen of
Iiensall and District, inviting;
all to a gathering in the
Public School on the evening
of December 18 and another
from Kippen East Women's
Institute to a noon dinner on
January 16 names to be in to
secretary Mrs. Irene Davis.
by January 9. '
Winter trips for Seniors'
are being arranged;
literature available from
Mrs. Davis. Several copies of
"Voice" were distributed
and with un*nitnous supper'
it was decided to become a'
"Star" club in U.S.0 O. A
donation will be 'Made
towards the Arens fund"
Zone eight Spring Rally
will be held in Herlsall at the
United Chutch sine
`Wednesday, April 30, MrS"
a l acGregor rushed all a Very
Merry Christmas, De
**Oink in the *,hall were
hadhelped' in any way'
towards the success of the
evening were warmly
thanked. Rev, McDonald was.
presented with a small gift
by Mrs. MacGregor. Hostes-
ses were Mrs. Gerte Moir,.
Mrs., Ruby Bell and Mrs.
Irene Mavis assisted by the
Executive and entertainment
was arranged by Mr: and.
Mrs:.' Carl Payne and Mrs.:.
Bertha MacGregor.
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527 -oast:
Lavern Oedkln,R.R.M1, Walton
Rosa Loonhoidt,R.N.MM,'S w'nobolin
John NicEwing, 8.11.111, Slyth
SNnhry Melfrrafn; 01.11.03, 0edalrkh
DonaldMcKikeMe. R.R.111, Dublin
John. A. Moto, M:R.M1, RrucMhnd
J.N. Trdwarlh.. Sox 001. CH n4.n
Stoat* Wilton, RA.111. ! rucilieid
E.F. "Bill' Dural, R A Iii S.alofih
Jlntell(0ys, R.R,aI, Seilorth
Win'. taIper, R.R.11, t ondMbaro
I30st Wishes
Us Alt front',
Mrs. Margar.t Sharp, s1ks, -Ph. 40 4400;
Mrs,. Sarah Simpson ,is 'a
patient in; Soutl 'kuron
Hospital where she is re-
ceiving treatment.;
The draw on the. Legion
Ladies" "Money' Doll" will
be made on Friday, December
Mrs. Hazel Luther re
turned home last week after
visiting with her' grand-
daughter and :grand -son -in-
law * Mr. .and Mrs: Jeff
Raeburn at Coronation,
The Hensall Kinettes. en-
tertained the K40 club to
dinner at the Burkley Rest-
airant, Exeter on. Wednes-
day evening, followed by ;a
social timeat the home of
- Mrs: Steve Knight. Bags of
candies were packed for the
"Free Skating" sponsored at
the Arena Sunday afternoon
by the Kinettes, Santa Claus
arrived and treated the.
The Hensall and District
Kinsmen Club sponsored at
"Senior. Citizens Night"
again this year a. the tiensall
Public School on Tuesday
evening at 7;30' p.m. Films
%Id entertainment were
much enjoyed by all and a
social time was had when.
lunch was served.
Rev« Kenneth Ifnight 041,-
arsdusted1 worship, 'in Cannel,
Pteshyterian, Chutelr when
the members of the Sabbath
ha►l; '.took part in the
Missy Sandra Wade
favoured ,with, selections on
her accord. ian 'tree Sunday
School ,members took part in
David Skea gave a reading
*Mewed -y "On Christmas
Day" and Away 1t4: a
The residents of the
igtteensway Nursing Home
.are most grateful to their
families who visitedwith
them; and enjoyed the
ristmas; Party and :ea.
pescially Santa Ciatls. *he
dropped :in with treats.
visitors. with,-mae Beaver
were Stella Taylor and Ella.
Willem. Mrs Mary Hogan,
Mrs . Mary Holtzman, Les
Mitchell,. :and. daughter
Barbara and friend and:
Robert Mitchell visited with
;P EITOR, 'DECEMiISER. 27, 117*'
Ma« Durand and "family
xisited With Nell Kendrick.
D44rr "Roxenvisited
his, wnfe Alice also dal Mrs and
« Lyle. Kraft, Irene
.Fmlayson, Ruby Finlayson
:and Vera Johnston visited,
Mrs. Volland, Frank and
haute Jordan and Jack
Dipshal.L visitod Nelsoa
LORhtin.. Mr. and Mrs,
Alfred Rates visited Louise
Scrymegour. Mr. and Mrs.
Jerk IJpshall! visited .,Jim"
Manager" by the Sunday
School members. Rev.
Knight spoke to the class on
"The International Year. of
the Child The Church was
• beautifully decorated by the
Members of the Arnold
•Circle Ladies Auxiliary. Rev,
Knight gave an interesting,
Menge . on God's
Greatest Gift''.
accompanied of
throughout: the se
A joint Choir
be held in Cromarty
sbyterian Church
Night December
p.m. Everyone is
Obitu ary
,Mrs. • Robert Taylor
the organ
Service will,
arty Pre-
on Sunday
23rd at 7:30
Floyd. • Nelson . Smith
formerly of Hensall died in
Rushing, Michigan. on:. •
Saturday, December 15th, in
his 72nd year. He was a son
of the late M. and Mrs. Alex
Smith of Hensall. Husband
of Muriel (Hurst) Smith, son
David of Massillon, Ohio,
and: daughter 'Mrs: David
Krueger' (Sharon) of
Flushing, ' Michigan.
Brother of Mrs. M.B.
Parker, London, and Eldrid,
London, predeceased by.
three sisters Mrs John
Craig (Ida) Mrs -Alex Smith
(Laura)' Blyth, "Ontario and
Mrs, • D. McPherson, (Lena)
Portland,: Oregon and three
brothers Dr. David. T. of
Omer, Michigan. William of
Pangman Sask, and 3.
Alexander of Fort Benton,
Montana. Funeral Service
was held from the Resell
Funeral Chapel Flushing,
Michigan at 1:00 p.m. on : ?
Monday, December 17th.
Interment Flushing
Louise Mitchell°.
Mrs. Jessie Ingle and Mrs:
Geo. Blake visited with Cora
Alcock, Mr- and Mts. Walter
Vi'1tilhelm� Cathy and Steve
Davidson and Gordon visited
Mrs. Edna Youn. Mr, and.
Mrs. Mary Oesch and Roy
and Ida Gingerich visited the
fbrmert husband Pat Desch.
Visiting with Wally Crich
were John Crich and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Gilmore and
As you celebrate the ai rtvaf of .
'the New Year we -hope it wilt
strike a' chord of happtnesi
for you and those you love.
Thanks for your patronage.
KiNi. AM?.BELi
aubtr►r, anf
NIr1.Mor4 InaltenWral
Regan, Vlaitora with Russell
'wen we+ bis, wife Pearl
Mrs. Eric .Luther, Mrs.Nast:
Britton, Helen Taylor,
Gladys Coleman, Bertha
MaeGregorw tdr.
a "ey Pja , �^'r. a,id' YAR
D.E. Kyle, Mrs Stanley
visited with Alex Barrett..
Visiting with Len PutdY was
Iia wife ,Susan. Mrs. Pfn'
visited with her husband
Horace also Mr. and Mrs..
ffarveyPfaff of. Exeter
visited' with ifernea4.
Dal alsitad with
Agnes; Cutting. Rev,
bough conducted the rch
service accompanied, at the
Piano by Louise Mitchell,
The Staff at Queensway .are
.most' grateful to all who
attend, the Christmas:
Gathering snd supported`
them, throughput the yetar..
Men"s:. Bigh bowling wan
Neil: Regan with 143 -aids
Ladies' high score was Mary,
Parimet with 78.
Kick up your
h eta and fees
.hear it:farathe
datzli' ig•New:
Year that's
upon aa.
Wishing you
every success!
�` Walton
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