HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 5- etnew',of 1979 accomp- bshments ,and a look at future requirements featured the December meeting .of ',Wen Township council. :en Monday of last. week. The meeting was .opened with a prayer and a short address on "'Poise" by Rev, Michael Boulger, minister of the Monkton United Church;, Reeve Carl Vock, COM - Meriting on the past year, said that he was pleased that Conned .had accomplished; everything that it had Set ant m:. do. Looking forward to 1900, he mentioned future ,projects and among them; the inadequacy of the township garagelo house the equip- • meat- Deputy -Reeve Laverne Gordner added that he would like to see better deist control' either through applying more calcium chloride, or by grav- elling the roads later in the season and Councillor Edwin Inman. Commented on; the roads and on the good. communications between the Council and staff,' Councillor Joe Vandenberk expressed concern that the• revision of the zoning by-law not result in restricting farm- ing; operations. He wondered whether: it might be advis- able to build a new shed, and• Councillor Joe Waite agreed that a new shed should be built and it should be well t' %t FRANK planned 1r! Meet future needs. Road Superintendent Sam Acheson told council he was satisfied with the _road. pro- gram this year but was, wncerned that farmers be more careful about dragging mud onto the roads. He said. Comnitttee, Reeve Cart Nock, Conmtttee of Adiu* n!ent. Laverne Roth. Mitch- ell Agricultural! Society,, Reeve Carl Yock:, Perth County Safety , Council, *heti Davey; Monkton. Fire a Board Councillor Joe Vandenberk, Tim Nicholson :than, and John Van Berk; Dog Licencing- Officer, How - Ord Jackson; Sanitary Land, Olt Attendant, Martin Rock; ll-ns..•Township anRecreation m. iComittee, Edwin Inman*. :Robert Chaffe, Ken Ralph,, .Gary Josling, John Van !Jerk, Joe Vandenberlr and the township garage needed! new front doors tq conserve heat. In preparation forr the new year councilappointed its representatives to the: local boards and namedcertain other people to fulfill various duties for the township as follows, Mitchell & District Planning Board', pan Con- nolly and Robert Davey; Nfitchell & District: Arena. and Community Centre Board, Councillor Joe Waite lvfitchell & .District Fire Area Board, Deputy -Reeve Lav- erne Gordner; Mitchell & District Protective Inspection and Ken Brown: Monkton .Community, Centre Board, Councillor Edwin Inman; Upper Thames River Con- servation. Authority, Deputy Reeve Laverne Gordner; Maitland! Valley Conserv- ation Authority, Councillor Joe Vandenberk; Ausable-- Bayfield. Conservation Authority, Gordon Mogk.. Other appointments. in- cluded: Weed Inspector, Cyril Brown; Animal Control Officer, Robert Gilbert,; Animal Evaluator, Tom Reidy; Fence Viewers, Leon- ard Partridge, Robert. Chaffe Allan Siemon, Hubert 'Kolk- •• 4 •-/•! o Have AroundhyHouse ,�l, ,,,°, ,rt Potscrubbers 4 Dishwashers That Do More Than. Just Wash Dishes. . Available in built ins, arid; convertibles featuring: g�:' 3 Level Wash ! High Temp. Wash S Energy Saver Switch Color Rack. Panels - WINNER OF THE CHRISTMAS TREE DRAW Mrs. Ferg Stapleton e,This A a Seaferth NMI •Christmas KLING ;ern. 527-1320 V4 i 11 u' �. 'unmobiles 11011111111110011 SION WSW 1,117C171 ENTICER 300 So agile, it's like a sports car. for the snow! ik 6 Pk ENTICER 340' DELUXE It's quick and easy with a lightweight electric starter anti smooth, reliable power. !Karl: Vocic; :Logan Township Library Board, Carl Vock, ,Mrs, Keith McLagan, ,Mrs.. ,Earl Oppenhauser, Mrs. Ken Reaney,. and Mrs. Edwin piman. Road accounts were ;ap- proved in the amount of 55,213.55 and general ac- counts of 5126,910.12 were ordered paid. These included transfer payments and requi- sitions for the Huron -Perth; Roman Catholic Separate School Board and the Mon' trn Fire Area Board. The Mogk' Municipal Drain Extension has now been. completed and the final paymentsmade to the con- tractor and the engineer. Actual assessmentsto the land involved were set out in.. a bylaw adopted by council.• The estimated cost of the drainwas 519,500.00, but the actual cost. was 515,938.12 or 86.86% of the estimate. A. ratings by-law was passed to apply for tile ;drainageloans totalling 549,100.00, A petition was received'. rotn. owners. of farms at Lots. 28, 19 and 32, Concession<'1, asking that the Waugh - Robinson MunicipalDrain'be repaired and the Council' decided; to proceed, ;It was decided that the Logan Township Landfill Site (Dump) which is open every Saturday from 8 a.m.• to 5 p.m. will close. until further notice on December 29 at 5 p.m.' Council will meet again:: on ;;December will. 20 McKiIIop club does needlepoint Members of the McKillop i.#1 4-H club which started in September are Sandra Regle,' Tammy Driscoll, Sandra Campbell, Lisa Campbell, Marion Hunt, Sandra Hunt, Lisa ` McClure, Donna. McClure, Dianne Godkn, Janice Murray,' Sharon Eedy., Kathy Pryce, and Debbie Hulley: Officers are: President: Marion -..' Hunt; "' Vice President: Tammy Driscoll; Secretary: Dianne Godkin; Treasurer: Janice Murray; Press Reporter: Debbie Hulley.. The club is working in needlepoint and meets each Thursday evening at. the McKillop Township Hall. ENTZCER 250` An inexpensive little sled that's easy enough for beginners, exciting enough for anyone. .__ /. ENTICER 340 Smooth" responsive and its handling characteristics are nothing short of exhilarat. ing. The Whole family Will love ill e% 20% on choH ing and accessories let stock ELDER ENTJERPRISES SALES &SERVICE BUIL 3634142 HINSALL - C1Nt. .41 YOUR AUTHORIED' YAMAHA FULL SER YICE DEALER. � 1 este WEST AND 1 j MMLE SOUTII OF HENSALL Hunan names BY WILMA OKE ,James McDade of Babb Crescent, Stratford, WAS appointed to the position, of '. principal at St. Mary's, School, . Onderich, Monday night by the Huro..n-Perth, County Roman Catholic Sep, Grate School board- He has been acting principal since November .19 and will cpn. tinkle in that capacity until. his appointment becomes; effective January i, 1980. Prior to the appointment he wasa resource teacher in the area of curriculum, work-- ing out of the board office in Dublin; He has his B.A. and Master of Education from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education in Toronto. He replaces Betty L. Clark who had been the principal, but had asked for ,reassign- ment to other duties. Her new duties will be in the area of curriculum: development with special emphasis on the revision and development of a French program for grades 4 to 8. The standing committers were approved and the fol- lowing will be chairmen:. Building and Property -- Mickey Vere, Stratford; Personnel,. Ron Murray, Dublin; Transportation, John O'Drowsky, St, Marys; and: Finance' and Insurance;; Gregory Fleming, Crediton. St„ Cokirrban' OE to midte another quit The December meeting of St. Columban CWL was held:. Dec. 4th with 14 ladies present. Mrs. Mary Moylan read a prayer called '"Diary of an Unborn Child." Mrs. Ann Vogels will visit the sick for December: The president, Mrs.' Jean Van Drunen,; thanked all the. ladies for helping at the Federation of Agriculture • banquet' held in the hall recently: A special thanks . was also given to those who helped entertain at Seaforth Manor and: Kilbarchan Nurs- ing Home. Mrs. Van Drunen asked members once again to start thinking of the June social, A donation of a child's quilt has already been gratefully accepted.: The CWL ladies will be making another quilt as well. The CWL will be.pu�.:nas ing two folding tabes to be used in the basement of the church house A donation ' was agreed rspon for the Bob Duffy family. in the loss of their barn. The World Day of Prayer in March will be celebrated in St. Columban next year. Mrs, Rita Moylan reported on the "Billings_ Method" meeting she recently attend- ed. A motion was carried to send' money to help with expenses to . the Billings Method. Plans for cleaning of the church hall were discussed. The meeting closed with a prayer.' Mrs. Jean Van. Drunen and ,Mrs,, Fran. O? Malone assisted the group in the making of terrariums,' dishgardens and planters J and in exchange of plants took place as well as ideas on plant care. The evening con - eluded over a cup of tea and' some sandwiches. The executive of the CWL wishes to extend to all the r � members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New . Year and a heartfelt thanks for ,helping to make the calendar year a very success - *"fid one. HURON E POSIT° Ad Hoc'cgmmi1fees were; Approved with, following chairman of each: Trustee - clergy, liaison, Arthur Haid; R.R, 4, Listowel; Early school leaving, Ronald; Murray; Teacher negoti- ations, Douglas O'Re"lily, Stratford; .Family Life, chair - rnan ;not named- yet; former $t Peter's school, Godericb Ketilt Montgomery, Wing ham; ' Assessment, Ted Geoffrey, Zurich; Declining enrolment. Ronald: Marcy, Stratford, chairman, Wiiliarn Kinahau, Luck- new,. will represent the hoard thIttci ,on :Huron -Perth Tjeberc ulo is and respiratory diseases ;assQciatlg e; and, PioDe.'lin, and. Fred' Bergsma both of Stratford, .on the Stratford. ;Public ,Library ;Board; The board, aPPrm"ed :tine professional development days for the: teachers:af which five Age eounty days devoted to curriculum im lernentatiom while the p i fourbe remaining �de3!'a '' essionaI activity =days dealing. with. ,curium planning The next meeting will be; held January 14. Gaol selection of Christmas os VERY REASONABLE PRICES ,;Dee. 21 tin 9;00,p.nr. Jarvis St. Seaforth 527-0800 NO DELIVERY ON DEC. 24 OPEN ALL DAT SAT. i STUDIO 12 PRESENTS LIVED DECEMBER 11 U3/1 4:34 6:00 p.m. WASr< THERE" Host: Jack Ward Guest: Mr. Foster Bennett " . TV NEWS" Host: Mr. John McCarroll MUM 1 St.. Anthony. Church ir; Shakespeare 2 News In Perth County 3 Channel 11 visits the hamlet of Kettleby 4 Stratford' jell Christman Program 5 Special Seaforth Presentation of Able Dale 7:00 p.m. " LIONS TV BINGO" 8.30 p.m. " CABLE TV BOWLING" 9:'00 P.m. " GLORIA: HART" Singing, Christmas Carols CABLE T.V. 345-2341 CHANGE IN NAME Independent Shipper to United' Co -Operatives of Ontario Livestock Department Toronto Ship ybur livestock with LOU ROWt,AINI' Dublin *44301 tFoiMerly MU'e!boyie, Shfppee, j IDY prompt service, call by Monday eiv�tning J �1- ., :Cl eara,nc Refriger• ators Model -N479 White Model-ND479 Almond Model -N679 Almond Model -SO __ Stoves Model-E3D79 Harvest Model-E3K79 White Model E3079 Almond:. Model-E3C79 Imohd Model 60%40w d Disko ai' erff Model-DU2496 Model. DU2498 Microwave Oven Model MR02498: 3565 5555 1555 1575. 1315 3415 5313, 5355 $445' 5370 $420' $595