HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-27, Page 104'
IT DAVI. ME The filheS`dorninanee :did)**
In a few *Derr 'er*Yn, as continue against the green,
incredible as it 'SeeMS,, shirts however and the .$tars.
Vieth"! 4014 about to, prevailed by taking the fitt4.,
wave fieWell- And through games. -4 and 4-3.
-&-inst ten year, Moat tff, tar 1970711 •
I'm sure, havegry.wa klittln There is go 04414 that the
74ser- /970771 Stas will go downas
The 19'10 will probaoty the greatest team
leave; many ,of us a little ever play in the league.
:burnt out and very Wary of They were totally
the eighties. dominant:1u very aspect
• 0 0
Call then) what you with the game aird went tindefeat,
the silly sevenfies; the 4;4 ,ed during ;regular season:
seventies; the inflatienary, :play. They played hockey
seventies; or the trouble .if the earth was on fire and it
seventies. One thing I* was the last match ever.
certain though, these past. Larry Scott Yvon the
ten years will never be scoring crowp. and the green
known as the boring boys wen the playoff chipS,
:seventies-, with the likes of •Brian
The sporting, world PhiIlips Bjfl Price, Dan
became very much a part -,of Muir, Larry Broome and Don
the teat World also. Its just .
amazing how the media and The mighry StarS, lost just
inflation brought many of our one playeff game. It was to
heroes down to Mortal levels, the nyets who paid the price
The gods of spit probably by being crushed 3 games to
, died In. the 1970"s, 1 during, the final series.
OW taws Industrial Heckey 1971-72,
brogue ,did not escape the The Stars Continued to roll.
• dealing 'hand of fate and along and the green sweaters ' Agar, Ron Benerman, Brian
Flanigan, ,Ken Cardno, Gary
13ettles, Bill Boshart and
Gary Montgomery made up
the rest of the ,eharnpion
green team,
The all conqUering green
machine squashed the
Flyers 2games to nil to
become, the 4th Star team, to
Win it all.
The day of 51,00 ice time
was ending and a new
ushered itself in during the,
fall of '75. The year is
significant because
expansion hit the industrial
hockey league with a fury. '•
The Hawks and Wings
becarrie the newest family
meMbers, and they increased.
ethneougliteague 4'0 "7ix is:,
The 1975-76 season soon
became known as the year of
the record breakers.
The,Wings did finish first
'and in the process tore the
.record book to•
stere ds.
Despite finishing in first'
spot and having the: top 4
scorers in the league:, the
Wings were Upset in the
playoffs. The Kings won
the series 2 games to, 1 in
what many consider the
biggest surprise ever.
The Royal squad had such
members as. George Reeves,
Date Kennedy, Ken Doig jr.
and Gerry Feeney, in the line-
They were a hard working
outfit that humiliated the
Flyers 18-0 in the most
one-sided, wipeout in I.H.L.
playoff history.
-The Wings meanwhile had
the likes of Ken Doig Sr.,
Dan Muir, • Fred BurtOn,
Brian Leenhardt and Dave
Broome, the leagues leading:
scorer with a record 42
points, in the: line up. But
the red shirts sagged and the,
Kings went on,. tee down the
,Blues 2 games to I in the
league final. •
Blue clubs had become
Much strotiger the past
couple of seasons and they
won their first crown
in 1977.
Led bYseoring champ Dale
Kennedy the Blues bounced
the Wings in two straight
games to win all the. glory.
The club lost only 2gameS all
year and set numerous
records including Kennedy's
43 points.
Steve Southgate Won the
the IclOgS. POW a, teal ind4Strial lioSkey scoring
sheeker *flocking off the ;race 1)0 it Was, a !PATEN];
Pennant winner* 2 games to Blue squad who. again
1. dominated.
The first two contests were Losing only 2 games, the
tne cairn before the storm.Alues again led an assault on
because the Royal squad ran' the record standards -
Circles around. the Blues in But it was an often bitter,
erushing them 9-2 during. the violent series with the flyers
Anal mis-match.
Brian Leonharrit- Run btlleaCetmhgeinebaesr°end'''foilrl•Pr°b4WY
Bildehraad, Ken Wright and The Blues met the flyers
Lloyd Eisler led the Kings in 7 time that season and the
their conquest, games bordered on war fare.
197445 Three of those 7 unlucky
The 1974-75 season wilt go matches took place in the
down as the closest on league final. The Blues won
record. A thin spread of just the' ,final series and that
4 pointS separated the first included a final game' 10-4
place Stats and the cellar slaughter.
dwelling Blues. 1978-79
Bill Price of the Stars won. Last season will probably
the • scoring title, with 27 be remembered as the most
points. His tearmate; Dale bitter of aII First the ,Kings
Keenedy,,, finished second), and • their horrendous
just one point behind. goaltending. The officiating
The Stars captured the took, an incredible verbal
playoff title to add to their beating; the calibre of play
lainels. ' dropped drastically and the
Kevan Broome, Reinny play -off set up was a
Van Loon Ron Dale Mary shamtaps
joined hundreds of orgam- were ,quickly becoming
zations across the country to synonornous with victory.
suffer the highs and lows of a This third version of the
turbulent 10 years. lucky green finished 1st
Of course there were good overall and won the playoff
moments to help us forget crown for the third straight
the bad ones and this article season.
Is about the Seaforth The 1972 version boasted
Industrial Hockey League the likes of Jim Carter,'Uary
and ten years gone. Gray, Jim Coleman, Don
1%9-70 Hulley, who won the scoring
When Moe Huard walked title, and Dave Broome. The
into Russ Broderic4 pool green club won' the final
room one. sunny October day series over the Flyers by 2
in the fall of 1969 his sole games to 1. •
objective was to Sign players The final match was a
for the upcoming thrilling 4-2 come - from -
season. -• behind tnasterpiece.
Rumours had run rampant 1972-73.
that the league was in dire The e'h a in pi onship
need of skaters and monopoly 9f the Stars was
especially some young blood finally broken by the -Kings
His signings that sunny in 1973.
afternoon and the following, , The ROY'll Club won the
days would make Al. trophy but lnlact it was the
Eagleson wince with envy. Blues that pulled one of the
Ori the dotted line names like biggest upsets in league
Don Muir, John Groothuis, history. -
Jim Holland, Paul Muir and Led by Dan. Muir and Jim,
Al Wilbee appeared. Dan . Watson the last place blue
Muirwent on to win a scoring' boys shocked the 2nd spot
title later making Huard stars 2 matches to The
sOineWhatof a prophet. Most Stars boasted /tape scoring-,
Of the new flees were 16 and leader Steve Southgate.
17 -year olds still in high, The Seaforth Arena ran
. school and all were eager to out 'of ice that spring and
play. It started a youthwhat turned out to be' the
movementwhose influencels, final game of the playoffs
still being felt today. was moved to Clinton.
Prosperity Was not'a About 250 people travelled.
kague bye word 'during the the eight miles that night and
1969=70 season and this was Witnessed what isconsidered
painfully evident in the team the definite match in league
sweaters. They weren't history,
really/ sweaters at all but The greatest I.R.L. game
vests in the colours of red, ever ended in overtime when
blue, yellow and green to. Dave Broome of the Kings
represent the four membet scored with just over a
clubs. minute left.
The clubs were called the He also scored the tieing
reds, the blues, the yeflows, goal with a mere 18 seconds
and the greens but ft* the left in regulation time.
sake of posterity the clubs It was an end -to -end
later became' know' • as the thriller matching the
Flyers. INUes,, Rings, and Cinderella blues against the
Stars. number one Royal 'club,
The yellows (Kings) Were 'After, the final bell sounded
league champs that 19040 the classic I.H.L. encounter
season. They finished far out -had emerged.
in front and had the leagues 1973-74
leading scorer Don Hulley. During the spring of '74
• But when playoff time the league tradition of upset
rolled around a situation shockers continued.
occurred that happened "
ominously again in following' That year the Blues had
coasted to a first place finish
yearn- while the. Kings ended their
The Royal team mu" have season dead last,
telt they had, suddenly taken
the hot rails to hell because The Royal squad upset the
"the. Blues came /Jong and Flyers to advanne.
Promptly knnekeitthe league Danthescoring
champs off by scores of 10-5 Muir won
race that season with a
and 7-1.
record 34 points but the
The Blues went on to face
the Starts in the final round. ghostof playoffs past
haunted the Blues again as
at the door,
ond It sure
to be fullof
Surprises for
010 good friends
'. • • .
We wish yOU a New Year filled with laughterdreams
come true. Thank you for you, friendship;
• • • • ,,,.:•Sacifortk.. •' •
But through it all came the
Kingsagain as the
Cinderella tale re -visited.
They found a goalie in Fred
-Burton and then whipped the
Wings in (Get This) a 1 -game
playoff final, It was a final
game that will go down in,
league history as the
roughest, most verbal and
silliest ever.
pale Kennedy captured his
second scoring crown by
counting a record 54 points.
• That total also included a
recordsetting 29 points.
Delusions of grandeur
have never been a problem,
with the LILL, It has been
a struggling, enterprise from
the beginning that has been
paying its own way, The
league has seen the cost of
registration jump from 5200.
to 560.00 and suffered
through expansion and a host
of other problems,
Inflation has played a large
part in the philosophy of its
governing members. Corner
coffinshas become an
important part of running the
°PetatiOnn Unfortunately
inflation only seems to hurt
the POW.
The 1970's hold good
memories for most of us who,
played during the years, The
threat of higher fees and ice
costs will make operation in
the 80's a continuing battle
for survival though.
So ,many people have
contributed to the Industrial
Hockey League over the
years that it is impossible to
mention everyone.
Gary Gray, Bill Teat!, Jim
Carter, Don Hulley', Lloyd
Eisler, Jack Muir and Ben
Akker are just a few who
contributed their time and
effort on and off the ice to
make the league a workable
organization over the years,
For the people who
conceived the idea of :an
Ithnadnkustdenaol uligeha.guFeorwtehogs4elinPt
who •play now and are
involved - in the
administrative aspect of the
league, we thank you fee
your hard 2/Ork and
HoPefullY the ns Year
will bring everyone inuch,
luck and a lot Of good Bram
% •
Vojens (Denmark)
Seaforth (1.0.0.F) Midgets
Game Time: 3:00 p.m,
Seaforth Arena
$2..09 Molts
11 .00 .Studenti,
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SeafPrth Arepa, Bob & Betty'sVariety, Roth's ,Food Market;
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from all of us at'
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Prices effective until.Satirday, December 29, 1979
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By the case only '10.50
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.5 each
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Club House
234 Gr.