HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 41• •
BACKSTAGE PREPARATIONS—Angel Lana McIntosh helps choir
member Amanda Phillips make some last minute preparations before
Egmondville United Church's Sunday School concert Sunday night.
(Expositor photo)
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A CHRISTMAS SCENE—These members of the Egmondville.United
:Church junior choir, in front of the church Christmas tree, were. among
the Sunday School students who took part in Sunday night's annual
;concert at the church. The choir members are (front row) Jason Papple,
Dionne. Clarke, Janice McIntosh, and (back „row) Carrie Lynn Baker and
Kendra Papple. (Expositor Photo)
Christmas day
Children wake up from their ;sleep,
And sneak downstairs for just Ouefeak.
Presents from Santa are what they ace*
Fresents waiting under the treet
Their eyes sparkle with spirit and
When they see their brand new toy,
Squeals of pleasure fill the air,
And here comes Mom with ruffled hair.
Dad soon follows with a grin,
And tickles Nancy on her chin.
Everyone is happy. and hill of joy.
Except one little hungry boy.
He's in another snowy place.
But there's no smile on his face,
He cried last night for his Dad,
And he has reason to be sad.
He lost his mother, and father too,
And be has no, food, unlike you.
His toes are cold and his eyes are red,
But be still remembers the manger bed.-
He knows 01 the people who 101914 09 far*
They were guided --by , brilliant star.
' They came to worship the neWhtlnlent
Because he was the holy One-
WbY should this poor unloved boy
Remember so much shout the Pines
becausn he: has faith sad love
And he 'trusts our father up above+
So on Christinas Day when your full ef.leyg.
ThisrosRe,14 boy eom9wbyhe rowthhoknowsknPaboows ut b God -made i t
And most of all, he knew' s the10. pedaft
That we should have foe the. one above
Laurel .
fluronCentennial School
• Oracle 8
The Management and Staff
Wish. A
THE VISIT—Colleen Shera and Julie Ann Smith, dressed in their Sunday
best, use the few minutes before concert time at Egmondville United .
Church, to talk about some of their plans for the. Christinas holiday.
- , (Expositor phdo),
AND SHEPHERDS TALKED—These, three members of Egmondville
United Church, dressed for their roles as shepherds in the nativity play,
chatted backstage befdre the concert started. The shepherds are Darryl
:Finnegan Bryan Coleman and Lenny Healy (Expositor Photo) .
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THE MAGIC OrCHRISTMAS .Five •Baby Dolls are shown as they -
skated off the ice Friday after their routine in the Seaforth Figure Skating
Club carnival: The Magic of Christmas. They are left to right Heather .
McKercher, Laurie Boven, Tracy Sills, Susan Rowcliffe and Christy
Nobel. , (Photo by Oke)
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For Heritage Canada
Early this fall, the Herit-
age Canada. Foundation
• launched an all-out campaign
• to try to make Heritage Day
--the third Monday in Feb-
ruary --a national holiday.
Few Canadians, I suspect
will quarrel with the idea of a
• midwinter holiday to help
• battle the February '`blahs."
But why Heritage Day? And
why a national charitable
foundation, entrusted with
the preservation of our built-
up heritage, asking for a
holiday?• `
Why, for that matter
should the average Canadian
give a hoot about heritage?
Maybe I should answer the
last question first:
It's simple:
Preservation is the wave of
the future, And preservation
is a labour-intensive Indus-
. We are nearing the end of
the great post-war construc-
tion boom, which provided so
many jobs. We are • also
seeing the bankruptcy of a
philosophy, which held that
once a building was written Because the heritage
down on the company books, movement will not come of
after a brief life of 30 years, it -age nor be taken seriously
could be dispensed with anduntil we give it an official
replaced by another. stamp of approval.
We can no longer afford A holiday makes people sit
the luxury of that philosophy. up and take notice. It pro -
Nor can we afford the enor- vides a chance for celebra-
mous waste of energy and 'tion --and, in this case the
manpower that it involvest •celebration of our history.
It simply doesn't make For buildings are living his -
sense to destroy a building-- tory lessons. They tell us
ANY building: church, ware- •something about our roots.
house, bank, railway station They remind us of who we
or private home --that is still are.
structurally sound. On July 1 we celebrate our
AP over this country such political past. On Heritage
buildings are being pre- Day we celebrate our built -
served. A church in Toronto up past --the cultural land -
becomes a haberdashery dscape that enriches our
shop. A bank in Ottawa lives. And it is especially
becomes " a restaurant. A valuable because, unlike
warehouse in Vancouver be- Canada Day, it falls during -
comes part of a shopping the school year when the
complex. A railway station in youth of the nation can.
Kleinburg becomes a Boy become involved.
Scout headquarters. That is why Heritage Can -
The past lives on, giving ada wants a holiday. Our job
our cities an historical tex- is to act as a catalyst to
ture, a feeling of continuity ensure that something from
and incidentally, providing the past is saved. Surely we
new, jobs for thousands of can take one day out of the
workmen. year to drive that lesson
an a Illappy
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