HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 46tritfitOti EP R 201, See ; *Olt 4 y > Bethiehenk le august ,et t1 th wna1d hose bad. O the eve 13.C,.* an- important ;omen. #la of Chriert a 'firth,: The .But it was too truly to be> an ltdct aael is iPlerretroluat of the *TO Dotaeio I4useum, Toeooto„ 'ante ane of its; The CCbristrgtsr Sty this; December 20,, 1979 to. Decembetr- 31, 197, The Gospel according, to. St Matthew records that brilliant, star appeared in the heave.M to guide the. Wise Men of the. East to ,lH: thlebem where Christ was_ born. Since Matthew's: account was 7written,. astronomers. alt .over the world: have struggled! .to explain that miteettleus star. The Christmas Star examines some of the theories "that have been advanced. Evidence indicates that Christ was born sometime between 6-4 B.C, Astronomical records show that during 7 B.C. a highly siccant event, a great conjuncton,'occurr ed.:avhen. the planets Jupiter and Saturn joined in; the constellation of Pisces. • Since the Wise Men were sophisti- cated . astrologers: - astronomers, ers, one could ask,. "Was it the sight of this, conjunction that lured .them to. Bethlehem?" Chines records indicate that a "supernova,".,; an, exploding star, occurred in 1,054 A.D. Was a supernova the celestial, phenomenon that explains the Christmas Star? Halley's Comet: stood high in the morning sky --over • tr000ntierti effects would !save assn Mt .the eVe de4 with, the brilliant of Christ's birth. .Still, it ismatie ,stet' seen by .leaves; the Stas Qf *Attleboro ileboro Decetnber 2Q; 2.:, 2:d1 & 7:30 p,m December 22, 2.4 12:30, 1:4S, 3:00 ala 7.130 P.m.,, December 24, 12001„ 1:451'k 3:OQ. p -m., De en1 ez . 25 -Planetarium. Closed, December 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 22.30,1:45, 30O& 7.00 p.m.. December 31-12:30, i:4$ &, 0, t",rw the birth of Christ, The show, the Christmas $tar at The McCaughlin Planetarium recreates all of the Wise. Men, The a mystery, or if you prefer, a Christmas Star allows us to miracle. share the night sky as it SHOWT11VIES: Sweet Treat . Rose Petal Jelly "A rose is a rose is a rose' , .. according to Gertrude Stein, celebrated poetess. Not always so, when its rich red petals can be turned into that all too rare treat ... rose petal jelly! If you remember. the delicate taste and fra- grance of ruse Petal jelly from when you were a child, you'll welcome this almost forgotten re- cipe. If you have never tasted ;u, try this easy recipe fora new and.delightful taste experience. Put two quarts of fresh rose petaisinto. a large bowl and cover with l quart boiling water. Cover the bowl and steep for 20 minutes. Strain into a wide, shallow pan. Add 3 teaspoons •of lemon::ibice, 4 cups of sugar and cook over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved, stir- ring constantly, When mixture passes the jelly test (two drops flow together in a metal spoon) skim and pour into hot,' sterile jars and cover with paraffin. Enjoy this fragrant jelly on biscuits; Admission.: Adults $1.75,, Studeata, Children, Senior Citizen SLOP Childfers aged 6 to 14 years, of age Must be ai cojepanied. by an adult: We regret that children under the sage of 6, and latecomers,; cannot„ be admitted to, ape theatre shows, u•x I. The many The practice of exchang- ing gifts at. Christmastime may be connected: with at similar ancient Roman practice on New Year'S Day, l-fowever,, tnost theolog an$ trace the custom to gifts: brought to the Infant Jesus. by the Wise Men, Dutch children fill wood. en. shoes with .food and water for St, Nicholas and his horses. On Christmas morning, good children find that Nicholas has filled the shoes with small: toys.. and candy,- Bad • children find them stuffed with sticks, however. . Italian ;children look to • BUILDING COMM Not ice to a u r Q Our December 3 l st• Year end is .fast... approaching We ask for your cooperation. in checking any outstanding balances and for your remittance to reach us before Reel bar 31,0, 1979 M,tI.4dI1..CAU LAY hof urfit 527-091"0 C0nt0n482.3405 Henso11 262:2418 May you share the special `: blessings of the holiday with • those you hold most dear. Sincere thanks. r MACLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENT Egmondvitie Hare's hoping that Santa's,lolty spirit einbraccs.' qur iioilday sort! t 'hal svarVa ' **and' yciartn•'l ices Itit *tail delights!' DRYWALL .:KNOWN .' FORMIC H QUALITY. Peter Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE • 527-1398 or 527:-0606 ways of gifting the 'Magi themselves for gift bringing,. On January 6th, the Three. Kinee. or a help - fa "witch,' I3efana,• Win leave: treats for those who are good and tricks for the bad;: • t: A CANADIAN. CHILD'S. WORLD 'OP TOYS -That's the title of an exhibition' Scheduled from Dec. 1, to Jan. 7 1980, at the, Royal Ontario Museum's Canadiana Building, 14 Queen's Park Crescent West, in Toronto (near College Street and University Avenue), This sleigh, with original green paint, is part of a special display ;of antique dols, doll furniture, building; blocks and other pulp, -toys on view id 'the seasonal exhibit. Some of the toys are manufactured importswhile others are modest homemade products, but altogethbtr they reflect a charming, view of a Canadian. child's Christmas, (R0, M Photo) t � Christmas tills the .., air with leoke ushering in this season u t great i oN. and contentment. thank to all. We wish N ou cticr` happiness. Saluting all our grand ;patrons and hoping an endless stream of good things comas your was We appreciate your kindness.' HOURS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Dec.. 24- 7 a.m. to .8 p.m Dec, 25- Closed Dec. 26- 9 a.m, to 11 p.m.. Dec. 27- 7 a. m. to 11 p: m. Dec. 28- 7 .a.m.:to 12' p.m. Dec. 29- 8 a.m..to 12 p.m< Dec. 30- 7 a. m. to 11 p.m. Dec. 31 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Jan: ' 1- 9, :a.m. to 11 p.m. Jan. 2-7 to 11 p.m. Business as Usual A,RCH I1!S Sunoc0, Seafortii gm ma MS UM RATE FINANCING on all models -new and used ,N Come to Brussels Motors,, See Our Selection '79' Pontiac Parisienne Fully loaded '76 Chevel!. Minima 4 dr. II3-'79 Pontiac Parislennas with air '75 "Chau Impala' 2 dr. '79 Pontiac Parlslennti 4 dr. Sedan '75 Pontiac Ls Minns 4; dr. 19 'Olds Cutlass 2 dr. 6 cyl.. '74 Panda Catalina 4 dr. Sedan . 19 Chav impels 4 :dr. full power '79 Chevalle °4' dr. sedan 6 cyl. NUMEROUS 1973 '7$ chows. 4 dr. Sedatn,'6 cy1CHEVS AND PONTiACS I'78 Ford 'LTD VI4 dr. '78 Pontine Le Mans 4 dr.. 6 cif; TRUCKS '78 Pontiac .Lauirentlan 4 dr. '77 Ods 4 dr, Sedan, dully loaded I•2-'77 Chow Imptsias 4 dr., Sedan '77 Chtw 2 door '77 Dodge Monaca 4,dr., with air I 77 ' Ch avalle Malibu Classic: • '76 Le Mans 2 door . '76' Chin,* dr„ hardtop '78 Oldsmobllii .9e full power with' arc' BRUSSELS MOTORS IN' TH'E HOME OF BETTER USED CAB'S" , 0ox 335 Brussels, Ontario . vow al: alp lila ION Oa „iiill Mil "Or '79 OMC'8/4 ton 4 * 4 2-'79 GMC 314 ton pickups X77 1/2 'ton van '76 Chair 1/2 torr tr*n'. '75 Choy HIcube ikon '75 Chau 1/2 ton violin 1 '0 WRECKERS 482-3211: R.R. 2 Clinton 'll°°I{1 -`- "P” x�yttt:�ti k<S) Its all spelled out for you to see . • :',a holiday filled with large doses of Peace, Love and Happiness. Capsuling our feelings inone word, we say thanks.. 1 armac *Worth a 527.190`