HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-06, Page 11Mixes it
THIS oRri Ce enol es rrtl S
NN; � ER Doug: Fry of the Seaforth nt rp
with a Tavistock player .during the Junior D hockey game at the ;arena
SundaY afternoon. Seaforfh lest the game by., a score of 5 to 3.
(Expositor Photo)
fete Razelle, the Karl
Mara of the .National Football
League,, has accomplished!
something that Lenin, Marx
himself and their present day
,dreaming followers have not
yet been able to achive. Yes,
Saint Peter has brought par;
ity to the Masses. The
masses, course, are the 28
teams that make up the NFL
The :class system has been
purged and equality now
,reigns in the best football
league in the business.
Rozelle had an idea a few
years ago: that centered.
around the notion that the
National Football League
was in desper ate need of an
equality factor. In other
Words, the fat cats of the
league were getting larger
and the have nots were
getting Tess so Pete decreed
that was all going to change.
SQ ' his master stroke of
balancing the bums began?
Teams that finished with a
rotten record would play
clubs, that . were of equal
ineptness, The big boys or
elite of the bunch would be
now facing each other more
than they care to talk about.
You can see already that ,the
;results have been transferred
,from Rozelles mind to actual;»
ity. it's shocking but the 4th;
year Tampa Bay Buccaneers:
are :on, the verge of a trip to
ithe playoffs this year. They
could; become a. division;
champ .or, .chump .depending.
oriyour loyalties :and gond
sense. The Blies played
opposition that couldn't:wi,pe
their noses_ let alone any
quality foe,
The New England patriots,
on the other hand, will
probably miss this year's;
postseason action because of
the balanced scheduling,
system imposed by super
socialist Rozelle. Meanwhile,
junk like the Washington
Redskins and Buccaneers are
still in the. running. The Pats
could cream the both of thein
any day of the week.
A lot of folks claim that the
balanced schedule has pro»•
duced more excitement and
better chance for a trip to the
$uper bowl• les tough; to
.ugue those valid points but
it has, also produced some
,painfully tnediocre moments
:s well.. Did anyone get
season; ono matter how you
slice Fete's idea. Here are a,
couple of this week's games
coming up that .could deter-
mine whowill advance to
excited about San Francisco
vs. St. Louis bast Sunday?
Not unless you're a die hard.
fan of either the Cards. or
49'ers. That was just one of.a.
number of turkeys this seas,
on but Rozelle's idea is
working because of this writ-
ing no less, than 15 teams are
still eligible for playoff action
It has been an interesting
Schneiders Frozen
extra matches after the pie:*.
liminary stuff' is alt dome. •
This corning Saturday
geoid go a long, WAY in
proving that the Dallas. Cow.
boys are indeed ;done or the
?hilly Eagles are another in a
long line of pretenders to the
throne. The boys from the
lone star state have been hit
by an arm long injury list and
a number of key retirements,
They just are ,not the super
power of a year ago and the
l*agles mow jt.. Philadelphia
can clinch a division title with;
a win Saturday,
could he the, Alpha
auto the Omega of! :toot¢ali
t># year. The Storm ,Slants
vs, the Good Old 'Boys of
Texas. Call it what you wish.
but :these two tettlms are
,possibly the best in all foot
.hall and Monday nights en-
counter should be the super
bowl. You pick "em - they are.
both playoff bound.
Would you believe that. 1t
ga>•tles. this weekend will
haves direct effect on the
playoff' structure! Maybe,
just maybe, Rozelle knew
something all: along.
urf CI
Members of the Seaforth Turf Club
recently elected their slate of officers for
.1 the coming year,
The club president is, Phil Bisback, the
secretary -treasurer is; Brace Lamont, ' the
secretary -treasurer of the track is Joe Dick,.
the barn and track foreman is Jinn McLeod
and the social committee chairman is
Warren Shera.
A meeting will be held this month to
make plans for the coming year. The
Seaforth Turf Club now has 15 active
In the past, a considerable . .
amount of Money has been spent on The
barns and track, which the members are
proud of. The barn at the Seaford"
Agricultural Society's park, north of the
arena can stable 14 horses which are, in
Half fast bonspiel
Seaforth Curling Club will
host its first :Bonspiel of the
season on Wednesday next,
December 12th. This . is the
popular "Farmer's Open"
Spiel, and it's not too late to
enter. At the time of writing
two teams,were still needed
for the late draw. If you're
interested call Neil Dolmage
'at .527-1195 to place your.
entry, There will be 3 8 -end
games, • •good prizes, good
food catered by the ladies
and . its .all sponsored • by
Lorne Brown Motors of Clin-
Wednesday night curlers -
please note: owingto- this
Bonspiel the mixed curling;
scheduled for Dec, 12th has
been changed' to Wednesday
Dec. 19th. and will be the.
last regular game of this
"Really close games!'"
"Terrific curling!" "Great
experience" We really
found out what competitive.
curling is all about!! I
"Good: ice and: friendly peo-
eo ple." These are iust a fewof
El Tigre. Item make
a grown man fly.
The 1980 EI Tigres offer the kind of
performance and power than can blow
the fuse on every nerve ending in your
snowmobile suit.
The 5000 free air is fast. The 6000
liquid cooled is faster. Either
one has the combination of
ride, ' handling and
performance that
commands; imme-
diate and total
whether you're
riding it or
watching it
go by.
the Comments from Seaforth
curlers who spent all or part
of isn't on the
bonspiel circuit- Saweekendrnia,
erton and Harriston were the
host clubs and, although no
one came home .as'. winners,
all seem to agree on one.
thing -. Bonspieling is great,
a mixture of outstanding
sociability. and' keen compet-
ition.. '.,
In Sarnia for' the Imperial..
Oil Spiel, Dave Cornish,
skipped his rink to two wins
and two losses against teams;,
from Chatham, Milwaukee
Wis., Wallaceburg and Mid-
idland'Mich. The foursome
was completed with Bob
Wilson vice; Bob. Ste. Marie,;
second; and Bill Flettiing„
lead, ,
Ann Cunningham aid 'her
ladies . rink of Millie' Lobb,.
Wendy Tremeer and 'Marg;
Fleming, travelled to llder-.
, ton for 3 8 -end games at the.
Medway Creamery Bonspiel.'
Each lady n.:.ceived' 2'/: dozen
eggs and i' ib, of butter for
their efforts - That's 10 dozen
eggstl t 1. hope whoever drove
home didn't have to make
any sudden stops.
Thirty-two teams compel.
ed:in Harriston for the Cash
Spiel. From '. Seaforth; Bill
Campbell backed up by John
Patterson, Ned Mintage and
Mike.: Thomas . made it
through to Saturday fright (or
should i say 2 a.m.; Sunday
morning 1) after playing 4
games. The Gerry Walter:,
that with D'on Tremeer fared
somewhat better making it
through to the quarter finals.
before .being knocked out of
competition on Sunday. The
other half: Of their team
varied from game to game
with Bob Jarmuth, ;Des Cas
sidy and Gerry Lobb' making
up the team. •
The winning teams at last
week's Ladies Fun Day were:
1st,, Flo Smith with Kay
Campbell, Barb Jarmuth and.
Carol Waite and 2nd: Millie
Lobb with Diane McKay,
Joyce Hilderley and. Marlene
Reeder. Draw prize winners . .
were Joan Beuermann, Ann,
Foley and Millie Lobb:
Thanks to Roxanne Brown,
Laura Anstett and Gail King,
who, did such a great' • jib,
everyone is- looking forward!
to the next'' fun day; ..
We are now coming into
our last week (or so) of
curling. The Mixed Draw •
Committee is already plan-
ning the New Year's, sched-
uled to start January 2nd or
3rd (Wednesday & Thurso
day.) Any member who did
not curl in this dtaw .but.
plans to do so after Christy
man or anyone wishing to
change their day or time for
Mixed Curling should. Call
Dave Beattie at 4824357 so
that the committee can ar-
range the draw accordingly.
A poster Will be up at the .
'club this week for ail Current
curlers to sign-up for the:,
next draw. Please look out,
it and help your commit.
Inc 'by signing up promptly.
Ott for those requtrig.
Nov? 'Y'ear`s Eve Dance tier
Iaets is also on display:
They're going fast 10 1.
your` mime on it if Yoe**
jiTatinting tO aorto.
It's Black Mag,i -
New '80 Cats s 00
24 flop. from 9'a1
Corn in8 GISoonFTCER! ►8TIFIC800AT0ES SS 1980%
New December Hours to Better Serve Yon
pen 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon -Fri, Sat. 9-5 Sunday 1.5
Just say Charge Kee yott Holly Golly &comet