HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 8Lon f sxPOSITOR, DEC MOO tri Correspondentsung with. Gad Lear at piano. .duet by: Gencvi,Allen hied Solos were by Barbara Bos- Marjorie Duiter. iMdstbe man and Ruth Vincent and a ileacom: thanked all who las. I RT som«1& 523.4250 Greeters at United Church ou Sunday . were. Nelson Mtn sn4 Bort Lyon. Ushers were Bqb Jin, Bill Jewitt, and 'Robert and Bruce Hunting. , .Revel. Scott's children's story was `The of the Christ Ch...d with Brenda Millar as Jun qr teacher; 'Choir anthem was "Christ is Born with Barb, are: Boman choir director and wise McGregor organ-- fists fMessage ale' 3 thin was , ort my 8$ that advent reveals arelove, caring and forgiving. After the service Harry and Gail Lear led in. Christmas carols, While ladies pr'epar'ed the pot luck dinner, After the dinner Sante Claus RVed and treated all the children to !bags of candy. .Open: House at the manse nest Sunday, December 16th at 7:30 p.m. Everyone wel- come. Scripture calendars for 1980 were printed for every family by "Back to the Bible Broadcasts," QCW CHRISTMAS PAi' On Monday, December 3rd UCW memb^;s and visit, ors enjoyed a pot luck supper et 6:30 p.m. in the church basement. President Edythe Beacom welcomed all with a reading; is. More "Christmas , Atter supper 'Rev. Scott gave a Christrnas message, "What does Christmas mean to : you?" Re told .of sstme Christmases that hay. spec - meaning to him. He was thanked by Helen Lawson. Betty Moon reported., for the nominating committee that some offices are . not complete and wanted volun- teers for 2nd vice president and one for social committee: Program was, convened by Helen'Lawson' and the theme was light . outof darkness with. Helen reading different passages ;and carols were C 5huffebaard $cores Shuffieboa.rd high. scores Wednesday night were: Helen Lawson and Jim McEwing, There will he no more shuffleboard until after bristinas. The: date win, be announced later. There ' were 10, tables in play at the W.I. eard party on Friday night. In charge were Marg .Anderson and Trudy Pollard. Winners were; ladies high - At dtryThomp- son; lone hands Pearl Cummings; low - Laura; Murray; Mens 'high. Jack Riley; lone .hands -• Edna Hackwell (playing as a man); low - Lorne flunkingl lucky cards Elsie Shaddiek and Ted flunking. Congratulations to Mr, David Ketttber and Thelma Jarvis who were married on Saturday. December 8th; at Canterbury Inn, Sarnia, Attending the wedding and ,reception from here were Mr and Mrs, Bert Lyon and; Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. John De Jong and Jessie, Mr, and Mrs, Mervyn Datema, Mr.. and Mrs. Ted Dunking and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilts. Mr. and Mrs, ,Kimber are, spending: some time in Cali- fornia. , Mr. Norman Alexander. returned home on Friday from having surgery in Uni- versity Hospital, London: Mrs, Alexander spend _ the time with Norman's. sister Mr. and:Mrs. Cecil pilling in' London. Elaine (Mrs, Don Cousin eau) of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario visited on Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents Mr; and Mrs:. Norman ,Alexander in Lon - Mrs. Jghia Dilon and 'boys Christopher, Michael and. Bobby, Clinton, spent the. supper (Continued form .Page 9) Herb Traviss, The Observer is being ordered for the every 'silly plop. A. dumber of donations were voted ' to different. societies. The Spring Thankoffering is set, for April 13. Treasurer's report was given by. Mrs: Ken McDonald, and . Mrs. H Craig reported for the general fund. . Mrs, Campbell Wey of the nominating committee' -"brought in the slate of officers for 1980: Past President - Mrs, Donald McDonald; lst vice- president - . Mrs. Frank , Kirkby; 2nd vice-president - Mrs. Graeme Craig; 3rd vice-president - Mrs. Ronald. Bennett. Corresponding and "Recording, Secretary Mrs ' Herb Traviss; Secretary - treasurer Mrs. Ken McDonald; Unit Leaders - Walton Mrs. Alex Gulutzea; 8th & 16th - :Mrs, Don Fraser; Nominations Mrs. ' Campbell Wey; Mrs. Herb Traviss; ' Mrs'. 'Alvin • McDonald; -Mrs. Nelson Marks and t, iMis.:• Ross Bennett.`:` Communications Co-ordinator - Mrs, Mack Sholdice and Mrs. Dave Wat son:• Stewardship and Finance nce Mrs. Frank Kirkby; Mrs.. Rae Houston and Mrs. Ken McDonald; Leadership Development - Mrs. Merton /fatty/ell and 4 unit leaders. Church in. Society Mrs, Cliff Ritchie; Mrs, Harvey Craig; Mrs. Don Dennis,. Mrs. George McCall; Mrs. WilIiiim Coutts and Mrs.. James Fritz. Christian Development Mrs. Murray Dennis; :M5. Walter Bewley aitd 'Mrs. Nelson Reid.. ' World Outreach' - Mts. Martin. Bann, Mrs, Graeme Craig;. •Mrs. Paul McCaltum Archives Mrs. Cartipbell Wey and Mrs. Herb Traviss. "In-Cluirch" Services . Social Ftitdctiorts` Y Mrs. Barry Hoegy, Mrs,; Harold McCallum and Mr's. Glen McNichol', Musk Mrs, Lavern Goditin and. ''Mics. Neil McGivh4 Auditors Mrs. Graeme Ctalg aihri Mist. `Lavern Ca0dkin, rispreSeirtaitiVe to the Maly C��,y *M{��sWr. K. MDDixtald", i�t'!i'i '_-Lit McGavist, mrd W Bewley. Representative to Board of Stewards - ;Mrs. Don McDonald. Communion - Mrs.. Ralph. Traviss and Mrs. Gordon Murray. The installation of the U.C.W. officers will be held during the morning church service on Sunday,January 6: The annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 20th,. all unit secretaries are to have their reports in by the end of the year. Rev. Ed, Baker closed the meeting with prayer. meeting Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Baker and son arrived on Friday from Australia to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Bewley and Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Baker and other relatives and friends oter the holiday season., Mrs. George Taylor arrived home last Tuesday from ' Brownsville, Texas where she had been visiting. relatives.. . weekend with; her grand - helped in .any way. There as as a white' elephatt.t sale after mcetino mother Mrs. Jean Scott; O'bitu'n, Th LMA JEAN SPE' mac A Huilett Township native. Thelma Jean :Pethick.• died; suddenly at ber Vanastra home on November 227. She was 6k years old . Mrs. Pethick was, born to . Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wakefield in t-ullett Township on July 22, 1918, She was married to Harry Pethick and the couple farmed in Hallett Township, Her husband died in itM. Mrs, Pethick is survived by her four children Janet of Clinto-i, Ruth and Gladys of Vanastra. and. George at Vanastra. She is also survived by one brother Charles of London- . Along with her husband arid: parents she is also pre- deceased by one sister Phoebe Mtllson. Funeral services Were held at The Beattie Funeral lime in. Clinton on 'November 24.. Rev. T.A. Dale officiated and tntertttennt at the Maitland Bank Cemetery in Seaforth. Walton PI.0''S Sunday School concert The Sunday School Taylor would Concert is being held in the church basement on Thursday. Dec, 20th at 8 P M. The Presbyterial 'annual meetingis to be held on Monday, January 28 at North Street United 'Church, The board.. of Stewards held the meeting recently, it. was reported that George Taylor would do. the maintenance church work for the winter months and Mrs. cleaning. Explorers s #off toys, the Explorers. was held on December .66. Angela,, Schneider did the picture. Mrs. Hoggartread' a Christ- mas story and a prayer was said by Mrs. H.oggart. Crafts consisted of stuffing Christ- mas toys. Christmas 'lassies he'll' appreciate • �!t SHIRTS ROBES .. TIES: SOCKS VELOUR TOPS PYJAMAS. SCARVES SWEATERS Enter Campbell's Christmas Draw DEC. 1 -'50: DEC-• 8 -'50. DEC. 1.5 -'50. DEC. 22 -'100. with' every '5. purchase t'H Utt.1A ' MAIN CORNER CLINTON 452-4732 UMW Going Out of Business LE Thurs Fn. Et Sart. DF'c: 13, Dec 14, a Dec. 15 frutn 11 .P 'In 8p'' Prices Slashed Everything must be sold to the walls vl)ei' )14)00tillillev for Exera ChrisPanas 1)11 v' DOxll Vi" dD as/a Pa' "a PAW CIF.'(:orating sduppIoWs Chessell's Store 11-3v€1r.6-6ssthl Ootl 412 WOrlit WI .And we also r rsh to. inform you that.... . OUR. .COMPLETE .STOCK .1.S READ'`. ALL, OUR. CHRISTMAS NEEDS! .'. ‘,._A , ..:,..., i.i,„..0 ... /.....4- ...,...._ ,I,...._:....-_---......"0.:„........„.„, ____. T)1/-:. i ‘r$c-.,%.=.- ,:,,,;;;„ -.-Ak*--..\ — 4 illi;t 1,. !'�,1,'% ,41.4 of ��\ 'J,/.,/ , /�---- isi.s,..1/4., -.7.-...:.\ 1/4. , .-/ .,- :,› . r 7C.t. \S-, :t- _____,_,, 441, , �// AND. FOR A TOUCH CHRIST OUR WIRE SERVICE WILL SEND FLiWERS ANYWHERE - JUST FOR YOU!! in:6 inch pots and over!! AVAILABLE IN BOTH SEAFORTH & MITCHELL STORES! v,44 ALL ARTIFICIAL OFF CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENT AVAiLABLE IN BOTH SEAFORTH S. MITCHELL STORES! MITCHELL; STORE ONLY!! .Join us f cor Co fee doughnuts and browse through the .many INDOOR SPECIALS :vie v ill be herring. his week.end :to M tchetf! Highway No. 8 West df j itiche$i:. • 348-9406o0 Seufor.th 2