HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 16r4 • Correspondent MP. HILDA M. PAM 2b2-S01S The Christmas meeting of the HensailUnited Church women, was, preceeded by the Annum; meetrng of that group on Monday, Decelnber J. The Various committee chairmen gave vocal reports. indicating a very. successful year. Treasurer Mrs. Shirley' MCAllister's financial, repott showed the members that their work, throughout 1979 had been very rewarding';. Outgoing President Mrs. Grace Drummond was pre- sented with a gift on behalf of the I.CW by Past Pre- sident, Mrs Kay Mock. 'Mrs.. Drummond has served for three years as president of the organization. Chiselhurst Church, Women invited Hensel! ladies to join with them .on December 4 for their Christmas: meeting.. Rev, Stan McDonald .con- ducted the election of officers. for 1980: Past President, Mrs. Grace. Drununond; President, Mrs. Diane Gerstenkorn; 1st Vice President, :Mrs, Hilda Payne; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Joyce; Pepper; Secretary, :Mrs, Helyn Drysdale; Treasurer, Mrs, Shirley McAllister; Stewardship and Finance Chairman, Miss Mary Goodwin; Com- munications • Co•o rdinator, Mrs. Hilda Payne; Leader- ship Development and'. Christian Education Develop Ment, Mrs. Grace Drummond; Church in Society Committees Stewardship and 'Visitation Chairman, Mrs, Audrey Christie; World Outreach Chairman, Mrs. Kay Mock; Social Functions Chairman, Mrs._ • Mona Alderdice; Manse, Mrs. Diane Gersten - kora;, United Leaders; one, Mrs. Audrey Joynt; two, to be appointed; four,Mrs, Nan Britton;. Nursery, Mrs. Hazel. Corbett. and Mrs. Lorna. Spencer; installation of the new officers will be held .on Sunday, January :b i980.. An impressive candle lighting devotional was held in the Sanctuary of the church. Mrs. Audrey Christie directed this pact of the meeting assisted by .Mrs. ;Helen Scone, Mrs Kay Elder, Mrs, Audrey Joynt and Mrs. .Gert. Middleton. .Mrs, Btelva. Fuss ascorn. partied at the piano for carol dinging. 1 he wadies from Chiseihurst U.C.W. were guests at tbis part of the meeting. Miss Joan Allen, Regist, erect :nurse presented slides: and: an ' interesting, commentary on her travels in India. Fier work with the native people in Jesu Ashram, in Darjedling area of India was highlighted. The offering fpr the meeting has beensent to Children's and family Services in Goderich, The Christmas meeting of Unit Four of Hensel C.C.W. was held in the Fellowship: Hall onThursday, December 6. Sixteen members and one visitors answered the roll call, Leader, Mrs, . Nan Britton opened the meetieg and chose her devotional from the writings. of Phillips Brooks who s h wrote the e t beautiful carol, "0 Little Town. of Bethlehem", She followed this by prayer. The Christmasmessage was very ably given by Mrs. Shirley Luther andonce again: reminded us of the wonderful story of Jesus Christ's birth, taken from 1 and 2 Luke;. Several carol's were sung with Mrs, Dorothy. Mickle at the plana. The montly reports were read, and approved. 32 sick and shut-ins were visited: in November. Mrs. •Clarence. Parke kindly, offered to be. Mrs, Rena Caldwell's assistant on the social committee and Mrs; Shirley Luther 'is to be assistant leader. Mrs. Dorothy •Mickle will be assistant secretary .for 1980. The. January meeting will be held .on the second Legic:r.: ladies . • d�.n.a:te to .creno The President of • the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary Mrs. L. Uyl presided for the. regular meeting on Tuesday evening. A ` donation was. voted to Hensall Arena Fund, Arrangements were also made to send gifts to older members and shutins. at Christmas, also the adopted veterans at Westminister Hospital, The "Money Doll" .draw will be held on Friday December 21,st. Members plan to visit the Queensway Nursing Home • with treats for the residents. An application was received for two new Members.: The Christmas party for the Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary members . and families was held on Sunday afternoon with a very good attendance. Santa arrived with gifts and , treats and refreshments were served. Everyone a joyed a pleasant afternoon, QUE•:o.e.0.$8*q.y. Mrs. Eric Luther conducted the Church service at Queensway Nursing Home last week and passed out treats to the' residents, . who are most grateful) also to the Zurich Mennonite Church for playing bingo with there, all was greatly appreciated''. Visitors with Mrs. Vera Laramie were Iva Ridley and Chester Dunn. Hazel Snell,. Les. Mitchell and Barbara visited with Louise Mitchell. Mrs. Mary Desch visited with her husband Pat Desch. Gent's high bowling score was Albert Miazga with 170 and Edna Youn with 87.. . Mr. and Mrs. Sint Ctoobal were visitors on Sunday with . their daughter and son -in- law Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds and attended the Winthrop'' Caven Uniced Church service ' when their granddaughter Lynne Dodds joined the: membership of the church,: 7lalirsday of the month. The meet ito ; close4 with A carol followed o benediction. t Lunch was, served by Mrs. Shirley lather and RN - Rena Caldwell. The Christmas meeting ,of the Heusall Women's Institute will be bell at the I waited, Church on Wednesday, .December 12 at 8 p.m, The roll call is to be, "'Bring some Christmas Cake or Cookies". A good attendance is hoped for. • .congregation on Sunday morning. December 9. The pageant,written 04 produced by Rev, 'Ma:Bonald, was: exceptionally well portrayed: ,by the children and youngPent* 4f the congregation assisted by the Senior, Junior boys and Primary choirs. The story began with the prophets forfeiting the birth of Christ, through Mary _andi Joseph'sjourney to Bethlehem, the birth 'of rnee„.. chair presented. in their very sincere and beautiful way, three lovely carols, 'The 'virgin Mary :hada Baby Boy". "The Baby Boy" and "Away in a Manger”. Mrs. Mary Moffatt was organist with Mrs, Joyce Pepper as• pianist. Directors of the choirs were; senior. Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey; junior, Rev. McDonald and printary, Mrs. Bam Seotchmer Those :taking; part in: the portraying of the story area news Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne visited with Mrs. Emma Payne ' and Lois in Elmira over the weekend of December 1 and attended the funeral of the former's late brother. Mr. Glen Payne, The Hensall Minor Athletic Association will be holding another Bottle Drive between Christmas and New Year's Day. Bottles will be collected by the members shortly after Christmas Day and New Year's Day, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Sam Desch over the weekend were . their grandson •and. family from 'Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs, Gary Flaxbard. On Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Ray McNul1 and Karen of Fergus visited at dinner time and Mr; and Mrs. Earl' Flaxbard of Zurich visited' later in the afternoon. Supply' . at the .. Henson Sales barn consisted mainly of heifers and steers; demand.. was active and prices were steady to lower. Fat cattle; heifers, 572.00- 81.50, sales to 584,25, steers, 574,00-582.00, sales to S82.30. Too few ''pigs to estabiish a imarket. The old, yet ever new, story of Jesus' :birth was presented through pageant ro the United ' Church Jesus and the visits of the Shepherds and Wise;Ien, followed by the gifts for others by the congregation, given in the name of Jesus. The Junior Boys Choir sang a Sicillian Hymn. "0 Thou Joyful Day" followed by a 17th Century German carol, "While by my Sheep" as well as, It is not far to Bethlehem "from "The First Christmas Morn", "Others" from "Because of Jesus Birthday" and "The Message of Christmas" from "Peace on Earth, Christmas Cantatas, for Children" Peter Cook, Jim'. Thrower and Rod. Parker were the special soloists in these numbers. From the senior choir, solos were taken by Gail Travers singing "o Prophet Speak" to an ancient hymn tune and at the close of the pageant ahe,. ever beautiful, "fairest. Lord Jesus". Mrs. Margaret McLeod and Douglas Mock took the solo parts in, '"0 Little Town of Bethlehem", The senior choir also presented, "The Advent of Our God" while. the Men's choir presented "We. Three Kings" and the ladies sang, . "The Westminister Carol". The younger members of the congregation . in the Primary JUST ARRIVED AT, •VANASTRA • 'H01'NE fU•RNISHINGS! kinikaw/A% THE' BERG SILO UNLOADER CHECK THESE FEATURES: three point suspension for blow In'and. feed out, the same day' convenience — No leveling or welting for site to settle Spring loaded auger always cut clean on edge of silo , Power ring drhe always level`, always positive., • 26" Blade Blower handles balky haylale easily with low` 'RPM, for less bearing • problems and high output .Heavier than competition auger for longe' lasting dursbllityi Couple thls with a REASONABLE PRICFanchou have an unbeatable Combination; Write or phone for free estimates rya your particul#r needs JAMES WAY PARTS AVAILABLE KEITH SIEMON • • Plum k irig Paris > quirirttortt Walton. Ontario 346-2734 eut►oe Eva.Y'TN,r'a" ism -tree iron itA1100116 CFIRST TIME IN THIS AREA - SAF OUR COLLECTION OF SOLID through p,-ageant were, Mary. Mary Drysdale; Joseph, Glen Slade; the main angel, Kathy Topp;, other angels,_ Starr Jesney,Dana Bozzato. 'Susan Flynn and Janet Mowatt. The shepherds were Mark. McGregor, Donald Waring, and Tim Mann and the Wise Men were portrayed by Scott Jesney, Michael McGregor and Travis Beaver, . eott Jesney and Glen Slade were - ul charge et the property when the front of the church. was made into the stable of • with ith. hay, as well es the animals round the manger were Jesus lay. Lighting the second Advent candle at the beginning of the service was. Randy Parker and Marilyn P epper. Sharon Beaver and P ath Scatchrner looked after the kindergarten Sunday School when they presented, their gifts before the manger of Jcslrs. Everyone was very, much impressed with the quality of this pageant by . the choirs. and the young; people of the congregation es they presented the message of Christmas,. Rev, McDonald and: members of the senior and: junior Boy's choir conducted the worship at the Bluewater Rest Horne on Sunday evening. At the official Board meeting of the United Church on Wednesday evening,the date for the Annual Congregational meeting was set for Wednesday, January 16, with a pot -luck Supper for the whole family. After supper, cartoons and other movies will be shown to the children while the congregation hold their business meeting, THIS THAT ands.. THE OTHER ' THING Free Gtft Wrapping ote 'Beau' next !mfr, )ria tax problems!. And r r o .. first home!t See your Credit Union for n RE.. ISTERED HOME OWNERSHIP S ° INGS PLAN (R.H.O.S.P.) * Deadline day for the 1979 taxation yser'is; December 31, 11179. * We pay a competitive rate of interest Into your plan. * We have no administration charges., andi no withdrawal charge after • months. * Save on, your Income tax - your deposit tq your R.H2O.S,P, reduces your taxa,yle income. CCommu omu UNION.. �T C�tED_ OLD TOWN HALL SLOWING) EMIR umess .. '.70 .dNTARIO ST. G.UNTON; 484-3N7 make: 'rfi easy for you to say THIS .FRIDAY NIGH T & SATURDAY for MEN'S SfOPPNG"''' TRYUS We have a large range of :gifts for kitchen, livingroom, bathroom,,wicker,. flower pots etc and beautiful` handmade items such as afghans, slippers. and placemats. Across b om Open Daily 10.5:30 Towa4� Hall Wed-9-12p.m. 'SEAPORTS; Bill & Nancy Martha •--r For great Christmas giving... Unique Rustic Cedar furniture . now in stock at. Vanastra Horn Furnishings. There cite seventy'. five different ipfeces to choose front • pictured above in our' show"rooms ore • dresser•and mirror, chest of drawers, tables and chairs, night fables, love seat, toile° table, chesterfield' bed. fern stand, cedar chest. Quality, long.lasting work. manhip far p reasonable price. 1111111011.1 VISA2 Miles.South''Of Clinton ii Nigt+way tJa. Jl See bur huge selection (in our 10,000 square toot showioOr i) of NEW 8 USED HOME FURNISHINGS WE TAKE TRADE-INS LAWN ORNAMENT GIFT CENTRE IME FURNISHINGS 482.7922. With Huron.- Expositor Classified PERSONAL GREETINGS This wondrous holiday season ;is *linnet, here. Thine to wish everyone happiness and Joy .. , Your porsonsl message will be seen by thousands of Huron Expoeltor reader**. Sesforth and area. Bill and Wilma Jones and family extend Best Wishes for a Happy. Holiday Season and the New Year. Season's Greetings with best wishes: .for the Holiday Season and the coming year to all our friends --- The Jones, Seaforth. Among they many sincere good wishes sent to you for a Merry Christmas please include ours! — Mary and Bill Jones. Cost for one insertion is • $$2.50 for 20 :words The Huron Expositor,. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Please Print Name.... Please publlbh this act... . k • ,• Ar . Payment included . • • ; 'i , 'Please bill me. [Mishnunt 20 words for eotnpkte,gtieetingi I5&4'.., i..Y-4484 •,• •'i.,,' 888”81#1,68.• f.,•W 1Y '.'Y1. Y.Y • w. • i'- . ••. • 54 6 46 *86,r4iiir Narne. • Y • .•Y•.YY•..•.*F',Y. 6***,464. Address. Yw ., • a .h.••'Y„•.„cy•••,..wi Y•v. Y'. 0,,...•.PhoneY , . Y *. , .'. Y6 • i Y . N i=mi. ammo ommal Wrist— .6iwia' aismo' ram. or6mo rm. Mama ammo ammo omiel. womb OR IF YOU PREFER... PHONE THE HURON EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED 527-0240 • Greetings will be. accepted up to and including Tuesday,• December 18th and will be published December 20,