HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 181 Coming 1x+eta1 THE Christman L.O.B. A. Euchre will be held at the Orange Ea1i iMonday:, Dec.. 17th at 2 o'clock in the : e n. aft rnoo 1-31-1 .: ,. ,.. AT SEAFORTR Public School;, YQw g People's. Theater presents the "1837:. Farmers" Revolt" -- lot adaptation Of the Theatre Passe Muraille production and related entertainment, 1 Show- only! January 11 at 7130 p.m. Tickets $3.00. Ca It 527.1860 to reserve... Sponsored by. the Van. Egmond Foundation; 1-31-1 THERE will be a puppet show at the Seaforth Public. Library Saturday, December 15th at 1:00 p.m. Everyone is.. welcome and', there is no admission charge, 1-314 BUS to N.H.L. games in Detroit. From Jan. 26 to April 5.. For more in- formation call United Trails. 527-1222. 1-274 DUBLIN and District Athletic Association Christmas Bingo Friday, December 21, 1979, * 8:00 p.m. at. St. Patrick's School 'Gymnasium, Dublin. 15 regular gashes, 3 share - the -wealth, Jackpot :5150. Turkey Door prize. Regular Bingo every Friday .Night, 1=30-2 GOT an event coming up?" 3000 people will -read about it in the Brussels Post -coming; events classified. Buy two . insertions and get the third one FREE. Phone 887.6641.: 1=30-tf Coming Fvente 0J1..io . e1110 CHESSI'S Sure, ;Bruce.. BINGO. fieldgoing out of business. Check elsewhere in this: paper for ad 1731-1 FESTIVAL Single* Dance,, Friday December 14th,, Vic- torian inn. Stratford. Dane Litt$ 971, Welcome all singles over 25, No blue jeans. 1.31-1. "The Huron County Health Unit 'CLINTON ,Legion Bingo invites you to attend the every Thursday, 8;00. p,m, 1st regular card $1.00, Re. Expectant strieted to 16 years or over 1$ every Tuesday evening at 4tANASTRA CENTRE. R.R. 5 Clinton . 8 p.m. 1st tegttlar card $1..00;. 15 regular gamest of 815.00; 3 share the wealth; jackpot $300.00 in 55 calls or less; 5250.00 in 60 calls: or less; S200 in over 60 calls. Admis- sion restricted to 16 years or over. 1-30-tf regular games of $15,00; 55 © ent least on split, Many other (" _� r specials. Jackpot 5200.00 must go each, week. 1-30-tf Education 2 Lost, Strayed: Classes. Gas cap off dieser sses. Rabbit. Please return to Box. 81 Se forth 2-31x1 being held to the CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL. commencing THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1980 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Theses classes will' run for 8 weeks. Would anyone whop • is. interested please register by calling 1-800-26S-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 482-3416 Both husbands and wives are. invited . to, attend and participate in the . dis= cussions. 1980 Spring Series will commence the week of March 31, 1980 1-31-3 ,: a .. SMALL black female terrier in Kippen area. Has dog tag on answers to Lady. Phone,, 262-5008. 2-3.1.1 WOULD the person who got the wrong leather coat, at' Brodhagen hall, the night of the Beuerman Benefit dance, please call 347-2794 for the:, exchange forthe right. one. 2-.31.1 3 Found A STRAYED red and white spotted hound on Warren Whittnore's farm in Tucker smith,482.3,395: 3-31x1 Florida ---Circle Tour - Fully Escorted HAVE FUN IN THE SUN AND SAVE HAVE WORRY FREE TRAVEL HERE'S HOW:. --Don't. worry about where you are going to: get gas. --Fuel prices are risingsteadily but our prices are guaranteed for our Florida. Programme: -All prices for side trips included. YOU'LL VISIT: -Silver Springs & St, Petersburg --Busch Gardens --Cypress Gardens & Orlando -Disneyworld --Cape Kennedy & Ormon'd. Beach, 2 to arm. DEPARTURES: Jan. 12 - $429.00 Jan. 26 449.00 Feb. 09 - ` 469,00: Feb, 23 - 469.00 Call about our Stay - in either Ormond Beach or. Lakeland - 56 days -.42 days - 28 days 21 days - 14. days - Book. NOW! ".Phone 348-8492 ;Mitchell ., • Atlanta • Jacksonville \Iy • Augustine. • Ocala O • Da' ona Beach • Orlando ',Tampa •. St. Petersburg 9e tei Tours & Travel Ltd. Phone 3234545 Mount Forest Classified. Rates Charges are' based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or, prices count as one word per set. Words :hyphens count as separate words. joinedby .p FIRST INSERTION 15 words $2.50,10e, per word thereafter. 'INSERTIONS '.:No copy changes, SUBSEQUENT INSE $c per word, tnin:tnutn 52.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION 52.17 pets column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51.89 per cdlumri inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 th inches, Accepted in multiples of half inch,) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE 50e per. insertion. BIRTHS * 15 words, 52,50,10e per wotd thereafter. MARRIAGES, Irngagements, Death Notices. 15 words $2.50, each additional word 10c.. IN MEMORIAMS $2,50 plus 10c pct line of verse COMING EVENTS `---15words 52.50, each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price or 2. CARD Op' THANKS - 30 words 52.50,eaelt; additional. word 3c, 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF IiNSERTiON,. No cancellation of multiple insertion' advertisettents after Noon, Tuesday Deadline for el, kilned Ads 1.12 Noon Tuesdays Phonee521-0240 1us Opportun:i itg .EARN a set;on4 , income. Learn income tax preparation at home for a free brochure write U& R Tax Schools. 118 Ro*borough Dri4'eF Toronto,. Ontario M4W 1Z4. No obligation. 5-314 '7 Situadorts''* anted AVAILABLE to babysit in my home, Market St. area. 527- 1683. 7-31*1, AVAILABLE to babysit in my. ownhome.527.0547. 7.31-2 AVAILABLEtoshovel snow. Phone 5274664. 7-30-2' Farm Stock For Sale HO fro: I;. C El��y • ri� erer, �} 4 1 ry :.. 5. 'llx2 ,_ GOOD selection. ,of Hamp, York, Hamp X York, York X. Landrace boars. Also gilts of the same breeds and crosses available. 345-2317. 8-31.1 Used Cars For Sale • 1972 Mercury Meteor, door, 351,' V8 automatic, power steering and brakes. Will certify. Phone , after 5 6,m. 527-0101. 10=30x2 1977 Chev: Van, 305, V8, long box, Al_condition, Certified, insulated, carpeted, roof vent, radials, two large bunks easily re- moved for working van 262- 6418 after 6'p.m, • 10.30-2' 11.. Artie:les• For Sale • 1978 Chev. /.ton pickup, 350 V8, auto, power steering„ power brakes,; _ radio and: many more options; including: a deluxe "maple, leaf fiber- glass topper' In new condition with 13,000 kil. Asking $5,550,00. ' Phone' 523-4270. 10.30x2 4 burner . gas stover good: shape. also Acorn, fireplace, red in good condition. 527- 0844, 11,310 ENTERPRISE furnace 3Q0 gallon tank and sante ducting. Best offer. 20- feet 1973 Burlington Rambler Trailer. Will deliver any- where, 3,409; Phone' 482; 3502: 11-31-2 .LADIES, persian lamb coat, good condition. Size 18-20. Reasonable, 262-5435. 11-31-1. 28" x 53 . pool table, with balls and cues, 535.00; also, girls figure skates size 3, 57.00 Phone 527-0599. 11-31.1' 74 Matador sedan V8, automatic, power, steering and power brakes also.. 72 Toyota Station, -wagon, '4 speed. Phone 348''=8792. • 10.29-3 75 Dodge window van 318", automatic power brakes; also 68 GMC half .ton 6 Standard.:. Phone 348-8792. 10.29-3 1978 Jeep Cherokee, 30,000 miles, 4 wheel'.. drive, power steering, power brakes, will certify 527-1.709. 10.31x1 1973 Ford> Half. -tort •selli certified in good .conditionng., 'Phone 523-4260. 10.31-1 11 Articles For Sale. FORD 8N tractor with 3 point hitch, needs motor' work. -500.00. Phone 523-4260. 10-31-1 1-31-1 TRACTOR - 560 Cockshut Diesel, power steering, live' P.T.O. Phone 523-4260. 3' Found • l beige Top coat, size 44, left at the Bedford Hotel Fri,, Dec. 7. Anyone can claim this coat by paying for the ad. 3-31x1 4" Help Wanted Experienced' : Nurses Aid s required, for days 7:00 a. m & 3:00 p.m. and evenings 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. full or part-time, Phone 527.0030 4.31•1. 5 BtiS, Opportunity. INUIfESTED, in earning an extra $1,00000 a month. We require aggressive' business associates not afraid of hard work. Parttime or full tinge. Write P.O. Box 262, Elflike, Ontario N2B 2Z6 for ini'Mediate contact', 5-27.7 An Expositor Classified Will pay you' dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527.0240. POOL table 31/2 x 6, complete with cues, two sets of balls 527,1101. ' 11.31-1 FOR SALE - pair boys skates sizel, Call 887-6677. 11-31x1 1969 Arctic Cat snowmobile, new track and sliders, runs. good, in good shape, best :offer527-1894. after 6 p.m. 11.31.2 FALSE teeth, long under- wear? Expositor classifieds have sold almost everything, Place your' ad today by calling 527.0240.5t1 cents off,. When you pay cash, 11-30xtf GESTETNER INK available at The Huton. Expositor, .527.0240, Seaforth 1130xtf. Bl d,iscouiits' ON' WR52EN7.CH 0120 SETS • 11.30-3 •.a<atr.��ra�.: KELVINATOR Copper tone fridge and. 30" stove Jack Bryans 887.6490. 11.31-1 GOOD SELECTION' OF 1E61' AS TOYS ARE HERE. • 527-0120 11-30-3 TRA . . `IFAS NOME FURNISHINGS ?mhos south o+frfinion on Ht jhway No. a *NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS *APPLIANCES *LAWN ORNAMENTS Oran: ti days a week 1,1 Articles Ear Sate CAMEO PAINTING FOR CHRISTMAS A gift for any age (The hard tube). Painting leather, wood or suede decor, Paints in stock. Can, supply material or information. Mrs, Phyllis Mitchell, instructor, KI64.1.,.. Walton, 887-6697. 11.29.3: Corrie In end see our new line of tools, 1 OQ % Warranty $27-0120 DRY hardwood for sale, delivered', 40.9250, Maple Hickory, wholesale or retail. 11-30-tf GRANDFATHERS. CLOCK. triple chimes, lyre Fiends!. Walnut Chest, cedar lined;:' Gun, Cabinet, 8.' gun size: Phone 348.8002.. 11-30-3 WOODEN Toys, Bunk. Bed, Swing Cradles, Beds, chairs, wheel barrow, Door Notes; Bird:, feeders, Covered Wagons, Horses, etc-- 52it---. 0263, Foster Kennett. 11-30x2 482-7922 11-30-tf PIN balls, new and used, free service warranty. 527-1434 between 9-5 Ask for Les. 11.30=11 HARVEST gold :frig and stove, good condition.' Odds and ends of furniture, dishes. and appliances. Price for quick sale: 887.9293, 11-31-1 ORDER your fresh trukey now for Christmas, Call' 'Roth Food Market. Seaforth 527- 1631. 11-304 CHRISTMAS TOOL BOX SPECIALS $18.95 527-0120 NOW HANDLING Coca Cola. Products Get your Christmas supply now. 12 X 26 oz. 3.998 tax & deposit 24 x 10 oz. 3.99 & tax deposit DUBLIN FEED MILL DUBLiN, ONTARIO 11.30-3`. SOFA bed and 2 matching chairs brown, plaid, 2 years old 5125.00 Phone 482.7126, - 11-31-1 SLIDE projector like new with several trays. 527=0554: 11'-314 FIVE Christmas puppies • to give alway. For sale Wooden oys; made to order. Call Nancy 527-12S9. 11-31x2 1 Franklin stove, screen, utensils and pipe included. 5270282. . 11-31=1 ONE chihauhau pup male Phone 345 291&. 11-31-1 CUSTOM KILLING A PROCESSING of your beef Cidi Roth Food Market 11-304 Seaforth: 527.1631 11-30-tf CHRISTMAS apple sale, Ida Red, 'Macintosh, Courtland, Red and Yellow Delicious. Special: Northern Spys 55.00 per bushel. Also fresh cider 51.50 a gallon plus containei. Red. and ' white potatoes, honey and onions' at Art Bell's,"Fruit 'Farm, 524-8037. 1130-tf •... G ••yi e i • Sewing Machine New ortlatsd Budget plait arid MyI isty. Sew and Save 149 DSww St. Stnide►d, Ont. [(2' athaint SOW. e[ Hdu.a'sI Rhode 271.9666• 11.29.4 16 Beatty Cattle stattnchions. 482-7548 11-31.1 STRIP tickets' ,for admission. or refreshments, single and duplicate, The Huron Ex,- 'nositet.Sea forth ', i1-'inrtf 11 Article Fo Stab HardwoOd. 4 ft. x4 ft. x 4 ft, bundles. Will deliver$2.5.a bundle.,. Good for fireplace •or woadstove. 482-9347 11-31-2 12 ' Wanted; To Buy WANT to buy :a, fridge, a Ford or a, phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR' wanted to buy classified ad. 527-0240. 12.30-tf 13 Wanted GOOD used furniture, 482- 7922. 13 -3b -d OLD BRICK buildings for Demolition and Salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy' Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks, - 11-25-tf ' ro ert _. For Sale 14 Property For 'Sulu 14 Property For Sale 4 bedroom, 1'% baths with: fireplace,.I 'block from Main Street. Reasonable offer. 527.1312. - 14-30-tf. OVEN ready geese 51.50 per lb. 482-3162 anytime. 11.30-3 FOR YOUR Christmas Party we will make cheese and cold! Meat Platters. Call Roth Food Market, Seaforth 521- 1631. 11-28-tf' GIETS for Chrittmas' for 'the person who has everything, gift certificates. Grodety. Pampers, fruit baskets, cheese baskets. Call Roth Food Market, Seaforth, .:7 1631...., . 11 -3041 -Concord Snooker table, 10' by 5'. Seaforth 527-1964. 11-30-2 BENCH grinder 8" N.rheels, Smith Roles, 3/s h.p. tttotor, 5100.00; also table saw, Rockwell Beaver with exten- cions, h.p. motor, 5200.00 Le Beau Firma-, 482.7243. 11-31-1 HERBERT TOWNSHIP ' 100, acres - beef & hog farm, feed lot .. for cattle, lode silo with un a r, 3, bed- room home NEW LISTING': Of: interest to developers and contractors.. Vacant land -: approximately 661. t. x 209 ft, fronting on • Hwy. 8, Mitchell. 11 lots zoned for, Semi-detached building and one for commercial' use. 14-31-1 25 ACRES Black muck ;gardening farm,, one storey 4 bed- room home, Ave years old, • double garage, . 2%' miles north of Brodhagen. 97• ACRES in Tuckersmith, 88 acres of well drained corn and bean land. Workable, no buildings. SMALL ACREAGE 1 , with a barn setup for beef ,! and; hogs,. 1% storey, 4 bedroom home. 4 ,miles. from Seaforth: MITCHELL We have :a choice of new and older homes in Mitch- ell. Call for details; JOE O'REILLY 345.2465 Mltcbell ..... 348.8823 14-30-1 Classified Adspays; divid- ends. IS FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE* INIIIIURAMCE .LTD (I OIC l SEAFORT,H. 527.0460 Wayne Ellis Steve Mgeraiy . 527.1505 345-2172 "We sell the earth and Insure every, thing on it." REDUCED! This beautiful century home is one of Seaforth's. finest, and the price has been. REDUCED to a very realistic figure. Features include large living, room, dining room, .kitchen,,, 3;., bedrooms, family room, sunporch office, 'garage and small barn. Extra lot available, Ag. COUNTRY BEAUTY : - on the outskirts of Brodhagen .completely renovated, 3 bedrooms, treed lot, barn 20' x 40'. - • BIG. IN VALUE. - SMALL IN PRICE 3 bedroom home, floors carpeted, living and dining rooms, kitchen with butif.in cupboards. Priced in the 30's. 3yC.10% MORTGAGE on a 3 bedroom home, living and dining; rooms, stone fireplace, enclosed. ''-breezway, and built-in BBQ in Breeiway;:. Spacious lot: Priced right with an attractive; mortgage. • SUPER - bedroom brick and stole. Fire lace, large lot, partially finished tee room, Asphalt roof, floors carpeted & cushioned, large kitchen, living and dining room: • MOVE ,,RIGHT ' IN to a 4 bedroom :home that includes a large kitchen, 2 : baths, attached garage, double paved drive and more. *' MOBILE home on lot in Heritage Estates, 12' x 60', 2 bedrooms, 11 baths, air conditioned, stove, fridge, garden shed. Reduced to $9,900.00 * MOBILE home locatedat Family Paradise. Living room, 2 bedrooms;: kitchen, .and an added, room Priced at 33,500.00: * CHOICE LOTS in Silverview* Subdivision. MOTEL - 14 units, 4 cottages, 101 seat licensed lounge, 3 dining lounges, total 129 seats, 3 bedroom apartment, pool, excellent location.. * RURAL BUILDING LOT - near Winthrop, 125' x 165', trees, water service. • RESTAURANT - Licensed restaurant seats 61, coffee shop seats 47. Large 3 bedroom apartment.. $C: SALVAGE YARD' - 41 acres in Egmondville.. Building 40' x 80', plus a barn and small shed • Stock and equipment included. - 145. ACRES - in Grey Twp.,' beef bank. barn,: 5 bedroom home.. *' 100 ACRES in Grey Twp,, old houseand barn. REDUCED' 191 ACRES - 3 miles from Seaforth,. bank barn, hog barn, 3'bedroom home. '' (' 150 ACRES = Dairy Farm includes cows, quota, equipment and a 4 bedroom home.. * 165 ACRES Barn, 2 implement sheds, silo, 4 bedroom house and trout pond. .14-31-1 ILC Expositor Action Ads Cul1 an ___.. 6A R LESTATE LTD Seaforth .& Clinton Properties S30;900.00' Fully reconstructed, loe-> ated on Goderich Street, 11/4 storey frame house, 3 bedrooms, 'kitchen' viewing treed lot schools 'nearby, mortgage avail- able. RETIREMENT STELE Single storey frame house, 2 bedrootns, little Maintenance, carpeted • throughout, formal cen- tre hall 'leading to corn. Portable living room and "pantry style" kitchen, 11 block.' from: Uptown, single cat garage, $33,900.00. >3rtiee Rothwell 4624120 Dawn Rothwell 462-3120 SUMMER COTTAGE '/a block from sandy ,each and near•,uptown, 3 bedroom, entertaining living room, franklin fireplace, very neat in- side & out priced at 535,500.00, Bayfield. $17,500.00 DOWN Main Street located, 2 bedroom bungalow warm burning fireplace in living room, full base- ment, exceptionally clean, assurrie 1st mort- gage of aox. ,000 at 10 %pprCa , .I 530for in-, spection of this home at anytime. 565-5055, Bay - BIG CDU Emit Frame and stone 3 bed- room' bungalow, 7 yrs. old, complete with .sunk en living room, situated, on 2.68 acres•, 1 mile from town. MATURE' TREED LOT! Styled for Antiques located main street, VA storey brick house. • 3 bedroom living .room and dining: room featur- ing pine floors, fait basement, well land- scaped, - 545,00000. ▪ Marireen Wfldfong 462.3224 Willy Bunn 505.5055 14-31.1 FREE CIDER with• every .. bushel of Ida, Red Apples, . • While supplylasts.artenc ^ At . Addltltinai' iOsSi f led tvfwest oil' Orchards JS tulles EBmotidVilie. Phone , 52771507, • 11.29.3 on 'next ,Page r