HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 14HE
IL',. 19
�� �CO(r�resPondent can li htin xray "The
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first candle was ii>" by Mrs.
Dougall and byrnnS ss'ere
The WMS of Carmel fres-sun in thew service With Mrs
)gar Munn at the piano.
byterian Church . held their g
Christmas meeting on Tues- The remaining .candles'Were
lit by Mrs. Esther Wright,
Mrs. Ruby Bell, Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor, Mrs, Jean Snell,.
Mrs. Clarence 'V'olland ,and
Mrs. At Hoggarth. '
Dougaili then. gave an inter-
esting topic on. "The Three
Gifts -gold, frankincense
and myrrh, after the singing
of "Silent Night." Mrs.
Dougall closed the Devo-
tional with prayer. Mrs.
Hyde conducted the business
day evening with the Presi-
dent, . Mrs. Harvey Hyde
presiding and opened the
meeting with a reading
„What is ,Chrrstntas?"
Malcolm Dougall was in.
dire of a g the Devotional and
read a poem "Christmas
Bells" followed: by prayer
and the Christmas. Story read
from the Scripture Luke 2,
verses 4-15 by Mrs, Pere
Campbell, The theme of the
MS. ,
The CGT girls decided at.
their meeting on Dec. 5 togo
carolling, in Varna on Wed,"
Dec. 19,, Members drew
names for Christmas pres-
ents. ' The theme. for the
worship service was Warm:
Fuzzies. For crafts they
made warm fuzzier and ban
nets and discussed having a
Christmas 'party.—by Jacqui
Taylor, press sec.
Over 30 UCW members
arid their. ;guests sat down to
a delicious pot -luck supper
last Thursday at the church.
Members look forward with
pleasure each . year to this
reunionwith former mem-
Mrs. Belle Reid was pre.'
sented with a gift -in honour
of her many years of service
in the Sunday School • and the
women's groups.. Mrs. Sher -
Jock Keyes made the presen-
tation on behalf of the mem-
Margaret Hayter opened
the worship service with a
reading and prayer. A candle
lighting service relating the
UCW purpose of Christian
witness,.. study, fellowship-
and service ted the Christriaas:
story was presented by
Margaret Hayter, Margaret
Hunt, Mary Chessell and
Rev. Wilena Brown, with
Margaret McClymont read-
ing the scripture passages.
A double duet of Helen
Taylor, Mona Stephenson,
Mary Chessell and Shirley
Hill sang two Christmas
songs, Mary Chessell told of
'font and Mary Hatpur's
experiences in the Holy Land
as related in his book "The
Road to Bethlehem -- 200.
years later," Margaret
McClymont read a poem.
"Along the Bethlehem
Way.'" Mildred McAsh was
organist for the service and
for the singing of carols after
Eleanor ' McAsh presided
for. the .. business meeting:
Supper is being, served to the
Orange Lodge on Tuesday,.
Pec..11, On Thursday boxes
will be packed for shut-ins of
`the area at Eleanor McAsh.'s.
home, and gifts for adopted
residents of Huronview wilt
be assembled by.Joyce .,Dow-
•son. '
Donations of $50 to Family
and Children's 'Services' and
520 each to the CGI*, the
at►dl the Treasurer's: report
was given byMrs. P. Camp-
bell. Mrs. Esther Wright
reported the officers chosen;
for the neW ),ear: President -'
Mrs. P. Campbell; secretary
Mrs, [ochus •Faber: Ass't
secretary • Mrs. Bert Thom-
son; literature. friendship
and service secretary - Mrs,
bell; Quee lsww:ay Nursing
home • Mrs- Qertruae Moir;
pianist • Mars, R Taylor:
cradle roll secretor% - Mrs.
&e ius Faber; Assoeiate
and area
Mrs. H. Hyde; vice president
- Mrs. 'Wright, treasurer -
Earl Campbell;. glad tidings ntembership.secretars tars.
secretary - Mrs. P. Camp- I•c. Munn; stamps secretary -
youth Group and Messen-
gers were approved. Mem-
bers were reminded of the
Sunday School, Concert next
Sunday the 10th: at 2.00 p.m.
It will •celebrate the Inter-
nternational Year of the Child.
Members of the Sunday
School led the White Gift
Service in Varna church on
Sunday, Julie Webster was
the leader, Jacqui Taylor
read the scriptulres, and Lori
Consitt and Jeanette Keys.
led in prayer.
The second advent candle
was lit by superintendent.
Don Taylor and Toni. Whit-
taker, Teachers, Shirley Hill,
Bonnie Roy and Dianne
Kirton gave a presentation,
"Sharing the Gifts of God."
The children put their gifts
into the Treasure Chest and
then sang. Baby Heather
Laurie represented God's.'
gift .of the baby. Jesus,
A special candlelight ser-
vice will, be held on Christ-
mas Sunday at the church at.
7:30 in the evening.
The Youth Group had a
good response to their first
bottle drive on Saturday.
The village -of Varna took.
The, Noble Grand Mrs.
Hazel •Corbett presided for
the meeting of Ammer,
Rebekah on Wednesday eve
Hing. assisted by the vice,.
grand Mrs. Elizabeth Riley.
A number of Christmas cards
were received., from the
lodges.. '.Mrs. Dorothy : Cor-
gave the Treasurer's
report and the proceeds of
the Bazaar and Bake Sale.
An invitation was received.
from the Assembly President
Constance Humby to attend
a meeting at Huronic Lodge,
Clinton when the Assembly
Warden Iris Czinkota will
.make her official visit Janu-
ary 21st. Secret Pal nite will
be. on January 2nd. Arrange-
ments were made to drape
the. Charter. A donation was
•voted to be sent to the
Children's Aid• Happy birth-
day was sung for Mrs. Alice
Feng. The Noble Grand
thanked,, all who helped to
make the Bake Sale and
Bazaar, a success. Following
the ineeting Mrs. R. Consitt
presided and Mrs. W. Roger-
son, at the piano, led in carol.
singing. Mrs. Dorothy Park-
er gave a reading "The Light
of the Star."' Following the
Gift Exchange a social .hour.
was enjoyed inthe lower hall.
and refreshments served,
The UCW of'. Chiselhurst
United Church entertained
"the UCW of the Hensall
United '. Church and other
guests on Tuesday after-
noort: The president Mrs.
Jack Brintnell presided,
opening the Meeting with
prayer, and welcomed every-
one.. Mrs. Brintnell was in
charge of the Devotional
"The Christmas Star". Num-
bers of Christmas hymns
were sung with Mrs. Don
Kerslake presidingat the
piano. Mrs. Ted Roberts,
.Mrs, Dick Taylor and Mrs.
A. Cole assisted ini the
Devotional The members
answered the roll call with;
their favourite Christmas•
hymn. An invitation was
received to .a Christmas
social at Queensway Nursing
Horne on Monday, December
10 from 2-4 p.m• . "Thank
You" was read from the
Brintnell family,
on a Western atmosphere
last week when there were
several' cattle round -ups. Do
you suppose the mild, open
weather has given them
Spring Fever? On Monday a
1200 -pound steer got out
while -Frank Voogel was un-
loading at the stock bairn,
Then on Thursday, 30
head of Don :Brodie"s.. cattle
got out about four o'cloek in
the morning, Mr. Postma
notified the Brodies that they
were out, and they were able
to get nine home before
daylight. The rest were loc-
ated behind .'Bob Norman's
barn at Varna.
The Brodies Acre very
concerned that they Wright
OW an accident or some
damage, but they were able
to get them home again
without mishap.
A big steer of Bob Neirm-
an's was also on the loose, It
was thought att first to be one
of Don's herd until Bob
noticed one missing from, his
Santa visits
Stanley seniors
Santa Claus arrived at the
Stanley Township, Senior
Citizens :Christmas Party last
Wednesday* in time to hand
out prizes to winners` of the
euchre games. There were
eight tables in play. Ladies
high went to Annie Pink-
beinert men's high to Jean-
eannetts Turner, who played as
a man, Low for the ladies was
won, by Jean Bell, and men's
low' by Ken Stewart: Lone
hand prize winners were
Mabel Reid and Ed Godkin,
Door prize winners were
;Reil. Stan McDonald was
the guest speaker and gave'
an interesting message " on
"The Miracle of. Christmas."
Mrs. Thomas Scott gave two
-,Fmhers sinvircr ('ham -"-
Fern Baker, Bea Jeffrey,
Pearl Erratt, .Ruby Webster,
Ida Godkin; Frank and Mabel
McCtinchey, MaryBroadfoot
Art Alexander, Susie Pollock.
Margaret Dowson " and,
Rachel Johnston.
Lunch was :served 'by :the
Recreation. • n,.Cont
he date of Friday; Jan, 11
at 8:00 p.,n. has been set for
the Christmas Tree Burning,
so please don't dispose of
your tree before then.
songs accompanying herself.
on the harpsi-chord: Mrs:
'Brintnell thanked Rev,
McDonald. and Mrs. Scott.
An exchange of Christmas
was followed by a delicious
lunch served by Mrs. Dor-
othy, Parker, Mr. Dorothy
Brintnell, Mrs. Jack Brim -
Hell and: Mrs. Clarence Cole-
Mrs, t"a• 'Schwalm; supply
secretary Mrs, Edith, Bell:.
Mrs, Hyde concludt,d .the.
meeting with: a reading "The
Christmas Seasotl" ,and .a
Christmas prayer.
Mrs. Clarence Yolland,
president of the .Ladies° Aid,
presided for the Meeting and
opened with apoe l"Otfts of
Lave." Mrs. M. .Dougall
acted; .its, Secretary in the
absenee of Mrs Edith Bell.
Mrs. Volland led in prayer.
Several cards of thanks were
read and Mrs. Velland re.
ported; the treats, rands etc.
sent to shut•ins The treas•
urer's report was given by
Mrs. H. Hyde and Mrs.
Munn reported for the quilt
corn' ittee. Boxes for shut-
ins will' be packed on Dec -
Miss Sally Chafe of
Mitchell visited last week
with her grandparents Mr.
and. Mrs, Jack Corbett,
Mr. and Mr. Don.
MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke
of Oakville visited on Sunday
with Don's mother Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor,
Rev. Kenneth Knight
conducted the Sacrament of
Holley Communion in Carmel.
Presbyterian Church on
Sunday. The choir under the.
leadership of the organist.
Mrs: Robert Taylor sang'.
"Near The Cross:". Next
Sunday the Sabbath School
members will present their
program. Choir practise will
be held on. > Wednesday
evening at 8;00 p,m.
.ember 15th at 1:00 p.m. Mrs,
Bela Thomson reported for
the ,nominating committee
and the 'following slate of
officers were chosen: presi-
dent - Mrs. Al Hoggarth;
v ce.president - Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor;; secretary - Mrs.
Edith Bell; asst secretary
Mrs. Ruby ;Bella. ,pianist -
Mrs. R. Taylor; Cards, flow-
ers and treats convenor
Mrs. Robert Bell treasurer -
Mrs. H. Hyde; kitchen corn-
mittee - Mrs, Jean Snell,
MrsThomson, Bert Th Mrs.
Ruby Bell; group leaders
Mrs. Robert Bell; Mrs. Harry.
Moir, Mrs. Robert. Taylor.
Mrs. Kenneth, Knight pre -
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040 for the Installation
.Ceremony in her usual cap-
able manner and the meeting
tdosedwiththe Lord's Praveir'
and. the Benediction. A
Chrimar pet luck lunch was
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Brucefie id.
hosts pot -
Stanley Unit of Brucefield
U,C.W, were the hostesses'
for the Christmas pot -luck
dinner and meeting on
Tuesday. After a bountiful
meal the meeting opened
with Mrs. D. Treibner
reading a poen[ A Christmas.
wish."Mrs. W, Scott read a
story "In search of
Christmas". •
Mrs. ' W. Alex McBeath
was leader for the candle-
light service based on the
U.C.W. purpose. Candles
Were lit representing
witness; steady Fellowr:ship,
serviceaby Mrs, W. Caldwell)
Mrs. D. Triebner , Mrs. Wm.
McBeath and Mrs. C.
Mrs: W. Scott, Mrs, II.
Taylor and Mrs. W. Baird
Also took part; after the
offering a carol was sung and
prayer *ar, given by ' the
Mrs, Arnold Tay1O the
president welcomed
everyone and gave out the
programs for 1980 to the
members. Mrs, E. Stoll gave
the secretary'is report and,
called the toll.
The M & S Allocation was
discussed and it was moved.
by Mrs. R. Walters seconded
by Mrs. D. Treibner to give
5800:00 as well as having one
meeting set aside fir the:
M.S. fund.
Mrs. J. Moffat read .a
letter from the foster child inn
Haiti and told of the new` •
study book :on Japan, the
secretary read letters 'fre tit
Alma College, the
Children's War Memorial
Hospital and Alcohol & Drug
Concern and money was
voted to each one of them. A
letter was read regarding
Reports for ;the year w i11
be given at the isttuary
meeting. Rev. R. McMullen
closed the meeting -with
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