HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-06, Page 18iii!ifi,dwoul(tare)
22 Legal' ta! .004
gal Notice*
Free Meter 'Parking
Worth Council has approved free meter
parking for' the month of December in the
Town of Seeforth.
Overnight Parking
' • To facilitate snow removal:
no parking; shall be allowed on.
Town Streets between the
hours. of 2R.00o.rn. cndi 6;00 .a,m.
;in accordance With By -Law No. 952as:
amends The by-law wilt be sttietly
• 24 Cards of Thanks
We wish:. to express our
sincere appreciation to our
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours for their expressions of
sympathy, the beautiful flor-
al tributes, masscards, con-
tributions • to the missions
and other societies. A special
thanks to Father H. Schmuck
Dr; P.J. Sharkey; Jerome
Futher, R. S, Box and the
pallbearers. '• Also to. Anne
Pickett ; and her committee,.
members of: the, CWL who
arrangedand served the
luncheon and,: anyone else
who comforted or helped us.
in our time of sorrow.
-Matilda Hicknell, & Family
I would like to express My`
•most sincere thanks' and
appreciation to Dr. E. Mal-
lon and .Dr. R. Whitman for
the very attentive care given
me during my stay in Sea -
forth Community Hospital
and. to' Rev,; T.A. Duke of
First Presbyterian Church.
Thanks to all the nurses who
cared for me so kindlyand a
special. thanks to my family
for being so attentive, and
thanks to my many friends
for flowers, cards' and visits.
-Joseph T. Hugill 24-30x1
I wish' to thank • Dr. ''Doorly,
Dr., Halted ;and'the nurses Of
Clinton Public Hospital for
the excellent care during' my
recent stay: Special .thanks to
everyone who looked after
the girls. -Karen Carter
24 Cards of Thanks.
1 wish to thank everyone, for
their kindness during my
'recent stay in hospital, for
the treats and cards, Special
thanks, to Dr. Malkus, hosp
ital nursesand staff and also
employees : ; of . Topnotch
Feeds. Thanks 'again; -Joe
Nolan 24-30-1
Words cannot express our
thanksto our family, neigh-
bours and friends for the
many cards, gifts and flowers
sent to us on the occasion of
our 25th wedding anniver-
sary. To all who -visited our.
home (luring the Open House
to the members of unit 5 for
the lovely dinner you served
at ;the. church, to alt who
helped in any way, our
sincere thanks. You made ita
very happy occasion: and':. a
day" to remember., -Jane
and Marlen Vincent 24-30-1
I would like to. thank Dr.
Whitman, the nurses and
staff: of Seaforth Community
Hospital for their kindness to
me while I was a patient in.
hospital, also'' the Canadian
Legion Branch 156 and the
Rev. Roberts for his , numer-
ous visits with me and all my
friends and relatives for their
cards;giftsand good wishes.;
also the two ambulante
attendants Mr, McNaughton
and `Mr. Baker: for their
careful and efficient manner
While . driving me to the
hospital. It was all very much
appreciated. -Glen Smith
The family of the late Wilbert
.Johnson are very grateful for
the many acts of kindness
shown in their bereavement.
They would like to thank Dr.
Walker and the nursing staff'
of Alexander Marine .Hosp-
ital. Special thanks to Rev.
G.L.:'Royat & 'Styles' Funeral
Home, and all those who sent
floral tributes and cards of
sympathy. -The family of
Wilbert Johnson 24-30x1
I would like to thank Dr.
Mathis and all the nurses of
the Seaforth Community
Hospital formy pleasant
stay. Thanks to everybody
who came'. to visit and their
nice •gifts, will always be
remembered. Also a special.
thanks to Aunt Betty from
Tanya Eckert. 24-30x1
I wish to thank all my
relatives, neighbours and
friends for the cards, flowers
and visits while a patient in
the hospital, Special thanks
to Dr. Rodney, Dr. Under-
wood and the nursing staff.
Thanks to Mrs. Zack Ryan
and Mrs. -Wm. McMillan and
my family for getting the
ambulance. It was all very
much. appreciated, -James
J. Kelly 24-30x1.
I wish to express my sincere
thanks to friends, neighbours•
and relatives for the cards,
letters, remembrances and
visits I received while a
patient in the Stratford Hosp.
itaL Special thanks to Dr.
Scratch and the 2nd floor.
staff. -Mrs. Gladys Army 1
strong, Losdeaboro 24.3041
Cards Thank
;wish to thank all MX f Benda,
and relatives for visits; gifts,
letters and other acts of
kindness during my stay in
Seaforth Community Hosp-
ital. Also thanks to Dr.
Malkus, nurses and mem-
embers of the staff. It was much.
appreciated:, ---Merriam
Sholldice 24.3061
25 In Memoriam'.
DEVEitEALTXt In loving
memory of a dear daughter
and sister Anne Marie who
passed away Suddenly on
Deo, 9th, 1965..
Nothing can ever take away
The love our hearts • hold
Fond memories linger every,
Remembrance keeps her
-Sadly missed and always.
remembered by Mom, Dad,
brothers and sisters.
CHAPPLE: In loving mem-
ory of Fred Chapple who left
us sb suddenly 7 years ago,
Dec: 3, 1972.
-Too dearly loved toever be
forgotten by his wife and
family. • 25-30-1
PETHICK; In loving memory
of dear daughter & sister
Isabel, who passed away $
• years ago Dec. 5, 1974.
There is a special corner in
•our hearts, -
We keep it just for you.
As long as life and memory
We willalways think of you.
Always remembered and
loved by mother and dad,
Ken, Sharon 2S -30x1
26 Personal;
ARE you living with a:drink-
ing problem? Al Anon can
help. 527-1650 or Box 226+
Mitchell or Box 482, Goder-
26 26 8
ich x .
28 Deaths:;
At ;University Hospital, on
November 12, 1979, Esme
Helen. (Kerr) Walker, of 273
Epworth Avenue, in her S2nd
year. Beloved wife of Ian and
dear mother of Anne of
Toronto and: Robert, Andrew
and Jean at home. Daughter
Of Dr:, and Mts. H.H. Kerr of
Toronto, Sister of Dr. tan
Kerr, ,Richmond Hill, Ont.,.
Mrs. Jack (Elizabeth)' Martin.
Wellesley, ;Mass': 'Funeral
and committal services were
'from Metropolitan .United
Church, 468 Wellington St.,
at Dufferin, on Thursday,
November 15. Reverend
Maurice Boyd officiated.
Remember! it takes but a
moment to place . an
Expositor - Want Ad. Dial
gets new
Huron. County Council has,
appointed William Til t
Collyer, of Napanee,
assistantadministrator' of
Huronviiew Home for the
Aged in Clinton. A Lucknow
area native,_ Mr. Collyer was,
previously with, the Bank, of
The appointment is W. be
effective :January 1, 1980
for ,a probationary period; of
sur months.
e position became
available when 11uronviiew'S
administrator, Chester
Archibald retired and
assistant administrator,
Wayne Lester took Mr.
Archibald's position,
• ' "Wlf „y na,.ne la» °8r""tf;, i •fir, ,..:.. ,,, „ ,AIF;1+F,' 'r• I{p f"'ttte Nieltst s:,:. ,, .,.n„ 'vv� nr'•xn xor „r.s.. ;.-ma*.-.r,.gym.
VANASTRA, REPRESENTED-Vanastra Lions and Lioness Clubs had a
float and a number of marchers in Seaforth's Santa Claus parade
Saturday, A light snow was falling as they crossed the main intersection.
(Expositor Photo)
The Vanastra Recreation
Centre was a busy place on,
Dec. 1st. The youth groups
held their second annual
Christmas bazaar,.
The Lioness Kiddies Cot -
The meetings will resume on,
Jan. 7th, 1980 at 7 p.m. in
the Vanastra Christian
Participation in the Tues-
day night Cone Alive Club
has .practically doubled with
an average of 60 children
Meetings will resume for
1980 on Jan. 9th at the
regular time and place..
T4day,..the CKNX was in
• the school to tape the Junior
Choir. Carols sung by these
ners was kept busy with, kis-
Buying for mom and dad; and
gramma and grampa. Nurs-
ery school held -a draw on.'a
Tonka truck full of. nickels,
514.00 worth. Tim Mum-
mings was the winner.
There was also a 50-50 ••
bingo run by Gloria Allaway
with proceeds going to the
Group Parent Committee.
Everyone would like to thank
those who supported us in
this venture and we hope to
see you again• next. year.
The Vanastra and District
•Lion and Lioness Clubs ent-
ered a float in the Seaforth
and Exeter ' Santa Claus par
ades. The float will be going
to Goderich this Saturday,
Dec., . along. with, the
Brownie Cub Guide and
Scout float..
The Vanastra and District
Lioness Club .are holding 'a
dinner meeting Thursday,
Dec. 6th: Members are re-
minded to bring their gifts.
The meeting .is called for 7
p.m. in the Recreation Cen
Next Monday, Dec. 10th
will be the last meeting for
the Vanastra Scouts of`1979.
attending each week: But,
says the , coordinator Willy
Van Dorp, there is still room
for. more.
On Tuesday, Dec. 18th
there will be no regular
Come . Alive Club but a
special Christmas program
will be held on Dec. 20th and
parents are invited to attend.
.',Every Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
starting Dec.' 9th in the.
Church annex, Rev. Mantel
plans to"hold'fellowship eve-
ning for married' couples and
single adults. So please feel
free to attend:.
Starting Sunday, Dec. 23rd
and every 4th Sunday in the
motith after Rev. Mantel will
be. ,holdinga service at
Heather Gardens at ' 3:30
p.m. •so that the patients
there may enjoy the benefits
of Sunday worships.
On Dec. 24th at8 p.m.,
there willlee a special candle-
light service at the church
and again on Dec. 31st at 8
p.nt. there will be a special
New Year's Eve service
which will also include a film
to be shown:
Guides will hold their last
meeting. of 1979 on Dec. 5th.
For An Hones
Our used vehicles are reconditioned
to the highest standards -certified and guaranteed .
A few examples are:
1979 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX one owner 17500 miles, air
1979 FAIRMONT 6 cyl. autornatit ,. ,economical
1979 F100 TRUCK 6 cyl. automatic
1978 CHEV BIG 10 TRUCK oris owner
1977 LTD 11 one owner, low mileage
1977 F160 TRUCK one 'owner, 6 cyl., standard
1976 F250 CREWCAB one owner
1976 LTD. Loaded, air, one owner
1976 DATSUN WAGON low mileage
1979 CHEVY VAN one owner
*Sales *Sinks •Leasing
Your Satisfaction is our First Concern
youngsters will be aired over
CKNX radio the week before
Everyone is busy getting
ready for our Christmas 'con-
cert. This has been • sched-
uled for. Tuesday, Dec. 18th,,
'starting at 7:30 p.m.
Share the wealth .winners.
for Nov. 27th games :were:
Myrtle Goulding, Vanastra,
$76.; Viola Bell, Bayfield„
S77, and Ida Bell, Egmond'
ville, 578. Bobby McGlynn of
Clinton was the S200. jackpot
Was RePTCSentA,
Mitch&i: Co-op Sloro
130 Georgina: Street
Mitchell, Ont. NOK1NO
Bus: 348-9975`
Roc W4914
...... IN$Ul*$CE AND tiiimi IAt goyim :• � ••
MF( •'HOME • AUT( • SU
rga ret '!;
call for an appointment
Margaret Shortreed
1 Vs mi. west of Walton on County Rd. 25:
interior and Exterior
plain and decorative
For all your ornamental r il�n
a ,
Machine Shop
107 Main St. S.
Seaforth Ont.
u' cr
519-527-1080 Bus., '
519-482-3322 Res.
Deep Fryer 17.95
Crock Pots 14.95 to 29.9.5
T.V. Tables 17.95 to 39.95
Sewing Baskets 19.98
'Crystal' Plastic Serving Ti -ay 4.49
Crystal Plastic Cake Carrier 2.89
Bon Bon dish • 4.95
Food Machine 89.95
Spoon Racks 13 95 to 34.95
Weather Station 31.95
Bar Sets 7.95:..
Ice Buckets 14.95,to 19.99
Wooden Plant Stan_ d 15.69
Electric Blankets • . 39.95
Children's Table and Chairs
Doll's High chair .
Tricycle Trailer
Large Truck
Car Vacuum Cleaners
Comfi Sacs
Smoke Detectors
Basket Ball Set
Electric Circular Saws
Chain Saw
3/e Variable' Speed Drill
17.69 to 19.97
19.98 to 23.98
13.85 to 22.95
28.95 to 36.95
"Something for Everyone"
Quality Goods with Quality Service ,y.
{ 69 Maim St. r Seaf rtk