HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-13, Page 4..HE H';MON :1
M S JOHN'rotnplAjl
Cromarty Lads; ,ltd held
:their anstual Christmas Cosset"
lag, Monday evening No.
3rd at the home of Mrs. JoIrn
Templereel% with: 24 itt
attendance. The,presiders
Van. st
ro Brow.
e: enjoy
Christmas s ,a ,'t::..
Or :Monday night the
Brownies Jotnedi together to
have theirChristrnal path':
After the regular openink the
girls made gifts for tneir
fames, and played gantes.
They enjoyed hamburgs and
teats and, as a special part
of the party they exchanged
gifts with, each other. The
next regular Brownie:
meetings Nyill be January 7i
Again this year, in order to
promote the true "Spirit of
Christmas" Vanastra Public
School will hold annual Carol
Sing each morning next week.
from 9;00'- 9;20 in the gym.
One important aspect of
these assemblies will be a
White .Gift Service, The boys
and girls have been asked to -
bring a gift wrapped in white
paper and labeled with•h a
little card that tells what it is,
'The gift does not have to be a
brand new item and the
Children do not have to bring
one if they are unable .to do
so. At the end of the week.
these gifts will be handed
Over to a charitable,..
organizaton for distribution
to families in need within our
You are welcome to join us
each day during this special
Christmas Service on
Monday, Tuesday.
Wednesday and Thursday -
December 17th. 18th. .19th
and 20th at 9;00 a.m.
The Vanastra Public
School''.$; . annual Old : Time.
Christmas Concert will be
held Tuesday, December 18
from 7:30. 8:30 p.m. Come
up and see the curtains that
were donated to the Vanatra
Public School by the Vanstra
Lions and Lioness Clubs.
Mrs• Charles Diauglas wet.
mired. everyone and opened,
the meeting with a Christmas:
Legend ;and a Christmas;
carol accompanied by Mrs.
John Scott. •
Scripture seal meditation;
was taken by Mrs. Eldenn
Allen. The ;secretary Mrs..
TQM !Scott .reads the minutes
and, correspondence :and.
several items of bu,.auleas
were dealt with.
ROO call - Chriattrn
mery was answered by.
all- Andy Douglas told the
ladiesabout the i''resbytertan
:eekend congress whichhe
had attended in Steleh, this
past summer.
Mrs. foto eo..: and Mr ,.
Jean Carey, delighted every-
one with a duet! "Whispering;
Hope" accompanied on the
piano. by Mrs, ',Ivan 'Norris,
Mrs. Mervin .Dow read a
poem and conducted a,
Christmas contest enmuted
words. Everyone joined in.
inging, a Christmas..cara,
Reports were given by the;
secretary'* treasurer and all
; ontmitteeet• showing a very
,successful year.
• Mrs. John Tereplemani: pre -
aided foe the election of
officers; Prealdent a Mrs.
Charles: Douglas; fat vice
president Mrs„ John;
Templeman,: 2nd vice pre*
tient - Mrs. Jean Carey;
sec1etary - Mrs. Tom Scott;
t(.ippen..Easf 4f :pc�
Christmas gift
Kippers East Women's
Institute will, hold .their
Christmas meeting at the
home of the President :Mrs,
Dave Triebner on Wed., Dee.
19, at 8:30 p.m.. Rev. Robt.
McMullen will speak.
Members are reminded. of
the gift exchange and to
bring .a piece of Christmas
The Cooper Family held;
their Christmas Party at
;Intron Centennial, School,
Dec, 8. Kippen
catered for the event.
•Mr:. and. Mrs. Harold
J ones visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Art. Ashworth ,llderton
Mrs. Nelson Hood has
been a patient in University
Hospital, London.
Sympathy is expressed to
Howard Day man, his wife
and family in, the death of his
mother 'Mrs. Joseph:
Mr, and Mrs. Grant Love,.
Caro, Michigan attended the
Cooper Family Get -Together
in Huron Centennial School,
Dec. 8. .•
Mr. and; Mrs, Ed.
Yamamoto, and- girls,.
Strathroy, visited Karen's:
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ron
• Littleton over the weekend.
Swine expert speaks in Perth
Bill Bilderback: came to
Canada : from the U.S. in
1960, At that time he had: anestablished two well man- .nam; before moving back to
urban background and knew aged, hog operations in Orleans, Indiana, two years
very little about hogs. He Dufferin County and at Put- ago, In the States, he eng-
The Wedge
Ladies Fashions
Closing Out
Closing, ticitf, Fr, Dec 21 19/9
no reasonable offer refused
- selling to the bare wa//s
Fixturr•-, racks, hdrayers, utill[lue p1ne cupboard,
mirrors htc
Trusteddependabiity in a
�ratchyoza can qfford!
Classically styled ouartt.
Sitvertone case and silver dist;
Bulov n CaraveiI�
watches guaranteed
Free giftwrapping
Open all day Wednesday and
Friday evenings till 9:00 p.m,
We do our , own engraving and°
can offer same day service
&tbtorth 527-1720
ineered' a third swine set-up
that is now owned by his
daughter and son-in-law. Bill
was back: to the recent Swine
Symposium to talk about the
present swine unit.
He planned the unit by
laying down some goals:
($300,000 per year gross
03,000 hogs to market at
S100 each
.20 pigs per sow per year
0150 working sows plus 12
to 15 gilts
*97% conception on first
.28 day weaning
2.3 turns per sow per year
•8.7 pigs .per. litter y'
•158 day turn around
Two years later, •Bill has,
achieved these :goals: Con-
ception rate on first service
was 95.5°1e in 1978 and arose
to 97% in 1979. Pigs per sow
per year was 19.95 in 1978
and 20.3 for 1979. It takes
155 days for a pig ,to pass
through his barns, •
How does Bill achieve the
97°10 conception rate? He'
cites several reasons. He
practices hand breeding be-
muse he reasons that a boar
can wear himself out without
success if he isn't guided itt
his entry. An ordinary light-
ing system over the sows
provides 16 'hours of .light:
daily, An evaporative cooling
unit keeps the temperature
front :going above 85°F: This
unit eliminates breeding'
problems in hot weather.
Once sows, are weaned, they'
are placed adjacent.' to the
boars, in • pens . of three..
Twelve sows • is an ideal.
group to wean: at one tire:
The , sows are tethered.
after it is definite that they
are pregnant. Bill feels that
this type of housing; contri-
butes to his success because
the animal can't fight with
pen mates," In addition, he
can feed each animal accord-
ing to its condition by using a
home 'designed individual ..
feeder. These feeders are
filled 12 hours . before the
feeding and ,several • sows are
fed at the same time with a
simple twist of the connect-
ing pipe. RY A LITTLE
Never fight with` a sow.
This advice has been -part of
Bill's management for years.
assistant secretary - Mrs-
Won on Allen; treasurer - Mrs
John Miller; Assistant trea#."
urer - Mrs, Jim Miller.
Flower advisory committee
- Mrs. Jim; (Hiller, Mr-.
Calder McKaig; work om
mittee Mrs-: Mervin. Dow,
Mrs, Tom Scett, Mrs. Jitn
Miller,: Mrs. Bob: Laing;
pianist - Mrs. Jean Carey.
Card committee fi Mrs.
John Te!nplernan,, Mrs.
Norman Harburn; shut-in:
bakes -'Mrs. Calder McKaig,
Eldon 1 Mrs. s. Eld AI en, M. Ta m
Scott, Mrs, Norman Harburn
Representative to managers -
Mrs. Tom Scott; auditors
Mrs. Charles, Douglas, Mrs.
John Scott; flowers for
church - Mrs. Carter Ker -
Melte, Mrs. Lloyd Miller
Following the • meeting
everyone received a Christ
mas gift and lunch was.
served by Mrs. ,lean Carey,
Mrs, Charles Douglas and
the hostess.
i '
Don't dight
Xmas, trees
Don't string lights on' met-
allic tres. That's a shock
hazard`. Use indirect lighting,:
Unplug holiday lighting be-
fore you goto bed or when.
you leave the house,: .
During; the season, there
are more open, flames from
fireplaces and candles. Keep
combustible materials away
from them. Don't burn, gift.
wrapping or boughs in the.
fireplace. Don't overload cir-
cuits. Use extension cords
The Ontario. Safety League
reminds you that Christmas
is for living..safely.
sow to the extent thatshe
may not come in heat, When
moving animals, Bill allows
them: to find their own way to
the new location, He con-
tends that rough treatment
and manager attitu ie' has a
lot to do .with infertility
His feeder barn housesl5
pigs in 6' x 20' pens. He
doesn't overcrowd because
the resulting .:stress would •
slowhis days to market. He
believes thatfifteen pigs is a
maximum number per pen
after a study of the pig's
social order.. Apparently, in:
large groups of pigs,, there
are three 'different orders
and the low ranking pigs take
a beating, With 15 there is
only one order and hence less.
stress on all the pigs:
According to• Rill, a swine_
budding should be accessible
visible; workable, durable,
predictable and energy effic-
lent., The system must be
flexible. Always provide
extra space so that there's a
reserve if breeding schedules
are delayed.
Bill's breeding and gest-
ation building is 40' x 140.'.
The 75' x 110'' farrowing unit
has 4 separate units, each
housing 14 sows. If he were
doingit again. he'd have 5
moms holding 12 sows,•In his
opinion, it's much easier to •
work with the latter number.
His feeder barn. 'is 300'`
long x 244' wide. .'ehe pens are
20.' It's divided into two
sections; The starting section
-takes pigs up to 150 lbs.:,
Drugs can be ,given in this
section but not in the other.
section, which is meant for
pigs nearing market weight.
Summer cooling is
achieved by a sprinkler sys-
tem. A timer and thermostat
are linked together. The
sprinkler works for one min-
ute out of every ten when the
thermostat dictates the need..
Bill believes is eliminating
moving parts' as 'much as
possible His' liquid manu1;e
system unloads by gravity'
into a home=made applicator.
The operation is based: on
purchased feed. There is a
land base of over 200 acres
but it''5 grass land with a
limestone sub soil. The man-
ure has stimulated the grass
and it's rented out to past
An Expositor Classified'
will pay you dividends, Have.
Rough treatment will upset a : you tried ohs? Dial 527-0240.
Special, Clearout
r hn;as r,esentat£ons to
Ch..s P and
Re'.- F'athler`.!iaordotn Dill
;a t Cod}art Hook 14smers
'were• a< feature of the an#rttal
:Ci►ristmaae: •party � t..e
Dublin C.W.L. Tn ;ga dy
decorated parish ball: on
Thursday of last week. There
Wata a large attendance for
Holiday the event which began with
decorating corati ti s�
Here •are some lira from
the Ontario. ;Safety League
thatwill help P you provide a
safe and happy home this
holiday season.
During the holidays, fart
niture is often moved about
to accomodate the tree and
other Christmas decor. dis-
rupting the ordinary house
hold traffic patterns. Falls:
are more likely. So, take care
as you move from room to
room. Keep a night light on
in strategic areas if your
home includes an invalid : or
elderly person who might be
confused by the changes,.
Buy a fresh. tree,. Branches
Should be springy and the
needles tight. Saw an inch of
the trunk off, diiagonally and
keep water in the stand:.
Treat your live tree the same'
as you would fresh -cut flow-
Check the lights before
you put there on the tree for
broken insulation and loose
sockets. Look for the CSA
(Canadian Standards Assoc-
iation') label on the package
when buying new strings:
Use outdoor lights outdoors..
indoor lights • inside:
Place the tree away .from
the heat source - radiators,.
fireplaces, wall heaters; TV
sets. And, of course, never
use real candies on it --or
around any flammable decor-
.refreshments and cheese
feeing served,
Miss JeanVantyghem of
$eaforth discussed
(Christmas table decorations
rand later cards were ,played.
Members ' presented
Father Dill with an am -fm,
digital clock radio while
,; Hank Kramersreceiveda
Miss Anita Looby cele-
brated her.'10th. birthday, on
Sunday, Nov. 25 from 2:30 •
7:op tem. with 20 of her class
mate$ from: St:. Pair ck
Comnauntty .Scho,+oi. The
creation Roorn was situably
Loand Lunchas rved:
Fried Chicken on the menu",..
GameMrss were Jean playDill'ed atteandn4e4i
joyed by all.
the funeral of Mt.:, Carl',
Wilhelm of Waterloo. on.
Winners of the Dublin: and
DistriT.Y. $logo sa:,,
followsct. Cliff Robideau►
Dublin, Allan Townsend,;,
Mitchell, Alice Checkley,:
Mitchell, Tony Loomans,
Mitchell, Kathy Skinner,
Mtchell, Mildred Towsend,,
Mitcchhellell, Susieet.Elligesenevie,
MitJan. R,
Chamber of Commerce.
Family Night
Brodhagen Community Centre
Friday, Dec.. -14th:
Music by Maurice Drager
Ladies please bring lunch:
Admission $5.00 per family
Everyone welcome - young or old
We wish to draw your attention to thefollowing error
in our current "Christmas Shopping Ideas" Flyer
7. #33-3580, Plaid Robe is incorrectly illustrated as a Beaver
Brand robe. However, . it is our top quality robe of wool/vis-
ool/vis-cose/n .lon and offers excellent value at the sale price of $16.95
We sincerely regret any inconvenience
we may have caused you.
Canadian Tire Corporation, Ltd.
:F W-. Tilley. ;Ltd.
Seim ething for everyone on your Christmas fist at
61 Main St. South Seaforth
�►- Binoculars . .. ' .. , .. ..49.95 to 57.95
Wallets & Clutch purses. . .4.59 to 21.99
Cameras ='Kodak Ektra, Ektralite and Instamatic..
: • 23.95 to 47.95', Kodak Colorburst 50 . . . . . .47.95
Cribbage Booard
s ., ,
2. 5, 3.95and 7.98
Playing Cards . . . ..... .. . 1.00 to 4.59
Electric Razors Philishave triple head . .54.95
Remington triple head . w ..34.95:
Braun rechargeable:. i ... , ...69.95
'Ladies Shavers o , ... ...... 24 95 to 29.95.
(Teenie t^aene)
Reg', $1195.40���
View Master (With Reel) .
extra 3 reel pkg
Heating; pads . .':.....
Bathroom scales , : . . .
Men's Travel Sets .01d Spice .. w y
Hai Karate , .. , ...
y Brut
Mirror Brush & Comb Sets. .' i i
Hand Mirrors , .. .. , . ,. .
tr Magnifying [Reading) glass .
!i. " Vaporizers
1* Righters... ... - .. • . v x
e Hair Dryers
' Cosometic Bags , ..
,; Boxed Stationery
4888 3"99x.
• ..2.99 ea.
:9:99 to 21.50
.9.95 to 16.95
. i.-.,.12.99'
K. l .. 10.99
.9.99 to 21.50
.1.29 to 5.75'
. 3.50 to 9.00
11.95 to 16:59
..99c to 6.75
. 1.09 to 5.99
.... . p, . 1.75 to 4.50
Pei'f4mes & Colognes 'Y White' shoulders, Purer of
Pari, Cachet, Wind Sang, LanVin, Chique, Avlance,
Biue Jeans, Laughter, Tweed .. , ... 2.99 to 16.00
Christmas Corsages & Breeches, Chritit Inas Wrap
and Ribbon, Christmas Cards both boxed arid'
Eesrtlashi Camera
built in electronic flash
regular and portrait_
Lens. Special Price $26.111
Cups and Saucers:
"Royal Albert"
English Bone China 5 •!!
Hokum Rubinstein
"Heaven Scent"
perfume With a Panda
.•Bear 2.119-8, 3.!!
Train set
(Battery operated)
Locomotive, tender
gondola & Mail Car with
15 feet of track3• 51:.
Photo Album
16 Page =9" x 11.1"
Magic Cling 1.1B'
Calendar Twels
16" x 28" "g
bet leo sfdck up orf
:• • utter
• flash lilbf' or Ca
' awls' Ciiiiilily