HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-06, Page 22;RANEY -- J*NSEN
Diane NeIly Jansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Jansen,
of R,R.2, Seaforth:and Matthew George Haney, son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. Haney of R;R,4, Seaforth.. were married in.
Egmondville United Church on Saturday, Dec. 1. Rev.
Robert Roberts officiated at the double ring ceremony,. The
matron of honour was Wilma Henderson of Stratford. The
bridesmaids were Janet Haney, June Haney and. Mary Lou
Jansen, The best man was Bill Whyte and the ushers were
John Gibson, Stephen Jansen and Bob Jansen Ta+o
organist was CarolCarter and; the soloists were Rose
Lopmans and John Megeren; Following the wedding, a
reception was held in Seaford! region. Guests attended
front Holland, California, 'Toronto and Trenton. After a
honeymoon to the Western provinces, the couple will be,
residing at R.R.4, Seaforth, (Photo by. Phillips)
Rev, J. ,Broadfoot of St,
Thomas Anglican. Church
took our service on Wednes-
day. J.R. Spittal also came to
play the piano for the hymns,
Hymn: He Leadeth Me O
Blessed Thought.
By God's hand we are led
through life: Open our hearts
Peter Bakos
r PPace To
Buy App;ionces
iensaII 262-2728
Closed Mondays
by•Elain4k TOwntE'Ih911 .
.The following laws may not be recorded
ttk law bstoks, but read them and see f ytl
don't agree, they are as immutably ;ss
ftirpby*s; Law.
The driver who yelled at you yesterday
morning was way out of lute, but the one
you yelled at today really had, it coming«
Only on tv is the one empty parking spot:
txa busy city street .located directly in,
fr nt of the buttdtng which the driver has to
gn into.
A television ,cops' and robbers' .chase
scene begins in, the heart of a Metropolitan.
city and with one deft turn ends up on a
winding mountainous country highway.,
ht real life, everyone can open a lar, .lid
but you.
If your grocery bill comes to $10,01, you
will not have a penny.
When you look for an empty clothes
hanger in the closet, there isn't one, but
the next time you open the closet door,
empty hangers fall on your head.
When you buy a gift, you can't get the
price sticker off, and if the price is written
on the 'boxnothing: will cover. it.
You wrap the gift with tender Ioving
care; it looks beautiful until you turn it over
and discover the paper was too thin; the
name onthe lidof the box shows clearly
through. and: you don't have a bow or a tag
big enough to cover it.
If one shoefits, chances are the other
one won't.
If mitts are on sale, your k ze will be at
the bottom of the pile.
If you fall iii love with a certain: dress, in a
store window, they will not have it inyour`
size If you find a style that suits:'` you
perfectly, it will: come in the one colour you,
. cannot wear. The colour you look best in
will be available in every size but yours.
If you take extra precautions in baking a
cake, for a special occasion, it will flop..
Only on soap operas do women wake up
lathe morning With eft ftlia and' r4tak ,tap
looking as good as the night before
If it looks like 'raian and you take yotn
umbrella, it wine'. ii< ;MI, -forget Jona
umbrella, it will
if yeti :and yoiur. spouse each have a
special urogram you want to; watch in the
,evening, they will be shoves at the same
In the winter,, the car :never warms up
until, you reach your destination.
A. family of four always: wants to use the
bathroom at the same time, Ditto the.
telephone and the car.
The phone rings just after you've stink
into a 'tpb. of hot bubbly water. The hot.
water tank gives out when you have
lavishly lathered your hair With, shampoo.
When your hair is foaming„ your eyes are
damped tight to prevent soap stinging and;
your fingers are slippery, you can't find the
shower lever.
No one drgps in for coffee in the morning;
until the day you allow yourself the luxury
of an extra hour's: sleep.
Company drops in when the house is a
mess, Then you Glean the place,' but no one
,domes back until it's dirty again,
No one drops in when you're dressed up.
When you go to the Laundromat, you
leave one dirty sock at home,. and when you
come back, you leave one clean sock in the
When Mommy's; talking; in the telephone
kids react in one of three ways. One, they
want to sit on Mommy's knee; two, they
beg to say "hi" even though they don't
know the person, on the other end of the
line; and three,they start a fight with theiir.
brother or sister.
Call Grandma long distance, put little
Tommy on the phone and; tell' him to. say
"Hi, Granny'!" The kid clams up. He just
shakes his head and smiles:. while poor
Grandma quizzes him.
arid' ears to: understand and
magnify Th y holy name..
The lesson was taken from
The Acts, chapter 9, reading
from. verse 1. Read this
chapter to get the story of
Paul who was on his way' to
persecute the Christians.
Read in chapter 9 of the Acts
for the miracle that hap-
pened to Saul of Tarsus and
his name was changed t�
Paul It `.is.: an :interesting
story too long to tell in these
Notes" of how Saul • was.
changed and became a
missionary for Jesus Christ.
Rev. Broadfoot had a map
to show territory his missions
covered; to, Greece and Rome.
among there.
By his efforts in the cause
many of the. Jews became
Christians andhis name goes
down in history .as a very
important missionary who
spread the Word over a vast
area. He wrote ,many tenets
to his followers after he. left
them. He was a missionary
who was called by Jesus ina
special way.
The meeting closed . with
prayer and the Lord's Prayer
in unison and singing of the
hymn "The Old Rugged
Cross. A social hour was
held oyer our snack lun
Our active activist, Ruth
Matter, has moved to Crom—
rone«•arty. Her place has• been
filled by 'Thelma, Bode who•
has recently spent some time
in hospital'. Thelma has been
a former activist on the staff.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip, Mal•
coin have taken up residence'.
in Clinton where he will be
closer to his work.
Miss Wilma Gerrots" RNA
Christmas Event
Sundays 1p.m.-4p.m
December 9th
Feel free to come in and browse
Our low overhead; enables us to
offer you fine furniture at
MAIN ST. 345-2250
OPEN PRL. TILL '9p.m..
has joined the staff of Marine.
Ho$pital, Goderich.
Linda Morrison, RNA, nee
Linda Smith has returned
from hospital where she
spent a short time. Carol'
Racho and Leone' Scott have
recently' joined the staff.
Joan Lubbers has rejoined
the staff.
On Saturday I. was driven
bya kind friend, to Zurich for
a visit with .brother-in-law,
Harold Barry in his new
apartment . in .the Senior.
Citiiens' Home where he is:,
very comfortably located for
the winter. The weather was
perfect, thus the inspiration
for drive in the country with
a purpose: in mind.
Misses Bess and Peg
Grieve joined residents
.'Gladys 'Brightrali, and IVI.
Turnbull Friday in, an -
. enjoy
able game of bridge. After
many low bids, owing to the
poor cards, Peg Grieve and
M;. Turnbull had high score.
Often, Our opponents scored
by setting us where we failed
to make our shaky bids. Our
motto seemed to be "Never
venture, never win," so we
inclement weather but'
Thelma; Bode . conducted:
Bingo upstairs with Jim.
Baker as winner of all games.
dared . rather than throw in
the hand: It seemed to pay
off with, the higher score..
was warned not to publish
the score but really there
wasn't too much difference
in our scores.
Friday bridge was 'can-
celled this week owing to
except one, won by Oliver
McKay.' Most of the upstairs
residents take' part in. this
Don : Hillis, Ingersoll,;
called on his aunt M. Turn.
bull. Friday afternoon.
Classified Ads pay divid-
• Leathers and. vinyls
• Suedes too
• Pile linings give you maxima*.
comfort and warmth
• Styles available for both
work and dress.
• if in doubt give a' gift
• Open every
in December
mung,. TILL 1 PAC, .,6, ail
If you're exj germ, Very
Young visitors, you'll: proh
ably want to serve them:
floods with a special festive;
When the children cone td,
amsy-cheeked and ravenous;
from an afternoon of skating,
offer them a bowl Of -fragrant
soup topped with some color-
ful red, or green trimmings,.
Sprinkle parsley,chopped or
in dried flakes, in the form of
individual bells or Christmas
trees, or as a. wreath all
.around a: pretty soup tureen.
Chopped celery or green;
,a; cso
richpepper createddsoups. Add
runchineas redt
MOO with pimiento, sliced
tomatoes. ear even crankier-
Give macaroni and cheese
holiday mood; by g;
with pimiento .arrangedtoppinto
form stars, pointsettias or
Roll extra pie dough very
thinly, cut it in small rounds
and bake. Soften cream
cheese with a few table-
spoons of milk and add red or.
green food coloring. Using a
pastry tube, squecxc the
mixture on the pastry rounds
to form..a wreath and garnish.
with red or green glace fruit.
Cranberries have come a
long way since cranberry
sauce. Stir them into muffin
or waffle batter, or prepare a
cranberry spread with, butter
or margarine and a touch of
cinnamon. Cranberry loaf
and cranberry . cheesecake
are also popular.
The Wassail 'bowl idea is
still around, whether you.
make or buy the eggnog. Try
flavoring it with cranberry
juice for a rosy.. Wassail bowl
and float snowy scoops of ice
cream on top.
Another delicious drink to
preparefor the' children is
this "Hot Tomato Cider"
4. special challenge
recipe developed by the food HOT TOMATO ODER - Cembine alI INFOleolts
oonsuitants of Agriculture 7$0 ml tomato juice and heat thoroughly= Senn,
Canada's Fond I►dvist►xy 1?i S44 mt apple juice hot*. mugs. 6 . np., ZOO
vision• Z ml ,brown sugar rid each. .., :. .
• to the •
• twill. b
wh h e
Distribute! December 2Othr
'at soa.P'.r.•
m r Personal
To -reaei
your friends, neighbours an
When you place t>telnc, in.
Phone 521 -
Bili and Wilma Jones and fanilr,
extend 'gest. Wishes for a, Happy
Holiday. Seasonand the New
rll eves
. 'SfiASON'S, Greetings with: h ,tit
utshes fors the holiday Season
and the chilling yet to all out
friends. The Jones.'
Among the many sincere good;
yvishes';sent to .you' For a, .Merry
C hristtitas please include ours!
Mary and Bill Jones.
Greet' teal will be pttbliahed in the xposiitors of December' 14 an
Cost for otie insertion Is S2"60, for 20 words or
.. Second insertion for only pricer:;